HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget Extension - BOCCOctober 20, 2021 Grant County Commissioners PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Dear County Commissioners, 0 WASNIjVj��',, C, DISp 01"Itp g ent 0 0' N PI RE \0 T'r-Irn r I Dated this V"'°t day of Board of County Commissioners Grant County, Washington AW—rove DiaVprovq Dist #1 Dist # I Dist # 1- Dist # 2 Dist #3 Dist # 3 Dist 4 1 Dist # 2 Dist # 3 9C Abstain The MultiAgency Communications Center (M.A C} Board approved the purchase of TAIT radios OW for all of the MACC User Agencies. The radios were purchased to replace obsolete ones int he field. MACC upgraded the radio system in 2010 and as part of that Project bought radios for the User Agencies. It was those initial radios that were replaced as part of the newest radio reconfigurat' 1 11 ion Project. These radios will not belong to MACC but ownership will be transferred to the User Agencies, Therefore, I am requesting a budget extension for Fund 135-186 Em e^ amount of $2 19 CY CO M. Serv.in the ,500,000.00 to account for the radio purchase, I have attached the MA amendment Resolution-01-20budget 21 and the MACC Board minutes of May 13 th 2021. Thank you in advance for your consideration of this request. Respectfully, 1 Christal White Financial Services Manager CC: Madeline Prentice, Chief Accountant (after Oapproval) Michele Jaderlund, Auditor(after BOCC approval) Darryl Pheasant, Treasurer(after BOCC approval) 208 South Hamilton Road, Moses Lake, WA 98837 (509)762-1901 Www-maCC911.org . . . . ... EVE D Lt rs NOV 17 2021 G f BEFORE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF TME MULTI AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER RESOLUTION TO AMEND TME 2021BUDGET FOR THE PURPOSE OF INCREASING EXPENDITURE LINE ITEMS WHEREAS, the Multi Agency Communications expenditure line items in the 2021 Budget. RESOLUTION 01,2021 Center (MACC) hathe need to adjust six (6) WHEREAS, MACC will spend more in four (4) expenditure categories and expenditure categories and less in two (2) other would like to adjust them to more accurately reflect the current and future spending needs. WHEREAS, three (3) of the adjustments net together to reflect a zero increase or decrease in the overall budget. The remaining three (3) will be covered by a transfer from Fund 135 -Tax Account held at Grant County. 0 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, •that the Board of irec ors of the •Multi Agency communications Center amend the 2021 MACC Budget with the following expenditure and revenue adjustments: Expenditure Accounts Account NumberAccount -528.70.11 300 .00 -------- 99 S Name Salarry Revenue E -------- xpenditure :300-528.70.20.00 Benefits 30,00P.o (0 --0J -.300-52810.13,00 Leave Cash Out 15 900p.po) j51000.00 Y::: 19 no 251.528.70.12-02 E911 FundBalance T! Ove-rt-im--e---- $0,000.00 $507000.00 300 308.,00.00.00 300-528.70-41.00 Sales Tax Fund Balance Professional Services $2,680,000.00 300.528.70.64.09 Capital-Liser Agency Radio Purchase $180,000.00 1 $2.,5001000.00 Total1 $2,730.000,00 ,O�$2�173OP000.00 ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Multi Agency Communications Center on this the 13th day of May, 2021. eremy u&rms, CAhn—irm an DD4., Donaldson, Director Multi Agency Communications Center -Resolution 01 .2021. Page I of MULTI AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING May 13th, 2021 The Multi Agency Communications Center (MACC 13th 2021 � Board o f Directors met in person and via teleconfer . Chairman Jeremy Burns called the meeting to order at 09:02 am.ence on May Board Members present in person and on the teleconference were: MACC Board REPORTS: May 13th 2021 Page 1 Multi Agency Communications Center Board of Directors Meeting MULTI AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING ACTIVITY REPORT: The Director, D.T. Donaldson reviewed the Director's Activity Report. Arbitration: MACC prevailed in the arbitration hearing on anon -disciplinary matter. I would like to thank Dean f representing MACC's interest and Jennifer Pitt for her role as well. or Staffing: We have extended a conditional offer forth e anticipated dispatcher vacancy that will be the result of internal supervisor promotion process. The internals the until fall or winter. supervisor promotion candidate will not start in the new Position We have a second dispatcher applicant pp coming in tomorrow for a polygraph exam. If all goes w conditional offer to her as the 1 -over hire. We have be g well, we will extend a been advised that we have 1 MACC dispatcher who is ' considering for employment elsewhere. being This is Deans last week at MACC and plan to begin the recruitment efforts in June to fill• his position. The current dispatcher trainee is about half way through training With 3 months left. We celebrated National Telecommunic ator Week last month which ended with a BBQ on the b thank Commissioner Rob Jones for attendingback patio. I would like t along with the first responders that came b o y. Jennifer Pitt organized the creation of a MACC challenge coin with he artisticrenderin don Postma. There is one for each, of you in the back of ou'r g e by lead Dispatcher Debbie your books. FINANCIAL REPORT: The Financial Servi ces Manager, Christal White, provided updates to the financial report. Emergency Communication Sales and UseTax. �` The April 2021 distribution was $195,.230-63. T 881,146.46. The distribution for Februa is ene ` he year to date is rY g rally the highest of the year as it is December' there were a couple of exceptions when a lane was s collection. Last year p sold in Grant County and the erratic Covid above last year and this month is p no exception. buying. We still trending Cash balances, All of the endingaccount balances were provided as of March 2021. Fund Grant County, is where the bulk of the 2021 Bud get Amendment i135,the tax account held at s coming from. Currently the balance i ' s 6.4 Million. Income Statements: The Income Statements were reviewed for March 2021. The User Fee Income Statement was revi ewed and the result was 22.73% of the budget was s has elapsed. Staffing was spent at 22.37% so ev g pent and 25% of the year en though OT is overspent the category as a whole is fine. ne. The E911 Income Statement was reviewed and the result was 36.78% of the budget was s g pent. The staffing expense is overspent in all three categories. The maintenance is overspent due to paying Motorola in January. As of Ma th and the busy part of the year is still comingu . Th y e overtime is overspent at 66% overtime in this budget. p e budget amendment will increase May 13th 2021 Page 2 Multi Agency Communications Center Board of Directors Meeting ng MULTI AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING The Sales Tax budget is spent at 12.55%. A few line items are overspent but this budget has a large capital bud et and the bond payments still to pay. g I notified Darryl Pheasant about the budget amendment coming up since a significant amount will be spent out o 135. p f Fund The E-911 Military Dept. application was submitted last week. The contract is $43,421 and is mostly for training, education and language line. g, public The Annual Report is due this month andSpri' ngbrook will do the technical review. I would like to have a Finance Committeemeeti' ng following next months board meeting. The budget at the August board meeting. g is to be presented TECHNICAL SERVICES REPORT: The Technology Services Manager, Dean Hane, provided Report. u dal es to the Technical Radio Project: The antennas wereai on ut air r last week. This should help with the bit error rate. ' and the results on Martin Road from Quincyto E hr I did some drive testing p ata were much better. The Highway 17 stretch between and the golf course also showed a huge improvement. iLnd Coulee The network management is about at the 98/ mark. The software controls will receive a new build month. Then we start the 30 -da ild at the end of the y performance period. Radios: The radio order has beenlaced f p or the portable radio.replacement project. It is right a includes all the necessary accessories. The ' good n g t about 2 Million and g news is the ship date is June 20t" with a few exceptions on accessories. p a few This will be a 1 -for 1 portable radio excha change. MACC will transfer Ownership of the radios to the use Interlocal Agreement. r agencies with an We are also purchasing about $25000 worth 3rd , th of 3 party equipment for TRT. We are conducting routine HVAC maintena nce at the sites. CAD Evaluation Committee: ..-_The CAD comm_ i ttee has developed plenty of information from demons and user agencies. The committee has made the decision demonstrations members to leave Spillman. They do not have a good product provide good service. p and do not We have completed the contract with the CAD consultant form Federal Engineering. There will be information collecting and vendor interviews. The have another round of They e a good process we will follow to get to the RFP. I am handing off to D.T. and Gerrit. nding it May 13th 2021 Page 3 Multi Agency Communications Center Board of Directors Meeting MULTI AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: Jeremy reported that the Personnel Committee met after the last board meetinto brainstorm ideas for filling the Technical Services Managerg position. We talked about the functions of the job and what were the core components of what we might be lookin for. some local resources and os ' g We talked about recruiting someone from another PS p sibly a head hunter. We put some work back on D.T. AP, updated job description both of which have been and Dean to develop the PSA and the completed and reviewed. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: PSA/Job Description-Kieth-Re or ' p tin New Business FINANCE COMMITTEE: No Meeting -Nothing g g to Report. TAC REPORTS: Law TAC: No Meeting -Nothing to Report. Fire/EMS TAC: No Meeting-Nothingto Report. port. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. ,NE.:W BUSINESS: 2. Professional Services AgreementPSA - ( )Dean Hane-Kieth spoke on behalf of the Executive reviewed the PSA which is for a 6 -month period. cutive Committee. They p With Dean's dedication and commitment problems with it. ,they don't see any Professional Services Agreement PSA Dean• Hane. Motion was made to and seconded MACC and Dean Hane for a period of 6- months. to approve the RSA between m/s {Fuhr/Siebert) PSA approved. Policies: 1. None Kieth mentioned that with Joe Harris no -longer' with Mattawa Police Department he needs a new alter He will send out an email to the group and see who is in nate to the board. interested in the alternate spot. Agenda items for the May 13th 2021 Board Meeting. 1. g Christal White, Financial Services Manager May 13th 2021 Page 4 Multi Agency Communications Center Board of Directors Meeting