HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda - Human ResourcesHuman Resources Update November 23, 2021 Start: 9:00 AM Participants: Guests: Stop: 10: 11 AM Cindy Carter, Chair None Danny Stone, Vice (~hair Rob ]Ones/ (~nO0DliS8ioneF Kirk Eslinger, HR Director a endar_-Ite' m -s":'. 11/24 - Work in Ellensburg is "ern ussion, t s' c On' -D! rec on�_. 01 COVID Situation Update a. Board Instruction re COVID Boa rd D|nectionGiven-NoChange. Boa rdDirection Given. HR recommended creating policy providing email and network 02 Network Access &ErnaU assess bzall employees. HRwill work with Tech Services and impacted departments and bring request back tthe Board. B uaget ce I s k� --c 10 D.i rec ti n 03 2022 COLA @kBenefit Decisions 02 Boa rdDirection Given - Decisions Pending. 04 Labor Relations Expense No Action Take Informational [> | -ompensatton ene rol I L ave i re ct i on c loh�_"._J_""l 05 Comp Review -C|erk'sPosition (Pending) 0oAction Taken - Informational Only. 08 CornpRev|evv-Account|ngStaff 0oAction Taken - Informational Only. 07 ConmpRevievv-Centnm|Serv|ces NoAction Taken - Informational Only. 08 Renew - State Recognition Monies NoAction Taken - Informational Only. Og CVS/Caremark NoAction Taken - Informational Only. 10 Open Enrollment N Action Taken Informational (] | n -.--C eve opmen Th in ttion, i -re -D. ion, 11 Leadership Expectations 03 No Action Taken - Informational Only. 12 EO/DH Lunch Survey 04 No Action Taken - Informational Only. Recru i ervice,::: ment A 0 I n re c -tio,n 13 Prosecuting Attorney 05 Item Deferred - Time Not Available Due to Time Spent on Other Topics. �:'E - m- De'pa r me n lssd_es� oyee t t io n ----,Direction 14 Renew Item Deferred - Time Not Available Due to Time S on Other Topics. La b r Rea o s:�.' A on o I ti ssociati -,-(ASCY -pent c n :Dire'c ion, A tio 1" 15 ssue: PW Front Office Comp Labor Update Provided. Informational Only. 1G ^�"��=. 2021 Controct- District Court Labor Update Provided Informational (�n|y. ' ' w�"���.2O21Contract - Public VVorks pERo 134331-M-21 (Courthouse) (08/26) 17 ,ERo 134332-M-21 (Solid VVasiel(08/26) Labor Update Provided. Informational Only. pERo 134333-M-21 [Youth Srvcs)(08/26) 18 other. 2021 Roll -Over MOU 06 Labor Update Provided. Boa rd Direction Given. la-bor;Rela'tions .,Deputy Sh eriff -(DS). '_Acti.o n j D i recti 0 19 2022 Contract Labor Update Provided. Informational O | 1- ': "" ' 0 - L bor Relations ,Corrections (CO R) k ton I c i /,:.Direc, ion 20 2022 Contract Labor Update Provided. Informational O | 22 Negotiations: 2022 Contract -Clinical Labor Update Provided. Informational Only. Gs PERI. 1.5 Representation Laoor Update Provided. Inrormationai Uniy. Executive Session Action Direction Start: 9:09 Length: 16 min End: 9:25 Action taken after Executive Session(s): No decisions/actions were made by the Board. Work instruction was provided to staff. 42.30.140(4)(x) Collective bargaining sessions with employee organizations, including contract negotiations, grievance meetings, and discussions relating to the interpretation or application of a labor agreement; or (b) that portion of a meeting during which the governing body is planning or adopting the strategy or position to be taken by the governing body during the course of any collective bargaining, professional negotiations, or grievance or mediation proceedings, or reviewing the proposals made in the negotiations or proceedings while in progress. Submitted % !/� ,ts✓� ���. 11/30/21 Kirk R. Edinger Date Director -Human Resources