HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrant Related - BOCC (002)GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LI.L.I�_I_I��J To: Board of County Commissioners 20 Bocard of Cotinty COM"nissioners 01 -ant County, Was in 9ton AMr—ove VkVRrQy9 Ab F '10) is, t #1 Dist #I Dist #I 1) i's t # Dist #') Dist #2 1. ) is t 3I)ist #3 Dist #3 From: Janice Flynn, Administrative Services Coordinator Daft December 21, 2021 Re: Authorization for Release of BOCC Approved Funds, SIP #2021 -03 - Port of Mattawa — Commercial Water Filtration & Infrastructure Planning Project The Port of Mattawa has requested a release of funds for the above -referenced SIP project, which was approved by the BOCC pursuant to Resolution No 21 -047 - CC dated May 18, 2021. Theproof of requirements is in the form of a sined g Project Certification from the Port of Mattawa and supporting invoicing of the project that meet the requested amount. The documentation is attached for your review. Please note the major portion of the request is generated from an invoice from GCFD #8. 1 asked the Port about this billing as.it appeared to be a part of GCFD #8's new facility. The following is the Port's response: "It is a change order but it is for the waters Major filtration was outside of our budget and scope for this project Also, DOH and our engineers believe we have to do a major scrub in our system and a filtration at the source would not solve the issue to allow occupancy for GCFD #8. We opted for filtration near their station as an alternati and it did resolve their issues..Xy ve The original SIP Committee recommendation is also attached for your reference. If this meets with your understanding of the grant, please release funds on this SIP project as follows: 1) The grant award in the amount of Fifty One Thousand, Five Hundred Forty Seven and 62/100 Dollars ($51,547.62) to the Port ofMattawa. Thank you. r7 2 .21 20 PORT� OF ATM TAWA December 20, 2021 Grant County Office of the Board of Commissioners PO Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Re: Pro'ect Certification Letter; SIP No. 2021-03: Commercial Water Filtration & Infrastructure PlanninLy Project Greetings, As of December 20, 2021 the Port of Mattawa has finalized nalized and completed SIP No. 2021-03 Commercial Water Filtration &Infrastructure Planningproject Protect. The total cost for this pro came to $51,547.62, t On behalf of the Port of Mattawa, we would like to thank the Grant County Board of Commissioners for their support on developing theP � stem. T p g ort of Mattawa's Group A Public Water System. his will allow us to attract more clients to our community, providing adequate and safe drinking water services for potential job creators. Please find attached our Project Certification Letter ' • filled, signed and along with all associated invoices for the project. If have any questions, I am available b hone(509)I.le Y p , 831-5971 and/or email, at land ortofmattawa.or Warm Regards, Lars Leland Executive Director P.O. Box 2328 • 20140 Road. 24 S.W. • Mattawa WA 99349 0 Office 509.932.4928 GRANT COUNTY STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM PROJECT CERTIFICATION This form must be signed and returned, with an invoice, for the approve unding, before reimbursement can be approved by Grant Cou-n-tv, SIP Pr0i'ectNumber: 2021-03 SIP Funding Recipient.- Grant County Port District SIP P "ect Des *pt" Port of Mattawa r0j cri iono Commercial Water Filtration & Infrastructure Planning Project 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify underpenalty of peiju-ry, that the materials have been famished, the services rendered, and/or the labor performed as described in the project proposal for the above -referenced SIP Project and that I am authorized to authenticate and, certify to this claim. I also certify that this claim is just and due and is *d obligationagainst Grant County. an unpa.1 Further, according to the SIP Project Funding Policies, I attest that at the next audit of my entity, this project shall be called to the attention of the Washington State Auditor's Office and an emphasis audit will be requested to assure that these funds were expended toward the project and according to the intent of the proposal. Signature Title ----- lee, Printed Name nted Title Date Signed Completed, signed original certification and invoice are to be mailed to* Administrative Services Coordinator, PO Box 37, Ephrata, WA 98823 ATTACHMENT 4 UU81 J.U-13 ]EH G1N1EE:RS1, lt4C* Lars Leland POrt Of Mattawa 20140 Road 24 SW Ste. G Mattawa, WA 99349 EmLe-zt 30,11-00 "fro-fessional Services f Task 000 Professional Personnel Project Manager Program Manager Totals Total Labor Task Professional Personnel Project Manager Totals Total Labor Billing Limits Total Billings Limit Remaining Invoice J -U -B COMPANIES itEW KGOOM t "T A arloup 1UN C. December 17, 2021 Project No: 30-21-o02 Invoice No. 148817 Port of Mattawa - On Call S Afti-n 5grvicsWa Vver-Ai - 2n94 to November 27 2 �O2 1 Miscellaneous Engineering Hours Rate Amount .60 172.00 86.00 .60 198.00 118.80 1.10 204.80 204.80 Total this Task $264.80 Small Water System Management Program Hours Rate Amount 1.50 172.00 258.00 1.50 258.00 Remaining 2 58.00 Current Prior To -Date 268.00 17X2.70 171630.70 257000.00 71369,30 L"16 I aSK $25 Task8.00 Subconsultants 002 Soil sampling and Crop Management Plan Land Profile, Inc. Total Subconsultants 4oO88.24 Billing Limits 41088.24 41088.24 Total Bill, ings Current Prior To -Date t 4,088-24 17,587.02 21 t675-26 Remaining 28,000.00 6o324.74 Total this Task $4,088.24 Total this Invoice 4,551,04 Zintel Way, Kennewick., WA 99337 P 509 783 2144 f 509 736 0790 w www.'ub.com ------------ Lars I -eland 0 rt of A � tt" 2014U Roaa 24'SW Ste. G Maw, WA 99349 Task 00:0 "J13' TEWAY #AOUP MAPPIM November 28, 2021 Project No.- 30-21-002 Invov ice No.- 148264 Port Of Mattawa on call a rV* 2021 to October 30,,-2021 M* Iscellaneo A Itinei (3ap ropo 2. Site De'veloprrient co'st Estimate Professional P,rt rgonnel PFA. Sen -t or Hours Rate Amount A D D re s' igner - Lead 1,00 95,00 95,00 Pro 1 ler.A. Des'iner g .5c 125.00 62.60 Project Designer - Lead .3 30 1 ino 363.00 PrOje Ct M anager .20 133.00 26*60 Totals 5.50 172,00 946.00 Total Labor 10-50 25,000.00 1 t493. 10 11493.10 Total this Task $1,493.10 Task 001------ Small Waters ,M Manant c Profe*sslonal Pe gemePrograrr) CAD Techn1eian- Drafter Hours Rate Amount Project Dessigner ead .20 86.00 17,00 Project Manager 6.00 133.00 798.00 Totals 2.20 172.00 378-40 Total Labor 8.40 1,193-40 81IIIng Limits 1493A0 Total Big n I s Current Pr* ior To -Date Limit 1,193.40 16117930 17s372-70 Remaining 25,000.00 71627-30 Total this Task $1,193-40 Total Chi's Invoice.. _;ntei 'OvayKf'rlriewick, WA 99-337 p 509 783 2144 90� W Www.Jub.com �Jwu 8 J'*IJ"O Lars Leland Port of Mattawa 20140 Road 24 SW Ste, G Mattawa, WA 99349 PEgfect '21 _-002 J -U-8 COMPANIESt"W OA AY LAN MA PING Invoice I October 19, 2021 Project No: 30-21-002 Invoice No: 147055 Port of MaffA*I, - On all service Task 000 Miscellaneous En ineer' Sentinel Gap Industrial Topa Survey 9 ing Professional Personnel PFA - Senior Hours Rate Amount Survey Technician - Lead .40 95.00 38.00 PLS -Disc*line Lead 6.00 100.00 1p 1 2.50 00 600.00 Assistant Designer 190. 475.00 CAD Designer - Lead 4.00 76.00 300.00 Project Designer - Lead 4.50 125.00 562.50 Project Manager . 7.90 133.00 1, +x.70 Program Manager - Lead 4.30 172,00 739.60 Totals .50 210.00 105.00 Unit Bjll* Total Labor 30.10 3t870.80 . I Ing 3.870.80 MILEAGE C'7 P�A 47.04 C) Total this Task $3,917,84 Task 001 Small Water System Management Program PrOfOssional Personnel Tours u rs Rate Amou CAD nt Technician - Drafter Project DeiVENDOR _440 85.00 297.50 sgner - Lead 95-30 133.00 Project Manager DATE 06 ft am.01,118.00 12,674.90 a-ou 20 Program Manager - Lead 17 Totals'�' ACCOUt4T .50 210.00 105.00 Total Labor 105.80 14$196.40 (IV Ut195,40 Task Total this Task 002 Fq�Arxpft',A�3 7 $14,195,40 Subconsultants Soil Sampling and Crop Management Plan Land Profile, Inc. Total Subconsultants 17,587-02 I'J ti 179587.02 a 3611 S. Zintel Way, Kennewick, wA 99337 p 509 783 2144 f 509 736 0790 w www.jub.com s JNCO Lars, Leland Port of Mattawa 20140 Road 24 8wSte,G Mattawa, WA 99349 Rmieco 3011&.02 Invoice VENDOR r x DATt GLACCOUNT 1-U-B'COMPANIESr#' fMg M A I TSWAV oGA w 4PPJM6 CROUP INC, September 9, 2021 - Project No: 30-21-002 Invoice No: 145972 Port of Matfaw.-I - On Call Sery ces Task 000 Miscellaneous Engineering I - Alternate Chemical for WWTP 2. River Rats Professional Personnel PFA - Senior Hours Rate Amount Project Engineer -Discipline Lead .30 95.00 2850 Project Manager 1,00 210.00 210.00 Totals 4.70 172.00 808.40 Total Labor 6.00 1,046.90 1$046.90 Total this. Task $1,046.90 Task -001 Small Water System Management Program Professional Personnel C, PFA - Senior Hours Rate Amount PrOject Designer - Lead .40 95.00 38.00 Protect Manager 8,00 133.00 11064.00 Totals .60 172.00 103.20 Total Labor 9.00 1s205.20 11205,20 Total this Task $1,205-20 Total this Invoice $2.25a. 0 (Note.* Clients will be charged 5% for credit card payments.) Ben raw, Project man" -ager 3611 S. Zintel Way, ennewick, WA 99337 P 509 783 2144 509 736 0790 W wwwjub.com s. J*U*13 ENGINJEERS, J. Lars Leland Port of Mattawa 20140 Road 24 SW Ste. G Mattawa, WA 99349 EEW.ect 10..2 rroTeSsItInAl Services t Task 000 PrOfessional Personnel PFA Totals Total Labor J -U -B COMPANIES TME LA11:p1* P1 Ono MOAT&WAY APPINO me, Invoice VENDOR DA're August 23, 2021 Project No: GL ACCOUUT InVoice No: Port of Mattaw- I Iq a 0 1 Call ervico..&M. JuIv 3. 2n11 Miscellaneous Engineering Hours Rate Amount .30 70.00 21.00 .3o 21.00 ------ Total thi's Task Task 001 Professional Personnel Sll ;a�Water System Management Program PFA Hours RatePrAmount 1 o'ect Designer - Lead .20 70.00 14.00 Project Manager 2.50 127.00 317.50 Totals 2.60 172.00 447 - Total Labor 5.30 778.70 (Note: Clients will be charged 5% forcredit card Payments.) Ben 130 airs, PrOject Manager 30-21-002 145554 - 778-70 Total this Task $778.70 0 Total this Invoice,,.wom, mi= $799.70 a 3611 S, Zintel Way, Kennewick, �WA 9�933�7�p50�978�321�44 �f5�O9 7�36 0�79O�����------- w www.jub.com J*t) J&V*8 ENCINEXICS, 1#4C. Invoice, J -U-8 COMPANIES I kA VENDOR X ..i T Nf Lars Leland ' I Port Of Mattawa VATV June 14, 2021 P�Project N- 20140 Road 24 SW Ste. G ".q o 30-07-075 Mao A Invottawa, WA 99349 Accoutis No: 143634 RMLest AP:Q� Port Of AAAffift Va * MiscellaneoUs Ell n1flneerin Task 023 Is Mf celleneous Engineering 11. Wastewater system Funding Coordination 2. Water System SIP Funding 3, Land Application options (Pumpkin Patch) Prolwsslonal Personnei PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ENGINEER Total$ Total Labor Ben opplea SJ ct Mannger Hours Amount 8.00 11513.24 10 140.17 8.70 1, 653 * '1 1,663,41 Total this Task $1,653,41 Total this Invoice 11 $1653 41 a 2810 W, Clearl-Vater Avenue, Suite 201, Kennewick, WA 99336 p 509 783 2144 f 509 736 0790 W Wwwjub-conl TINCO*ONTrft Jw*�OXAKKAjAHNTION i tCHNV V" 4 956 CU PN Commercial Well QTY DESCRIPTION IFlters f br filtration offron, JAMIADS- M " automatic Fl s €i g Filters f3rush, al-vay filter O TERMS Robert Biles 509-886-4100 NF -T O/PS" DUE 30 RATE AMOUNT PLEASE PAY r. ROM THIS INVOICE. VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED. A 3% CHARGE _,,irr*gat*o*nt.ec4,Het or robert(a-)irrigationtech. net 'Ice Phone.- (509)886.4 100 Off Invoices are due & ayable in full by the qtr of Of 1-1/2will be added to all accounts 30 days past due.rite i '�� whichever foil win Purchases, finance charge 2--4X00 3,607,00 2.450,OWr 1607.001' a Sales Tax (8.2%) $496*1 Subtotal ,. 68 8 m/Credits So .00 Balance Due $6,553.68 01U. J*U'fj ENGINVERS, INC. Invoice t C 0 M PA N I E S, TIM Emiw AUZ:w Task 023 -- N-M.,51C Miscellaneous Enginee ing n Hours 4.50 .3o 4,,80 V A� 888.72 5681 945,53 V 177.75 iask this Task $1,1... . M`awHe.`"w'rmF�sc«�..w„rriasK+rsc'.arrx.�,..w.yN 070 S Oil Samplfing Crop Management Plan A Subconsultants r A > j Land Profile, Inc. Total Subconsultants 18,513-58 'fotaf this Task $18,513.58 'Total this Invoice tj$) 6 36 86 RON!! I 281f) W. Clearwater Averjue, Suite 201, Kennewick, WA 99336 p 509 783 2-1414 509 7,36 0-790 W WWW.jub.com Grant Co. Fire District No. 8 ITI PO Box 1728 20643 Road 22.5 SW -i Mattawa, WA 99349 Bill To Port of Mattawa District No. 3 of Grant County 20140 Road 24 SW, STE G Mattawa, WA 99349 Invoice Date Invoice # 11/30/2021 2021-011 Grant County Fire District No 8 New Fire Station COP # X76 PR 34 CCD 04 Water Filters / 6 week delay 3/29.!;/l 1 a. MN LaborCosts Date 5/11/2021 Rate —Lm_ount Project Manaier X6,67 71.11 $ 6*163.10 M0 6 Unt i ]i # , 63. ' 0 Superintendent 43.33 $ 58-36 $ 2 q28. 7 4 21528.74 ETOMEI Labolr$ 6 4 b. MH Material Costs Truck Fuel C. MH.�q YIPment Costs Sail ic- a ---n- Month- , ly Rental d- Subcontractors 71t lumbia River FireControl Century $e-0,varhead/Profit w- M"M on W*ml x Own WWMNWNWA ork, octor' W ontr n C7 Work On �Wor�kP���fo E erf rdby�Svb $ 125,00 $ 300,00 M. Total Material Costs $ 425s00 288.00 $ Total EquiPment Costs $ 288,00 Subtotal H ConstructlonEin$ 9.1404: Amount 5,270,00 4,977.27 1.892.95- Subcontracto 0 rs Subt►tal $ 12 X40-.2 Amount 91404.84$ IA10073--- 12,14 0.22 $= - 971,22 moll ---- -- Total Over ea rofit 2Y Subtotal items a..Aabs a Insurance and Bond g Insurance Nova 0 0.72% of sum awe 172.75 ----- Subtotal a -e+91 4W % Of Sum 24,099.76 g Bond 1.55 - ------- a - e + 3 72.34 rg wall g !an 72 of Burn I a -e+ OfSU c 0�tota e I .'u Bond 6510 0 Subtotal a -e+1 'u I Subtotal a -e+91 +g2 g', &0 Tar -- g3 24�299.35 8 0 of sul x �O %-�47 % of sum a-e+g I +!g2 Ju to� I $ 114-45 a e+c MWIMWXNW* Subtotal a.e+g r --- +g2+g3 4,041,4 6 Total Imuran e and Bond$ 659. 64 TOTALCHANGE 0 RDER COSTJ .AS" M1 Additional Contract Days ReqUested 30 Approved by#P Date: Grant County 6594 Patton Boulevard NE MosesLake,WA98837 Economic Ph, 509.764.6579 Fax: 509.762.5161 Development Council www.grantedc.com 6 May :, 2021 Board of Grant County Commissioners P. 0. Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98837 Subject: April 2021 Advisory Committee —Project Review/Recommendations Dear Commissioners: n,.. The SIP Committee met Friday, April 30th and reviewed 2 project applications. J pp Committee members :-i present for the meeting (via Zoom) were Corinne Isaak1 Curt Morris, Cath Potter Sc Massa and Brant Mayo. y otHunter Tony f� SIP #2021-03: Port of Mattawa Commercial Water Filtration &Infrastructure Planning Project, (requested $62,000 grant) Applicant: GC Port District #3 — Port of Mattawa Recommendation: The committee voted to recommend a $62,000grant for Port of Mattawa regarding their need for improvements to water filtration system to allow for retaining current g u rent jobs and expansion of facility to create future jobs in Grant County. This project is urgently needed g y neeto allow Grant County Fire District #8 to take occupancy of their new facility in the Sentinel Ga Industrial ' Gap Park. This will help retain several jobs in Mattawa and help provide additional safetyfor the citizens. The ' committee views this as a vital step for the continued operations for the Port of Mattawa as well' as, future expansion of the Sentinel Gap Industrial Park. SIP #2021-04: Port of Warden Phase 2 Rail &Road Infrastructure Expansion Project —Road Design & Engineering Portion of Phase 2 (requested' $175,000 grant) Applicant: GC Port District #8 — Port of Warden Recommendation: The committee voted to recommend a $175,000 rant for GC Por ' . g t District #8, Port of Warden regarding their need for infrastructure design and engineering. This project will expand and connect road and rail infrastructure to property owned by the Port of Warden. This will allow current costumers to in Warden the opportunity to expand and help the Port of Warden attract new food processors to the area. The Port is currently short listed for a fortune 500 foodrocessor. p .This expanded infrastructure will attract hundreds of new jobs into the area. support for new • pp hospital. The committee views this project as an important part to increasing and upgrading the state of infrastructure for the Port of Warden. The committee feels this is an extremely i the area, mportant project to bring addition growth to In summary the committee recommends the following funding: ® #2021-03: GC Port District #3: Recommend $62,000rantg • #2021-04: GC Port District #8: Recommend $175,000 grant These recommendations were given a motion by Cathy Potter and seconded by Scott Hunter. The remaining committee voted in unanimous favor of recommendation. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the recommendations of the committee. Sincerely, Brant Mayo Administrator Grant County SIP Advisory Committee