HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 18-094-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington REPEALING ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION NO. 03 -155 -CC TITLED "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FEES FOR FILING REQUESTS FOR MANDATORY ARBITRATION AND/OR TRIAL DE NOVO OF AN ARBITRATION AWARD AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THEREOF" AND REPLACING WITH A NEW ORDINANCE TITLED "FILING FEES FOR CIVIL ARBITRATION AND/OR TRIAL DE NOVO." RECITALS: ORDINANCE No. 18 -01y -CC 'i WHEREAS, in 2003, the Board of County Commissioners established a fee schedule pursuant to RCW 36.18.016 assessed against a party filing a statement of arbitrability requesting mandatory arbitration and/or a request for trial de novo; and WHEREAS, courts statewide are faced with ever increasing demands on their resources, including time and money; and WHEREAS, Engrossed House Bill 1128, chapter 36, was duly passed by the Washington State Legislature in 2018, relating to civil arbitration and, amending RCW 36.18.016, relating to various fees to be charged by county offices; and WHEREAS, RCW 36.18.016 as now amended, eliminates the term "mandatory" arbitration and replaces, in some statutes, with the term "civil," increases the number of cases eligible for civil arbitration by raising the potential award cap, and increases the filing fees against the party filing a statement of arbitrability requesting civil arbitration and/or a request for trial de novo of an arbitration award; and WHEREAS, the County Clerk requested the Board of County Commissioners to increase the fees for filing a statement of arbitrability requesting civil arbitration and/or a request for trial de novo of an arbitration award, pursuant to RCW 36.18.016; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners determined that it is in the public interest to increase the fees authorized by the Legislature for filing a statement of arbitrability requesting civil arbitration and/or a request for trial de novo of an arbitration award, to help defray the mounting costs of the Grant County Superior Court arbitration program; WHEREAS, a new ordinance reflecting the changes in process and fees should be enacted. Page 1 of 2 Civil 8\Departments\Ord inances\2018 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY COMMISSIONERS, GRANT COUNTY, STATE RESOLUTION 03 -155 -CC BE REPEALED; and ORDAINED. BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, THAT ORDINANCE AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT FILING FEES FOR CIVIL ARBITRATION AND/OR TRIAL ®E NOVO ARE HEREBY ESTABLISHED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The County Clerk shall asses the party filing a statement of arbitrability the sum of Two Hundred, Fifty and No/1 00 Dollars ($250.00), for filing a request for civil arbitration, as authorized by RCW 36.18.016. $220 of this fee shall be used to offset the cost of the Grant County Superior Court arbitration program, and the remaining $30 shall be applied to indigent defense services. SECTION 2: The County Clerk shall charge the party filing a request for trial de novo of an arbitration award the sum of Four Hundred and No/1 00 Dollars ($400.00), as authorized by RCW 36.18.016. SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be effective October 1, 2018. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Yea Nay Abstain GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON El ❑ Richard Stevens, Chairman ATTEST: Tom Taylor, Vice Cklair Barbudra J. fjasqez Cindy Cart r, Member' Clerk of the Board Approved as to Form: Jim 'U'Kchell wsBA- #31031 Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Date: ��Z Page 2 of 2 Civil 8\Departments\Ordinances\2018 eg?slatiu�� Ni (:1-.�',-�Y,I am writing to request an amendment to Ordinance 03 -155 -CC due toges that 'Vtake effect September It 2018. It was recently brought to my attention that C)o I RCW 36,18.016 (25) and (26) outline the increased fees that may be set for arbitration effective September 1St - - subject to the fee increases being established by authority of a local ordinance. As a result of EIB 1128 (see attached), the Grant County Superior Court judges implemented new local rules with. regard to arbitration and those take effect September I st as well. LRMA 1. 1 and 1.2 allow arbitration for claims of $100,000 or less, which may cause a rise in arbitration filings (the previous level was $50,000). Copies of the new local rules are enclosed for your reference. I have also enclosed a copy of RC W 36.18,016 that shows the current language and the language that is effective September Is'. Also enclosed is a copy of the current ordinance for ease of reference. As outlined in RCW 36.18.016, 1 am requesting that the fee for civil/mandatory arbitration be increased from $220 to $250 ($220 to be used as it is currently and $30 for indigent defense services). I am also requesting that the fee for trial de novo of a civil arbitration award be increased from $250' to $400. Although the legislative changes are effective September 1st, I am not sure how quickly you can Implement this change. If you anticipate that it will be after September 11t, I would recommend an effectivd'te of January 1, 2019, to allow adequate e a notice to the bar association, unless you feel an earlier date is more appropriate 'so as not to miss out on potential revenue. Please advise if you need anything further from me. I appreciate your consideration. Sincerely, GRANT 0 LEFT OFFICE berly111en, lerk :kaa Enclosures (5) cc: Mr. James Mitchell, Civil Prosecuting Attorney Hon. John M. Anto.sz, Presiding Judge Grant County Clerk s Office, PD. Box 37, Ephrata, WA 9 ` -8823 509-754-2011 509-765-2160 800-572-0119 w-ww.gantcquntywa.gov/e1erk CERTIJCAT ION OF ENROLLMENT ENGROS.8ED HOUSE BILL 1128 Chapter 36', Laws o.f' 2018 65th Le:gl slature 2018 Regular $ession CJVT iL ARBITRATION EFFECTIVE DATE*- September 1, 2018 Pass -ed by- the Houz;e january 201 Yeas 77 Nays 19 FRANK CHOP.P Speakez of the House of Representativas Passed by t Senate. February 28,, 2018 . Yeas 41 Nays 8 CylWUSP HABIB President df the ate Approved March 13 2018 10:35- AM JAY INSLEE GOvGrtOr Of the State of Washingtori C-ERT.I-'?:PI CATE I, Be_rnard D.ean,, hi ICCle-rk of the House of Representat"Ves Of the Slate Of. Wrash.lngton, do hereD'v cert-Ify 1 --hat the attached .Ls F-XGROSSED HOU SZ BILL 1128 as -,passed by House of Represen.-tai" L UlVeS and t she. sehat-e OD -1 tie. dates h.ezeon set forth, BERNARD DEAN chi4f Clerk FILED March 13., 2018 Secretary of State Sta-te of 'Washington S Pas*s.-e'­.dgis."L Le re ar ...a u g St -ate .:of sha'Lngton S 5-th Ze a .2017 -Regular Session Wa 9-IS1. tu-re v, du f..f Nealey, s Slbea,. ainkt --,r- Ho;�Y, Vy��r Kil -By� Repr.esen-t-ati e. ins cCa8l',n bbb- n-'.. Ormsby,, an. Hansen, M d Ha.!-er�' p, �Etee Ju i.c.,:L-aryP L.erred Re -ad fl"r8,t -time -01-,2/17. Ref --to Com -1 1 A NNil a-rbi'ttat.ion.; amending RCT9 7-.06 .ACT Rel*a iw j to -C'V. 01 Q -ew section5 to 2 7.06,_020f 7.0-6.040r T.0.6-05-0. and 3.6.+L8.016*41 a dd i n a n 3 -6hapter- 7. 0 6 RCW'- creati'ng­ A- n'e*w sect-i'Lon-* and providing an ef f ect i*v.e 4 date. 5 10 11 12 13 BE --'L-T 'ENACTED BY THE LEGvISLATURE-QF T -HE STATE OF WASHINGTON- RCW - 7.06i.010 aj--I.d 2.0015 c 472 s 1 are- each :amend d -t.o- read" as foilaws: IM re than one hundred thousaand,- 1, e S W1 CL U .0 th a pop lat-J­-on of zhall b i trat 0:�, Civil cLctions undiE�.'g thils chapter a..r I ion : U -t *1 oxi o e hundred thousand b -,e r-equired. In -count.ies- with po p the superii-or- court of thecounty] by mafitvote af the r judges thereof or -the county 1.eg.is-+, a.- ive au+tho"it.y may authorize h t arbitratSon Sec. I F .0:8.0".20 :and 2005 -c. 4,72 s 2 are ch amended -to read as f o 1 lows -o r unl+c. -s -exc p pp iq. rr, All c.ivn action a + P distr lict -courts, which are at ..1*ssu,:=in the s up e*, rl' o r court in caunt+ies, wh-*Ich have- authori'rbc-: a t i on , w1ri-ere the s ole ±,eiii-el s.oug�h+t '1+s a rt y. -assiarts. a- c-11 a i n e. -K C.e S S of money Dudgment--, and wh.ere+ no pa f ifteen thousan-d or t _.y P. EHB 1128. SL L 1 'Coun L*y- 'by twb-thirds or greater vote o,� t hol there 2 .6he-hu . ndr-ed tu,aiddollarsf 'exclus ive1P L of interest- and 3 c0stsr a r -`e. subject to LJL-Vi1 arb.it*r 4 (2. 1 f approved bv M 30ritY Vote of the superior coust judges of 5 a CO-Unty' w'hich has aut - ue h o r 1 z it,:4'd axbltration, all. CIVIj actions.. whi ch 6 are. at -Issin the superior court in ch the sole relief sought IS 7 the esta'b-li shment, team at j r modif 'cat 10n Of ma intenance or 8 child support payment8 are sub3 ect to manda-toryarbi itrationa The arbitrability of any action shall not . be affected by the amount 10 or number of payments involved, 11 NEW SECTION. Sec, 3. A new section "is -added to chapter 7.06 RCW 12 to read as follows* 13 The arbi Itrator sha-11 Set the time, date, and place of the heaar* 1.4 and shall g' L ing ive reasonab] - e noti..ce of the hearing date to he parties. 15 Except by stipulatl' , * 0 on or for good cause 8hown, the." hearing Shall be 16 scheduled to take p- lace not -sooner than twenty-one days nor later 17 than seventy-five days,r from the date of the as-sdignment of the case 18 to the arbitrator. The hearing sial l take pl(--e 19 facl"Lit -ies provided or authorized b.y the court. in appropriate 20 NEW - S�CTI ON. Sec. 4. A new- section, is added to chapter 7.06 RCW 21 to read as. follows - 22 After the assi,gnment of a case. to the arbitrator,.- a party may 23 conduct d-JiL-scovery as follows* (1) Request from the. axbitrator: an 24 examination under CR .35; (2) req*ue8.t cidmissions from a party under CR 25 36*; and (3--) take the deposi'tion of anotherpar.ty party 26 add itionl.- d- may request a iscovery froi-n the arbitr-Cator, 'nc- luding Inter--rogatori 27 and the arbitrator will allow add itiona-1 discovery only as reasonably 28 necess.ary, 29 Sec. RCW 7.06.040. a.nd 19-87 -1-2 S- 102 are -each amended to., 30 read as fellows- .: 31 ollows-.:31 The appointment of arbitrat I . 0'rs sh.a.11 be prescribed by rules. 32 ado p -t- e d b -y the sup.-Leme court. An ar.bltrator must be a riember o3F_ the., 3.3 state bar assaci.ation whohas been ad: -1 tted to the bar for: 'a -mi'r*CLUM 34 of five years or who is a retired Judg'e. 35 _12 ------- A P on at serve as an arbitrator unless the grs mav n 12etsb-n 36 has comp.l.,eted a mi. ' iMILM of thr, e'e c red ts-. of Wash*n-crt:on —state b a' r 37 association. rived continu-ing._ le I �al education credits on tie p. 2 E. HB 1.12 8 profes,s.-.i�onal.. and. -ethic- 2. con:8` * -e f. -or serv;Lnq id -ta--*t.�*bri arbitra --oa.i an - 12 manner as jges pro ICempore of the: -u--peri ior court 3 Sec. .6. RCW 7.06.050 -and 201.1 c 336 s 164 are each amended to 14 -read -as follows... - Following a hearitg as p'.'rescribea by Court rule, the 1 s: 6.r he r -de 16 aarbitr*ator i _e hi an d award vith th lerk. -o*f S C1, S, on, 1 e c 4- -0, th4= 17 _v -L t_ Lhe suPe:rJor courtl toge-th W*.Ith proof- -of ser ice thereof .6n 18- 'part. ie s*. Within. t w e nt v d a y- s a f te, r. s-uch f1ling, qny a. g*g*r eved Pa tty- i9 may file with the cle*zk -a Vx*i . t e.n notice -of appeal an. -d r''. e- q u' e 8 t for a 20 ttial de- novo in the. suyeti court on all issue.s- of law anal fac.t. 21 The no-tice -must be. siane'd by. he ...... ax,ty. Such trial dcs- novo shall P .22 thereupon. beheld. 'ud.g h t". to j ury, inc-L ' ing a ri if demanded. 23 (a*) Up to t ir-t tri d t o the acru-, 1 date o' a trial de 24. novo aling par y may ing r.'.L-y a. -a nonappe t -s�=rv,e up -.on. the appnea,l* Pa .25 vi r i t t_ en. of f e.r oz CoMPr_OIrII..S_e In an -v case n I -. -e-r of c:ox-a t acc.�a-pted .-.e P party withJn ten e` nd.ar days- after -sery ce 28 he for for purposws :.MAR 7...-3 th-e'. ard-ount .Of the of fer o-�E 29 co_iT�ptomi S e- Shall replace, the amoun t -of the: airb-i-trator s award, nor 3.0 alOtertl hing whether the- part:y ap-paal-in.cr the arb-itratorl s awa� rd has ion. b -1 ty's Posit] -:n the t'r: 4:r 3:1 ail e' -d to. improve that par" de no-vo. 32 A po-.star *b..I'_t:.rat:ion 0*1. f e.r,. -of compromi.se shaIl. not be f i1e*d or co-enn'' tn'.ilc tohe. court, or the trier of fact -until after lijdqment' -34 on t h teal de novo, -at -Whi.-6h t Jim ei --a:. CI­O­­'� of the -of fer. :.of compromise Py i led f or purposes of deterrolining wh-etho+r -the party who 36 anoeale'd the 'Carb.1-iC.TatorIz .award has f a JL 1 -..e-'d t d Lbr'ove th.a.t party's on On J a 1 de :n --rs_ -nt o MAR 7 A. 3-7 1 the ri.. --ovo.,,.. pu ucx r_ `f -twe�nty --days f -3 -:1 -ed ate- tie e' ex' p � ix +:a t 3- o n 6 38 if no a+ppe.al .-has. b 319: Iffbi-16.W"It nq f i.1 i nq of the arb:-itrator s -dec'L. ai.o.n ­d� awa _d, a 3ud.gment P 3 E.:HB 11.2 8 -W- S.I. 1 shall.be entor'd and may be preson.ted to the, e.. court by afty party, 01a. 2 noticer Which �udgwent. wen - entered a shll 'have the same- forc jud e andeffect a-sgments in civ*'J. act,ons. 3. RCW 3*6.18:.O-&-and 2-016 C 74 s 4 ar-e each amended to 4 Sec read 5 as foll.ow8: 6 Revenue collected under thi seis on -8 nOt 8ub *ect to 7 dM S3. 0 -n under RCW 36.18.025 or- 27.1..24.070. (2).(aFor the f* -1 Ing 0 a P8tit ion for modif.1"cation. of a decree 9 of dissolution or pat erni-ty­. within the Same case - as the ori.gina.1 10 actioh, and any party fiji-ng a count . erclaim,cross- 11 party Cla M C alm, or third I in. an such Y aact� ion, a fee of thIrty lx dollarz must be -si 12 paid. 13. (b) The PCartY `ling the firstor initial petir-on. for 14 dAsi solut" .4 A on, -legal separation, or -declarat ionconc(:�rni nig: the validi ty 15 of martiage shall pay, at the. time and Jn addition. to the fili- .. 4 1 ing fee 16 required under RCW 36*18*0. a dee Of fi.fty-four dollars. The tle'rk 17 of the -su.pex'Or court- shall transmit ment 1.y forty-eight dollars of 18 theI -four dollar fee collet ted under th'is. Subsect"o- 19 state treasury f . or deposit -in the domesti iolen- c i - - i n to the vce prevention 20 account. The rema*ining _J_x doll e- lars shall be retained by IC -he. county 21 j:or the purpo-se of supporting community-based domes I t i c V, iolence L 22- services within4- the county, except for fi ive percent of the six -he court for ad-ministrative' 23 dollar', which may be retained tie 24 purp*ose.s. On or before December 15'%,.h of each yea -A,-_, the coiinty shall 25 -report to the department o f s.ocial and health services revenues 26 associated wai-th thiLs section and co Ity-based domestic violence mmunT .1 27 services expend. iture.s. The department of soci.al and. health se.rvI*Ce..S-- 28 shall deve-lop a repo-rtIng or to be, ut' lized by' countles for uniform Y 29 rep-orting p-ijXpQses. 0 (3) (a) The. party making a dad for- a Jury of S'x -1-in a CiVIU 31 action shall pay, at a. fee of one hundred twenty -f 32 dollars- ive _1�f the demand is for a `ur' of twelve, a fee- of two hundred 3 Y 33 fifty dollars-. If, after the party -demands af the J ur*Y .0 SA ix and pays 34 required fee,, any other party to the acts.i _t * ] ury on reques a 8 of 35 twelve, an additional one hundred twenty-five dol larfee. will be 36 req-uire,d of the party demandq the incr­eaaed number of jurors. 37 (b) U i pon c0 nvi1 t on in criminal cases- a ` r' demand charge of one 3u Y 38 hundred twenty -alive dolla.rs for a Jury o,f s -IX, or two' hundred fifty, p. 4 EHB 1128.SL r's fo 2MP 0. e.�a --OSIS a 'twelve be.. t under R��W may 190#. 3 (4) For::' preparing ce.r.. i ie an in.s... � 1 0 t on f. le ...PY 4 e*Obt-d la' th e'. -.cI..e-r.-k s 01--fic-e- - f" the t �po -n of Irs Pa,ge or r-tiq, 5 f I -X -S -t .a. feef ive d - and f or. -11a*rs -eal !I dd** t o nal pagei qr .6, O'rft.ion- of a Page a f :o-ne e 0 ol-lar inust, be ch ed.. F arg -an '7 a'u'thi��-,n*'t;-.'3".C,a.�.Ling* or exempli.f ying f'e 01 two do. ar*s for each additional seal (ed mu t b:e, 'h.; a c '­ - 'd 'For prepa:ring :a x s ar.c. e of copy an ins-' y i trument 6n. f i le.: or of xecb.rd In tht-e. c-.,...! e r. k s of f 10 vit.h.out a. -seal,, a f, pagO ft�u 8t be' --t harge.d. h pe of f i f.ty cents per: p W en co . pying a document '"tho t a s' e- - a'l or f-ile t*h'at i a n W�4 U in an electrp id 12 f Oxmzi t a zee of tTt7ers..ty--f ivie cents per page must be charged. For 13 cop i$: - es made on a compact disc, an add s. fie :of twenty dollars 14 -far each compact. disc must be charged. i.c-ate., -with or -w't' out. a zeal. a f ee of (5) For executing a. C,e rt.i f h. tw -0 "ollarsmust be charqed.. 1.7 For a g Ca r n 1,s defendant named in a.n affidav*t. for A fie otdoll 't of -ttachnL.e.-nt,,,,. , -f :wedollars1.8 qarnris-ffiment and a wr-i a 1.9 Td,,us-t b.e char-ged. ing, 'f.. twenty dollars I I 'lemental pro-c-eed' a �ee 20 (7) For f.iling a S-1;PP - 0 21 must be charged-. 22 (8) For approviing Ca bond,inclii.dlng ju5,'L-,-aLf1'catI.Lon n the bond, In 2 ^3 1.1 act proc,eed n cthe.-r,- than :c'v ions and probate a fee of two 24 dollars mu s t- be ch.arcred. 25 (.9.) 't.he. Isluta rice -o.f. -a cerl'--if icate of quall.i.fication -.and a .26 cert-L'ied Zopy- o." lett dip. in'i' s' rat fon, lett r e.rz- o. -L a.. L -exs te-s-tamentary, or U,.27 tee. a fee of f..J-ve dollars of guardiartsh:`P. there rn s t .28 (1:0) Fox the preparat.14 O"PI'l. -of .po*xft, applicat ILon, thee clerk. rftay' 29- c-ollect an exec-ution. -f eel as authpr.-J-Z ed bv the f ederza 1 gove:rnment.. 30 (.11) For clerk's s erw*_Oes. ..suet as -p-e r'f ormln, g Ust.o.rit ca. 1 s,*e.arch s.. .31 CAMP ":1 3 L n g stat stica.l. repo -Ir-t...s. andcon:nd ucting exclk­. o :.l rec.ard e -ed thl.rt' -do.11.1i;-IrS 32 seatches, the c I ex k nL -ay C011e t a -fe­ -nat t o e-x4.c-.e Y 3-3 Per' bic�ur 3-4 122- For proces-sirig. ex pa-r--fe. rdextz,, the clerk --may collect. fee 3.5 Qf thirty.dol lar sff 3-6 (13) Po.' --r- -dupli dated xi��.cprdi.ings -of couxtl�s pro.c.e.e.diings there rrn'u8--t 37 '11ars f or each au-dio-ta' an d twenty --f ive dol'Iars Ee e of -ten. do pe Iectr Stb*rage. 'r -,u.- m r e de.o or -o 3.8 fo -,ach vi ther e onk� .39 (1-4) For r-egiratiio,*:n of land, tli.le -s -f Tor-renz Act:— -under, RCS a dee 6f t e ..d c.h-arged.. 40 6140'. 12, 8, .01 e. w 611a.r* s- M. u' s- t be -S-L P. 5 EHB 1128.. 1 (1 5) For the issuanCe of extension of - 2 and. chapter-9.*94ARCW3udg-ment under RCW 6.17-020 ., a fee of two hundred dollars mu St be charged. 3 When the extension of 'udgment-a- t th: e request of tie -1-erg, the 4 two hundred dollar charge inay be. 5 10-46--.19 1 0 a Q "MbOsed a.s court costs under RCW 6 (1-6) A facilitator Surcharge of UP t*0 twenty dollars must be 7 charged as authorlized* under P,,CW 2.6--12,2-40, 8 ( 17 ) For fili- ng an adjudication claim under RCw 90,0.3.180, a fee 9 of twenty-fiVe doll.ars must be cigar ged. 10 (18) For fild 4-1 3- ng a- claim oz ftiVolo us 1* ien under RCW 60.04.081,. a 11 fee of thirty-five dollars must be charged. 12 (19) For preparation Of a change of venue, a fee. of twenty . 1 13 dollars -MUS't be charged by the ori nate Ing in addition t.0 the 14 pew page charges in. subsection (4) of th. Is Section. 15 (20) A S'ervlce fee of five dollars for thef"irst page and one 0'r each p. 1- 16 dollat f' h additional page must be charged z-07, -receivi:ng faxed 17docunzencs, pursuant to Washington state rules of courtr gen*etal r.ul,.e 18 17. 19 (21.) For Preparation of cle-rk's papers under RAP 9.7. a f.e'.e of 20 fifty 11ifty cents per page must be charg'ed, 21 (22) For- codes pies and reports. produced at the local level as 22 perm-itted by RCW 2. 8.0' and supreme court polic-Y, a. variable fee 23 must be charged. 24 (23) Investmen.-- ser is charge and earnings under RCW 36.48.-090 25 must be cha-rged. 28 (24) Costs for nons-tatutory services rer4dered by clerk by 27 autlhoriit-y of local ordinance or pol, .- 2-.Cymust be cha rged, 28 (25) For i "' 1 trat' i i .ung a request fot, VI on... a. 25 filiC. arbing fee rta'.y be assessed agaInst the party filing a statement o -F,- 30 a rbil rab.i 1 0 .1.'..ty to. exceed.t-, ' 0 w.. hundred (t-wer ty)) f"Iz-r .- toars as 31 est;ablished by au*thority of local :o.rd.'Ian. e.. Two hundred -tw c 2e dol lar8 of t 'charge shall be used to OT set. the cosi: ol.. 3.3 the y 1 a r b t ra t 1O.n PrOqram. Thirty dollars,- of each 3A dee.. co 11 e* dted un -de his subsection must be use r d,f o.- ndient defens-e. 35 sere Cel 36 (26) For f I. I ing a request for trial de novo of a civi,j 37 arbitration award, a Lee not. to exce:.ed hu-nd 'red -Y 38 dollars as established by authorl-ty of o��ina e must be* 39 c-harge.d. P. 6 EHB 1j128, -SL (2, 7) A pub 1:_-L* c agp:ncy may not i��- a -0 n t a -law e,-nfIo_rqqTn L i_e-d C ra, ion agen.cyr -f or pre. t7 1:ng, or al p opie .9 f car :p.r.6babIe 3 tb-,.e, _lad. ent. and z d o± �the: nolai- ce f -re� nt to r-e.-ir 4 an 0- auirem-e 0 sex -of f en -d ...... f ..a :s er. 't-* d .01,ivi-c a Wash_`hq.tbn c­.urt.. h r` are n.-eltL-'s fo 0 whe-n sua. ecords szar --y r 6 r is k -ez sme. pr" 'at - n o:f a. .c. f t. -re -to r qi.s. t :r :e r, 16 r al o '..f .gi,s -.:r-a I n :7 main t6nance Olf -8L 01 f Irl de r s: r' -e 8 (2-8) For the f---' -the provis 'ont o:f ng of a wil-1.1 ox c:*, -d** L QC ICII :uhder pbapter 11. 12- Px CW' # :dee of twent -1 a- r -s t 'be cha-rged-. -Y do 1. M.U`_.S 10 (29) Fo-r the collectlbn o --f ari ad It. b f 0,�n d. e r s. u �..ip a i d I* g al U. e v nanc-'al ir I ob-liqat the clerk MI., a tip -C 0 1 3- d.n s,,. ose an annual fee: of up 1.2 or -e -hundred dollars , pug suant to-RCW 9.,� 9A.A... 78"O. 13 (30) A s u r--ch.a r'qe of up to t w e- -n y dollaIrs May be arae. in JA ilii :and le.gal se.paration- actio dis ns as authorized by RCW 15 26.12,260. 16 The reve.nue to c"Ounties from the f e--e*s lahe d 'n this sectlon 1 17 shall be deened to be comp rei lete *mbursement. fr�om -th-e state fot the' 18' -sLt_ate`s sha.r-e o.f benefits padd LQ the�r pe" t r1or cou Judges of the to JU, I Y" 2 4 a" nsst tho- 19 state -Pri-oz 2005, and no. alalm -Sh _.Le -agal 2.0 state for :such behefits & 21 NEW SECTION. Sec. SW 'Th..is Act app,lies- to a.11 CIPCSeS* filed on b"r 22. a ft e r "S ep t 4 1 -23. NEW 8ECTION. Seic. 9. e f T is :akcat- a k s f ct. -Se teliber I., 2018* Plassed by -the. Hous.e January 18., �2018* Pas si ed- batea Febru -28 Y the n ary 2G" App -rove -d. by. the.. GpVl��,=rh or'Maixch 13, .20,18 1 Fi.led in. Of -F'f S. 0.,... ecre-ta-ry of State March 13 ,1 2.01-8. END P. 7 EHB 11,28*SL LRMA 1.1. PurlDose of k� les — Otber Rijles* — Definitions ftrpose and Scope, The P. T thus Local Rules for Mandate.. Arbitration tst. tho M a �Yl-C brder to an atoms Arbi tration Rules Wreine Ed` Va o on 01 lvutcs ,alms Of 0 TM S UL S. MU AND APPLIED* IN M Pt -and - P de a s" -f6r th Onomi NO U Pr e VrPm to to$ "lu Invo VIng 0: B 8 R STBE READ CJUCT-1 O -N_ "WITH THE MANDATORY' ARBITRATION RULES, These rules are not ane to address ewry question which .ma Van'seduting-aTbitration, and th-us leave owisiderable discr etiOn tO the arbitratOr. .1AxbitratOrs-- .o .:y libietaU Y employ s.uch discretion M order to assuxe. that hearm*grs are informal and expediti C . Onsi O'us,. ' 'stent With the imp of- the $tatutes and rules, (b) Admkistrator. As, used 'in these rules, "Administrator}, means the employee of tho Grant CoMtY Superior Court who may, from time to time, be assigned by the judges- ther*eof the Posi and -responsibilities of Arbitratio"n Administrator, Ition (Amended effective September 1, 20.18). 14RMA 1.2 Amountl"C . CW. 0 - t bn -4tor...,y:-- O�tration the. = unt di&1�6d bym �`Asp the. a waive- iaim � th=o B � Qoe' i « (Amended:e,ffecti.veSeptember 1, 2018), RCW 3 6.1 &'.0 16: V I ..Various -B es collected—Not subje t: C, �to divisio.n. (<>Eflective un-ti.1 Se Pt. Page 1 of 6 r t Septrrt�ar Va *IOUs fees. colleced—Not -subject to dvis'lon. (Effective 2018) (1) Revenue c6ilected d.. under -.this -se Iio * i c n s nOt subject to diVision und. e -r RCW 36,18.026 or -27.24.070. (2) (a) For the filing of a pet itidn''for Modificaffon of a decree of diqsOlut"on or paternity, within the same case as,the,originai action., and -any party' fil' ing a countercla'im, cross-claim, or third --party cla'm 'in an uch -on, - .-- * ys act8 fie 6-f thirty -SIX dollars must be paid. (b) The party filing the first o*r initial petition for, dissolution leg'I s a . ep prat' r declaration conceming the. validityofmarriagi� Shall pay, at the time and i I . n addition to th.e filing fee required under RCW 'f fifty-four dollars rior 36ASM01 a fee 0 The cferk of the supe court shall transmit monthly forty-eight dollars of the fifty-fo * r . .. . .1 9 u dollar fee collected under this subsiection. to the:state t ' reasury for deposit In the domestic violence prevention account. The remaining six dollarsshall be retained by'the county nty for the PurPose of supporting community- based domestic violence services within the county, except for five percentof the Six dollars which may be retained by the court for adrnt inis rative purposes. On or'before De.cember 15th of each year, the county shall report to the department of social and healthe serVic s. revenues associated with this tion and comm-unib-based domestic -viole nce services exp.endit.ures.. Te department of social and health services shall da lo' counties fo r' ubifo* Ve P..a reporting� form to be utifilzed by rm reporting purposes. (3)(a) The party, making a- demand for a Jury *of x, in a civi sig H act1'. n 8hall pay, at the 0 time, a fee. of one. hundred twenty-five dollars- if the demand is for a jury of twelve, a fee of two hundred fifty dollar. If, afte- the party- -demands a Jury of six a.nd pays t rs he required fee, any other party to -the action requests a jury of twelve, an additional one hundred twenty-five dollar fee will be required of the party demanding the increased number o f jurors. (b) Upon conviction in criminal cases :a jury demand. charge of one hundred t:- ddollars for a fur.f 'Jx - -two hundred fifty dollars for a jury of twelve may be. s , or imposed as costs under RCW 10.A6.190. (4) Forpre sin certified copy y of an instrument on file or of record in the clerk's pa ri .9 P off, for the first �pa --e or P I '"the- first -an g ort*on o" i page, a fee o,,P ani each. ad five. dollarsl' ditiona page or portion of a. pag.e,. a ane fee�- of- o drut tbe charged. For au o rS thenticating or exemplift' irig ars ire strum*ent,_ -a -fee of two dollars for each additio'nal seal affixed must be. charged, For preparing a coot' of an in*sirument on'file or ofrecotd in the' clerk's o­ffhce w*ithout a -seal, a fee of fifty- cents per page must be charged . Whenc0pying a document without a seal or file that.i.s M I - formal an electro.n'c ti a fee Of twE�Mty_five c. ents perpage must be charged. For cdples'made on a compact disC., an additional fee venty dollats e�a Of W 'C must be charged= ar ch compact. dis - (5) For executing a certificate, with orwit hout a seal . a fee of two dollars 'must be, chargle.d. (6) For a gamishee defendant named in an:affidavitfor 'i 'Shme'nt and for a writ of c arni attachment, a fee of twenty dollars must. be ch.arged,, (7) Fo_ r filih-g- a supplemental. Proceeding a fee of twenty dollars, must u ..be cha rged. (8.) For approving a bond, in, Cluding justification on the bond in other thanC : NO actions and probate -a. fee bf tWo dollars must be charged. http.:*-//app.leg.wa,,gov/RCW```/`defau.1t.aspx?cite=36.18.016 8/22/2018 tz . -�:2:of 6 ea:to alvis -a 10 N RCW36.18-�016- - fe v of. te o 11. t%ertffie'd (9 R t, th of c -a f qwilff'64-tion and- 0 o e sm an Pe a..., ert fic P U. f -TIVe administratio n etters stamentary, or ettie s .0f Vua n,, i th -OT rdia s M ist bi�,� a, ee �.P,... ro Ut* n of -Q,.rt, a�p'p ica -i*(* h .-the k -.,.co 4. n, exec _. ..I. t* e. rat 1:0) For'.thei r pp io c er M.; Y 11.(�C. -P p ion 'fe-e. as, 'a Uthorized. by' the' -feOera] govamm nt, C�lerW I hi to* 1. se h6's'­.,.-. compt'inc �.-,a Qr ing,� s I i s. re -no _:-t b- s- onauct 0 and 6' h * i�§- the c+l+ e*+rk -'rna v* colio." 'f- d P in.g exceD ion.a,: corgi zearc. e.. ee o excee. t birt.a� e` r * hr. 'o 0" . ,.' (12) ForprocessingeX+ parte orders Ahoclerk day :0611P ... �p-.J & thh :do Q'f t n doll ri :(1$) FOr... 16d recordii�W: �---'f Urtlt� ot6.de-.ed# upi_+ a 01 CO in s- there: --must bo oJe a� S f ot e e- s.o rage me tum. for each.. iaudiotieipe:a h4twentvA 11 1 'ch.:�' "id + -t` 10�t h ve o a rs. ea, +v eo. 0 d or re'istration 6f [aid Ves T�'rrens Ac..'', Uh-der RC.W. -a feebf twenty (14) F n. t.+i' �g doll -arm mist be,c:'ha`r'g­ 6d. (_I 5) For f:issuanceissuance of extension of Judg.ment u hder RCW 6-S 47...0-20 and ter 9.94A RCW, a .,f6e. of'two- hundred dollars mOst be- chor e:d.- When' the e* xtens, lo n, of judgment is at the er .t reques'of'the + cl: k, the two hundred dollar dharg-e' maV be impose'd as. court costs C frffrr~b under RQW-10-4�+.k.1 $0. .-aUthorized r e of up-tot—w my t :charged as. g ert _dollair"S'M-u�.-* be under R. -C. 211 24201 ing -an --ad dibati' n cl d' r R"%W'90 3- 18.0 f,6e-- of twenty-afive donors (17 Fdt-fi- o- la-im un P a must be' �char d..� ge. I't Ve dollars (18) FOrfiling �a c1taim" -0- f fnV. er- RCW 6.0404 0+81 a f&iB 6f'th`r,-y4 o ou ten und must, be ch*arged'. F r para ioh- bf'8- ch a 0 .charged or p e* t ang-e of'venue, .-fee-*-- of twenty, d 11 -ars mu-st- b by ina cou i -in -a' ditib to the. p e+r pa subse. _'o (4 IS the onginat' - . . ftti d ri -c;-e c*gies:in ctf h off' : section. IMP (20) A.service fee.of five dollar's for thefirst page. *and one -dollarfor each -additional page muIs .-echarged for rei`vingfa6ddocuments W"gstate .r uleof court, general rule .-17. (21) For re, 'ration 'f:.c-+1.e'rWs.- p a*p -d r RAP �91-a fee,.of- fifty cents per page mi st pa ers un e be chdrg.bid.. (22) For cooies and reports roduced at-the.,local level as permitked by RCa_W_-,-2%A8-.O2O ..,p p an -d s dp'reme' cou t policy, a war b e- fee must::bo- -c arQ-ev, h'. SAS 090 - ust. be charged, n c. ar- t �d earning.s.v -d (24) C tt' f statutorv, services r'enderedbv-"c1e k I ordinance o s *or non r 'ty`of loca rl 't. b h. e - 011C us or P T+ -(25) For fifin! eq+qest for mandatory �arbitrattpn, a... MIN. fiie' mav be'� assessed against g. �a., n. t ce t -fifi- t": o rbitrabffi t o ex e ted, twenty: -doll the parY no a- s emen f a Th ::ch shal I I e:. u -sed s . Y� ance s -arge' b-- ofel to- 6- ffset the, cost etttiblf h 'd'�.yau-T.Mor.t f1.ca'_prdin­­­ -J., ..n. ­ bit atk program.-;. Ofth n ar r rf fngr n arraw.rdfi-tdal de.novo, of a ion - n ina nce m u. t h d red-'. fift� do'll a* r -S--,:8-$ �t bli 'h d b R Of -40c I two: h-unld e, a S e: :.y autho a or -s- �ec arge,� �7) a fee toa. la A pu0.c,.-a­ g''e' niqy: m.. -A .'notcha charge w_.­ofc mnt a e.h. for. t and'se mation pre a o co yinq-,or ma,ili n.g. fi. ies ofth d e .p." r i n-1 P ofte'di nten.ce, in, V, to ramehtt a sex er �affidavn ot t)-robable -i�ausi�_, arid/o ' th' t er.,of nd r a n ce o requi o re is -men Convleted in� a+ Mshih -ess­ Y, g:to- c.-Ourt --When- such records are- necessa k ffenders re pre t f or faffu­ 't i ste, ofa _-s+ex-:-.0 t** n, file. para ion- o a tase re o re r or matntenance, ..gistra io S/22/2-018 h4;/*O.Ieg.Nva.gov/RC�V/default.as.px',�o-ite=36.1:8,...016 . S RCW 36.18.01arious fees co I flected—Notsubjeot to division, (<i>8 ffeotive u1ifiI._Sept,:.. Page: -3 of 6 (28) For thefiling -of -a w4l or codicil under the M ovisions ofchapter I 1 1.9. 12 RCW, a fee of twenty d.ollars. rnus.t..be ch,arged. (29) For the- of ion of �a n adult offender'S - "d legal financial �obliaaboh.s the cler"k unpai may* iMpOse an annual fee of up to- one hundred d*0 Ilars,. pursuant t R6W' 9*94-A,7 (�Q) A. surcharge. of up. to twenty .dolla may .,.-e charged 'n diss be Olution and le' al .separation actions as authon"zed, by.CW 26.12.260. 9 The revenueto counties from the fees est blishedin this section's.hall" be de* Med to a e be" complete: r'e­im- b- t from the s' r the stat&s sha -efits -0*�. to' Ursemen tate fo re of ben court 'udges of the :tat - P I the'superior J ' s e prior to July 24, 200-5, and no claim -shalf fie -against the state -for such benefits., 2016 c 74 § 4. Pri 'or" 2016 -c- -.27-5 :11, 2015 a 265 27 2009 c 417 § 2$ 6 -2.007 c 49 2006 C' 192 § 2* rior p.- 20.06 $ I . c 457 18; 2006 c 374 2; 200-5 c 202 §1 ; 2002 c 338 2; 2001 c 146 § 2- 2000 c 170 1999 c 397 § 8,, 1996 c 56 § 6 1 995o 292 § 1441 Find! ng-4n'tent-201. 5 c-265:1 See note follow*in g RCW 13. 50,0101 Effective da.tes2007 c 496 §§ 201, 202, 204, and 501: See note followin g RCW 26412.260. Part -headings not law -2007 496: note i RCW 26,09.00l Intent -2005 c 457: See note following 1 W43,,08.260. RCW'36,18.016 Various fees c I b :2 Jected—Not subject to d"vision. �(Effec Ve t6Mb-'. e' .6 Seb RCW 364184016 Various fees collected—Not subject to division. (EffectiVe S '' tember I 2018.) ep (1) Revenue collected under thi-S section is not subject to d _Msion unde'r R.CW 36* 18:0 026 or 27 24 0:7.0,. (2)(a) For the filing.of. -a pet'Ition for modification of a de-Cree of diSsoUtioternit n or Pa yF th the ongina*1 action, and aqy party filing a c unterclaim, cr -C-18i'M or wi,L n e same case as 0 third -party claiM in any .sudh -action., a fee of th"rty-isix dollars m A. I - . . . .... . ust be. pal (b) The party .fifing the first or *Initial petition for d'ssolufion, leg% I I& . ..I i . * . a. separatioh, or dewcl8ration concemingthe.* val"dty of mardage shal] pay, at the ti I me and in. addition' to the filing fee required under RCW 36.1 &420, �a fee of -fifty-four dollars. The c erk of the supedor ' court staff tr8ns-mI "t Mo nthly forty --i t.d'* 11 of the fifty-four dollar- fee collect e gh o ars ed under this subsection to the state treasury for deposit inthe'doM estic. Vence prevention account... The VI remaining six dollars shall be retained by' thcounty for the purpose of suppafting commu . n h.ttp://app-leg.-wa.gov/RC`W`/default,.aspx',?cite-36.18.0-t6' 8/22/2018, ��/��� «��� —_ ' - __ - ., .� °'~-_-___�~ _ ___- __ __�_' ht-tp.-//app-.Ieg..-�va.go-v�/RCW````/"""d­`e,fatilt.a.s ?ci'w--36*1"8+016 8./?.2./2 0.18 RCW 36, 18.01 69,o Vat'ous.fees collected_Xot S V1 I ubi.ect to di *SJOh. (�>Effe-t'v. unt*j S.e t, 6 C I e. I - P . Page 5' of A. fac. ilitato.r surcharge of:up -to, tw - ty dollars must be' charged as authorized en: under, RCW,.26.12,240. (17) F -r-- fil' 0 ing an adjudication Clam: ;under RCS 9003,180, a fee 6f twenty-five dollars must be charged. 1W For fifing a ci-aim of, m olous f8e- of thirty. -five dollars - I V 1i0b U'nd'r RCW 601404.081 must be chArg(�d. (19) For preparation of a change of venue ti -a fee of twenty dollars must be charged by the ooriginatingi court in: addition to th e per pac-te. c harges insubsection (4) of this, section. (20) A service fee of five dollars for - the first page and one dollar for each. additid nal PagO must be charged for ocume receiving faxed d ts, pu, . �.# n rguant to Washingt.on state ru'les' of court, general rule 17, (21) For preparation of clerk's papers under RAP 9.7, a fee of fifty cents per page must be cha:rged. (22) For copies and reports produced Calt the local level as Permitted by RCW 2,68.020 and supreme court policy, a varlabl':e fee must be charcied. (23) In -vestment service charge and earnings under RCW 36.48,490 must be charged. (24) Costs for nonstatutory services rendered by clerk by authority of local ordin:-8.nce or policy must be charged,, (25) For- filing a request for civil arbitra Alin I a ng fe.e. may be -assessed against the patty filing a statement of -avitab"Ifty, of..-t- rI n. o exceed two hu -e-st S ndred.fif.tY dollarsas abli 'hed by authority of local ordinance. Two: hu''n'dred twenty dollars of this ' a ch. roe shall be used to offset the cost of the civil:arbitration program., -ThJrty dollars of eachfdbl.,e ted under this subsecti.on must be Used for'lit nd"g'n --services.. . i e defense (26) For filing a request for, tria''I -de n . ovo of a. Civ- 1'.1arbitraf*'on nit -to exceed Pawar , fee da four 'hunt r ' dollars as. estabfi h- d bY authority of local ordinance m S e . .. ust be.. -charged. (27) A public agency may not charge a fee to a law enforcement agency, for preparation, Copying, or MailingOfCettified copiesof the udgment and sentence, information, 4 affidavit O'Probable cause, and/or the notice of requirement to register, of a seg offender convicted :in a Washington court, whensuch records are necessary for rifsk.asse.*tsmeht, preparation of a case for failure to register or maintenance: of a sex o ' ' ' I T. ffender's registration. file, (28) For the fiHng of a w� ill or codicil under the prov' of twenty dollars must be charged.. I isions of chapter 11-12R'CW, a_ fee (29) For the coflecbon of an adult offendees unpaid .legal financial. obligations, the, clerk may impose an annual fee.of up to one bun 'r ll. r, pursuant to RGW 91..E A-180. (30) A surcharge of up to twenty dollars may be charged in dissolutio'n and legal separation a*ctions. as authon"zed by ROW 26 -A -118O. - The 'revenue to counties from the fees. established inthl's ect"io'n shall be deemed to s be complete rim burs e',ment from the state for the ..state's share of benefits. paid to the s­uP.en.o_r lhow.' court JU0.7es -of the state prior to July 24, 2005 and no cla4 ben-efifs.. Im shall lie against the state for such 2018 C S6 § 7-2016 c 74 § 4. Prior: 2015 c .276 § 11* 2015 c 266 § 27; 2009 c 417 § Z, 2007 c 496 -005 c 374 24 2005 c. 202 204; 2006 c 192 24*.p.r or, 2006: c 467 § 18- 2 200:2 c 338 21 2.001 c 14.6 § 21 2000 c 170. § 1 1999 c 397 § 8-11996 c 56 § S* 1995. c 292 14.] httP4 "//aPp-leg-wa-gov/RCW```/`de,fault.aspx.9cite== agp -of 6 RC_W''36,J8.._016:,AT dois.-..f.6es,:c - t Otlod -w-lo Ef-fe I u olle I . $0 ..- Ot ve um .6 4n. 0.1 je vis 11 Se A * P htt . /appjea wa -WR--'V-/defa. It.. 9. ite=3 .016 8/22V`2018 GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONER Grant Col. WW4 ,on RESOLUTION NO. 03 I AN 'ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING FEES FOR F1 ING REQUESTS FOR MANDATORY ARB.ITRATIO'- TRIAL DE..NOPO N AND/. OF -AN ARBITRA10IN AWARD AND, OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATING THE'"' RIET0. Retitals: WHEREAS, RCW 36� 18-016 4 ernpowered Pr a C-OuntY legislative autholrity to establish a fee. for; filing a rquest of trial de 1,10 'o of an �Irhftration award, i Officei and S in tbe County Clerks WHEREAS, Engrossed 'House Bill 2713, chapter 170, was duly passed by -the Washington Siate'._.Le latu re*hfina to mandato' arbitrafion and, amen To, P ry ding RCW -36..18.016 re-121ing to vanaus ItIbes to be charged by county offices,.'and P WHEREAS, RCW 36. 18. 01.6 as now -amended , ­ --slat ve a-ath :em -.0wers a count.y le.gi .1 onty to establish a fee to --be assesse-d.agamst thc party'�ffl inga staternent of arbitrability, requ�stllig mmdator arbitration. y I This chax�cp is required to be used solely to .0 the cost of the a mandatory arbitration progr ir d WHEREAS the Board of C twity rr" -ers have been re nested by -th. . County Cornl assion _zq e Clerk to establis-h fees for' Filing,* a. state-mant of arbit abil ty requ m o Ji e4ing d n.. at -Ty arb ion and/or a request for trial. de, novo of an arbitration award,, vursuant -tO'RC-W, 36* 1.8.016- anti EREAS - courts stat.-ewide am faced with ever iiicreasing demands on th , * * ­�: . - I.. eir resources including tithe and - mtoniey; ah. d- MMEREAS, the Board of County Cmmir .a found and eta det med I i.a. erma it is in the publis_c intermit io establish the few a ed b ._uthonz y the Legislature for filing a: statement of arbitrabilit ^.4* t Mi grbitr�don y requesting manJatory arbitratioii and/or a- reques' trial de. novel of "-an­ award, to- help defray the mount ing posts of'the Gra-, t county S' ior C*Ourt arbi an uper Rro a pro.g.rarn-, proptyly hming. th e' arbitration program. BE a ORDA-INED-DY THEBOARD OF COLINTY CorvEw S NERS COUNTY, STATE OF WASHINGTON, THAFEESS 40 GRANT T .ARE,14EREBy E-S-TABLISED FOR FILING REQUESTS FOS .::MANDATO RY ARBITRATTO -OR TIUAL. D. E. -NOVO NANDI 01F AN ARBITRAION ANVARD, 4 I t CIVIL i T OrM8\ 8\M-Jk\0rdinan0e.�\Tn`a1.de'- 'Novo (2003).doc - I 10 5ECIZON 3#-- This -ordmano ot, NOW TRE RE E 1T RERIEIRY �OLVED THATHE GRA. ' COUNTY COMMISSIONER adopt this- ift4 DATED this day off, .200-. w IONES. . 'TON P S ti