Week of July 31,1989
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman Glenn Chamberlain. All of the Commissioners
were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceeding -session.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the approval of the
Special Occasion Liquor License of Don's Restaurant for Troutlodge lel
fish hatchery on August 10,1989.
The Commissioners were notified that Patricia Coleman of the
Grant County Alcoholism Office was resigning as of August 31,1989.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Notice of Sep-
aration or Work Interruption of Lynn Chapman of the Juvenile Depart-
ment effective July 31,1989.
A motion was made by Commissioner Chandler and seconded by
Commissioner Chamberlain that Resolution Number 89 -71 -CC (A) approving
the action of the State of Washington Community Economic Revitalization
Board and the issuance of Non-recourse revenue bonds to finance an
industrial development facility for Busby Internation,Inc. and providing
for other matters properly relating thereto be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Com-
missioner Chandler that Resolution Number 89 -72 -CC relating to the facts
requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Current
Expense Fund #001, Operating Transfers -Out Department #142 in the amount
of $5,346 be passed. The motion carried. Public Hearing will be held
August 22,1989 at 1:30 p.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Commis-
sioner Chandler that Resolution Number 89 -73 -CC relating to the facts
requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds for the Emergency
Services Fund #120, Dept. #144 in the amount of $8,404 be passed. The
motion carried. Public Hearing will be held August 22,1989 at 1:30 p.m.
The Commissioners received a fully executed copy of Contract
Number 2200-73615 with the DSHS and Grant County Mental Health.
The Commissioners met with various elected officials and depart-
ment heads regarding matters of mutual concern.
As there was no further business the session was continued until
August 1,1989.
August 1,1989
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Chamberlain
and Commissioner Chandler in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Department regarding
Resolution -Special Waste Disposal Rate, Contract Execution -RAP Project,
Triniday Property -Purchase request, 10:30 -Trout Lodge(Chris Austin),
TIB Submittals, Road Request -Quincy Area.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Dan Durand of the Sheriff
Department at the rate of a Shift Supervisor effective August 1,1989.
The Commissioners discussed the request by Simplot Processing Plant
in the Quincy vicinity regarding roads.
A motion was made by Commissioner Chandler and seconded by Commis-
sioner Chamberlain that Resolution Number 89 -74 -CC in the matter of
revising the Grant County Solid Waste Management Fund Disposal Fee
Schedule regarding asbestos be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher
Approval #7-1 through 7-2 in the total amount of $13,270.51.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors
Office July 28,1989 in the amount of $304,056.08.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign a Project Agreement
for Construction Proposal with the State of Washington, CRAB on Silica
Road, which was the returned to the State for their signatures.
The Commissioners met with a group on the Silica Road matter.
They received information from several people who were willing to
help pay the cost of the road construction.
The Commssioners approved the salary of Sally Cassella of the
Grant County Alcohol and Drug Center at $1170 effective August 7,1989.
The Commissioners signed the Payrolls Warrants list for the month
of July.
As there was no further business the session was adjourned until
August 7,1989.
Clerk he Board