Week of November 6,1989
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m.
with Commissioner Chandler and Commissioner Goodwin in attendance with the
Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Chamberlain was absent due to illness.
The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceeding session.
The Commissioners signed the Liquor License transfer from the Col-
umbia River Steamboat Co. to Crescent Bar Store & Cafe.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Maxine J. Burton of the
Grant County Alcohol and Drug Center at $1035.00 per month effective
November 1,1989.
The Commissioners signed the Notice of Separation or work Interuption
of Janice Goeden of the Assessors Office.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Laure Grammer of the
Assessors Office at $1243.80 per month.
The Commisisoners approved the salary of Pam Hill of the Assessors
Office at $1,156 per month effective November 6,1989.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Katherine Kenison
of the Prosecuting Attorney's Office at $2,274.00 per month effective
December 1,1989.
The Commisisoners approved the salary increase of Kristin Prater of
the Prosecuting Attorney's Office at $2,274.00 per month effective Nov-
ember 1,1989.
The Commissioners notified the Auditor's Office that the range of pay
for hourly employees is to be extended to $4.00 to $8.00 per hour effective
November 1,1989.
The Commissioners were notified by the Chief Dispatcher, Bob Rowland
that the salary for part-time dispatchers was being increased to $7.50
per hour effective November 1,1989. ,
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Larry Hively of the
Sheriff Department at $2,522 per month retroactive to January 1988.
The Commissioners approved the following requests for transfer:
Cooperative Extension -$2,800
Cooperative Extension-$ 500
Cooperative Extension-$ 50
The continuation of Public Hearing on the appropriation and expend-
iture of funds in the Data Processing Fund in the amount of $12,000 was
held and a motion was made by Commissioner Chandler and seconded by Com-
missioner Goodwin that Resolution Number 89 -109 -CC approving the approp-
riation as stated, be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners received a signed copy of an Agreement with the Depart-
ment of Natural Resources regarding the ORV area.
The Commisisoners met with various Elected Officials and Department
Heads regarding matters of mutual concern.
As there was no further business the session was continued until
November 7,1989
November 7,1989
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Goodwin and
Chandler in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Chamberlain
was still out due to illness.
The Commissioners signed a Contract with Palouse Asphalt Paving Co.,
Inc. for Crushing and Stockpiling.
The Commissioners signed a Contract with N C Machinery Co., for one
fixed dozer blade.
The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher Approval.
#10-1 through #10-168 in the total amount of $347,481.53.
The Commissioners were notified by the Public Works Director that
the '5' S.W.Road Reconstruction project was completed in accordance with
the Plans and Specifications called for in the contract.
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner
Chandler and seconded by Commissioner Goodwin that Resolution Number
89 -110 -CC authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds in the
Current expense Fund, Treasurer's Department in the amount of $7,500
be passed. The motion carried.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment
those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 11/7/89
in the total amount of $138,239.14.
As there was no further business the session was adjourned until
November 13,1989.
Clerkthe Board