Week of November 13,1989
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman Glenn Chamberlain. All of the Commissioners
were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners approved the minutes of the preceeding session.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Leonard Fluno of
the Building and Emergency Services Department in the amount of
$19,596 per year effective November 1,1989.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign the Notice of
Separation or work interruption for Fay Moncrief of the Treasurers
Office effective November 30,1989.
The Commissioners approved the request for transfer of the
Health District in the amount of $6,200.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors
Office 11/13/89 in the total amount of $100,253.35.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by
Commissioner Chandler that Resolution Number 89 -111 -CC relating
to the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds
for the Current Expense Fund, Sheriff Department in the amount of
$5,700 be passed. The motion carried. Public Hearing will be
held November 28,1989 at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign a Determination
of Non -Significance for the installation of a passive reflector
which is a non -powered reflective board used to re -direct telecom-
munication signals from one location to another. Proponent for
this project is U.S.West Communications.
Chairman Chamberlain was authorized to sign a Determination
of Non -Significance for the application of sludge produced by the
aerobic biological treatment of fruit processing wastewater at
Tree Top's Wenatchee Plant. No domestic sewage or sludge would
be included. Proponent for this project is Tree Top,lnc.
A Public Meeting was set for. November 27,1989 at 1:30 p.m.
regarding the proposed amendment to the Grant County Zoning Ord-
inance, Section V., Agriculture, regarding segregation of part
time farm units, and setting minimum lot size requirements for spin-
offs in the Agricultural Zoning District.
The Commissioners met with Frances Brown, Director of the
Grant County Alcoholism Programs regarding matters of mutual
As there was no further business the session was continued
until November 14,1989.
November 14,1989
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Com-
missioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding
Community Service -"Good Time" Credits, Drywell-Larson Housing Area,
Drivers License Requirements, O'Sullivan Dam Pit Site Agreement,
10:00 a.m. Bid Opening, Bridge #202, N-NE;N-NE Road, Bridge #242,
8 -NE; & Bridge #243, 6 -NE.
The Commissioners signed an agreement with the Bureau of
Reclamation regarding a license for erection and use of rock
crushing equipment. The Agreement was sent to the Bureau for their
Bids were opened on N -NE Road Reconstruction, Bridge #242,8 -NE,
Bridge #243, 6 -NE, Bridge #202, N -NE. A motion was made by Commis-
sioner Goodwin and seconded by Commissioner Chandler that the bids
be referred to the Public Works Department for their recommendations.
The motion carried.
The Commissioners requested to Accounting Department to funds
from the Centennial Fund to Commissioners Office and Operating
Supplies budget in the amount of $358.74 to cover expenses of the
Centennial Birthday Celebration. They also requested the transfer
of the amountof $4 3.75 to the postage budget for costs associated
with mailing invitations for the Centennial Birthday Celebration.
A motion was made by Commissioner Goodwin and seconded by Com-
missioner Chandler that. Resolution Number 89 -112 -CC in the matter of
notice of hearing on the final budget for the 1990 year be passed.
The motion carried. Public Hearing will be held December 4,1989
at 1:30 p.m. in the Commissioners Hearing Room.
A motion was made by Commissioner Chandler and seconded by
Commissioner Goodwin that Resolution Number 89 -113 -CC in the matter
of setting a Public Hearing to determine the assessments for the
Grant County Noxious Weed Control Board's 1990 budget. The motion
carried. Public Hearing will be held December 4,1989 at 1:30 p.m.
in the Commissioners Hearing Room.
The Commissioners met with members of the Grant County Fair
Board regarding matters of mutual concern.
As there was no further business the session was adjourned
until November 20,1989.