HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCMINUTES GRANT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS nL1CLN!I A_ , FE13',IRIJAFf'V ZIPI2tJ1f3 The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with Commissioners Stevens and Carter in attendance. ComlTlissioner Taylor was out and excused. 8:30 a.m. -- 9:00 a.m. Elected Official Roundtable 9:00 a.m. — 9:20 a,.rn. J Strickler, ASC Update and Misc BOCC Action (Items 1 through 6) A motion was made by f,:omrnissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve items 3, 5 and 6 on the agenda as presented, Items 2 and 4 were not ready for signature. The motion passed with 2 Corn missioners in attendance., 1. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services, grant administration, etc. 2. Antic1j:Pat1nt : Addendum to the 2018 --- 2019 Professional Services Agreement for Legal Representation of Indigent Individuals in the Juvenile Division of Ein--Int County Superior Court (Juvenile Offenders Only), between Grant County and Dovie Sigle. (Item not ready for signature) 3. Grant County General Program Administration Time Sheet for, CDBG Public Services Grant l#17-- 62210-005 for' the ter'rn of July 1,:2017 to June 30, 2018 for the Administrative Services Coordinator's budgeted $3,500 Admin Fee on the grant. (Approved) 4. Ant1cij:)atfny Memorandum of Understanding for participation in the Whole Person Care Collaborative Learning Community between Grant County, by and through its Grant Integrated Services Department and North Central Accountable Community Health. Term shall be effective from elate of signature and continue until the change plan is submitted to NCACH or the learning activing comes 1:0 COMpletion, whichever comes last. (Item not ready for signature) 5. Agreement between Grant County, by and through its New Hope Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services division and the'Washington State Coalition against Domestic Violence for pilot program to irnplement the innovative partnership between Parents as Teachers (PAT) home visitor program with the Columbia Basin Hlealth Association in Adams and Grant Counties. Agre,ernerit term will be: January 1, 2018 through November 30, 2018. (Approved) 6. BOC:C; ,i;,hair signature on Project Summary Sheet on CDBG 2018 Public Services Grant Application for c 3rant No. 18-622:1.0-005. (Approved) 9:30 a.m. - 9:50 axi. T'Taylor w/ K Eslinger at Courtroom Security Discussion (Human Resources) (Cancelled) 10:00 a.m.--10:15 a.m. Commissioners Office Safety Meeting 10:30 a.m.--10:4E3 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period Mike Scellick came in to discuss the Autism Walk held the last 2 years beginning at the courthouse lawn. This year it will be held May 19111. Page 2 of 9 Ciiranit Ccaunity Cornirriissiorrers IVIlilinutes Week of FE' nvary 215, 2018 Regarding the Nat Washington 3rd Powerhouse name change, there are many people in favor (Colville Tribe and Senators) and he hopes to have this completed by fall. hie is also looking to place a kiosk representing the Colville Indian history on the courthouse property. Commissioner Carter stated that maybe Grant County Tourism can help pay for it. Mr. Scellick is requesting Grant County to help in making the kiosk a reality. 1.1:00 a.m.--1:1.:20 a.m. Budget and Finance Update 1:00 p.m. —1:510 p.ni. Grunt Integrated Services Update �e Discussion: (governance oversight of Managed Care Organizations �® ACCOUritable (:;ommunities of Health Funding Update Criminal Justice Treatment Act Panel — RCIN 70.96A.350(6) cs Human Resource Update o Managed Cara Organizations Update 40 Behavioral Health Organization Closeout 3:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.ni. June Strickler Retirement Celebration As of this date,, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer- as required by RCW, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by R;CW 42.2:4.090, in the amount: of $480,853.4.5, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Mark Gregson (Gregrson Short Plat) File # P 17-0187 (preliminary 16-0234);: and the Bryan Allred Trustee (Allred Farm Unit 49 and WDU 87 Short Plat) File # P 18-0029 (preliminary h 17-0427) Final Plat Submission and Reviews. ;;9fJ l( FrE31ZlJ.R IFtIf 7 �2018 The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Stevens and Carter in attendance. Comrnissioner Taylor was out and excused. 9:00 a.m. — 9:50 a.rn. K Eslinger, Human Resources Update VssOoiry Il611nis 1 �Caurt S'eeurity — Youth Services Page e3 of 9 Ciirant County CCornimissioriers Minutes Week of February 216, 2018 Br��i;el,, E`Ins�r3� e � Ftr;ak Elood L'Zme_Plan Process _2. C;orrtpEans�rtioll, f3E�n��fitra, �'�� Pat1rr�ll; _ 7777 3. HWC Meetilag — 02/23/18�� 4. NOVAtime Project 5. ACCA. Reporting Project 6. Healthcare Expense AuditProcess 7. Provider Complaint 8. Ed.ward ,Tones �;rnplo�eiiel,►aftCneiit Iszixcs 9. Public Works Social Media Request-777-7777 _ 10. Associati.on- CU; DC; PW; SW,. YS Gdl vmm District: Court: Grievance Assessor's Office Grievance 11. Acssociation— Deputy Sheriiff Negotiation: Negotiations for'01/01/18 ➢ERQ I•ioliclay Pay A,rb'otration (DS) 12.. 1'eanis tors- G CS O — Corrections Negotiation: Corrections Mediation Arbitration Other: Corrections (:3rievance 13. Teamsters-.GrIS-CSb;InitialSvcs, Therapy Sves Negotiation: Negotiations for 01/01/18 10:00 a.m.--10:20 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Sheriff's Office, New Hope, Central Services, and Juvenile Court and Youth Services Budget Extensions The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider the following; budget extension requests: Sheriff's Office in the arnount of $14,100.00 to help cover the unexpected costs of a long; terns camera project in the jail. New Hope Fund #128, Departrnent #170 in the amount of $15,000.00 to purchase a new Dodge Grand Caravan. This request was originally approved on October 2, 2017 but the van was not delivered until 2018 and the funds were not carried forward to their 201.8 budget. Page 4 of 9 Clirant County C,ornimissioner,s Nlinutes 'Weelk of Februar11216, 2013 Central Services Fund #001 Department #112 in the amount of $11,132.11 to receive insurance reimbursement funds due to equipment damages caused by recent power outages. Juvenile Court: and Youth Services Fund #001, Department #11.7 in the amount: of $!524,153.27 for salaries and benefits that were not calculated correctly in their 201.7 budget: and for expenses related to the transition to Martin Hall Detention Canter that: were not budgeted. Dave Ponozzo, Undersheriff, stated they are requesting $14,100 from current expense to complete the jail carnera project: that began 4 years ago. Funds were approved 4 years ago and this project was not able to be completed and the budget was never brought forward. Suzi Fade, E)irector of New Hope, stated they are requesting to use funds from 2017 for the purchase of their new van that was approved in 2017' but the van was not delivered until 20:18. The funds are in their budget but now need approval to spend them. Budget extension was approved in 2017 but not carried over. Tom Gaines, Director of Central Services, described his request. Pepper Teterud, Administrative Assistant at .Juvenile Court and Youth Services stated their reque:::t is to make up salaries and benefits that were not calculated correctly in their 2018 budget and for (Martin Hall expenses. The Commissioners mentioned that the Martin Hall expien ses were not added to their 2018 budget in error. Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the rnotion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Cartier moved to approve the budget extensions as presented. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. The hearing adjourned. (Note: on 3/5/18, It viiiras decided to not use current expense funds for the Sheriff's Office $14,100 request. Funds -from their Jaill Concessions fund will be used instead. A transfer will be completed by Madeleine Prentice in Accounting. (Resolution signed on 3/5/18) 11:00 a.m.--12:00 p.m. Cornmissioners at Juvenile Court and Youth Services (Ephrata Facility) 1:30 p.m. — 2:20 p.m. J Tincher, Public Works Update (Items 1 through 5) A motion was made by (W.omrniSSiOner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve items 1 through 5 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. I. Execution of Contracts for the Crushing and ,Stockpiling 2018 project that was awarded to DeAtley Crushing; -for- the! bid amount of $388,900.00. (Approved) :?. Resoluti(0111 No. 18-029• 1CC Notice of Hearing vacating the Right of Way known as the alley between tots 2`.i and 4 of Block 2_0 of the Trinidad Plat— Hearing set for March 27, 2018 at 1:45 pm (AiaprOVed) 3. �kuthorization to Call for Bids: Road Stabilization 2018 project with a bid opening date of March 20, 20:18 at 1:30 pm. (Approved) Page, 5 of 9 C;irant County Cornirnissioners Minutes Week of February 26, 203,8 4. Request to purchase One Walk-N-Roll Packer through NJPA Process from Pape Machinery, Inc. for the amount of $29,675.00 not; including sales tax. (Approved) 5. Resolution No. 18-030-CC to rescind and replace Resolution No. 18-024-CC and setting a new date for the Allred Vacation Road and Right of way located on 12.5-SW , east of: Adams Road, for April 3, 2018 at 1:45 p.m. i(Approved) 1:30 p.m. —1:40 p.rri. Bid Opening, 58,000 lb. Truck Chassis — 2018 The following bids were received: ® Freightliner Northwest $272,736.30 (#1) $250,327.17 (#2) A motion was made by Commissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to turn the bids over to Public; Works for their review and recommendation. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. 2:30 p.m. — 2:50 rmnr G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 3:00 p.m. — 3:20 p.rn. Consent: Agenda (Items 1 through 8) A motion was made by (Wommissioner Carter, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to approve items 9. 'through 8 on the agenda as presented. 'The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioners Office and Public Defense Vouchers. (Approved) 2. Commissioners February 12, 2018 Minutes for approval. (Approved) 3. New liquor license application fear Tumbleweed Bar and Grill located in Mattawa, WA from the Washington ,State Liquor and Cannabis Board. (Approved) TREASURER'S �C 1"IFICI: 4. Application from Troy Granger for Resale of Tax Title property for Parcel No. 16-1781-000 with a starting bid of $1,000.00. The l"reasurer recommends denial of the offer and request a minimum of $5,000.00 for a minifflU n bid. [The Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Treasurer to deny the offer) 5. Application From -troy Granger for Resale of Tax Title property for Parcel Nos. 06-0891-000 and 06-0892-00O with a starting bid of $1,000.00. The Treasurer recommends denial of the offer and request a minimum of $3,000.00 for a minimum bid. (The Corn m issioners approved the recommendation of the lrreasiurer to deny the offer) Page 6 of 9 Grant County Corrvrrrissioners, Minutes IVVE%(?k of February 216, 2018 CENT11AL SERVICa.S 6. Request to purchase two (2) new emergency generators and recognize this as an emergency project and forego the corrrpetitive bid process. The purchase will be made from Critical Power Products in the amount of $182,720.92 which does not include the cost of installation. (Approved) FAURGROUNDS 7. Recommendation to modify the membership of -the Fair Advisory Committee (FAC) -From 7 full members and 2 alternate members to 9 full time members. (Approved) 8. Recommendation to appoint: Kevin Burgess, Robert Valen, and Christy Welch (former alternate) to the Fair Advisory Committee. (Approved) 3:30 p.m. — 3:50 p.rrr. Open Record Public Hearing, Amendment to UDC CH. 23.08 titled Cottage Industry Standards The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an amendment to the Grant County Unified Development Code Chapter 23.08 titled Cottage Industry Standards. The proposed language would allow a maximum usable building area of 12,000 square feet and one employee per 500 square feat. This amendment would affect all unincorporated Grant County. Tyler Lawrence, Senior Planner, discussed the amendment (Project Nos. P 17-0419 and P 17-0420). This request was submitted by Facility Leasing Investment, Carl Caudle. The Planning Commission is forwarding; their recommendation with the following amendment in the language to the BOCC and allow an increOlSe in the allowable square footage in 3 zones only: Agriculture, Rural Remote, and Rural Urban Reserve. Also allow square footage of 1% of the total parcel size UP TO 12,000 square feet in those zones. Also, they recomnnend to increase the allowable employees at a rate of 1 employee per 500 square feet per total building area being utilized for the Cottage Industry. Carl Caudle, proponent, discussed his request Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance, Commissioner Carter moved to approve the UDC: amendment as presented by the Planning Commission recognizing the 6 Findings of Facts. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. The hearing adjourned. (Ordinance No. 1,8-.031-CC) Page 7 of 9 Chant Counter C.ornimissioners Minutes Week of February 216, 201.8 3:50 p.m. — 4:11.0 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Amendments to UDC CH. 23.04 Zoning, 23.08 Performance and Use Standards, and 23.12 Development Standards The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an amendment to the Grant County Unified Development Code 23.04 Zoning (Table 5, Hangars in RVR1 & RVR2 zone), 23.08 Performance and Use Standards (fence height standards for commercial and industrial uses) and 23.1.2 Development Standards (building height standards for commercial and industrial zones). This amendment Vnrould affect all unincorporated Grant County. Connor Lange, Associate Planner from the Development Services Department, gave a description of the application. The project number is P 17-0432. The Planning Commission modified a portion of the proposal and recommended unanimously to approve the amendments. 23.04, The Planning Commission left alone the section on making plane hangars allowed outright in the Rural Village Residential 1 and 2. It previously required a Conditional Use Permit (CUP), but now it doesn't. Changes to the Building Height to in Commercial and Industrial Zones in the building height to 45 feet. In footnote :17, for every 1 foot increase in all the setbacks, they can potentially go higher than 45 feet to a maximum of 80 feet in height. 'This was left alone by the Planning Cornrnission. 23.08 • Fence standards, the Planning Commission proposed one change to have the maximum height of fences would be 7 feet plus an additional 18 inches of ancillary material at the top of the fence (barbed wire). Originally proposed to remove a section of -the existing standards regarding an allowance for a variance to the 7 feet in fence height for agricultural buffering. The Planning Department would like to add that back: into the code. 23.12 ••- the Planning Commission suggested no amendments to the Planning Department's recornmendations. The above 2 changes were made by the Planning Commission and are different from the original proposal Discussion ensued Commissioner Carter moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Cartier moved to approve the UDC amendment as presented by the Planning Commission recognizing; the 7 Findings of Facts. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed with 2 Cornrnissioners in attendance. The hearing adjourned. (Ordinance No. 18-032-CC) 4:00 p.m. — 5:00 p.rri. C Carter at Port of Royal Slope (Royal Slope) Page 8 of 9 Ciirant County C.ornirriissioners Miinutes Week of February 26, 203.8 'WEDNESDAY, FEBRII U? RY 28L24:18 The session was continued at 9:30 a.m. with Commissioners Stevens and Carter in attendance. Commissioner Taylor was out and excused. 8:30 a.m. — 9:30 a.m. Central Safety Meeting 9:30 a.m. — 9:50 a.m. B Hill, Public Defense Update 10:30 a.m.--10:50 a.m. T.Jones, Sheriff's Office Update (Cancelled) 11:00 a.m.--11:20 a.m. K Allen, Clerk's Office Update! 11:30 a.m.--12:00 p.rn. R Stevens, Finance Committee Meeting 1.:00 p.m. —'2:00 p.rri. District Court Grievance Meeting Pursuant to RCVV 42.30.110(1)(f) Commissioner Stevens called an Executive Session to order at 1:00 pLm. to go until 1:41 p.m. to discuss personnel disciplinary matters. In attendance were Commissioners Stevens and Carter, Kirk Eslinger and Matt Morrison of Human Resources, Rosa Uvalle, Karen Maedke, nick Cole, "I"ifini Fairbanks, and Pat Emmal. Commissioner Stevens closed the session at 1:41 p.m. ;;6"IF URSIDAY, MARCI_I j:,2018 7:00 a.m. — 8:00 a.rn. 8:00 a.m. —1:00 a.m, 9:30 a.m. —1:00 pan. 6:00 p.m. — 7:30 p.rri. I� II ICDi!� �'LIVI A i Ft f,; FV _Z�;:e Oi 1 f No meetings held "'T'entative" T Taylor at Moses Lake Chamber Response Team Meeting (Moses Lake Chamber Office) C Carter, WSAC Legislative Steering Committee — Conference Call R Stevens at Columbia River Policy Advisory Group Meeting (Lacey) FAIR ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING (Fairgrounds) Page 9 of 9 Grant County Cornirrillssioniars IVIiinutes Week of Febwary 26, 201.8 Signed this clay of _yn#.,L )b C._ 2018. Attest: �b a r a J. V as q u,,6, erk of the Board BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washin ton Richard Stevens, Chair T m Ta lor, Vic - A Cindy Car�kr, Member