HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 17-113-CCBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Grant County, Washington A RESOLUTION RESCINDING GRANT ) RESOLUTION No. 17 - P 3 -CC COUNTY'S SAFETY/RISK MANAGEMENT ) POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL, ) MARCH 1996 EDITION ) WHEREAS, a review of the 1996 edition of Grant County's Safety/Risk Management Policies and Procedures Manual was conducted on December 13, 2017; and, WHEREAS, much of the Manual was found to be outdated, redundant and obsolete; and WHEREAS, relevant and necesary portions have been superseded by up-to-date County policies and procedures; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the Board of County Commissioners rescinds Grant County's Safety/Risk Management Policies and Procedures Manual. DATED this Z day of December, 2017. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Thomas Taylor, Member ATTEST: aara J. VasgL z Cl rk of the Board Resolution Name Page 1 of 1 N:\C ivil8\DEPARTMENTS\Resolutions/SafetyRiskRescission P,g Gr t Cl� Central Safety Committee Copy Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 1 of 33 MISSION STATEMENT Safety at Grant County (the County) is an ongoing commitment by all employees to provide a safe working environment for all County workers through education, participation,: incident review, and compliance, as well as to remove Poll & Procedure Manual - Page 2 of 33 POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of Grant County to provide and maintain safe and healthful working conditions and to follow operating practices that will ensure the safety of all employees, The success of our accident prevention program depends on the sincere, constant and cooperative effort of all levels of management and participating support of all employees. Efficiency can be measured by our ability to control unnecessary loss Accidents resulting in personal injury and damage to property and equipment represent needless waste. No job is so important or urgent that we cannot take time to perform our work in a safe and efficient manner. All personnel in supervisory positions shall recognize their responsibility in observance of this policy and understand that accident prevention is as much their own obligation as is any other phase of their work, Every employee shall observe safe work procedures to ensure his or her own personal safety and the safety of co- workers. To this end, all employees shall use all safeguards and protective equipment provided and work within the safety rules established by Grant County, Employee safety continues to be a first consideration in County operations. Joint cooperation of employees and management in accident prevention will result in mutual advantage to all. DATED this ;� day of March, 1996. ATTEST: .�' Peggy ` I t= C� ' k TIIM NEAR , Chair Board',of Coriimissioners HELEN FANC HER, Member Board of Commissioners BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WA.SHINGTON Tim Si' ead' Chair Helen Fancher, Member ILeRoy�C . Allison, Member Date: //, Al -7/ ( 1; �Z2,1, Date Z/ Date Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 3 of 33 LEROY./C . ALLISQN, Member Board of Commissioners i 'WILL•IAM A. WIESTER. Grant County Sheriff / k[n DOII MC—DOWALL- Grant County Assessor cI , KNOO LL. Prosecuting Attorney 4 GORDON E . Grant County Clerk .i 1` '—WILL.iAM L, VARNEY Grant County Auditor J DnR RYL D . PHEASANT Grant County Treasurer PE-INiNY L,,SIBLE { / Grant County Coroner - � G�iyt, �EVAIN E . SPERIIINE Superior Cour7 Judge Policies & Procedure Manual - Page s of 33 Date Date Dart Dat Date Date �/29 / Dace j S upe'ri�Court judge MOBERG District Court Judge District Court .1 PoLicies & P7'cc2dure Nlanual - Page 5 of 33 Daze Da ce TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.00 DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 8 2.00 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.10 GRANT CO. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS/ELECTED OFFICIALS . 10 2.20 ELECTED OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS . . . . . . 10 . 10 2.30 RISK MANAGER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.40 SUPERVISOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.50 EMPLOYEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.00 SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION 3.10 SAFETY COMMITTEES AUTHORIZED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.20 SAFETY REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.30 SAFETY SUGGESTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3.40 SAFETY EDUCATION . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . 18 3.50 SAFETY INSPECTIONS AND REPORTING PROCEDURES . . . . . 18 3.60 SAFETY BULLETIN BOARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.00 ACCIDENT OCCURRENCE 4.10 VEHICLE ACCIDENT PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 ^_.20 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS/ILLNESS PROCEDURES 22 4.30 SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING VEHICLE ACCIDENT AND INDUSTRIAL INJURY/ILLNESS PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . 27 5.00 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 5.10 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.20 SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 5.30 RISK MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 5.40 ELECTED OFFICIAL/DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 28 6.00 ACCIDENT REVIEW 6.10 REVIEW ESTABLISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 6.20 REVIEW COMIMITTEE MEyIBERSHIP AND STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 6.30 REVIEW COMMITTEE DUTIES AND AUTHORITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 6.40 REVIEW TIME FRAME ESTABLISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7.00 ACCIDENT REVIEW DISPOSITION 7.10 REPORT . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7.20 FORMAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 7.30 DECISION AUTHORITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 8.00 APPENDIX 8,10 PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 6 of 33 8.20 APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 7 of 33 1.00 DEFINITIONS .Accident Reconstructionist An individual trained in the technical aspects of determining how an accident occurred. Board of County Commissioners The duly elected or appointed commissioners of Grant County. Careless Inattention, lack of diligence, failure to exercise such as persons of ordinary prudence would usually exercise in their own affairs and which would be expected of others under similar circumstances. Cause Analysis The effort to determine why the accident occurred. Commissioners See Board of County Commissioners. County Grant County, Washington State. County Driver All County officials and employees who drive County vehicles or who use their personal vehicles to perform official County duties. County Vehicle Any automobile, motorcycle, plane, boat, truck, tractor, heavy equipment or any other motorized vehicle which is owned, leased, or in the possession or control of Grant County while being operated on County business . Department An agency of County government, created by the Board of County Commissioners and headed by an individual appointed by the Board of County Commissioners . Department Head Director The individual appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to oversee a department. Elected Official An individual elected by the voters of the County to an Office , Emergency A sudden, unexpected happening; an unforeseen occurrence or condition calling for immediate action. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 8 of 33 Employee An officer, employee or servant of the County whether or not compensated, elected, or appointed, or authorized volunteers, but does not include an independent contractor. Employer One who employs the services of another; an elected officer or board of elected officers of the County having the authority to appoint or terminate the employee's services. Inspector One engaged in the process of inspecting. Material. Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) A form provided by a chemical manufacturer which contains information pertinent to the safe use, handling, and storage requirements for each chemical material. Negligence An action or inaction more severe than careless but less severe than reckless. See Careless and Reckless. Not Preventable The incident or act was such that a reasonable individual exercising ordinary care could not have prevented the incident or act from occurring, Office An agency of county government whose administrator is an Elected Official. Personal Vehicle Any vehicle(s) which is personally owned, leased or in the possession or control of a Grant County employee while being driven on County business. Preventable The incident or act was such that a reasonable individual exercising ordinary care could have prevented the incident or act from occurring. Reckless Voluntary conduct, action, or inaction which is more than careless or negligent. Conduct, action, or inaction which is willful and shows a conscious disregard for rules, regulations, policies and the safety of self or others. Conduct, action, or inaction which shows extreme indifference to rules, regulations, policies, or the safety of self or others. Risk Manager The individual/department appointed by the Board of County Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 9 of 33 Commissioners to oversee risk/safety issues at Grant County. Remote_ Worksite A worksite away from established . working spaces. A worksite away from established County offices / departments . Supervisor A County employee responsible for the activities of subordinate personnel also working -for the _ County. An individual who directs, coordinates, and evaluates the activities of other employees. Willful Voluntary, intending the result which actually comes to pass; intentional, not accidental. 2.00 RESPONSIBILITIES 2.10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ELECTED OFFICIALS The Board of County Commissioners/Elected Officials have the responsibility to promulgate this document and the Commissioners shall communicate its contents to all Department Directors. The Commissioners / Elected Officials shall support this policy and procedure manual and shall set an example in terms of safetyin the work place. 2.20 ELECTED OFFICIALS AND DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS Elected Officials and Department Directors have the responsibility of communicating the contents of this policy and procedure manual to their managers and supervisors. They must support the content as well as the spirit of this safety manual, working to fulfill the Safety Mission in Grant County. They must also set an example in terms of safety in the work place. 2.30 RISK IYIANAGER The Risk Manager has the responsibility to communicate the contents of this manualwithElected Officials/Department Directors, as well as County managers, supervisors and employees, The Risk Manager is the facilitator of the safety program in Grant County and therefore assumes a ea ers p roe in ma ng Grant 7ounty safety recommendations and suggestions. In addition to the clearly defined duties enumerated in this policy and procedure manual, the Risk Manager has the additional responsibility to lead by example in the area of safety, setting the tone for safety in the work place. The Risk Manager ensures compliance with this manual as well as any a ditiona sate y regu a ons se ort by proper aut ority. He/she has, in conjunction with the appropriate Elected Official/Department Director, the authority to recommend sanctions for safety violations . In this regard, the Risk Manager must work closely with all Elected Officials and Department Directors in the Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 10 of 33 County. 2.40 SUPERVISOR Each supervisor has the responsibility to ensure that employees understand and comply with the policies and procedures set forth in this manual. In addition to specific duties set forth in this manual, the supervisor also shares in the responsibility of training employees to facilitate the Mission Statement. As such, the supervisor shall also lead by example in the area of safety in the work place. 2.50 EMPLOYEE Every employee, including those identified above, shall have the responsibility to support the policies and procedures set forth in this manual, and to work diligently to achieve the safest working environment possible. 3.00 SAFETY AND ACCIDENT PREVENTION 3.10 SAFETY COM rffTTEES AUTHORIZED 3.10.10 Grant County shall have a Central Safety Committee with a representative from Drug & Alcohol, Mental Health, Public Works, Coroner's .Office, Juvenile Justice Center, a representative from either Maintenance, Fairgrounds, Planning Department or Building Department, a representative from either Sheriff's Office .,)r Corrections Facility, and a representative from one of 'he following: Superior Court Clerk's Office, District Court, Prosecutor's Office, Treasurer's Office, Assessor's Office, or Auditor's Office, comprised of employer - selected and employee -elected members. This ccmmittee shall elect a chairperson. (WAC 296-24-045) The Risk Manager shall serve as the advisor to this committee. 3.10.20 Membership and terms of the Central Safety Committee members is outlined in the Rules of Procedure of the Central Safety Committee (Appendix 1) . These individuals will work with the Risk Manager to deal with safety issues, review safety practices, and discuss potential safety problems and accident prevention. 3.10.30 The Grant County Central Safety Committee will meet at least once per quarter, They shall keep minutes of their proceedings and shall distribute them to all County: offices and departments . Elected Officials and Department Directors shall be responsible for keeping copies of these minutes in locations set aside for safety information and notices. Safety Committee minutes shall be reviewed Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 11 of 33 during departmental safety meetings,. ., 3.10.40 The Grant County Central Safety Committee .shall serve to coordinate the safety strategy of the County, including: 3.10.41 Reviewing safety suggestions and recommendations from County employee's, and discuss safety matters, review safety. practices,., and:: discuss potential safety problems_ and accident prevention, A written record shall be kept,of these meetings and copies shall be filed with the Risk Manager. 3.10.42 Reviewing safety and accident statistics for the County by the Risk Manager. 3.10.43 Advising the Risk Manager in matters of safety. 3.10.44 Making recommendations to the Elected Officials in the area of sa f ety . 3.10.45 Performing other duties for safety as determined by the Elected Officials. 3.20 SAFETY REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS 3.20 -10 Employee Responsibilities All. employees are required, as a condition of employment, to observe all safety policies and procedures, and General Health. & Safety Standards. ;To be safety conscious at all times is of obvious benefit to all employees. Employees are required to: 3.20.11 Attend the initial safety orientation training required of new employees when hired. 3.20.12 Know and comply with all safety rules. 3.20.la Use and care for all required protective equipment, and notify their supervisor of damaged or worn out equipment. Request_ special equipment if needed. 3.20.14 Identify and report potential safety and risk hazards and suggest ways to correct unsafe equipment or procedures by utilizing the Safety Suggestion Form (Appendix 2) . 3.20.15 Immediately report all accidents to their immediate supervisor regardless of severity or type, per the Industrial Accident/Illnesses Procedures located in Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 12 of 33 Section 4 20 of this manual. 3.20.16 Serve on safety committees when appointed or elected. 3.20.17 Participate in ongoing safety training and education as provided, required, and needed. 3.20.18 Comply with Grant County's Alcohol and Drug -Free Work place Resolution (Appendix 3) which states in part "employees shall not report to work under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; possess, while on duty or subject to being called; or utilize such substances while they are subject to duty; sell or provide alcohol or drugs to anyone while such employee is on duty; or have their ability to work impaired as a result of the use of alcohol or drugs. " 3.20.19 Comply with the Grant County traffic control directives for various types of road crew and operations and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, per WAC 296-155-300. 3.20.19(a)Any County employee, except law enforcement, engaged in a flagging operation, shall be certified in accordance tiv-_'th regulations set forth by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (WAC 296-155- 305) 3.20.20 Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation. 3.20.21 Grant County shall provide portable fire extinguishers as approved by the Grant County Fire Marshal and Grant County Maintenance Department. They shall be mounted, located, and identified so that they are readily accessible to employees without subjecting the employees to possible injury. 3.20.21(a) The County shall comply with the general requirements for fire extinguishers set forth in WAC 296- 24-59205. 3.20.21(b) Portable fire extinguishers for use by employees shall be placed so that the travel distance from the hazard area to the extinguisher is 75 feet or less. (WAC 296-24-59207) 3.20.21(c) Fire extinguisher shall be inspected in accordance with WAC 296-24-59209. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 13 of 33 3.20.22 Employees shall know the location and type of the fire extinguisher nearest their work station. 3.20.23 Employees shall comply with all no smoking rules, regulations, and signs in accordance with the Grant County policy regarding same. (Appendix 4 - Grant County Resolution No. 96-28-CC) . 3.20.24 The County shall post, at a designated location on each floor of all County buildings, an evacuation plan, complete with a floor plan and instructions. 3.20.25 Employees shall follow the instructions set forth in the evacuation plan in the event of a fire or other emergency calling for the evacuation of the building. 3.20.30 Toilet Facilities. The County shall provide toilet facilities which are in compliance with WAC 296-24- 12007. Facilities shall be adequate in size for the work capacity and shall be kept clean and safe for use. 3.20..40 Chemical Emergencies. Employees shall be governed internally by the instructions set forth by WAC 296- 62-054 and the Grant County's Hazardous Communications Plan (Appendix 5) . 3.20.50 Drivingand Vehicular Safety. 3.20.51 Identification of County Vehicles. All County vehicles are to be distinctly identified in accordance with RCW 46.08.065 with the exception of Sheriff's detectives undercover and'other vehicles, Mental Health vehicles and the Prosecuting Attorney's vehicle, and as excepted by the Board of Commissioners 3.20.52 Driverts License 3.20.52(a) No person shall drive a County or personal vehicle for use in official County duties without possessing a valid driver's license. "Endorsements" or validation for special equipment shall be required for individuals whose job descriptions call for the operation of such equipment. 3.20.52(b) At the discretion of the Elected Official/Department Director, very serious violations (including without limitation DWI, physical control, vehicular assault, vehicular homicide, driving while Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 14 of 33 license suspended/revoked, hit and run attended/unattended, conviction for drug offenses (VUCSA), operating motor vehicle without liability insurance, etc.), may result in suspension of driving privileges as recommended by the Risk Manager. This includes an employee's right to drive any vehicle, including a personal vehicle, on County business. 3.20.52(c) County drivers shall annually provide to the Risk Manager their driver's license numbers for a license verification check and record history by the Department of Motor Vehicles . Information on driving records will be kept confidential and used solely by the County for verifying the driving status of County drivers for insurance purposes. 3.20.53 County Drivers' Responsibilities 3.20.53(a) It is the responsibility of each employee who operates a County or personal vehicle while on County business to do so in the safest possible manner. 3.20.53(b) No County motor vehicle shall be driven by a person who is not a County officer or employee, 3.20.53(c) County vehicles are to be used for official business only; personal use (any use outside of normal actions necessary to carry out Co,.,nty business) of County vehicles is not allowed. 3.20.53(d) The only persons authorized to ride in vehicles assigned to the Sheriff's Office are outlined in Grant County Sheriff's Office Policy & Procedures Handbook, Civilian Ride Program. 3.20.53(e) County vehicles may not be taken out of Washington State without prior approval from, the„.. Commissioners . 3.20.53 (f) All County employees and passengers are required to wear a seat belt while operating a County vehicle per RCW 46.61.688 (Mandatory Seat Belt Law) . 3.20.53(g) No person shall drive a personal motor vehicle for use in official County duties without having in force a valid motor vehicle insurance policy. Endorsements for private vehicles shall be provided to Elected Official/ Department Director upon request. 3.20.53(h) It is recommended that County employees who Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 15 of 33 routinely drive their . personal vehicle (s) on County business three (3) days per week or more, consult with his/herinsurance agent to determine if they need a business use endorsement on his/her personal automobile liability policy. 3. 20.53 (i)' All County vehicles shall be kept in good repair. Prior to operating any County vehicle, the operator shall be responsible to check the equipment .and make sure that it is in safe operating condition. 3.20.53(j) Any deficiencies or unsafe conditions found in any County vehicle shall be reported immediately to the Risk Manager and Public Works Director and the vehicle shall not be used until repaired. A Vehicle Safety Inspection Checklist shall be provided by the Departmental Safety Representative or Risk Manager and a copy shall be kept in each vehicle (Appendix 6) . 3.20.53 (k) The interior and exterior of the County vehicle is to be kept clean by the operator . 3.20 53(1) If required, County drivers are to keep records of mileage, minor repairs, gas usage, etc. 3.20.53(m) Adequate precautions are to be taken to protect the County vehicle from damage or theft 3.20.53(n) The employee will be personally responsible for any fines related to violations as set forth in Chapter 46.61 RCW (Rules of the Road) , Chapter 46.44 RCW (Size, Weight, Load) as well as overloading, hanging materials (dirt, rock, brush, etc.) on the vehicle, unsecured loads, and any spilling that may occur. 3.30 SAFETY SUGGESTIONS 3.30.10 All County employees are actively encouraged to make suggestions for safety improvements in the work environment. 3 , 30.11 Written safety suggestions shall be submitted to Elected Official/Department Director. The Elected Official or Department Director will, if necessary, fill out a work order form and turn in to the Maintenance Department for action, if required. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 16 of 33 3.30.12 The individual filling out the suggestion form explains in detail the location., what is unsafe, description of condition, miscellaneous information to help Maintenance understand the problem, and suggest corrective actions. 3.30.13 The individual making the suggestion may remain anonymous. 3.30.20 The Central Safety Committee and Risk Manager shall maintain a procedure to facilitate the processing of written safety suggestions. Safety Suggestion Forms (Appendix 2) shall be made available to all employees through their Elected Official or Department Director, departmental safety committee representative or County Risk Manager. 3.30.30 The appropriate Elected Official/Department Director shall investigate each safety suggestion and provide a written response to the individual making the suggestion. Assistance can be provided by the Risk Manager and/or departmental safety representative if requested by the Elected Official or Department Director, 3.30.40 Completed safety suggestion forms will be distributed to the departmental safety representative and Risk Manager for discussion at the safety committee meeting. 3.30.50 If it is determined by the appropriate Elected Official/ Department Director and the Risk Manager, that the safety suggestion should be implemented, that recommendation, along with any financial impact information, shall be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners by the appropriate Elected Official/Department Director involved in conjunction with the Risk Manager. The Elected Official/Department Director can implement the safety suggestion if deemed necessary by the Commissioners. Any fiscal impact shall be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners by the appropriate Elected Official/ Department Director. 3.30.60 Nothing in this section precludes the appropriate Elected Official/Department Director or Risk Manager from taking immediate emergency action to eliminate a dangerous situation which has been brought to their attention. When exercising this authority, the Risk Manager shall notify the appropriate Elected Official/Department Director and the Board of County Commissioners as soon as possible as to the dangerous situation, the action taken, and any additional recommendations to address the problem. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 17 of 33 M 3.40 SAFETY EDUCATION 3.40.10 A basic . first aid/CPR card reco ized by the State Department o Labor and Industries, is required of a ecte ounty emp ogees as state h! C 296-2a-01 and as outlined below. A record of first aid7 CPR Tr_a— .ng should -be maintained on file by each department. 3.40.11 Elected Officials/Department Directors shall ensure an individual with a valid first aid/ CPR card is working in each office/ department in the Count Courthouse,. ana U.Ses a e and Quincy at all times. In addition, the Elected O ficial/Department Director shall ensure a foreman, supervisor, or, persons in direct charge of crews (two or more emp ogees wor nat a remote woTTEite separate and remote from'the main office/department) have a -valid first aid/CPR card. 3.40.12 First aid/CPR training will be provided by the County to affected Grant County employees . 3.40.20 Grant County will comply with the Bloodborne Exposure Standard, WAC 296-62-08001 by providing an Exposure Control Plan for those job classifications determined as having occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. (See Bloodborne Pathogen Standard in the Job Safety Training Manual -Appendix 7) 3.50 SAFETY INSPECTIONS AND REPORTING PROCEDURES 3.5 0.10 Intern? 7 Inspect? ons 3 , 50.11 Safety inspections are an important part of any safety program. Such inspections shall be conducted at times set forth by the appropriate Elected Official/Department Director and the Risk Manager 3.50.12 The Risk Manager will maintain a procedure and appropriate forms to facilitate the processing of observed. hazards (See Appendix 8, Departmental Inspection Checklists), This checklist will be handed out at the safety committee meetings and must. be completed quarterly by the safety representative or designee and returned to the Risk Manager for review. 3.50..13 Any observed hazard will be discussed at the Grant County Safety Committee meeting so that all on the Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 18 of 33 committee can have input into the Elected Official/Department Director and Risk Manager's investigation of the hazard. 3.50.20 External Inspections 3.50.21 Unannounced inspections by authorized Department of Labor & Industries inspectors escorted by the Risk Manager may be undertaken at any time, pursuant to applicable law. 3.50.22 The following are subject to inspection by Department of Labor & Industries personnel and/or any other authorized inspector; 3.50.22 (a) All County owned vehicles. 3.50.22(b) All County owned equipment. 3.50.22(c) All County owned facilities. 3.50.22(d) All County issued equipment. 3.50.22(e) All space, equipment, and facilities leased by the County from private vendors for the purpose of conducting County business. 3.50.22(f) A._y County office/department or remote worksite, including those offices/departments or remote work sites which have been contracted out to private vendors. 3.50.30 Management and Supervisory personnel or their designee shall make themselves available to the Department of Labor & Industries inspector, accompanied by the Risk Manager to assist in the inspection process.. 3.50.31 Any authorized inspector arriving at a office/department or remote worksite shall be immediately referred to the on -scene supervisor who shall in turn contact the Risk Manager. In the absence of the Risk Manager, the Civil Deputy Prosecuting Attorney shall be contacted. 3.50.32 The inspector's credentials shall be verified by the supervisor and the Risk Manager to determine the authority of the inspector. 3.50.33 The supervisor or a designee and the Risk Manager shall arrange to accompany the inspector. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 19 of 33 3.50.34 During the inspection, the supervisor or designee and/or Risk Manager shall fix violations immediately if possible. Demonstrating "good faith" effort to protect employeessafety can reduce possible fines. 3.50.35 The inspector will be permitted to talk to County employees in private. 3.50.36 The'inspector will be acquainted with specific areas of adherence with the Grant County Safety Program to the greatest extent possible by the on -scene supervisor and Risk Manager. The inspector shall be shown Grant County's written Safety/Risk Management Manual and provided with evidence of employee safety/risk management training programs. 3.50.40 - An exit interview will be requested from any inspector conducting an inspection. The on -scene supervisor or designee and Risk Manager will keep a written record of what is discussed by the authorized inspector and what the inspector advises will be included in the final report. 3.50.50 Copies of the exit interview record will be forwarded to the, appropriate Elected Official/Department Director as well as the Risk Manager. 3.50.60 The Elected Official/Department Director or the Risk Manager will respond to the items set forth in the exit interview record pursuant to the procedure set forth in Chapter 49.17 RCW (Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act) . 3.60 SAFETY BULLETIN BOARDS 3.60.10 Safety bulletin boards will be maintained at every fixed establishment employing eight or more persons. They will contain required safety postings and other safety related material: 3.60.20 The following locations will have Safety Bulletin Boards for employee reference: 3.60.20(a) Building/Planning Department Annex - Ephrata 3.6020(b) District Court Clerk's Office - Moses Lake 3.60.20(c) Ephrata Courthouse - Lobby & Commissioners' Bulletin Boards, Auditor's Office, Accounting Department, Treasurer's Office, Assessor's Office, Public .Works Department., District Court, and Communications -Dispatch Center Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 20 of 33 3.60.20(d) 3.60.20(e) 3.60.20(f) 3.60.20(g) 3.60.20(h) 3.60.20(i) 3.60.20(j) 3.60.20(k) 3.60.20(1) 3.60.20(m) 3.60.20(n) 3.60.20(c) 3.60.20(p) 3.60.20(q) 3.60.02(r) 4.00 ACCIDENT OCCURRENCE Drug & Alcohol - Moses Lake Mental Health - Moses Lake & Quincy Road District No. 1 (Hartline Shop) Road District No. 2 (Moses Lake Shop) Road District No. 3 ( Quincy Shop) Royal City Shop Solid Waste Department - Ephrata Landfill Prosecutor's Office - Justice Center Superior Court Clerk's Lounge - Justice Center Sheriff's Office Bulletin Board - Justice Center Corrections Facility - Justice Center Maintenance Department - Justice Center Juvenile Justice Center - Ephrata Fairgrounds Office - Moses Lake Coroner - Moses Lake 4.10 VEHICLE ACCIDENT PROCEDURES 4.10.10 County Employee/Driver Responsibilities 4.10.11 In the event that a County employee operating a County vehicle or their personal vehicle on County business is involved in an accident with another party, the County driver shall immediately and if necessary and possible, provide first aid to any injured party. It is recommended that those providing first aid/CPR have a valid first aid/CPR card. 4.10.12 The County driver shall immediately notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and his/her supervisor. 4.10.13 No vehicles shall be moved within the accident scene until law enforcement arrives unless a greater safety hazard would be created by not moving the vehicles. 4.10.14 The County employee/driver shall exchange driver's license, vehicle registration, and insurance information with the operator(s) of the other vehicle (s) . 4.10.15 If possible, the County employee/driver shall gather the names and addresses of all potential witnesses to the accident including passengers in all Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 21 of 33 vehicles involved 4.10.16, The County employee/driver shall complete the Vehicle Accident Checklist located in the glove compartment of each.County vehicle (Appendix 9) . 4.10.17 The County employee/ driver in conjunction with the Risk 1lanager and. the County Engineer and/or accident reconstructionist - shall, if the accident results in death, personal injury, or property damage in excess of $500, complete the State of Washington Uniform:- Report Form (Form WSP-161, see Appendix 10) within 24 hours. This form is available from any law enforcement agency. 4.10.18 The County employee/ driver shall complete and submit to the Risk Manager the Supplementary Record of Occupational Injuries/Illnesses form - (See Appendix 11) within 24 hours of the accident. 4.10.30 The Risk Manager will provide.. a "Vehicle Accident Check list" to be placed in each County vehicle along with the other appropriate forms so that a reminder will be available to County employees who are involved in a vehicle accident (Appendix 9) . 4.20 INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENVILLINESS PROCEDURES 4.20.10 In the event of a job related Industrial Accident, the first and primary consideration is to seek appropriate first aid and/or medical attention based on the extent of the injury, illness, or exposure . Reporting all Industrial Accidents / Illnesses is mandatory. Insuring full employee benefits and reasonable liability adjustments at the lowest cost to the County is initially dependant upon proper and timely reporting. It is the responsibility of each employee to report all job related Industrial Accidents/Illnesses in accordance with this section. It is required by the law all job related occupational injuries and illnesses be reported, (RCW 51.28.010) regardless of the degree of the accident. 4.20.20 Reporting of Occupational Injuries/Illnesses 4.20.21 All employees are required to report all job related occupational injuries/illnesses immediately or as soon thereafter.as possible during the current shift to the employee's immediate supervisor. Reporting on the next work shift is not an acceptable practice. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 22 of 33 4.20.22 The supervisor shall make immediate arrangements for the injured employee to be transported to the nearest medical facility for medical attention if needed. 4.20.23 If the employee seeks medical attention, the employee will take a Physicians Initial Report (PIR) (Appendix 12) and have the attending physician complete the form. The completed form is delivered to the Risk Manager by the employee as soon as practicable . 4.20.24 The employee reports to the appropriate work location supervisor or designee the same day as the incident to report their doctor's findings and complete the necessary forms as follows: 4.20.24(a) After seeking medical attention, the employee shall complete the "Report of Personal Injury or Occupational Disease" (Form RPIOD, Appendix 13) . The RPIOD is the official form for reporting a claim for injury /illnesses . This report, when completed; will be forwarded .to the Risk Manager within 24 hours of the physician's examination. The RPIOD (if . approved) initiates compensation for injury/illness time loss and/or medical expenses. 1.20.24(b) The RPIOD top portion is completed by the employee. Employee signature is required in one place. 4..20.24(c) The bottom portion is completed by the examining physician. 4.20.24(d) Completed forms are sent to the Risk Manager within 24 hours of the physician's examination. After reviewing documents, they will be sent to the Department of Labor and Industries for determination. 4.20.25 The Supplementary Record of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses is completed whether the employee seeks medical attention or does not seek medical attention. 4.20.25 (a) The employee completes the front side and the supervisor completes the back side. 4.20.25 (b) Completed forms are sent to the Risk Manager with any employee statements and witness reports attached within 24 hours of the accident. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 23 of 33 4.20.26 4.20.27 The Physician's Initial Report (FIR) which .is completed by the physician states the employek3's work status.'- The employee returns the completed form to the supervisor or designee. The original is sent to the Risk Manager. No employee who has been referred to a doctor as a result of a job related injury accident shall be allowed to return to work with the County until such time a that employee has submitted a "Return to Work" notice from his/her physician to the appropriate Elected Official/Department Director and the Risk Manager. 4.20.28 If an employee continues treatment for a work -related injury or illness, it is his / her responsibility to report his /her progress or doctor's findings within 24 hours to their supervisor after each subsequent visit. 4.20.29 In the ` event that the injury to the employee incapacitates the employee from completing the required reports, the employee's supervisor or designee shall assume responsibility for gathering and reporting all information to the Risk Manager as set forth in Section 4.20.50. 4.20.30 Notwithstanding the provisions of 4.20.29, the employee will assist the supervisor to the best of his/her ability in the completion of the required reports. 4.20.31 If at all possible, the accident scene should not be disturbed until pictures have been taken by a County representative, witnesses contacted and interviewed and the Risk Manager has completed the investigation . 4.20.32 The provisions of the preceding paragraph may be set aside if either of the following conditions are met: 4.20.32(a) after being advised, the Risk Manager determines that the accident is minor in nature and that an effective investigation and review can be accomplished using required reports, or 4.20.32(b) unless a greater safety hazard would be created by leaving the scene as is. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 24 of 33 4.20.33 Upon submittance of the claim, the Industrial Accident is.recorded. All State required: reports are handled and maintained in the Risk Manager's department and are available for inspection during normal business hours. 4.20.34 OSHA 200 logs will be maintained at each of the following establishments: 4.20.34(a) Building/Planning Department Annex - Ephrata 4.20.34 (b) District Court Clerk's Office - Moses Lake 4.20.34(c) Ephrata Courthouse - Commissioners' Office, Auditor's Office, Accounting Department, Treasurer's Office, Assessor's Office, Public Works Department, District Court, Communications - Dispatch Center 4.20.34(d) Drug & Alcohol - Moses Lake 4.20.34 (e) Mental Health - Moses Lake & Quincy 4.20.34 (f) Road District No. 1 (Hartline Shop) 4.20.34(g) Road District No. 2 (Moses Lake Shop) 4.20.34 (h) Road District No. 3 ( Quincy Shop) 4.20.34(i) Ephrata Shop 4.20.34 (j) Royal City Shop 4.20.34(k) Solid Waste Department - Ephrata Landfill 4.20.34(1) Prosecutor's Office - Justice Center 4.20.34(m) Superior Court Clerk's Lounge - Justice Center 4.20.34(n) Sheriff's Office Bulletin Board - Justice Center 4.20.34(o) Corrections Facility - Justice Center 4.20.34(p) Maintenance Department - Justice Center 4.20.34(q) Juvenile Justice Center - Ephrata 4.20.34(r) Fairgrrounds Office - Moses Lake 4.20.34(s) Coroner - Moses Lake 4.20.35 The Risk Manager will provide an updated OSHA log to each establishment on a monthly basis. 4.20.40 Industrial Accident/Illness Time Loss 4.20.41 Time loss because of an injury is compensable when it is determined to be a valid claim within the meaning of the Workers Compensation Law. All disability claims must be backed by a written order by a physician (PIR) . Otherwise, the time loss claim is invalid, 4.20.42 The Risk Manager shall monitor time loss for all County employees, 4.20.43 Employees on time loss are required to call on a weekly basis (every Monday) and furnish progress Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 25 of 33 reports of his/her condition -to the Risk Manager. 4.20.44 The Risk Manager will update the time loss employee's Elected Official/Department Director on the status of the claim. 4.20.45 Subject to the Elected .Official's/Department Director's determination on a case by case basis, the Risk Manager may endeavor to return an injured _employee to a temporary modified position with Grant County. 4.20.46 Employees who suffer an on-the-job injury requiring their absence from work will be permitted to use sick and/or annual leave to cover for any time lost because of the injury. the employee will continue to receive their normal monthly wages as long as they maintain a positive sick and/or annual leave balance with the Auditors office. Any time - loss payments paid by the Department of Labor and Industries while_ an employee is on sick leave are required to be turned in to the Auditors office. Once turned in, time -loss payments will be credit back to the employee's sick and/or annual leave balance via the County's Labor and Industries Back Policy (4.20.47). 4.20.47 The County Labor and Industries Buy Back Policy allows employees to increase their sick and/or annual leave balance decreased by extended time loss du.e to an injury . When a check for time loss is received by an employee from the Department of Labor and Industries, they submit it to the Auditor's Office for sick and/or annual leave buy back. The amount of the check is divided by the employee's hourly wage to compute the amount of sick and/or annual leave hours 'bought back' by the time loss payment, and then added to the employee's leave balance. 4.20.50 The Risk Manager will provide all "Occupational Injury/Illnesses Incident/Accident", RPIOD, and PIR forms to Elected Officials/Department Directors to provide employees who are involved in an job related occupational accident/incident. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 26 of 33 4..30 SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING VEHICLE ACCIDENT AND INDUSTRIAL INJURY/ILLNESS PROCEDURES 4.30.10 The supervisor of the employee involved in the vehicle or industrial accident/illnesses shall immediately notify the Risk Manager, providing whatever details are known pertaining to the incident. 4.30.20 In the event that the employee is incapacitated and cannot comply with the requirements set forth in the County Employee/Driver Responsibilities regarding vehicle accident procedures or industrial accident/illness procedures, the employee's supervisor shall assist the employee in completing reports, making notifications, and gathering information. 4.30.30 The supervisor shall complete and forward to the Risk Manager the portion of the Supplemental Record of Occupational Injuries/Illnesses" form within 24 hours of the accident (Appendix it). 5.00 ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION 5.10 EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES 5.10.10 The employee may be required to fill out additional forms at a later date by the Risk Manager. 5.10.20 Employees may be involved in follow-up interviews with members of law enforcement, the Risk Manager, Safety Committee, Elected Official or Department Director or others . Employees so involved will be factual, truthful and cooperative with these investigative bodies. 5.10.30 The employee shall at all times answer truthfully all questions relating to the accident being investigated. 5.20 SUPERVISOR RESPONSIBILITIES 5.20.10 The employee's supervisor shall assist the Risk Manager in the investigation of the accident. 5.20.20 In addition, the supervisor will assist the Elected Official/Department Director in: 5.20.21 Providing accurate information with respect to the accident; 5.20.22 Serving as a communications link between the Risk Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 27 of 33 Manager and employee; 5.20.23 keeping the employee involved in the accident . advised as to; the . progress and status of the _investigation. . 5.30 RISK MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES 5.30.10 _ The Risk Manager shall; conduct an investigation of all accidents as defined in Section 5.0 Accident Investigation. 5.30.20 Such investigation shall include: 5.30.21 Help secure the scene and work with other agencies (law enforcement, County engineer and/or accident reconstructionist, etc.) involved in the investigation of the accident, gathering information to answer questions including without limitation, to who? what? when? where? why? and how? 5.30.22 Assist in the compiling of information regarding the accident, including but not limited, to taking photos, making sketches, taking statements, conducting interviews, and writing reports 5.30.23 Serving as the collection point for all information developed in the investigation of the accident. .5.30.24 Completing the investigation by making a written report complete with initial findings and conclusions. 5.40 ELECTED OFFICIAL/DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR RESPONSIBILITIES 5.40.10 The Elected Official/Department Director or his/her designee shall have the responsibility to keep the employee involved in an accident fully advised as to the status and progress of that investigation. The Elected Official/Department Director shall also aid the Risk Manager in meeting all time -tables set forth in the investigation and review process 6.00 ACCIDENT REVIEW 6.10 REVIEW ESTABLISHED 6.10.10 All accidents will be reviewed'if any of the following criteria is met: Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 28 of 33 6.10.11 There is any death or time loss injury associated with the accident, 6.10.12 The accident is a motor vehicle collision and the damage estimate exceeds $1, 000 . 6.10.13 The accident may have potential for liability exposure to the County. 6.10.14 When requested by the Elected Official/Department Director responsible for the employee involved in the accident . 6.10.15 When requested by the Risk Manager. 6.20 REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP AND STRUCTURE 6.20.10 Any accident which meets the provisions for review set forth in 6 ,10. 00 shall be reviewed by a committee consisting of the following (with the exception of the Grant County Sheriff's Office which provides its own accident review committee) : 8.20.11 A representative of the Elected Official/Department Director responsible for the employee involved in the accident. 6.20.12 A County employee representing and chosen by the employee whose accident is being reviewed and who is customarily engaged in similar work as that work done by the employee whose accident is being reviewed. 6.20.13 A representative from the County's law enforcement community selected by the Risk Manager. 6.20.14 A representative from the Public Works Department for accidents referenced in Section 6.10.12 and 6.10.13. 6.20.15 The Risk Manager shall serve as the Chair and shall only vote to break ties. He/she shall be responsible for the following: 6.20.15(a) Convening the Review Board when circumstances dictate. 6.20.15 (b) Conducting the meeting and presiding over the review process. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 29 of 33 6.20.16(c) Writing the Findings of Fact, Conclusions, and Recommendations as determined by the Review Committee. 6.30 REVIEW COAMTTEE DUTIES AND AUTHORITY 6.30.10 The Review_ Committee ;shall have the duty and authority to review any accident as outlined in Section 6.10. This duty. and authority shall include: 6.30.11 Reviewing all reports, written statements, or other evidence associated with the accident. 6.30.12 Taking testimony from.witnesses to clarify reports and written statements. 6.30.13 Consulting additional sources with specific expertise in the subject matter of the accident. 6.30.14 Performing other tests, reenactments, or experiments whch'will assist in the review process. 6.30.15 Issuing a .final report to the Elected Official/Department Director responsible for the employee whose accident is being reviewed. This final report will conform in content and format to that set forth in Section 7.00 Disposition/Report & Format 6.40 REVIEW TIME FRAME ESTABLISHED 6.40.10 A review of any accident as defined ih Section 6.10 shall be undertaken as soon as all investigation into the incident as set forth in Section 5.10 has been concluded; provided that under no circumstances shall the review be undertaken later than 30 days from the completion date of the investigation of the accident. 6.40.20 The review process must be completed and all reports filed pursuant to Section 7.00 no later than 15 days from the completionof the Review Committee's work. 7.00 ACCIDENT REVIEW DISPOSITION 7.10 REPORT 7.10.10 The Accident Review Committee shall issue a written report no later than 15 days from the conclusion of the review of the accident. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 30 of 33 7.10.20 The report shall be written and compiled by the Risk Manager and approved by signature from all members of the Review Committee. 7.10.30 Tlie report shall follow the format set forth in Section 7.20, 7.10.40 The report shall be forwarded to the Elected Official/Department Director responsible for the office/ department employing the individual whose accident is being reviewed. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the involved employee, Safety Committee, the Board of County Commissioners and will be filed with the Risk Manager. 7.10.50 The facts of the accident and the recommended corrective actions of the review committee shall be available to all County employees for review, to the extent that it may serve to educate so as to prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future. The identity of the involved employee will not be disclosed. The report may not be disseminated upon a determination that information contained herein may increase the County's legal exposure. 7.20 FORTMAT 7.20.10 The format of the report will contain a minin-.am of five sections as set forth: 7.20.11 A brief synopsis of the event. 7.20.12 Findings of fact reached by the Review Committee based on the investigation and review, 7.20.13 Conclusions based on the findings of fact compared to appropriate County Safety Regulations, Washington Administrative Codes, the Revised Code of Washington, and applicable Federal Regulations . 7.20.14 A determination as to whether the accident was preventable or not preventable. If the accident was. found'to have been preventable and the employee's actions contributed to the accident, the Review Committee report may further state whether the employee's actions were careless, negligent, or reckless. In addition, the committee will recommend action to the Elected Official/Department Director as to discipline within the parameters set forth in Section 7.30. Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 31 of 33 7.30 7.20.15 . Any recommendations to improve any safety aspect associated with the accident being reviewed, DECISION AUTHORITY 7.30.10 The determination as to the accident being preventable or not preventable shall be preliminary and subject to review ..by.the Elected Official/Department Director. 7`.30.20 The Accident Review 'Committee is empowered to make recommendationsregarding the employee involved. That recommendation will follow guidelines set forth in Section 7.30.30.. and shall be forwarded to the Elected Official/Department Director. The recommendation shall be based on the findings of the Accident Review Board and guidelines set forth in the County Safety Manual. 7.30.30 Recommendations from the Review Committee to the Elected Official/Department Director, of the employee whose accident is being reviewed shall pertain only to information known to the committee pertaining to the specific accident .being` reviewed. 1 Punitive sanctions may only be recommended if the accident was determined to have been outside the course and scope of his/her employment and preventable. Any sanction imposed on the employee shall be a matter for action by the Elected Official/Department Director and should be directly related to the degree of carelessness and the preventable e ccident history of the employee involved. 7.30.40 The Elected Official/Department Director shall consider the recommendation as advisory only and shall decide on ultimate disposition of the matter based on County and departmental policy, as well as appropriate personnel practices . 8.00 APPENDIX 8.10 APPENDIX PURPOSE 8.10.10 The purpose of this appendix is to provide documentation to support the rules, regulations, policies, and . procedures set forth in this manual as well as to provide for a ready reference to provide detailed information to the employee, .supervisor, and Elected Official/Department Director pertaining to safety. Policies & Procedure Manual Page 32 of 33 8, 20 APPENDIX TABLE OF CONTENTS Number Title i Central Safety Committee Rules of Procedure 2 Safety Suggestion Form. 3 Alcohol and Drug -Free Work place Resolution (Resolution 96-27-CC) 4 No Smoking Policy (Resolution 96-28-CC) 5 Hazardous Chemicals Policy (Resolution 96-29-CC) 6 Vehicle Safety Inspection Checklist 7 Job Safety Training - Initial Orientation and Departmental 8 Departmental Inspection Checklist 9 Vehicle Accident Checklist 10 State of WA Uniform Traffic Collision Report (Form WSP-161) ii Supplementary Record of Occupational Injuries/Illnesses 12 Physician's Initial Report (PIR) 13 Report of Personal Injury or Occupational Disease (RPIOD) Policies & Procedure Manual - Page 33 of 33