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�IVe�k uT Jurte 26,1995
The Grant Co�an� Cc�nmiss€�n�rs session was called to order at �:�ti a.m. by
Chairman Tm Sr�ead. A(I of t�U C�mrr:issi�n�rs �vere in a�fiendance with ihe C1erk of t�te
The Commissic�rers r�a� a� �� ���r��ved ��� minu��s af �he precedirtg sessic�n as
The CommiSsic���rs a��r��e� ��e ��r� av�r c�f 4 haurs o� vaca�ian �ime fram
1994 to the 1995 year f�r �enny ��r�c�� c�f t1�e Pro��cuting Attorney's C�ffice.
Chairman Snead vvas au€�;orizea Ea sig� approval of the liquor License Transfer
Appiicaiion #or Frc�ntier ��rner, �na ��e dre�pp�r�g of Class F at renewal af the Liquor
L,icense af 8��e �ake Resari,
The Commission�rs �p�r�v�d i�� sai�ry s�f �:my �unk of ti�e Grant Cotanty �is�rict
Court a� the raie of ��.5� �er �c��ar ��r �he s�mmer c�r�iy.
The Cammissic�� ters �;��r�ved ii-;� saie o� surplus com�uter equipment to Fire
�istric� #�3 for the amo�r� c�t � i�.GG.
The �ommissicner� ���r���� r�� salary cf La�a V`dade io fiil a provisianal position
for Transcriptianis� C1erk ir� ti �e I��i Qf�ic� a� ��#,�44.80 per month effec�iv� July 5,1995.
ihe Bicfs f�r Counzy �rir,�in� �,f L��al �i�rice were oper�ed and a moiion was
made �y Commissior�er �llis�n, sec�r���d �y Gc�mmi�sior�er Fancher to av�rard the bid
io fihe Grant Co�€n�jr Jc�z�r��i ���zh � bic� c�� �3.08 per co�umrt inch which was the low bid.
A rnctic�n �vas m�a� b� �U, t �mis�ion�r �-���h�r, seconded by Commissioner
Sneacl t�te €�esolutior� �um�a�r 95-7�-� �; i,� the matter of c}�anging the zone irom
Agr�culture to Gen�ra#-C�mrr3�rci�� ir: ���; �ion c�f Sections 30 and 3�, Tctwnship 19 N.,
Ftange 29 �., V�.�. re���ste� by �av�r� Sp�rks b� passe�. TY�e mc��ian carried.
A mc��ic�n �vas made �y Com� r�i�si�rt�r ,4,ilisc�n, sect�nd�d by Commissioner
Fancher fhat Resoiutian �um�er �:,-�sQ �� in the ma�ter of changi�tc� the zoning from
Agricuiture to Subz�rba,�-2 ir� a pc�r�ian t�f S��t�nn �8, i"awnship �9 �I., Rarge 28 E., V1I.M,
requested �y Richard t..y�be� ��� �ass��. �h� mo�i�n ca�ri�d.
A rrjc�fian ��ras maae by �or�i�i�si�ne� Alli�cn, secanded by C�ammis5ianer
�anci�er ih�t �eso[ution Num��r �5�1-��, in th� ma�er of approving the Preiimirtary Pla�
o� Reidie� �siates in a�or�ion �� �ecii�n 1�, T��r��s�ip 19 N., Range 28 E., 1lil.M.
requested by �ici�ard i.yr�ber� be ��ss��. �h� mc��i�r� carried. �
R m�tior� u+r�s rr��a� uy i�orr�miss�ne� �anch�r, �econded by Commissioner
Allisan tha� R�s�la�ic�n �1um�er 9�-S? �;� in fihe mat�er o� ch�nging the zor�ing from
A�ricul�ure to �enerai-Gomm�rciai in a�r�r�ic�n c�f See.ic�n 32, Towr�s%�p �19 N., Range 2�
E., iN.NI. r�ques�ed by ���ert �=t���r�so� be pdss�d. Tne rnotit�n carried.
Th� �orr�rr�issic�ners r���;fi�� �� �e ��p�rtment oi Sociai ar�d Heaith Services that
they v�rere willing �o �Ac�v�v th� use o� ��,D�� r�f �iaria Castra's salary as an in-3cind match
ft�r f�derai funds tc� us� i� s;sp��ri o� �I�e �odd Siamp tVuiri�'sbn Education Projec�.
T�e Cc�mmission�rs appr��,te� �I�v s�(ax y af i�ataiya Skaia a�d N�ikhail Noviliov of
Districfi Caur� as F�usszan inzer�re�ers �t m� r�rL t�f �20.OQ per haur on an as needed
A mofion w�s ma�e �y �c��mis�i�ner filiisort, seconded by Commissioner
Fancl�er ti�at Res�lu�ion �umber �5-�3-�C ir� tl�� m�fier c�f denying �he change in the
zaning from Suburbanl�gricul�€�re �� 5;.��ur�ar�-2 in a pc�rtian af S�ciion 2fi, Township
21 Nor�h, Range 26 East, i�.�. re�uest�c� by i�ichaei C�esnakav be passed. The
motion carried.
As there was rz� j�r��ei ��sin�ss �c� coma be�ore tl�e B�ard the session was
cQn�inued un#il �Iu€�e 27, � 9�5.
,��n� �?, �f �95
The sessian �ras con�in��d a� 9:�� a.m. wifih Commissioner Snead and
Commi�sioner Far�ch�r €n a��ndanc� �F�i�h ihe �(erk c�fi �h� Board. �ort�missioner Aliisor�
v�ras attendirtg rneetin�s ou� afi ic�wr�.
Th� Cc�mmissia�ers m�� wi�f� fif�� Pu�lic t�liorks Directc�r regardir�g Bid
t�peninc�(Airway C7rive�, an� 8;� ��enirc���ric��e P�a. 13�, 'R' NEj, Pubiic Hearing{Six
Year TrarzspQr�ailor► im�r�vem�r�z �r�gram�, ��n�ract �x�cution Auctioneering Setvices,
V�ISDUTiGouniy Agr�er����s-�ror���ge R�a�s, Bid Authari�ation-Dodson Road, ilg
Agreemerrt Airw�y Drive; UVSD� i-�.�ur��rl �aie� s �evelopmerr� Access Agreement, Bridge
iimber Purcha�e Requ�s�s, fiarr��nistra�iv� .�dj�str;zents.
The Cammissi�r�ers si�r��� ihe Au��orizatic�n �t� GaII for Bids fior aodson Road,
bicls to be t�pen�t� Juiy 1�,�99� a� 1�:�� a.r�.
The Commiss�c�n�; s si�n�� �i �� ��c�iar� S�rvices Contract between Grant Couniy
and Norihwes� Auc�io�r ��mpa :y.
A Pubiic i�earing �rras ��la ar� a m�tic�r� was made by Gommissianer Fancher,
seconded �y Commissi�� E�r Snead t��� r�,esoiu�ic�n Number �5-84-CC irt ine matter ot
�dopiing a compre�ensive six year �rar�s�����ion imprQv�men# program far the ensuirtg
six years be passed. �"he m�ti�n carriec�.
The Ct�mmissic�rers a��� ovea ��;� 19�� Supervisor� Salar�es for the Pubiic Works
i7eparfinent for th� i�9� ye�r.
A bid op�ning was heic� ���ar�i�c� �i�� �irsrvvay Drive project and the Bridge #130,
�-NE projec� ane� a mc�ti�r� ��as made r�y �ammission�r Fanci�er, secQnded by
�ommissioner Snead ti�a� i� re ��ds �L r�f�rred to tl�� Public Works Depar�ment for their
review and r�cc�mmendati�r�.
The Ce�mmissio��rs a��r�ve� the s�lary ir�creas� of Ray Harrington of the
Sheriff's D�partment io �0 �ercenz �i c�ntrul sal�ry for a Corrections C�icer effective July
The C�mmissi�n�rs s�� a�€��1�c ��aring f�r Juiy 1C7,1995 at 1:QQ p.m. regarding
the supplementaltr�ew bud�et fc�r ti�� .�uveniie �epar�ment from unanticipated
s�ate/federa! fiunds i� the ar����� �� ��,37�.
Ti�e Commissicar�Qf s�ave �p�ra�.f�l iar t�e p�rchase of compressors and a
personaC compu�e� setu� f�r �r��� �o�n�y ,�u�rer:le �robation Depar�ment.
The Commis�i�ners si�r��� �i�e i��blic �c�rks Depar�mer�t Claims f�nd Voucher
Ap�rovai Rio. 6-1 through i�a. 6-5 in tr� tox�( amaunt of �142,646.60
,4s o# this date �i�e Bc�ard �y a majoriiy vo�e do�s apprQve for payment those
vouchers inciu��d in ihe lisi filea i� zi�� A�adii�rs Jffice 6i26195 ir �he totaC amouni of
The Commissioners si�r,�a ii�e �-u�lic iiliflrks Payroli Journal far th� mon�th of June
tn ti�e total amount af �23�,89�.8�.
Chairman �nead v�ras au�nariz�d io �ign contract #1-96-2496-4 be�tween Grant
Cour�ty Emerc�. en�y fv�anageme�i �nd tr�� State of ttVashingtort 1Vlilitary Department.
As there was rfl fun��r busi�,�ss �o cc�me �efore the Poard the s�ssiran was
adjourned u�€til Juiy 3,19��.
AT1"EST: GR��I�` C��i�TY, VtC,ASHi�iGTQN
��--'. �1 ./�?� �..+,��-�i� �
C1erk of `�' oard �