HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC1,7I 1??; AS, On the 25th day of Febri ary, 1909 tho GJJJl'I.or of the State of "'Rashi• gton signed an act passed by the T�egi stature of said State, in regular ses.iion assembled; " To creat the County of Grant subject to the -reauirements of the State Constitution and the statutes in respect to the establishment•e.new counties, and declaring an er:ergency ". And- WJher�iv. .s, the said act named Lt. F. PlcAnelly, John Erickson and Heri.thm.Rn, all residents of the said Grant County, as the first board of Connnissioners of said Grant County. And Whereas.,the said act provided that the County Seat of Grant County should be at Ephrata, Grant County, Washington until changed in accordance with the provisions of law. And 7!her3eas the said act provided khat the Commissioners naned should qualify as such Commissioners as provided by law and meet Rt the County Seat of said Grant County within Tan (1-0) days after the signing of said act: by the Governor of the State of "'ashington. NOW "HEREFORE, BE IT IMOWN, That on the 6th day of March 1909, the said date being; within Teri (10) days after the :signing of the said act by the Governor, of the State of .'Uashington, L. F. EcAnelly, John Erickson and R. l'; . Heathirian, after having first duly qualified as commiss- ioners of Grant County, Washington met at the Count; Seat, Ephrata, VRI.sh. Mr. .,cAnally was nominated for Chairman by fir. Ericksoij and was elects', by acclamation. N. G. i:'atthews was choosen temporary c1ter1:. The appointment of officers of Grant County, to serve till their successors were elected, was declared to be Irl order. Yr. Jas. H. Hill of Hartline was nominated for Auditor by Pair . Ylc Anelly, and dedlared to be appointed,as Auditor, of. Grant County,.. -Wash. Page 2., Mr. Erickson, nod ins ,,ed. -..Ar. C. LedbettQr. of Quincy for Treasurer. Nr. TIcAnelly nominated Mr . C,. -.T. Sanders oil' yIils' onC"gk. After taking -a vot.e Mr. C. T. Sanders was declared appointed Treasurer for Grant County. Pyr. Erickson nominated EX. D. J. Peters of Quincy for Assessor. Seconded by Er. Heathnan. Mr. D. J. Peters wan' declared appointed assessor for Grant County, flash. loir. 2;. C. Christenson was nominated for Surveyor by Yr. Heal hman and was declared appointed Surveyor for Grant County, Dash. Attorneys residing at Quincy, Coulee City, ',"lilson Creek and Ephrata srer6 diaouRaod for the office of Prosecuting; Attorney. Upon motion of Mr. Heathran ,Iir . Geo. Y. Ryker of Coulee City was declared appointed . prosecuting .Attorrney for Grant County, Wash. The;,av;cintr;:ent .of Clerk of Court was laid over until the ad jurned �neetin�.• .. - r. Chauncey W. Smith of Epta ata was nominated for Superintendent oi'-Rchoo.it 'Cy Iv. Erickson. ;:r Heathman Nominated Mr. Chas. E'. Smith of Stratford.. After taking a vote Mr. Chas. L. Sinith wan declared appointed >upvrintendent of Schools .for Grant County, t'laoh. ?`r. Erickson nominated ?`r. J. i.. Pearce of V.inbhestpr for Sheriff. C i:r. - 1 hitney of Hartline was nominated by Kr. 111cAnelly. After 0 taking a vote i -r. . Fid . :=Mitney was declarer'_ appointed Sheriff of Grant Countv, Wash. There beinE no opposition Dr. H. E . Vail of Quincy vias appointed Coroner and Dr." -P. 0. E. ikkelsen of Ephrata was apl ointed County Physician. A motion was ira.de and carried that at the ad jurned meetinC bias 7r3 roceived for furnishing the County with necessary supplies. Ad jurnment wa o taker_ till E.arcl-, 15" at 9:00 A. Y. t