Week of May 22,1995
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by
Chairman Tim Snead. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as
The Commissioners approved the Grant County Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction
Board 1995-1997 DASA County Plan and Contract and approved the County contribution
of $15,000 in January of 1996 and January of 1997.
The Commissioners were notified by the Town of Electric City that they had
appointed Richard Hirst as their representative to the Grant County Mosquito Control
Board and Minnie Crain as an Alternate Member.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Maintenance Director Vern
Cummings to accept the low bid of $22,043.88 for the humidifier for the Law and Justice
Center with the funds to come from their Capitol Outlay budget.
The Commissioners approved the request by Building Department Director to
promote Ray Audet to a position called Chief Deputy Fire Marshal and Assistant Building
Chairman Snead was authorized to sign approval of the Amended Liquor License
of Tower Pizza at Crescent View and the Application of BB Cutters at Crescent Bar.
The Commissioners received the signed Interlocal Agreement for the Operation
of the Central Communications E-9-1-1 Center from the City of Grand Coulee.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of the Mental Health Community
Living Aide positions to $6.50 initially and after six months of successful employment to
$6.75 per hour effective March 1,1995.
The Commissioners notified the Washington State Liquor Control Board that they
had no problem with the Special Occasion Liquor License for Boy Scout and Legion
Baseball Auction.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Tone' M. Bowers of the Clerks Office
at $1416 per month effective June 1,1995 and Rachel M. Melcher-Ruffle as a seasonal
employee at the salary of $5.00 per hour, effective June 19,1995.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Grant County Alcohol and Drug
Center to contract for Counselor extra help at $10.40 per hour.
The Commissioners received the original contract between Grant County and Mike
Smith for the electrical and lighting system for the Kenneth C. Ardell Pavilion at the Grant
County Fairgrounds.
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Fancher,
seconded by Commissioner Allison to adopt Resolution Number 95 -63 -CC in the matter
of changing the zoning from Agriculture to Suburban -2 in a portion of Section 2,
Township 21 North, Range 26 East, W.M. requested by Donald F. Bean be passed. The
motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner
Fancher that Resolution Number 95 -64 -CC relating to the transfer of funds within the
1995 budget of the Law and Justice Fund #121, Department #163 in the amount of
$2,232 be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners issued a Proclamation in support of June 18-24,1995 being
declared Hire a Veteran Week.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was
adjourned until May 23,1995.
May 23,1995
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding County Road
'1' NW, Resolution -Surplus Property Hearing, Household Hazardous Waste -Collection
Event June 3rd, Consultant Selection-Office/Shop, Personnel -Structural Engineer,
Educational Expenses Reimbursement, and Six Year Program -Projects.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner
Fancher that Resolution Number 95 -65 -CC in the matter of Notice of Hearing on June
13,1995 at 10:30 a.m. for a County wise surplus equipment and merchandise auction
sale be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Warren Swanson and Bob Powell of
the Grant County Juvenile Probation Department.
The Commissioners held a Public Meeting on the Gloria Packwood replat request.
A motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that
the Commissioners uphold the Planning Commission approval of the re -plat with
comments from the Planning Commission be included. The motion carried.
The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Gilbert Levander
Preliminary Plat application for 99 lots on 165 acres in Farm Unit 170, Irrigation Block 40,
Columbia Basin Project in a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 2, Township 19
North, Range 28 East, W.M. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded
by Commissioner Allison to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation for
approval of the Plat with Bureau of Reclamation, Health District, Department of Ecology,
Department of Transportation, Public Works, Fire Marshal, Right to Farm Ordinance and
comments by the Planning Commission to be addressed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner
Allison that Resolution Number 95.66 -CC, Ordinance Number 95 -66 -CC in the matter of
designating the Interim Urban Growth Area for the City of Quincy be passed. The
motion carried.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Public Works Director to have
an employee contract with Eldon Rickman for structural engineering services at an hourly
rate of $60.00 per hour.
The Commissioners approved the request for reimbursement for classes in Water
Resources Engineering II and Advanced C.A.D. Application II for Edward E. Bradham of
the Public Works Department.
The Commissioners received a Claim for Damages from Lawrence Payment. The
matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those
vouchers included in the list filed in the Auditors Office 5/22/95 in the total amount of
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was
adjourned until May 30,1995.
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