HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCQMMISSIONERS' PROCE�DTNG3 Week o� July 29,1996 xhe Gxan� County Commiasionera session was aalled �o order at 9sp0 �.me by Chairman Tim 5nead. All of the Comanis�ioners were in attendanae wi�h th� Cle�k of the Board> The Comnnissioners read and approved the minu�es of the preaeding session as wrxtten. The Comm,issinners approved �he salazy iz►crease of Mary Diamnnd af the Da.atzxat Court Aepartment to a Deputy Clerk II ef�ec�ive Auc�ust 1,1996. The Cammissian�r� approved tihe salary of Vic�oria Garza Nuna2 o� �he Grant County Alaohol and Da:ug Cen�er at $1314,90 effec�a.ve �uly 1,1996. The Commissioners �ppxoved out of 5tate travel far Chie� Deputy Jerrp Butler of the Sheriff's Offiae to attenfl a 5pillman Oser°s Training Seminar in Park Gity, Utah. The Gommissioners received a petition aupparting Gran� County Commissioners retaining cantzal of Nelson �toad between Highway 17 e'311C1 n��v o The Commissioners approved �he request by Karen �'age nt �he ,7uvc�nxle Depar�ment inr Leave W3thout Pay acaording �a the Fami].y and Medical Leave Act. A mota.on was made bp Commfssionex AiJ.zsan, secondec� by Comma.sszoner FanchPr that itesolution Number 96-lOq-CC xelating �o the txansfer of funds within the 1996 budget af thp Law and Jus�ice Fund #12]., Aepartm�nt #1G3 in the amonnt o� $15,7Q0 to re-alloca�e ending �und balance �ox unan�icipater3 coats associated with videa surveilZance camer�. system be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by Cammissioner Allison, 8@COflC�@t� by Commissioner Fancher that Resnlution Number 96-101-CC relating tat he transfer o£ funds wi�h�.n the i99b budget af the Mental Health 1�und #408, Department #150 in the amount oif $68,913 �o xe-alloaate ending fund ba�ance for unanticipated cos�� aeaociated with additional s�aff, minar equ.ipment and �elephnne s�rstem be passed. The mot.a.on aarried. Chairman Snead was muthorized to sign approt�al af the Liquor T�iaense assumption from Pattnn Park,Tnc, to Fowlers Patton Park Grocery. The Commissioners �°eaes.veci a summans and com�lain� fram Kip W. MinnameS.er. xhe matter was xei�rred to the Prosecu�ing At�nrney sor h�ndling. The Ccimmissioners received a summons and csompla�.nf, from �7�hn i,u]ce MciCean. The matter was xeferred to the Prosecuting Attorney �or handlinq. Th� Cammissinners approved �he requ�s� hy the Shera.ff'a Office to pu�rahase a Prisanez Recnrd Baok previoug�.y approved £or purchase from Lawr and �ustice Funds in �he amnunt nf $1,U86.00. A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commiasfanar Fancher, seconded by Cnmmisaioner Allison that Resolution Nwnber 96-102-CC authoxizing an app�opriation and expendi�ure of funds for the Current Expense �und #00�g Misco Genera� Government in the amount of $10�000 be pttssed. �he mntion c�rried. Th� Commf.ssioners held a kublic Meeting reg�rding �he Preliminazy Plat of �eartly Es�ate�o A proposed ezght phase pla� o£ 99 lots on 102.96 acres in �he Suburban Two Zane zequested by Heartly Inves�ment, LLC< A motion was made by Commissipner Fanaher, seConded by Cornznissioner Allisan ta uphald �he Planning Commisaion recommendation for approval with �he same conditions and findinge of faat us�d by thQ P7.anning Depar.tment. The motion carriad. Aa there was no further business to aome be�oro the Board the �essian waa continued un�il �7uly 30,1996. July 30r1996 The seasion �taas continued at 9:Op a.m. with all n£ th� Cammzssioners in attendanae wi�h �he Clerk of the Board. The Cammissinnera met with the Publia Warks Dixector regarding a 10:00 a.m. Bid Opening(Adams Itoad), RP.P Agreement-1Baseline, Sagebrush Flats Cost Inarea�e, RAP Prpspe�tus, CR� Resalutian- Baseline, Cnntract, Execution-'P' NE, 5agebruah Flats-Varah Approach, 11:00 a.m. meeting with Doug Haugetl, Road Improvemen�, Green Gables, Phaee IIi. The Comm�.ssionexs helci a bid openrng regardinq �.he Adame ]Road pzojec�. A motion was made by Commi.�sioner Fancher, seaonded 6y Commissioner Allisan to refer �he bid� to Pub�.3.a woxks for their xevieHr and recommendation. The mota.on aazrxed. A motion waa made bp Commisszoner A1lisan, secnnded hy Commission�r Fancher �hat Resalution Number 96-103-CC in the matter a� .znxtiating County Road Projeat designated as CRP �1Q. 96-23 be pasasd. The motinn carried. xhe Commisaionezs signed a contraat wi�h North Central Conmtruc�ion,Inc. regasding Lhe P�NW Roafl, Bridge #336 &#337� CRP 95^6 and CRP 96-1. The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims �'und �oucher 1lpprova]. #7-1 �hrough #7-3 in the to�al amount pf $25,182.75» The Commissionexs xeceivecl a aop� of the City a£ Moses Lake's ardxnance providing for the annexati.on of appraximately 1.28 aares of propex�y located behind Ernie's Truck Stop of� of Ki�tleson Itoad . The Commissioners �pproved th� xecommendation oi tihe Public Wnrks Axrector and awarded the bid for the Adams Road projeat to C�ntzal Wash3ngton Asphalt in the amount o�' $755,439.�.0. The Commissioners signed the I�ublic iVor.ks Payroll Journal for the month oi July in the total amount of $'311,154040. AB o£ �his date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vaurshexa included in the list �iled in the Audi�ors Office 7/2g/96 in the tota�. amaunt of $425,784.72. The Baax�d appxoved the xeques� by Daug Ii�tugen �o allow Cox I2oad, Gresn Gak�.les, Phase III �o a gravel atandard. As there was no further business ta a4me be£are the Hoard thg �ession wne adjourn�d until August 5,.t996. ►o � /�./ L il�J� I ,I [l C�IiR'�'�'*�:S`'Cl��';l:�1:T.�:'�',�: y BOARD OF COUNTX COMMISSIONBRS GRAIVT COUN�X, WASHINGTON