HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-217-CC�o�,Ra oF court�r co�nnn�sslor�ERs Grant County, V�ashington It� TNE MATTER t�F REQU�STING EX�LUSIC)►N C}F GRA�IT Ct3UNTY, �tVA�H[NGTt�N, FRC}M THE AMERiC�N HERiTAGE RIVERa 1NITIl�TIVE RE�t)LUTIC�N Nt�.97-z17-CC �1HERE�IS, the Board of Cvmmissioner�s o�f Gran� County, W�shingtan does hereb� request that Gran� Cour[ty b� �xciuded from any area des6gnated as an American Heritage Riuer untii such time ihat �his body, c�r our successors, determin�s that designation is in ihe best inter�st of its residenis; and 11VHE��AS, the application fc�r designaiion as an ,�me�ica�n H�rita�ge River requires that a"river community.. �esign�te itseCf for the purp�s�s c�f �h�s Initiative. AS such, ihe Board of Grant County Camr�nissianers affirms its cansiitutdanal ral� as the lacal authoa�ity iegally authorized tv represent �his river commur�ity. We, ihe representa�ives of the river community, have determined that the ierrr�s and canditions presented by the American Heritage Rivers Iniiiative are erague and unc[ear. �Ite �ave further determined that the paiential canseq�uences of the �trr�erican Heritage Ri�r�rs Ini�iafive cannot b+� ascertained withaut mare detaited informat�iQn, NO1t� THEREFURE, BE IT HEF�EB�( RESOLVEi� that the Board o� Corrtmissivner� +�f Grant Caun�ty, Washing�tan, hereby requests thai, until �uch t�me as the �rap0s�d implementaiion t�f the American #�eritage Rivers [�itiativ� has been fully explained to �h� satisfaction o� the locai e[ected officia[s, �rant County, Washington, b� excluded from any area designation under the American Heritage Ri��rs initia�tiv�, Dated this 30th. day of December,l997 ATTEST: � Clerk the aar �`� �o � g" Chaixman � , . Cansti zt'�ng the Board of County Commissioners af Grant Caunty, Washington