HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCC7NIMISSit7NERS° PR�3�EEDiN�S
UVeek af December 29,1997
The Grant County Cammissioners sessio� was c�lled tc� order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman �eRay� Ailisan. Alt of the Gomrnissioners were
in afitendance with �he Clerk o€ the Board.
Th� Commissiflners read and ap�rc�ved the rninut�s of th�e
prec�eding sessran as writien.
The Cvmmissian�rs appraveci the request by Gra�nt Mer�tat
Healthcare for the pur�hase of one m�cro�wave Qven tu be �sed fc�r
cc►nsumers utiliz�ng Psychiatric Counseling Assc�ciates services.
The Commissioners ap�proved the pasitian �valuation c�f the
Curren�E R�anning Secretary/Glffice �Ulanager at 938 poir��s, based on an
e�aluatian by �ltili�man ar�d RQberison.
�'he �+amm�ssioners approved the request for dc�nation c�f ined�cal
leave d�ys requested by an employee in �h� G�ant Coun�}r Alcohol ar�d
Drug Center.
The Cammissior�ers received a sign�ed copy of the 't998 InterHc��al
Agreement between C}kanagan and Grant County regarding DUi
V�ctiml�urvivars' Pane1 Services.
The Ct�mmissioners received a€fidavits c�f wages p�id by Mathews
Sieel Bui�dings,tnc. fvr� Crant +Ct�urt�y S��i�llite Justac� C+enter project,
The Cc�mr�tissioners received a signed copy o# �he is��erlocal
Caoperative Agreemenf between Grant County anc� th� Rori c�f Moses
Lake pertaining to #he Wastewater Land J�pplication feasibility st�udy at
�he Grae�t �aunty [nt�rnatianal Airport.
The Commissio�ers held a Pub[ic Hearing regard�ng a prQpose�i
ordinan+�e placing a moratorium on all zone changes in the Agricultural
Zone. A motic�n was made i�y Commissic�ner Fanch�r, s�cand�d by
CornmissiQ�er Snead to can�inu� the hearing until '(;34 p.rrt. on
January 13,1998 to provide an oppcartunity for �he Cit��s tc+ pr�esent
informatic�n showing ihe need �or this morata�ium. The moiio�n carr��d.
The CQmmissioners heid a Rubiic Hearing regarding the prapos�d
adopfiion �f an C)rdinance amending� the Grant Counfy° Cc�de by ihe
crea�ian of a new chapter relatinc� tv Public Ftecvrds. A re�otion was
made by Commissivner Fancher, seconded by� C�ommrssioner Snead to
continue th� hearing unt�� Jan�uary �,1998 a�i 3:30 p.m. The rnofiion
A5 �here w�s nca fur�her business io come b�e�or� #he Bc�ard the
sessi�nn was con�inued unti� Qecember 3t�,�1997.
December 3Q,1'�97
The session was continued at 9:Q0 a,m. with al[ of the
�ammissic�n�rs in attendance with the C1erk of the Bcaard,
The Commissioners met wi#h the Public �!►orks Di��cior� regardi�g
Gattt+�guard discussion, Schaoi bus siop requests, Budgets, and DNR.
Th� Commissioners signed the P'ublic Works C[aims Fund
Voucher approval #'t2-2 thraugh #12-3 in the tca�ai amount e�f
The Gomr�issioners signed the Pub�ac Works P�yra11 Journal in
the amount vf $25�1,728.24.
Tt�e Commissioners received a cert�fcate af iiabiiity insurance
fr�m TC# Cablerrision of otltashington, Inc.
The Gamm`rss6oners notifed Grant County Mosquito CQntrol
Disiric� #'t that they had p+ermission to operate in ih� airspace over
G�-ant Cou�tty during the 1998 y+�ar �nrithin �he boundaries �af �h�
Mosquito Contro[ Di�tric� far the purpose of mosquitc� abateme�t.
A rnotion was made by Cammissioner Sneac�, seconded by
GommissionerFancherfi,h�tResolution Number97-2'17-GC in the mafit�r
of requ+��ting exclusion of Grant County frorx� the Am�rican Heritage
�ivers Init'rative be passed. The rnotion carried.
The �ommissioners held a Public Hearing regardir�g the propos�d
adaptivn of resolutions setting the levy rates for the 1998 �tear. � A
rnotion wa� matie by Cam�nissionerSnead, secanded by +Gctmmissioner
Fancher ihat Resolution tVumber 97-218-GC r�garding the t�vy rate for
ihe Current Expense Budget be passed� The motio� c��ried. A motion
was made by �orttmpssioner Fancher, seconded by C�ammissioner
Snead that iResoiution filumber 97-219-�C regarding th� lerry raie for the
Grani County Road Budgei be passed. The mo�ion �arried. A mation
was made by Commissioner Fancher, secondecl by Commissioner
Snead that Resolution Number 97-22U-CC setting the lirrait facior for the
regular levy for the caienclar year `1998 at '1Q�3.8 percent in addition to
the increa�se resu[ting �rom the addition �►f new c�anstruction ��d
improvement ia property and any increases i� the vatue of st�te-
assessed praperty be passed. The motion carriedtr
The Commissioners held a coniinuation o€ �ubtic Hearing an th�
1998 budget and a moiion was made by Commis�ioner Fancher,
seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resotution Mumber 97-221-�C
adapting the '1998 budgets far Grant �ouniy be passed. The mati+�sn
As o�F this daie the Board by � ma�ori� vote do�s approv� for
payment those vouchers included in tl�e list filed �n ih� Auditc�rs C}ff�ce
�i2/2919?' in the tvtat amouni o� �f7+0,229,�5.
As there was ne� �u�ther business to cvme before fihe Bcsard the
s�ssion �+vas adjaurned unti! January 5,'1998,
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