HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-207-CCr*, � "! * s !_,. �.:: . � . �: RESOLUTZO�I NUMBER 97-207-GC � RESOLUTZON re3atir�g to t�e facts requira.ng an apprc�priation and expenditure of f�znds ior the �ollowing d�partane�tJfund: Current Expense Fund ��001, Various Departments , t�gether with a bu�g��t the��fQr; cieclaring an ��nerg�r�cy; and ' setting a public hearir�g date; a.11 pursuant t� RCW 36.4Ci.Z40. ��EREAS, it has been brough% ta the atientio� oi the Board a� County Co��tniss�.oners af Gran� County that an appropria�;ion and expenditur� o� funds shouid be auiharized for the ak�ove- �e�2i.ioned deparime€�t/��znd, tageth�r with a budget there�or, in the e�t�.mated am4u.nt .c�f $ 218,739 ; ar�d VsrHEREAS, expend.iture oi such faxnds was nat incltzded in the current budget of Grant County, however, emergent candi�ions now rec�uire that such iunds be expendect; and �'FiER.EAS, it appears that an eme�gerzcy exists and that t%e e�pe�diture c�f s�c� �'�znds ce�uld nc�t have beera reasanably fareseen a� the �ime of making sa�.d county budget; I�4W, TH�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BQARD QF COUNTY Gl7M- _ MSSSIt3I��H� OF GRANT Ct)UNTY, STATE 4F WASKINGTQI�t, that the a�ore= menticsned �aets cc�ns�i�ute an emergency and that an appropriation and e�pend�iure of funds should iae authori2ed for the foll�wing �����'���n� ����� ��ur,�ent Ex�ense Fund ��OQl z„ Various De�artments , t�gethe� �ith �. I�udg�t there�€�r. BE IT FURTHE�Z RESC3�,VED tha� no�ice of �. gubl�c heari.ng upon such expenditure shall be given, said hearing to be heZd on in the Grant Ct�unty Co�nmissioners' Of�ice, Gr�.nt Cc��zntg� Cotarthouse, Ephraia� t�asha.ngton, a� th� iaour o� �{)t�E Yt�lS 10th QI�IY 4F December , i9 g7 . ,�TiEST: � i �� - t of eho eoord ��� �,,. , .. .«..v. .,� _.e«..... Cfusirmon Cmnstatufi�ng t�►� �oard of Coarniy Comrrmissioners esf Gre�sa� �aursf�, itVashin�tan d ,�. , � REQUE'S`X.' �`OR T�ANSFER DU� Tt} NECESSARY EXP�NI�ITURES UNF4RES�EN �T TH� TIME OF AFPROVAL OF THE 1'�9� BUI7GETp xT =S REQUEST�D BX THE �rant County A�sesSor B;�PT.� 1Q,7 � Assessor FUND # d�l � . FOLZ,OWING TRAI�I5FER� WITHTN ';�iiE SAME Bt.iDGET BE MADE. FROM: Assessor TOs Ca�ital Outlay HARS CQDE 514 24 35 TOTAL--FROM 594 14 64 TATAL—`�C? '�HA� T�i� AMOUNT . • i 914.05 ������ AETA�I,ED �XPLPiNATICJAt With the increase in the number of parcel� this year and last year we find we are again in need of shelf space. Each parcel that is created ha� itS own file in arder to store the necessary paper trail af records that we need to ��eep bath for our use and the public. We can purcha�e 2 single files and the cost would be just under the $55Q limit for each �i1e. However, we can purchase a doub file for just r �1Q00 dallars and have a better unit for less money. �' ��, DEPARTME '� HEAD kiAVINC APPR4VED THE AB4VE TRANSFERS, THE BO.AR�7 OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AUTHORiZES THE CC}UNTY AUDZTt3Ft TO EXCU�E SAIA TRANSFER TO BE EFFECTIVE THIS DAfiE. � t�� !�� �.��5:�.���:�iL�!��'�� .�—.-.., t� DATED THIS �.. . DAY OF ,d� 19 . . QFtIGINAL—COMMiSSIONERS COPY 1—AUDITOR COPX 2—REQUESTING DEPARTMENT : • � ► � • • • 1 • � �d �. � ..� � � , � . �r � � �.�'/ �. 't / . // ' �i�l ��: , _ � r����' nis , a �N N _. OPEN ����.����� : ��� �'���� ��� ���� �- � ��/� ��� 5���.F FIL,ING �`$4 ��r rj-���-.:+'� ��i � �� �� t�ky: ���£i �� 4� t �F�i �'�. �� . �, ?;, � `t':. t ? ..r � `�� � i�;� , > > �+ #.' ��` . � _ DATE: TIME: ��)� C��`] CALLER: ��-.' 1'tiC�.L FROM: �,<� � n-r-:�� ln...�--�'-�� �- � :y:::Y.�::).::::::;:j..j::?::::<r::{ii:::i:::��<'::::::.`:'.':::>;::.:::;�::.;::�::::::::::S:::i::::2::i.":':::::�::::�:::::f'.:::.:�::.`::::;9'::::::��::i.�v:.�":;:,..:':.':�.:.`...�,i"';>:'".%_ ..'::: i' ��'� �.�" ,:,�.:: <.„: -�;;.<><. .?`::':<::>:::>:'::,', <';:>1:`.; :�:�»: :�':>::i".i:;:::::<::>:':;: �': > :;::.;. <.:::: :;::.:: ^::;<::,;:: .... ....:::.:.::�.::.;;:.:.::::....:.:� . . . <�<:>:>:::::«: on�� :...............:......:::...:<..:: Cl::<:"".>:,�.:<>:r.;,<:::>::.<::.:o:ur':<::a("::::`;>::<:::'::;: ,..::.,�.:::.. E� ..::.:.::::::::::::...>::::,,::::::. .:::::::.:::.,.::::::.:::: ..:. . Re, u n�d.'t'. 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Double face - Top shelves are plain (nat slotted). units do not use back panels. - Shelf reinforcements not included for top cover shelf, - All units shipped knocketl down, - Units 36" and 42" wide have four file dividers per sheif openings, - See page 2 for colors available. - Units 48" wide have five tlividers per shelf opening, .29. - �