HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCGt�MMISSfC�NERS' PRtJCEEDtNGS Vl/eek of December 1,1997 The C�rant �vun�y �omrnissi�ar��rs session was ca�led to order at 9:00 a.m. with �ommissianer Fancher and Commiss6oner �n�ead in af�endar�ce eevith the Cterk c�f �the Board. Commissioner Allist�ra was c�ut of the office. The Commissianers �ead and approved the minutes of #he pr�eceding s�ession as written. The �ommissioners signed a�lemarandum o�Agre�r�entwith th� Dep�r�tm�r�t of tY�e Interic�r, Bur�au of Re�la�na�tion regardin� rental o� sp�c� in th��r %aailding. The Cam+rmissit�ners recei�eed notice from the East�rn �{tashing�on Grc�wtl� Manag�rnen$ �iearings �aard ihat Kuper Farm et a! fit�ei a Petitic�n �or �evievv. 'fhe Commissioners also received a Certi�icate of Servic� & Petitian far Revi�v�r �'rom Kuper Farm, et ai. The matt�r wras referr�d te� t�e Prosecuting Aifarney far hand�ing. Th� Commissioners hefd a Public Hearing r�gaa-ding t�� 1998 Coun� Budgei and #he l�/eed �oaa�d Budge�. A rr�otion vv�as rnade by Commissioner Snea+d, s��onded by CC1iYlt1liSSiGltl$t` Fan�her tha�t R�soiutdon Nurnt�er 97-195-CC ��tting �.arad Ctassi�ications and Assessr�ent pr�posed for fund6ng the 1998 budg�t o� ihe �rant Cc�unty Nc�xiaus Weed Board be passed, The motion carried. A rnotion was rr�ade �y Commissioner Snead, sec�nt�ed by Goe�tmissrc�ner Fancher ta contir�ued ihe hearing or� the 1998 Caunt�r budget unfiil such tir�e as the b�dget is bala�ced, Th� moiion carri�d. As there was no fua�ik�er business to come before �he Bo�rd the sessio� was continued unial Decernber 2,1997. Decemb�r 2,1997 Th� sessit�n was continue+d ai 9.a0 a.m. with afi af the C�mmissianers in attendanc� with the Clerk o# the Baard. The Commis�ioners met�ith the Public Works �3arector regardin� Vattey i�oad Ri1t� Request-Ci�y o� Mfoses Lake, Coun� Road Needs/lrn�pacts, Budgeis. As of this daie the B�ard by a�najority v�►t� does approve for payment thvse vouchers includ�d in the list fifeti in �the Auditors Office 12/01{97 in ��e t+�t,at amount of $347,499,8fi. T'he �ommissioners approved the saiary incr�ase af John Paszkeicz of the li�ain#enance Department fo 10fl �ercent ef#ective January 1,�1998, Q► Public Heartng was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 97-'196-CC authorizing an appropriateon and expenditure of funds in the Current Expense Fund #001, Treasurer Department #160 and Indigent Defiense Department #133 in the total amount of $46,'128 be passed. The motion carried. A Public Hearing was held and a motion was rr�ade by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution fVumber 97-197-CC authorizing an appropriatoon and expencliture of funds in the Current Expense Fund #001, Planning Department #111 in �he total arnount of $24,687 be passed. The motion carried. A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Aliison that R�soluti�n Number 97-19�-CC authorizing an appropriation and expenditure of funds in the Tou�ism Fund #114, Depar�rr�ent #'156 in the amount of $11,000 be passed. The motion carried. The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Plat Alteration request by Jon and Wilma Fay to combine Lots 4 and 15, Block 4; �Vlarine View Heights, Division #2 Plat into one lot 6n a Suburban-2 zone, located in a portion of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 18, Township 17 North, Range 28 East, W.M. A motion was made by Gommissioner Snead, seconcied by Commissioner Allison to u�hold the Planning Cornmission approval of the proposal with the sever� conditions listed by the Planning Department and the findings of fact as proposed by the Planning Commission. The motion carried. The Commissioners held a Public Meeting regarding the Preliminary Plat application presented by Dan Frogget in a portion of Farrn Unets 16 and 17, Irrigation Block 79, Columbia Basin Project in the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and the Southw�st quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 27, Township 18 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, to create a nine lot subdiviston on 30.75 acres. A rnotion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to uphold the Planning Comvnission dea�ial v�ith the six stated findings, clarifying finding number 6 to state, the proposal is not consistent with uses in the surrounding areas. The motion carried. Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Shoreline Substantial Development Perr�it and Condiiioraal Use Perrrrit granted to Lawr�ence D. Jacobsen, Jr. to undertake the development of a shoreline substantial development, sho�eline conditional use permit and a surface rnining/gravel pit conditional use permit for the continued use of an existing, very mature gravel excavation site for the preparation and repaar of on-site roads. The excavation of approximately 1.5 million cubic yards will provide material for sorting and storage for future needs and is located in a portion of the Southwest quarter� of Section 9, Township 18 North, Range 28 East, W.iVI. �4s there was no fu�ther business io conne before the B�►ard the session was adjourne� until December 8,'�997, ATTESTe � f ..��s�� L. �� �. ,.1. ��� � i � ♦ � `� � _�;.� s s s s . .� .1. � �,. " ....: j � . ��; � �1.f � ,,, � .,