HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCt31ViIVilS�it��lEhS' PRt?CEEDING�
�lUeek of Nc�vember 24,�997
The Grant +�c�unty Gomrniss�oners sessaon w�s called to ordee� at
9.�a a,m> �ay Chairman L.eR�y Aliison. Commissianer Snead was in
attendance with the Clerk c�f the Board. Ceammission�r Fancher was
out of th� t�ffic�.
Th� Commissioners r�ad a�nd approved the rnie�utes of the
prece�ing session as wri�.ten.
The Gommissioners approved °�he r�quest by th� Sheriff for th�
pur�hase of a: L�ser Printer dn the amount c�� $16'�G.�S.
The Co�missioners approved �ih+� request for a budget extensian
in th� P1ann�ng Departments in the a�naunt of $26,fi6�.7'6,
T'he Ccammissianers approv�d th� s�iary c�f �Ceith Hc�us�an a� �l�e
Juveniie Depar�men�E at $85fi per mvnth effecfiv� Nc�ver�be� 2,�f99�.
The Comrrgissioners approved �Ehe salary increas� of ��att C�ts�r�
�� fh� Juvenile Probaiion C��par�ment �a $2,14a per rnonih ef�f�ctive
Lle+cernber 1,1997.
The �omrraissioners approved the sta�ing s�Iar� a►f Sumrner
Jadertund �f th� 1Distric� Cmurt o��e ai $�,�0 p�r hour e�'fecti�re
i�vv��nb�r 'I0,1997.
Chairman �4�tisc�n was a�athQrized to sign approvai c�f the �peciat
f�+��asit�n L,it�uar l.i�ense f4r the S�gebrush Senior C�nter.
Th� �c�mmiss�c�ner�s r���ived a Claim of Lien filed by I�Icas�s Lak�
Construction Company,ln�. dfbJ� Mvses L.ake IV(achineryy R��tai
�egarding the Grant �aunty Pub[ic Pro�ect a-N�UiU-N11� Road� CRP 95-7.
The Commiss�orters receive+d a Surrtmans and i.and iJse Pe�iiion
Chailenging Denial of Rezc�ne fro�ra N6arfie�l and Gwen Palmer. Th�
rnatter vvas referred ia �he P'ra�sec�ating Aitorney fv�r handling.
The C+�mmissione�s receaved a copy o� Ch6cagv Ti�ite insurance
�ormpan}�'s Cvmrn�tment far Tii1e Irrsuran+ce in conneciion r�ri�h th� Por�t
of EphratalGrant Carunty L,and Tra�sfer.
A rrafltit�n was made b� Cr�mmissivner Snead, s�conded by
CommissionerA[iisvn that F�esaiuiivn Number97-�IS�-CC r+�garding the
�c�mmuniiy Acti€�n Gr�nt with Depa�im�nt af Communifiy, Trade, and
E�+�nomic �evel�pment be passed. The moiion carried,
A motion was made by G�rrr�missioner Sn�ad, second�d by
Cvrr�missioner All�san that Resc�lution �lur�nber 97-187-GG in e�pposition
to breaching ofexisiing dams on th� Lov�rerSnake and �o�umbia Rivers
be passed. Th� mcrtion carr�ed.
A motion was made by Comrnissioner Snead, seconded by
CommissionerAllison that Resolution iVurnber 97-188-CC regarding the
ass�ssment rate of Gateway Lighting District for 1998 be passed. The
motion carried.
A rnotion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded iay
Comrnissioner Allison that Resolution Number 97-189-CC denying a
zone change from Agriculture to General Commercial in a portion of
Section 4, Township �17 N., Range 26 E., W.M. requested by Duane Lang
be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Cornmissioner Snead, secanded by
Commissioner Allison that Resoluiion Number 97-190-CC, Ordinance
Number 97-190-CG relating to Short Plats and Short Subdidisions be
passed. 'The motion carried.
A rnotion was made by Co�nmissio�er Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 97-191-CC, Ordinance
Number97-191-CC regarding Platting and Subdivisions be passed. The
motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Cornmissioner Allison that Resoluiion Number 97-192-CC, Ordinance
Number 97-�92-CC regarding the Local Project Permit Review be
passed. The r�otioru carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was continued until hlovernber 25,1997.
November 25,1997
The sessaon was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the
Corr�missioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
ihe Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding
Supplemental Agreement(Revised)-Bridge No. 153(Turkey Rd.}, Annual
Program and Budgets.
The Commissioners signed the Local Agency Agreement
Supplement No. 1 between the State Department of Transportation and
Grant County Public Works on Bridge #153, Turkey Ranch Road, '29'
The Cornmissioners approved out of state iravel for Sydr�ey Platt
and �rolunteers of the Grant C�unt� Drug Prevention Council and youth
from Grant Gounty to attend a rneeting involving the Pacific �Vorthwest
Prevention Coa6ition.
The Comrnissioners approved the saiary increase of Diane
Starzman of the Grant Coun�ty Fair C)ffice to $10.42 per hour effective
December 1,1997,
The Cornr�issioners sign�d fhe �ubtic V�orks Payrc��l ,�aurnal �or
ihe nnanth af �1�vember �n th� ar�o�nt� of $250,223,28.
The Com�nissie�n�rs s�gned the Public iPUorks Claims Fund
Voucher Apprroval ##1�I-1 through #11-2 in the tatai ar�4un� of
$19,14'[ .4Ci,
The Cvmr�ission�rs held a public hear�ng and a� motion was rraade
by �ommissiorter Fancher, secanded by Commissioner Aliisc�� that
Resc�lutivn Number 97-193-C�, t3rdinar�ce htumber 97-193-CC �rnenr�ing
s�ction 24.04.(i5Q vf th� Grant County Code relatirtg ia the d�signation
of the aEPA responsible o�cial, and �►ther maiters prop�riy relaiang
there�o b� pass�d. The r�a�ki�n carried.
The Gommission�rs h�id a public hearing and a motion was made
by Cammissior�er F�nch�r, seconded by Cammissic�ner Allison i�a�
Resol�,tic�n Number 9i-'�94-GGs �}rdinance t��mbe� 97-194-CG i�npasing
a�ounty-wide sa[es and �se tax fvr purposes of financing public
�a�cilities, and e��her mat�ers prc�perly rela�tang th�reio b� passed. Th+�
rnaiie�n ca�ried.
�s of this date the �t��rd by a majority vo�� dves approv� ft�r
payment #hose vc��chers included in �he list fiied in ihe �4udi#ars t�ff�e
1�IIZv197 in �he total ama�ni af $72�,�92.91.
The �omenissic�ners r�quested the �rani Gour�ty Pl�nning
Cvmmissio�n to review and make recommenc�ation� �egarding a request
by �he Qiympia Pipeline for amendments ta the Grani Ccrunty �c�ning
Code tv provide a perrnitting pre�cess for p�troleum pip�eiines.
As there was no further busin�ss ta cam� b�fare the Board th�
s�ssian wa� adjaurned unti� Dec+emib�r '[3'I997.
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