Week of N�vember 10,1997
The Grant �ounty Gomrnissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chaurman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were
in attendance wifh the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the rr�inutes of the
prececling sessian as written.
The Comrr�issioners approved the request by the Grant Courrty
Tourism Commi�sion for a budget extension in the arn�unt of $11,Q00
for the 1997 year.
�hairman 1011ison was authorized to sign the Teamsters Dental
Plan E Agreement for the 1997 year.
The Comm�ssioners approved a request for the purchase of a
refrigerator for the Grant Mental Heal#h Directions in Community Living
The Commissioners appointed Frank Concha and �ara� Johnson
to positions on the Grant County Alcohol and Drug Ce�ter Advisory
The Comrni�sioners were notified that a Petition for Review under
WAC 242-02-210 woulci be filed vvith Eastern Washingion Growth
Management He�rings Board.
The Corv�missioners approved the starting salary of.Doe Scroggins
of the Sheriffs Office at SO percent of control salary for a Corrections
Oi�fiicer, or $1,f96 per month, effective November 13,1997.
The Comrnissioners approved the starting saiary of Steve
Martinez of the �heriffs Office at 80 percent of control saiary for a
Deputy Sheriff, or $2,128.80 per month effective November 15,�1997.
The Commissioners approved #he payment to the Port of Moses
Lake in the amoa�nt of $998.56 on the Cascade Earth Sciences, Ltd.,
Wastewater Land Application Project.
The Corr�missioners approved the starting salary of �Dason Mitchell
of the Sheriffs �ffice at 80 percent of control salairy for a Deputy
Sheriff, or �2,128.80 per month effective November 10,1�97.
The Commissioners approved the starting salary o� iVlatt fllllesser
of the Sheriffs �ffice at 90 percent of control salary far a Deputy
Sheriff, or $2,443.50 per month effective November 17,1�97.
A motion vvas made by Commissioner Fancher7 seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-173-CC setting a
Public Hearing for December 1,1997 at 'l:30 p.m. regarding the 1998
budgei for Grant County be passed. The motion carrie�.
� motion vuras made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolu�tion Number 97-174-CC setting a
Public Hearing for December 1,1997 at 1:30 p.m. regarding the 1998
budgei of the Grant County Noxious Weed Control Boao�d be passed.
Th� motion carri�d.
A continuatuon of Public Fiearing on the Short Plat Ordinance was
held. The Comm6ssioners review information provided b� the Pfanning
Department. A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded
by Comrr�issioner Snead to continue the hearing until 4:OQ p.m. on
November 77,1997 to al9owr tirne to disseminate the proposed language
to interested parfiies. The motion carried.
A rr�atian was made by Commissioner Snead, �econded by
Commissioner l�llison that Resolution Number 97-175-�c denying a
zone change to Cornmercial Freeway Service requested by I�artell
Palmer be passed. The rr�otion carried.
The Comrr�issioners met with the Pub9ic Works Director regarding
Dodson Road-Supplemental Agreement, iVlemo-Fairgrounds Use, and
Personnel issue�.
�hairrnan Allison �nras auihorized to sign Supplernent No. 2 of
Agreement Nu�mber LA-3485 with the State Department of
Transportation o� Dodson Road.
A motion r�vas made by Commissioraer Snead, seconded b�
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-17fi-CC vacating a
portion of Walnut Avenue lying betwreen the southerly right-of-way line
of Fifth Avenue �nd the southerly right-of-m►ray of Crescent Drive; and
that porEion of Broadwa}� Avenue lying betwe�n the soutB�erly right-of-
way of Fourth Street and the southerly right-of-way IBne of Fifth Street,
Plat of Resurvey �of and Addition �o irinidad, as recorded in �ook 1 of
Plats, Page fi1 be passed. The moti�n carried.
l�s of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for
payment those vcauchers included in the lis� filed in the Aa�ditors O�ice
11/7197 in the total amount of $166,179.30.
As of this date the Board by a majorit� vote does appr�ove for
payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the Aa�ditors Office
1117/97 in the total amount of $7,382.15.
The Commissioners signed the Public Wor�cs CiaBms Fund
Voucher Approval #'10-1 through #10-196 in the total amount of
As iher�e w�s nv further �usiness ta �ome bef�re the Board ihe
session was adjcau�ned untii �avember 't7,1997.
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