1�►eek of October 20,1997
The Grant Caunty Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.rr�. with Commissioner Fancher and Commissioner Snead in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Altison was out
of the office.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
The Commissioners approved the star�ing salary of Anastasiya
Deleon of the District Court Dep�rtrnent at $8.00 per hour effective
October 9,1997. �
The Commissioners approved ihe prapasal by the Sheriffs O�fice
to provide work crews to help repair the fence on Jake Jacobsens
property in the Sand Dunes.
The Commissioners were notified by L& W Supply Corp DBA
Building Specialties that they we�e furnishings drywall tath plaster
doors harclware and related materials for the Juvenile Center remadel.
The Commissioners appointed John Hyer to a positior� on the
Grant County Board of Adjustmen�.
The Corr�missioners appointed Dave Dinges to a position on the
Grant County Planning Commission.
As there was no further business to come befare the Board the
session was continued to October 21,1997.
4ctober 21,1997
The session was continued at 9:00 a.rr�. with Commissioner
Fancher and Commissioner Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the
Board. Commissioner Allison was in during the afternoon.
The Commissioners metwith�he Public111►orks Directorregarding
Franchise Hearing, Blue Lake Water, Draft Resolutions= D.5' NE, Bid
�luthorization Wrecked Vehicle, Purchase-Replacement Vehicle,
Crushing-Port of Moses Lake, '10' �VE vs Port Road, P�rsonnel.
The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Call for Bids on
a 1997 Ford Taurus GL. Bid opening to be held November 4,1997 at
� 0:00 a.m.
A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-164-CC, setting a
Public Hearing for November 18,1997 at 'f0:30 a.m. in the rr�atter of
determining the true location of D.5-NE County road be passed. The
motio� carried.
A�ubiic Hearing vrras held regarding the Biue �ake Wat�r Users
Association request for Franchise. A motian was rr�ade %y
Commissioner Snead, sec�r�ded %y Commissioner Fancher �o renew
fhe franchise and water tine extension. The ma�ion carried.
Chairman AIlison was auth�rized to sign approva� of the
Frenchm�n Hills Cider liquvr lfcerase appiicativn.
The Commissianes�s received a Summons and Comptaint frorr�
�c��.t Wee�h. The matter was referred to the Prosecu�ing Attc�rney for
A matic�n was made by Camr�issioner Snead, secor�ded t�y
Comnnass�oner �ancher thai C3rdin�nc� Number 97-1S5-CC in the mai�er
of extending interirtz zoning be passed. The mation carried.
As af this date the �oard b}� a majority vote does approve for
payment those vouchers inciuded `an the iist fiied in th� Audito�s Office
101�0I97 in ihe tc�tal amouni �rf $381,757.fi7,
Th� �ommissioners apprQve�i out of S#ate travel for
Commissianer Allisan tv travel to 1iVashington D.C. for rneetin�s on the
Hanford Reach.
As �h�re r+vas no further business to come befor� the ��ard the
sessio� was ad�ourned un�ii {3cto�er 27,7997.
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