HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-158-CC'` �.� M a��ic� o� B(JARD OF CC)LINT'� CC}MMISSIt)NERS PQST OFFlGE SOX 37 EPHF2ATA. WASiilt4GTC?tJ s$e23 t5093 754-201! Bo� oF covrrrY comrn�sslor�s GRANT CtJI7NTY, WASHTi�IGTON IN TFIE MATTER tJF ALTERTNG � RESOLLTTIt'�N NO. 97-15�—CC 'I'HE PLAT CiF DESERT AIRE DIVISIt�N #2 ( RESOLUTI�N APPR4VING COMBINING LOTS 255 AI�D 156 � A PLAT ALTERATICJN LQCATED TN TI-�E SE'14 QF SECTIfJN 27, j TO�VNS� I4N, RANGE 23 EWM j � 7uiie and Brent Cox WEFEItEAS, the Board of County Cozniazissioners af Grant Caunty have been advised by the Grant Cou�ty T.'lanni�.g Con�mission that a pubfic hearing was condacted on September 3, 1997 on the �aiter af combini�g Lots I55 and 156, TJesert Aire Division #2locate�i in a pnrtion of the Northeast quarter af the Southeast quarter af the Nartheast quarter of Section 27, Township 14 Narth, Range 23 East, W.M., Grant Caunty, Washington (509 & 511 Isiand View S.; Mattawa). WHEREAS, the Grant Caunty Planni�g Co�nisszan made a recam3nendation to approve the piat alteration, V�AS, there was a quonzm present the night of the Planning Cammission meeting this praposal was seni ta the Caunty Comrnissianers witlz an official. recommendatic�n, ' WHE:EtEA�, the Grant Caunty Board of Canunissiauezs held a public meeting on C}ctober 7, 1997 and, dVH�REAS, the Grant County Baard of Commissioners faund the propasal is consi�tent with the Comprehensive Plan, - VYHE,REAS, the Board af County Coz�missioners have fouud that the public use and znterest will be served by the plat alterat'ron WHEREAS, the Board of County Comruissioners have found that the prapasal does nat fall within an identified Critical Area as defined by ti�e Grant Couniy Resource Lands and �riCieai Areas Develapment t3xdinance. WHEREAS, the Board af County Com�.issioners ha-ve f4und that the proposal wiil not adversely affect the heal#h, safety, and welfare af the general public in ttte vicinity of the proposal. WHE.REAS, the Board of Caunty Cammissioners have found that the pr4posai shall be approved subject to ike faitowing coud'ations af appravai. 1. Development shall be in compliance with tke Growth Management Act, The Coun.ty-Wide Planrting Policies, Tlie Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Comprehensive Plau, the Grant County Zoning 4rdiraance, aud alI applicable Iocal, state, and federal reg,uulatians, rulings or requirements. 2. Develapment shall compiy with all applicable requirements of the Grant County Fire Marshal including but not I�nited to the Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Cade. 3. Development shatl compPy with all impravements and restrzctions req�ired bp the Grant Coun�y Pablie WorI�s Deparnnent. 4. Developer shaii compiy with all requirements deemed necessary bq ihe C'srant County Heaith l�istrict ,the Washington State Department ai Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecolagy regarding domestic water supgl�, sewage systems and storm water coIItrol and tx-eatment ineluding, iaut not 2imited to: RC4V 90.48.08fJ Discharge of Polluting Water Prahibited; WAC 173-2Q1, Surface �%"ater Staudards; WAC 173-201A, Growad Watex Quality Staudards and WAC 246-272, Un-Site Sewage Systems. 5. If any Nafiive American Grave site(s} or archaealogicat/cultaral resources (Ind"zan Artifacts} az�e faund ati cansm�ction activiry shall stop aAd the ownerldeveloper shail immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes and the Wasi�ir�gtog State C?f�ce of Archaeology and Histaric Preservacion. Page 2 IN THE MATTER UF ALTERING THE PLAT OF DESERT ATRE DIijISIOI� #2 C�MBIIVTNG LOTS 1S5 AND 156 LC�CATED IN �'�iE SE;la C}F SECTION 27, TO�VNSHIP 14N, RANGE 23 EWM 5. The proposai will co�ly wi[h t3�e requirements of I�CW 58.17,215 which inclndes, but is nat limited to the pravz�ion that any outstanding assessments sha11 be equ�itably divided and levied ag�inst the remaining lots, parcels, tracts, c�r be Ievied ec�uztably ou the lots resulting fram the atteration. 6. The e�isting manuf'actured home on the propert� shall be allowed to be occupied duri�g the canstructian phase af the new residence. RThen t�ie final inspection is issued by the Grant County Buiiding T}epartment on the n�w residence, t�e man�factured home must be remaved within iliixty (30) days of the date of iinal inspection. NOW, THEREFURE, BE IT RESC}LVED, that the Bpard af Courzty Commissianers for Grant County, Wasflingtan approve by ttus Resolution, a plat aiteration of Lots 15S and 156, Desert Aire Divi�ron #2 Iocated in a portion af the Nort�ieast q¢arter of the Southeast +quarter of tlie Northeast quarter of Section 2'7, Township 14 Noz�1z, Range 23 East, W.M., Grant Caunty, Washington. The subject properry is currentiy known a�s ta� parcel #'s 02-4691-000 and Q2-(3fi9Q-400 Done this ��,a,� ,,� day of t� > 1997. Cha'rrman . �r f + ATTE5T. �.. r tI� /d ,� �` �jf Clerk of the � ard �?r ,.�,�..1 � ����.� Car�unissioner ..-- � � �,���� corninissio— n��.�-'-�� ConS-titntiug tl�e Boacd of County Commissioners of Grant Count�, Washington