Week of October 13,1997
The Grant County Cornmissioners s�ssion was calied to order at
9:00 a.m. with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of
the Board.
The Commissioners read and ap�roved the minutes of the
preceding session as wriiten.
The Commissioners approved the request by the Sheriffs �ffice
to purchase a replacement vehicle for one lost.
The Commissioners approved out of State travel for Sheriff
Wiester and Mike Shay to attend the 11Vestern State Sheriffs Conference
in Nevada.
The Gommissioners approved the special occasion liquor license
application of Ducks Unlimited.
The Commissianers approved the budget extension request for
Planning and Growrth Management in the total amount of $40,000.
The Commissioners set a Public Hearing for November 3,1997 at
2:00 p.m. regarding the proposed zone change requestfrom Agriculture
to Commercial Freeway Service on approximately 35 acres requested
by Gwen ar�d MarEell Palmer, located in Farm Unit 136, Irrigation Block
41, Columb6a Basin Project except the North 775 feet as measured ai
right angles from the North line thereof, located in the East half of
Section 33, Township 19 North, Range 2� East, W.M. in the vicinity of
the County Road O NEllnterstate 9O inter�hange.
The Commissioners signed the Group Service Agreement with
Group Health Northwesi and the Sheriffs Unit.
The Commissioners approved the r�quest by the Port of tVloses
Lake for County participation in the Port's wastewater engineering
The Commissioners set a Public Meeting for October 28,1997 ai
3:00 p.m. regarding the Request by Arlo Leishman for the Replat of Lot
9, Block 1, Parker Spring Acres Divisior� #2, to in�lude a portion of
Farm Unit 49, Irrigation Block 41, Colt�mbia Basin Projec#, in the
Southwest Quarter of the Nor�heast Quarter of Section 12, "Pownship 19
North, Range 28 East, W.M.
The Commissioners received a signed copy of the Interagency
Agreemen� between North Central Washington Regional Support
Network and Grant County.
�► me�fion wa� made by �orr�rnissioner Snead, sec�nded by
Commissioner Fan�h�r that Resolution N�mber 97-'I58-CC in the matter
af altering �he Plat af Desert Aire Division #2, cambining lois '(�5 and
'��►6 tacated in the SE 1/4 of �ectian 27, Township 14 N., Range 23
E.W.M. requested b� Julie and Brent C�x �ae passed. The moiion
�s �the�e �+vas no further business to come before the �oard th�
session was ccrniinued untit t�ctober 14,'i997.
t�ctaber 14,1997
The session v+ras continu�d at 9:00 a.m. with att of the
Commissic►ners in attendan�e with the Clerk of the Board.
Th� Gomm6ssivr�ers met vvith ihe Public 1��►rks Director re�arr�ing
Vaile}/ Rd. Extension, 'D.5° NE, 'E' NE$ Randolph, Tyndah�, 22nd,
Sagebrush Flats, 't998 Budget Considerations, Solid Wasie-Scaies,
Ground�vater, Disposal Option, Road-Maintenance Changes, Public
Hearing-Surpius Prvperty, Persc►nnel=Dennis Beasiey.
The Commissdoners signed ihe Pubtic '�VTorks Ciaims Fund
Voucher Approval #9-1 through #9-2Q9 in the to�at amount c�f
The Commissioners appraved the salary of'Teresa R�zanow ofthe
Prosecuting Attorney's Offic� at $i,DO per hour effective Sepiember
2,'t 997.
The Commissioners approved ihe salary increase of Carri
Bujacich of the PrQsecuting Attorney"s O�Fic� to $2,a7E? per m+�nth
eifecfive htovember 1,1997.
The Commissic�ners approved the sta�ting salary +of Sydney
Snyder of ihe Prosecuting At�orney's (�i�'ice at $8.OQ per hour effective
September 22,1997.
The Gammissaoners approered the sa�ary increase af Jerald
Hamiey of the Prosecuiing Attorney's �Jffice ia $4,3�2 per monih
effective t?ctober 6,1997.
As of this daie the Board by a ma�arity vote t�oes approve for
payment those vouchers included in the i�st f�ted in the Auditars Clffce
�IOI13/97 in the iotal amr�unt o€ �344,313.08.
A Public Hearing was heid and a motion v�as mac�e by
Commissioner Snead, seccanded by Commissioner Fanc3�er that
Resolut��n Number 97-1�9-CC declar�ng an auio surplus and accepting
sea�ed bids be passed. The mo#ion �arri�d.
The Commissioners received noiifcation thai Brid€�e #393, 'O' SW
was built in accordance with the plans and specificatians, and ihat al�
materia�s incor�pc�rated inta t�e proje�t rra��t contract spe�cifi+catians.
Th� Commisstane�s he[d a Public Hear�r�g in the matier vf
extend�ng the in�erien �oning ord�nar�ce f�r temporarily am�nding the
Grant Gounty R-1, �-2, Suburban '1, Suburban 2, Sc�burban 3, P-�
Planned Unit Developmertt, and Q-SR zaning ta provide for a minimum
lot area r�f t�nro and c�ne-ha[f acres and maximum residential
deve�opmen�i densities for these distr'rcts at i'wa and one-hat� acr�s per
tiving unii. A motian was made b}i �ommissioner Fancher, secranded
by Cammissioner 5nead to coniinue the �nterim Zon�ng for a� ma►nth
period. The rnoiion carried.
A m�tion viras made by Commissi�ner Fancher, secc�nded by
CommissionerAllisarn that#�esoiuiion Nurnber97-'��0-C� relating ta the
transfer of funds within th� 'i997 buciget �fi ihe �urren� Expense iFund
##�0'1, BuildinglFire lV�arshal and Capital C'�utiay departments �1�1fi and
141 ir� the �rr�ount Qf $2,��0 be passed. The mo�ion carrieci.
The Cor�m�ssianers app�oved ti�e sa�ar� fncreases of M, Gretchen
Butterly and Car�ia L. Gonzates of the Cderks �3ffice tv $7,fi7�.70 per
mcanth, effective t�ctal�er 1,°[ 99i.
The Commissioners received a fully execufed cantraci�mendment
betwe�n Grant Caunty and �Uashingtvn �tat+� IVtilitar� Deparfinent.
The Commissioners approv�d the reguest by the Grani Gounty
�.I�ohol and Drug Center fvr a na�me change ic� Gran� Cc�uniy
Prevenfion and Recovery Center.
A mativn was made by Cammissioner Snead, secQr�ded by
Commissic�ner Fanch�r tha� Resolu#ion Number 9?-16't-GC rel�ting �o
�he iransfer af f�ands wifihin the 1997 l�udget of the Juveniie Facility
Construc�ion Fund #3�2' D�p,�ti#t'ri�t1� #00� iil �hG 1mO�.t3l� R3f $f 8,9�0 be
pass�d, The rr�otion carried.
A rnati�n was made by Comm�ssr�ner Fancher, seccanded b�
Commission�r Snead tha� i�esolution Num�er 97-°�fi2-CC se�ing a
Public Hearir�g relaiing ia► ihe facts requiring an apprapria�tian and
expenditure �f funds for the Juvenile Facility Co�struction Fund 3Q2,
Departmer�t #4��I in the amount raf $Zfi1,224 be passed. The motian
� mo�ion was made by Commiss`r�n+�r Fancher, sec�nded by
Cvmmissi�,ner Sneaci ihat Resaluti�n Numb�r 97-°1fi3-CC setting a
Public Hearing relating to the facts r�eq�iring as� appropriation and
expenditc�r� arf funds for �he Current Expense Fund #001, i0arious
Depa�tments in the amount vf $394�,097 be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissicaners receiv�d nc�tifcation o� the Statemeni af
Infent to pay prevailing v�rages by Ma�ihews Steel Buitdings,lnc. an the
Grant Cvunty Sa�eflite Jus�ice Center.
As there �nras no furiher busir�ess io came befvre the Boa�d #he
session �nras adjourned un#il t�ctaber 20,1�97.
`�Y �. `-J � _
" ��� �,�,
Cterk he Board Chairman
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