HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-155-CCBaard of Caunty Commissioners Grant County, Washington � � " R�solutian Authorizing Crrant County Sheriff ta apply to �AC far ORV funds Res�olution Number: 97-155-CC A resolution authorizing �pplication(s) to the Intera�en�y Committee for Outdoar Recreation (IAC} for fundiilg assistanae for an (3utdoor Recreation Project from funds available through the Nan�-kiighway and Off-road �ek�icle (NQV�A) pr��ram as provi�led by 1:.CW 46.09. WI�.�REAS, under the �rovision of the Non-hi�hway and 0�3F road Vehicle Act, stat� fundin� assist�nce has be�n authorized and made available to aid iri f�t�ancing the cos� of �ducatian � Enforceme�t pro�rams, and the O1�V Mainter�an�e & Operatian of O�V f�Gilities for C)RV az�d Non-highway Raad purposes; WI�R�A�, tl�e County Commissioners of the County af Grant consid�r it in the best public inte�-est to �ro�ide OI�V �ducation &�nfo�-cement, and Maintenance & O�eration of OR�I facilities within Grant County; NOW THEREFQRE, BE YT �ESOLVEaD, by the County Commissioners of Grant Gounty Washington, 1. That the �h�riff be autharized to rnake formal appli�ation to th� Tntera�enc� Committee fax Outdaox Recreatic�n far fundin� assistance, 2. That any fundin� �ssistance �o received be used in the provision of (aRV pro�rarns in Grant County Washington, 3. That Gran� Cc�unty will be providing matching financial support for this project as outlined in the gra,nt application. 4. That any property a�quired with financi�l aid thraugh the Inte�agency Comrnitt�e for Outdoc�r 12ecreation be placed in use as an ORV and/or non- highway raad outdoor recreation program, and, management and t�isposal of such property will fallow sueh guidelinea set forth i�n the NOVA Program rn�nual, Education/Enforcement and Maintenance/Operation,ll�arch 14, 1997, and, That this r�soiution b�come a part of the formal application to the Interagency�� Committee for Outidoor Recreation, � , ���,�� ��`w.�� � � 1997 f�QA1�1!) Uf C0�111�1851t�N[R� GR�IC�'C G�UIdiY, YUhSF1EN�;tt�N Dpne this � day df ��, 1997 Board of County Commissianers Grant County, 'Washington Attesi: �i✓ ` lerl� e Board � � �.���',�: ��� �. ,� �