1�V�ek of September 2�,i997
The Grant County Cammissianers session was called to order by
Chairman LeRoy A�Iisan. A1t ofthe Corrtmissioners were in attendance.
The Cc�mm�ssioners read and approved ihe minutes o�F the
preceding sessior� as wr�i�tten.
The Gommissioners accepted th� resign�tion af tUtike Hamiiton
from the �Grant Coc�n�y Al�ohai and Drug Abuse Board.
The Commissianers appointed J�mes Cain and Allison Adams ta
pasii�ons on th� Gra�t Caunty tV[eniai Heaiih and Developmentai
Disabii�#i�s Advi�ory Board.
The Commissioners appc�inted D�ve Haiey to � furtherterrn on the
Grar�i County Nousing Auihflri�y,
Th� CQmmissioners appraved th� s�tarting saiary af G�ry L!. St�►ne
of the Assessors C}ffice at $�18fi8.80 per month eifectiv� C}ctober'�,9937.
The Cvmmissic�ners apprtaved the saiary increase o€ Mar�t��
�riffigh of the Juvenile Proba�icrn Dep�rtn�er�t.
The Gommissioners approv�d �h� saiary increase of it�ne Bowers
of ihe Juvenile Probativn Depar'�mer�t to �2,OZ�, 'ihey also approv�d
�he increase of Keri Sonnabend o�f the Juvenile Depar�rnent to �1,926.
The Commissio�ers approved th� sa�ary incr�ase of Robert Su�t+er
c�f the Treasurer�s C3ff�ce to �I00 percent �ffective September �1,1997.
Chairman Ai�ison was authorized tc� sign a+cantract amendment
fio fhe E911 implement�tion contract t� be referred fia as EM99703f-A.
A r�a#ion was made by Camm�ssivner F�ncher, secc�nded by
Gom�missivner Snead tha� Resoiution Num�er 97-�152-CC 'rn the �natier
of appr�inting or re-appointing memb�r�s ta the Solid Vt�aste Advisory
Commiftee be passed. The mv�ti4n ��rried.
A motion was made by �or»massioner Fancher, secc�rrded by
Commissianer Snead ih�t Re�Qtut�on Number 97-1�3-CG in the ma#�er
a€ adding anather member to ihe St�lic! �itaste �►dvasor� Cc�mmittee be
passed. The motion car�ried.
A motion was made by Gommissiorter Snead, seconded by
Cr�r�r�issioner Fancher that Resviution Numb�r 97-'154-CC setting a
Public Hearing fvr Clctnber 28,1997 ai �.QQ p.m. relating ta the facts
requirinc� an appr�pria�inn and expenditure of funds f�ar #he M�nta1
Health Depar�ment #�0�-�50 in the amount of $94,17�f be passed. The
motirrn carried.
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