HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 97-150-CCGRANT COUIVTY OFFICE OF BOARD O�' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST OFFiCE BOX 37 EPHRATA, WASHINGTON 98823 (5091 754-2077 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF EXTENDING INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE 97-39- CC FOR TEMPORARILY AMENDIIVG THE GRANT COUNTY R-1 (RESIDENTIAL), R-2 (RESIDENTIAL), SUBURBAN I (S-1), SUBURBAN II (S-2), suBURSAN iii �s-3�, P-D PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AND O-SR OPEN SPACE RECREATIONAL ZONING DISTRICTS TO PROVIDE FOR A MII�IMUM LOTAREA OF TWO AND ONE-HALF (2.5) ACRES AND MAXIMUM RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES FOR THESE DISTRICTS AT TWO AND ONE-HALF (2.5) ACRES PER LIVING UNIT. ORDINANCE N�. 97-i 5�-CC AN EXTENSION OF THE INTERIM ORDINANCE AMENDING THE GRANT COUNTY RESIDENTIAL, SUBURBAN, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN3', AND OPEN SPACE RECREATIONAL ZONES TO PROVIDE FOR RURAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES FOR THESE ZONING DISTRICTS ON AN INTERIM BASIS AS A PART OF GRANT COUNTY'S PLAN FOR CONTINUED COMPLIANCE WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County Washington intends to fully comply with the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board; and, WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County Washington adopted Resolution No. 96-108-CC entitled, A FZ�SOLUTION ADOPTING GRANT COUNTY'S PLAN FOR CONTINUED COMPLIANCE WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT ACT, a"�nrork plan98 as required by 36.70A.390 RCW; and, V\/hereas, Said resolution stipulates that the County will adopt interim residential zoning density regulations for the existing zoning districts DOCIO.DOC of Suburban (S-1, S-2, S-3), Residen#ial (R-1, R-2}, and apen-space (0-SR�; and, Whereas, The Board of Gaunty Gommissioners af Grant County Wasf�ing#on adopted ardinance No. 97-39-CC on March 25, 1997, AN C}DINANCE ADC�PTING 1NTER(M ZtJI�1NG FflR TEMC?RARILY AMENDING GRANT C{JUNTY R-1, R-2, S-�, S-2, 5-3, P-D, ANQ 0- SR Zoning Districts; and, WHEREA�, 3G.74A.39Q RCW pr�vides for �h� adop�ion of interim zc�ning can#rols provided the County halds a public hearing on the propos�d inferim zc�ning ordin�nce within at Ieast sixty �60) days of its adoption; and, that the interim zoning ordinance may be effective for not longer ihan six (�) months, but may be effective for up to one year if a work plan is developed; and, thai the interim za�ing ordinance may be exterrded for one or more six-manth periods; and, Whereas, Grant County Zoning ardinance Na. 97-39-CC was adopted and implemented as stipulated in Grant Counties "work plan", C�esolu�ion 96-1 a8-CC, and that extending C}rdinance 97-39- CC complies with the direction pravided in 3G.7�A.390 RCW; and, Whereas, the Baard of Counfiy Gommissioners makes the fQllowing findings: � , An emergency exists; 2. There is not enough time to satisfy normal notice fvr a public hearing; 1t is appropriate to renew the existing Zoning C�rdinance because Gran� County has a work plan within the contemplation c�f RCW 36.70A.39Q; 3. Densit�r resfiriction are required because Grant County is camplying with the previous arder of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board, Nt�W, THEREFURE, BE IT C}RDAINED BY THiS tNTER1M Oi�D[NANCE, as follows: The Baard of County Commissioners hereby extends in#erim C7rdinance 97-39-CC for six �6� months, efFeetive September 25, 1997 through March 25, 1997', which temporari[y amer�ds the foliowing �ections of the Grant G�unty Zoning Qrdinance to establish a minimum lot area af two and one-half {2.5� acr�s and a maximum residential density o�F one {1) residential uni� per twa and one-ha[f acres �2.5 acres� for the fallowing districts entifi[ed: SECTICJN V1--A, R-1 �RESIDENTdAL}; SECTION - VI--B, R-2 (RESIDENTIAL); SECTION - SUBURBAN - {S-1 }; SECT�ON - SUBURBAN-11 (S-2}; SECTI{�N - SUBURBAN -1(l {S-3}; SECTIaN -XII O-SR (C}PEN SPAGE RECREATIaN). Addi�ionaEly, ihe Board of County Commi�sianers hereby extends the temporary interim amendments D4CIt}.DOC which amend the Pianned Unit DeveCopmenfi 4rdinance {P.U.D.j to not take precedence over the affected Interim Zflning Chapters. l"he �rant County Cc�mmissianers hereby sets a Pubic �iearing date on this emergency ordinance far ���g��� ��. 1997, at �:�a p.�, D�iNE TH1S 23rd DAY OF September 1997. ATTEST: �,���►.� � sa�ra _ . . : • • ; '�t*1�s7:�►��� Attomey d•� � r � i � ' ` ✓� �sRoy Atiison, Cha�rman 1 t � � r Hal�Fancher, Commissioner �ead,� Commissioner Board of County Commissioners DOC1Q.Dt3C