Week of September 22,1997
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
10:00 a.rr�. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were
in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Comrnissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
The Comr�nissioners appointed Allison Adams and James Cain to
positions on the Grant County Mental Heal�h and Developmental
Disabilities Advisory Board.
The Commissioners received the resignation of Mike Hamilton as
a member of the Grant County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Board.
�'he Cammissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds
from the Fairgrounds in ihe amount of $122,947.57.
The Commissioners approved the request by Grant MentaO
Healthcare to purchase some inexpensive pictures for the new
Psychiatric and Counseling Associates Office.
The Commissioners approved the request by Coroner Penny
Sibley for funding in the amount of $1,510 to attend an International
Homicide Investigation Seminar in Arizona.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Larry Cagle
of th� Maintenance Department to 100 percent of the janitorial scale.
The Commissioners approved the Data Processing salary
schedule retroactive to July 1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the request by Coroner Penny
Sibley for a budget increase of $10,000 in her pathology budget.
The Commissioners approved the request by C�unty Clerk
Gordon Harris to be allowed to enroll in the PERS-I Retirert�ent Sysfem.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was continued until September 23,1997.
September 23,1997
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioner
Fancher and Commissioner Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the
Board. Commissioner Allison was a�ending a meeting in Qlympia.
The Commissioners metwith the Public Works Director regarding
Surplus Property Resolution, Insurance-Proof of Loss, HHW Cotlection
Event Summary.
A me�iion was ma�le b}� CaEnmissianer Fancher, �ecar�ded by
Comrn�ss'roner Snead ihat Resvlutian Number 9T-1�9-CG�in �f�e matter
af setting a Public H�aring for �ctober �}4, regarding the iniention to
de�lare surplus cerrtaain County owned e+quipment. The moiion carried.
As c+f this date the Board by a maJcrrfty ve�te does apprave for
payment those vouchers inciuded in the lisi fited in the Auciiters Cfff��e
9122I97 in �Ehe �ota1 amouni of $32a,434,U8.
1� motion was made by Gvm�nissioner� Snead, seconded by
Commissioner Fancher�hat ResolutEvn Number9?-`I5�-GC in the mafiter
of extending anterim zoning ardinance 97-39-CG fc�r tempararily
amending the Grant Coun�yy $-�is $-2, S-1,S-2,S-3,P-D, and t3-SR ze►ning
districts to provide for a rninimum tot area of 2.5 acres and maximum
residential d�velapm�nt densiiies far these districts at 2,v acres per
living unit be pa�sed. The mQtion carried.
A motron was made by Coa�»missianer Fancher, seconded by
�ommissioner� Snead th�t Resoiution Number 97-15�f -CC relating to the
transfer of funds with�n �fhe �i99? budget t�f the Cumulativ� Reserve
Fund #�1Q5, Qepar�ment #147 in the amlount af $2,32�,94� tv re-allocate
ending fund baiance for estima#ed cost of the new Coun�y minimum
�rvork facility be passed. The ma►tion carried.
A continuation of the Public Hearing vn the Duane Lang zone
change request from AgricuHture to Generat Commerciai on a 5�►cre
�arcel ir� a portinn of �he East 112 of the i�ortheast 1!� af Go�ernment
L.ot 1, loca�ed in S�ction 4, Towt�ship 17 Alorth, Ftange 2G E.V�.fltl. A
motion was made by Gommissianer Fancher, second�d by
Comrr�issioner Snead to deny fihe zone ct�ange as it wouid be an ii[ega[
spot zon�, is noi within the proposed IUGA of any Grant County Cit�t
or Tawn, and does not app�ar ic� be compatibte with existing land uses.
The motia►ta carried.
The Commissioners apprr�ved the reques�ted budget extension in
the Current �'lanning Department �or the mave io set up offic�s in ihe
Bureau of Rectamation Bui[ding, �
As there was no furth+er business to come befare the Baard the
session was adjQurned untii Sepiember 29,1997.
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Clerk e Baar
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