Week of September 8,1997
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were
in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as written.
The Commissioners approved out of state travel for Gail Davis
and Susan Fode of the Grant County Develapmental Disabilities
Department to travel to a conference in Oregon.
The Commissioners approved #he beginning salary ofJohn Turley
of the Sheriffs Office at $2,443.50 per month effective August 15,1997.
The Commissioners were notified of the resignation of Terry
Parker as Animal Control Officer effective September 12,1997.
The Commissioners received a signed copy of the
intergovernmental agreement with the Washington State Military
Department regarding Enhanced 9'11.
Commissioner Fancher signed approval of the Building Permit
Application of Edward Gal6ego.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Michele
Haughton of the Grant County Emergency Management O�ce to $2,108
per month.
The Commissioners held a Public Meeting on the Planned Unit
Development Preliminary Plat Application to create a 202 lot
subdivision on 173.03 acres located in a portio of Sections 15, 22 and
23, Township 14 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, in Grant
County, requested by Desert Aire Associates. A motion was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to approve
the Preliminary Plat pending drafting of section 9 and 10 by Planning
staff, with findings as presented by the Planning Department. The
motion carried.
As there was no further business to com� before the Boartl the
session was continued until September 9,1997.
September 9,1997
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all of the
Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk af ihe Board.
The Commissioners met with th� Pubiic VViI"orks Director regarding
Sidewaik Quotes, Paint Striper Purchase, 'L` NE & Netson Road bitling,
Two-wa� Radio Gommunicat¢ans, 'D.�' NE, Emerc�ency Response
Mutual Aid Agreem�nt and Gity uti�ifiies.
The Cammissic�ners approved the starting sal�ry of �llariceta
Guzman af ihe Grant Coun�ly �?istrict Court at 80 percent of the Spanish
�nterpreterlGlerk saiary effective September 2,�(997.
The Commissioners apprt�ve�! the Daia Processing salary
A r�atian was made by Commissioner �nead, seconc�ed by
Commissimner Fancherthai Resalution Number �?='t�7-CG in the mafter
vf approving the Pubiic Works Emergency Respanse Mutual Aid
Agreement be passed. Th� mo#ion carr�ed.
As of this date �the Board by a majority vate dmes approve for
paymeni those vouchers included in ihe i�st fited in the Audiiors C3ffice
91$/97 in the totai amount af $245,838.?A.
The Commissioners receivet� notification csftt�e resignation of Ken
Kerr►an of the Sheriffs Department effective Sept�ember 17,1�97.
As �6�er� was no furth�r business to came before the �oard the
session v�as adjourned until September �15,�1997.
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