HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCt)IittMIS�fC3NERS' PR{�►CEEDINGS V1�eek of August 25,1997 The +Grant County Commissioners session was cailed to order at 9:t?U a,m. Commissioner Fancher and G�mmissioner �nead were in atten�ance with the Clerk of the Board. G�mmissioner All�son was out of town . The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written, The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of Funds in the Cooperative Extension Department in the total amaunt af $fi,571. The Cvmmissioners approved the starking salary of Gerardo S. Gonzalez of the �rant County Alcohol and Drug Center at $181�.1t1 �eginning August 11,1997, The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Courfi Gommissioner James R. Brawn tv $90,89�.�� per �ear efifecti�e September °1,1997, The Commissioners signed the l�lashington Teamsters VYetfare Trust Su�s�ription Agreemen�t for Grant �oun�y Public 1dVorks Dental Pian E. The Commissioners approved the siarting satary of Garrie Boyd of the Tr�as�arers Off"ice at $5,5U per hour effective August 13,1997. The CommissRoners approved the salary increase of Jt�hn Poe of the Aficahai and Drug Center to the salary #ar a Counselor t!. The Commissioners approved the request by the SheriiCf's Department for � change in the Boating Ordinance to inciude a no wake zone fc�r a ihree hundred fooi radius in the Desertaire Marina for the safety of the citiz+�ns using the water ways o�f the Gotumbia River. The Commissianers received an ord�r denying petition�rs' moti�n to clar�fy from the Eastern Washington Grovv�h Management Hearings Board. 'The Commissioners received a�opy of Port District No. 9 Resotutior� Na. 37f adc�pting ihe First 199i Supplemental Budget for° Port District No. 9. A motiara v►ras made by Commissioner Snead, se+�onded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-144-CG reiating tc� the in�rease in the Advance Witness Fees and Trave[ Fund Accvunt be passed. The mvtian carried. The Com�nissioners held a Pubtic Heari�g vn the Zone Change request by Duane Lang from Agriculture to �eneral Commercial on a 5 acre par�el in a porticrn of the East 1/2 af the Northeast 114 of Government Lot 'i, bcated in Section 4, Township '[7 North, Range Z6 E,W.IVI. A mc�tion was made by Cammiss'ron�er �nead, seconded by CQmnnissioner Fancher io continue untdl August 2� fia► discuss w�th ih� Rrosecuting Attt�rney. ihe motion carried. As there was r�o further business �o came be%�re t#�e Board ihe session was continued until August 2G. August 26,�f99� The sessian was continued at 9:0� a.�n. with Ct�mmissic�rter Snead and Commissioner Fancher in attendance �ith the Clerk o�' the Board. �ommissioner Atiison was out of town. The Comm�ss�c�ners met wifh the Prosecuting Attorne� regarding �Ehe Duane Lang Za►ne Ghange, After some d�scussion �t was determined that the Prosecutvr �outd need mQr� iime fr�r tegaf research and so �he matter was cor�tinued untii September 2,�t997. The Commiss�oners autharized th� Pre�secutvrs t3i�f'ice ta issu+� a nv�ice to creditors on the Marine View 1�tater System. The Commissianers appraved the settlement in the Jc�se �4ntonio Eiernandez case. The Cammissivners met with #he Pu�liG ill�orks Director regarding 10:0� a,m. meeting on the Dudenkov Homes�ead Plat, S�pplementai Agreement-STP, �[0.30 Road Vacatian Hearing. The Gommissianers held a Pub[ic Hearing regarding the vacating c�f a pror�ian nf tF�e E SE f�aad right of wa�r lying adjacent tc� Farm Unii 27, Irrigati+�n Block 88. A motio� was made by Commissianer �neaci, seconded byComm�ssionerFancherthat�esa►lution Number9?-145-GC grant�ng t�e vacation of that portion a►f the E-SE Road righf-of-way t�ing adjacer�� to Farm Unit 27, Irrigation B[ock $8, Coium��a Basin Project b�tter descrit�ed as the Souih 500 vf the North 750 feet of the Vltest 1D feet vf the East 4+D feet of the �ortheast 1/4 of the Southeast 114 c�f �ection 15, Township 16 Nor�t�, Range 27 East W.M. be pass�d. The mo�zcrn carried. The Gommissianers signed the Public �llorks Payrolf Jc�urnal for the month �f August, The Commissianers sigr�ed tt�e Public 11V`arks Gtaims Fund Voucher appr�vai #8-� thrQugh #8-2 in �h� iotai amc�unt vf $ZU,?72.°i8. As af �his date the Bc�ard by a majc�rifiy vo�+� daes apprave for payment those vouchers included in the iisi fi[ed in the Auditars f��fice Sf2519? in �he tvtal amount vf $5�9,�43.44. A mc�fia►n was made by Gommissioner Snead, secc�nded by Cammissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 9?-�14fi-CC increasing the advan�e witness fe�s �nd tr�v�l fund account be passed. The mvti�on c�rried, d � ��s s o0 � o �, .� -a .. ��' '� ° � ° � ~Z � • � � . � cD� '�` S G � y � �' �Nd �s� � � �� � � d �� � � �� � � ,� �� C� v 0� � � 'a O O► � y� 0� V' t3 �" � ... � t? .. Q � � o � � v � '� , � , � � �, q� '�Q et, ���d G�� a� . ;-. ,, � °�, ��`° ���d �.� 9N > ?� t� .� dt'� ,� �G d � � � � � � s' SS � �y � N N.�+'G �vy G r�. C '� � �'�'' N � 'C3 �?.r 'Q� .y �G'1N d � � C! t�0 v � O'�' O •� d, � '� t� 0'� N r: ,�d,, G N O ''' � 3 � '�.�' �„i�i Q! O � 0 � N 4e y ,>'