HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-142-CCGR.t�NT C(�UNTY t7Ffi10E Or �OARD OF CC�LiNTY CC}ll1IMISSIC3IVERS POST C3FFtCE $E�X 37 Ei'HFtAT}I., WASF{91VGTOt�t s$a2a {549? 754�2011 BQ�iKD OF G(�UNTY C�MIIZISSIONER� GRANT COUNTY, WASEIINGTON IN THE MATTER flF ALTERING ( RESOLUTI4N N�. 97-1�2-CC THE PLAT OF MARINB VFEW HEIGHTS � RE5{)LUTION APPROVING LOTS #4, 5, & 6, BLOCK 8, LC?CATEI) IN [ A PLAT ALTERATIUN A PURTI{)N OP SECTIQN 17, TC3WNSHIP 17N ��` RANGE ZS E.W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WA. ( [ B.G. McEI17ERRY WI�,I2EAS, the Board of Caunty Commissioners of Grant County have be�n advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a publzc hearing was conducted on Iu1y 2, 1997 on tlie matter af altering Lc�ts #4, S, & 6, Biock 8 af Marir�e V�iew Heights in a partion of S�tion 17, Township 1? North, Ranga Z8 East, W.M., Gzant County, Washington. WE3.F.REAS, the Grant County Plarming Comn�ission made a recommendatian to apprr�ve the plat alteratiQn, t�VHEREAS, ther� was a quaruzn pxesent the night of the Planning Cammissian meetiug this proposal was sent to the County Commissioners wzth an offieial recammendation, WHEREAS, the Board af Caminissioners held a public ineeting on July 28, 1931 a:nd, VV�IEREAS, the Board of Caunty Commissianers have found that the proponent did pzesent sufficient evidence tl�at the subject property warranted the replat. VVHii:]2EAS, the Board af Countl Commissiouers have found thai the proposed replat is an the pnblic's best interest and bears a substantiai relationship to the generai weifare af the residenks. Nfi1W, TH�REF{}RE, BE iT RESULVED, that the Board of County Com�nissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, a plai alteration of LQts #4, 5, & 6, Biack 8 af Marine View Heights at the following described pmperty: The portion of Section 17, Tawnship 17 Nartlt, Range 28 E.W.M,, Grant County, Washington. FiNDINGS OF FACT 1. The gublic use and interast wili be ser*vveci by the plat alteration. 2e The praposal does not fall witbin an identified Crifical Area as defined by the Grant Countp Resource Lands aud Critical Areas I7evelopment Chd'mance. 3. The proposat is consistent with iha Grant County Camprehensiva P1an. 4. The propasal w�'il not adversety effeci the heaith, safety, and welfare of the generai public in the vicinity of tke praposal, Done this -----� day of j��, 199'7. � / ��`" . � � � �l� ;� ATTEST: ��.� �r�;�' �i'{13.,r`'�� � ��lerk af the B�d p � .�.,...�-T � � "� . r ,� �. �:�� �_.. :;� _ eom � � °°r � � � � Co�� � ss� ron�T Constituting ttae Board of County Cc�mrnissioner5 0� Grant Caunty, Washingtan