HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-140-CCGRANT C(JtTI'�T�.' t)FPICE �F BQARD OF COUNTY C(J�VINIISSIONERS �OST OFFIGE BOX 37 EPFiF2ATA. WASHiNGTC}N 98823 t5fl91 754-244# B{�ARD t�F COUNTY COMI�IISSIONERS GI�:ANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MA'CTER (3F ALTERING THE 1�LAT OF LOT 22 OF CRAB CREEK CREEK ESTATES, L4CATED IN A Pt3RTIflN {3F TEIE SE 'la E�F THE NW 'la tJF SECT'I�N 35, TOWNSHIP" 20 NlJRTH, ItANGE 28 E.W.M. .. • • �s . � t.._ M_�� f ��' 3 i 1� t � `7 �:Y II•.i�1 li �7T� 1( �it��� ROBERT RUSSELL 60 L ST. EFHRATA, WA. 98823 WHE�.2EAS, tlie Board af County Commissioners o€ Grant Caunty have been advised by the Grant Caunty Planning Commission that a pub2ic hearing was conducted on Ju1y 2, 199� c�n #ha ma#tar esf altering Lot 22 of Crab Creek Estates in a portion of Section 3S, Township 20 North, Range 28 East, W.M., Grant Caunty, Wasllington. WRE�tEAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made a recomx�aenciatian to approve ihe plat alteration, �VH1��2EAS, there was a quorc�m present the night af the Planni�ng Com�nissic�n meeking this proposal was sent to the County Commissioners with an afficial recommendation, WIIE1tEAS, the Board of Com�missioners held a public meeting on Tuty 29, I997 and, 'V�IE�2�,A5, the Board af County Commissioners have focuid that ihe proponen# did present sufficient evid�nce titat the subject property warranted the replaE. WHE�tEAS, the Bcaard of County Commzssianers have found that the proposed repla# is in the public's best interest and bears a substaniial relationship to #he general welfare of the residents. 14rQW, 2'HERIU�'tJRE, BE IT RE�£}LVE�D, that tiie �3aard of County Commissioners for Graut Cauuty, Washingtan approve by this Resoiutian, a plat alteration of Lat 22, Crab Creek Estates inta {2} parcels 2,65 azttd 1.00 acres in siae as the follcawir�g described property: The S� 'f� of #he NW �/� af Sec#ion 35, Townshig 20 ltIorth, Range 28 E.W.M., Grant Cotznty, Washington, Grant County Tax Assessors parcel #12-1633-000 FIl�DINGS O�' FACT i. Tfie public use and interest will ba served by the piat aiteration. 2. The proposal does nat fall within an identifieli Criticat Area as defined by the Grant County Resaurce I.ar�ds and Critical Areas Development {3rdinance, 3. 'The proposal is �onsistent with the Grant Caunty Co�prehensive Plan. 4. The propasal wiiI not adversely effect the health, safety, aud wetfare of the general gublic in the vicinity of the propasal. Dana this ;� day of AT[`EST: ��'� Clerk of th��`oar� ; t� , s _ f �a.,�'� � ,�,!',/�'.�'�__.e�`� % Ca� � oner .,--.____�--- � f �; ' Co�'ianer i997. Constitut�ng the Baard of County Commissioners of Grant Ccaunty, Washipxgton f�E�/�L A T OF L O T c�2, CRAB Cfi�EE�( ES TA 7-E-5 ' IN THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 35, TWP 20 N, RNG 28 E, W.M. GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON F � � . . . . . . . . • • 4l{�l[eY OY'M,1:Ll� \NUlM• • � • � �� • • • r � � � , �••• N BB'27'!3'V SOUTH BOUNpMY OiWJT CIXMY A85£550R'S PLAT N0. 2 OF CRAB C1E,�K ESTATES ••�• i a� �araia7[[rri , LO7 22 ORANT COUNTY AS5ES50R'S PLAT OF CRAB CHEEK ESTATES� ACCOROINO TO TI# PIAT TFIEREOF AS RECOft0E0 IN VOLUHE 12 � PLATS� PAGE 8� I�COft05 � GRANY CIXNTY VA51iINGTQN� RANf� 2B�AgM,M�+f�+RM1�CW�t1iY�, NA�91IN6T�ONRTER OF SECTION 35� TOVNSHIP �i0 NOFthI, BASIC pF ppIRIMSI ����•m�o�5•p�ryr�eEt �rpr��p eqE�vtKes°rF�ns �s Re�"�'rnwet n iw Kv�� � rurs, PAOE B� NECOR�3 ORANT T Y� VA5HINOTONE. C�IF.fi! 11 All. LOYS SUBJE�.�CpT TO A 60 IOOT MININUN SEPERATION BEtWEEN STpUCYUliEB ►DR PUAPOGES OF FIP� PROTlCTION� AOJ CE 1��,pi�7l11`6 �W[�MFM NAYS��fiE0UCE0�FI��no�CT1�Or1�! •, NSAT�ER �Y�1 FIRE FLAM 1 18 �'RDV10E0. �%� � � . � � �� I qfNO •7• N�i �?HIS . • REPLAT I I y,�CINTTY MAP .�su.mt n.eLL �� N07 TO SCALE LE�R! o � • Fult�p AB wiEo • � I,�NCHT REBAR YITH 6tK2V�Y0R'4 � o cawreo aacra rrar ser �ao = 1 I PECORO OA�A PER ORNli COUI�TY � A� 55(�p 8 PLAT OF CRAB CREEN �ip +� E/S�pTA�iES� VOLIME li OF' PI.ATS� � MA3HINb7W ORtlS OF (�tA1�R COUJTY� rt et\9716EOIZ. Dl1E � � K, S, KNUl�SEN LAND SURVEYING P,O. 6ox 505, 16 Baeln Slreet S,N, Ephrola� Waeh�ngfon 98g23 Phone 15091 754-4376 Fax 754-3403 03•1B•97 � 1' •!00' � 87 • iee • oi �� OF 2