HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of August 4,1997 The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Atlison, with all of the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session as written. The �ommissioners approved �he salary increase of Theresa Sheets of the Sheriffs Office to $'�,771.20 per month effective August 1,1997. The Commissioners approved the appointment of Scott Clark to the position of Deputy DirectorlCurrent Planning at the salary of $3,225 per month effective August 1,1997. Chairman Allison was authos�ized to sign the request for COPS grant funds for the hiring of 2 additio�al officers. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Charity Hastings of the Sheriffs Office #o $�l,7�1.20 per month effectiv� August 1,1997. The Commissioners approved t6�e salary increase of Terry Lee lltloore of the Grant County Fair to 100 percent of the salary� for the position of Grounds Keeper. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Kimberly VJyman of the Grant County Fair to 100 percent of the salary for the Office ClerklCommercial Vendor Coordinatar position. The Commissioners approved the increase in the Reimbursable Expenses category in the Grant County Sateltite Justice Facility budget in the amount of $5,700. A rr�otion was made by Commessioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Sneacl that Resolution Number 97-139-CC in the matter of setting a Public Hearing for August 26,1997 at 10:30 a.m. regarding a petition to vacate certain port6ons of �ounty roads and rights of way be passed. The motion carried. A motion was made by C�mmissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-140-CC approving the plat alteration ofi Lot 22 of Crab �reek Estates, located in a portion of the SE 1/4 of the NW 114 of Section 35, Township 20 North, Range 28 E.W.M. be passed. The motion carried. A matit�n was made by Comrr�issioner Snead�, sece��td�d by Commissioner Fancher that R+esv4utian Number 97-141-�� appraving �he plat alter�tion of Lot #4 in the Plat of Ts��rra and C�untry Estate� iocated in a pt�rti+�n a�f Section 32,1`own�hip 20 �1., Range 29 E,�1.IVI. �ie passed. The motion carried. �i mation was m�de b� Comr�issivner �nead, seconded by Commissic���r �ancher that Resolutic�n Number 97-142-C� apprt�ving �he p��t ���eratie�n af the Pla� o� �llarine View Heights, L�ts #4,s, &�, Block 8, lr�cated in a pvrtian of Se�fr�on �17, Ta►v,�nship 17 N., i�a�g� 2� E.W.M. be passed. The mot�c�n carried. The Commissianers meiwiih the �ublic �iforks Directcar regarding Bid Authorizatian-Ac�ams Road and Dodson Rvad. Paving, Praject Agreemen�-'12' SWISE{'6'S1N to SR2�2�, I'�utual Aid Agreement, ...:.: . Sealcaat-Srttall Cities & To�nrns, 1�:34 {Gont, Hearing)-Road 1/acatir�n- Trinidad Vicinity, �1�[;0� Franchise Hearing-Lakeviewll�aterAssvciatic�n. The c�antinuativn of the Pubi�c Hear�ng on the r�quest t�t vacate a por�ion csf ceriain county rvads and �ights of vvay in the Trinidad area was hefd. A mQtion was made by �arrtmissioner Snead, secvnd�d by Corrtmissioner Fancher to continue th� matter to consult vvith legal caunsef regarding ihe passibiti� 4� having a� foc�# pathway io a�corr�modate foo#, traffic. Tne motion carried, A ma►tion was made by Cammissioner Snead, secc�nded by Comrt�issioner Fancherthatihe Public Hearing sGheriulet� far 1�6:OU a.m. regarding the L.a�e�iew i1Va�er Franchise be continued untii August 18,°l997 at �11:00 a.m. du� tc� a problem with the legal nc�tice on the hearing. The mvtivn carried. The Commissioners signed the Pubtic U1larks Clairr�s Fund Voucher appr�ovat #7-1 through #7-3 in ihe tvtal amvun� af $23,872.29, As of this da�te �he Board by � majority vote does approve far payment thase vaucher� �r�ciuded in �he list filed in the Auditors C?ffce i131197 in the fiatal amount of $116,758.2�. The Co�nmissiv�ers signed the Authorization to Ca11 fc�r Bids c�n ihe Dodsvn Rc�ad and Adams �aad resurFacing project. Bid t�penin� ta be held Aug�st 1�,1997 at 1�:3Q a.r�. As of ihis date the Board �y a ma�ariiy vote does apprc�ve for payment those vouchers included in the list �iled in the Auditors t}ffice $14197 in the total amouni of $471,�G�.07. The Cvmmissioners �pprc�ved the request by the Prvsecut�ng Attcrrney far the purchase of a iaptop �omputer and printer in �he amount of $438i.fi4. �'h� Commissioners signed the �ltarrants Lisi #87G�fi through #88234 for the Juiy payroli. The Gommissioners approved a r�quest by the Juvenile P�obation Department ta purchase a metal de%ctor, cen�ral air unit and refrigerator for ttaeir facilify frvm their Capital t�uflay budget fram Criminal Justice Funds. As �here was no furiher busir�ess fio carne be€c�re ihe Board the session �nras adjourned until Auc�ust �11,'i997. ATTESTr , � � � < Clerk �U ,�he Bvar � BC3RRD C3F CC}UNTI�' CO11lIM1S�IQNERS Gi�A[�T CC3U(�TY, 111tASHINGTO►N � � Chairm 7 ��� ���� ���� � �, �