HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-134-CCe , . o���cs aF �OARD QF CO�.INTY CC}MMISSIOI�sERS PClST C3FFiCE BC?X 37 EPHRATA, WASH1lYGidN 988z3 {5091 754-2011 �o� oF �oVz�r� coNrn�szaz�xs G-R:ANT COZJN"TY� �ASHIl�TC'rTUN IN THE MATTER QF ESTABLISHtNG CURRl� N'C PL1���TN1NG A.N:D LONG R.�3NGE PLA.NNG DEPARTME2ITS RESC7LUTI{�N NO. 97-�34-cc RESOLUTIt3N ESTABLISI�ING Lt}NG It.ANGE A�ND CI:1�.RENT PLA1`��III�TG DEPARTivIENTS WHEREAS, in recognition of ihe import�nce c�f Long Rar�ge Comprehensive Pla��ning and Current Planning ta the prosperiiy, healtlz, safety and general weliare of the citizens of Grant Caunty and to comply with the requirements of RCW ?OA.070, The Growth Management Act, the Boarct af Grant County Comznissianers hereby affirms the County's coniinuing commitment to �he creation of a land use policy plan for grawth aver ihe next twen�.y years and to the continued facilitati�n of current projects promoting grawth and development. N()W, TH�R.EFORE, BE IT RESt3LVED, THAT T� Board of Caunty Gommissioners for Grant County da hereby underiake the following actions. The establishment of a Lang Range Planning Department with affices Iacated in the Grant County Court House. 2. The hire of an additional planner. 3. Estabiishing A Long Range Planning Llepartment: Given that it is necessary t€a under take ar� intensive effort to cc�mpleie the Grant Cc�unty Compr�hensive Plan in a timely rnanner, the Board of Cc�unty Commissioners hereby create the positzon of Long Rarzge Plann�ng D'arector (Praject Positian) and establish an ixkterim Long Range Plannzng Department. The Lt�ng Range Pianning Department will operate under the existing GMA Bndget Fund #126 and Appropriatians- Dep�.rtment #368. The �'3epartment will be responsible fc�r the development of the Grant County Comprehensive Plan and implemenizng develapment regulations as required by the Growth� Manage�nent Act; and, shall be responsible far all oiher long arange comprehenszve and straiegic plannrng activities of the County including the prepara�on of a1I environmental documents related to such activrties_ The Long Range Planning Director and Department �ill report to and be responsible io the Board o� Caunty Commissioners and shali coordinate its activities with the Current Plann�i�g Department. Lan,g Range Planning Departmeni activzties sha11 have priority c�ver Lang Range Pla,nning Departmeni budget and resources. Upon completion af the Grant County Comprehensive Pian as required by the Growth Management Aci ancUor upon the discre�ion of the--Board of Cauniy Cominissioners the �,ong Range Planning Departm�nt and �he Current Planning Department sha11 be merged under the direct�on of �he current Planning Department. 4. Establishing Current Pianning Department: Given that it is impera�ive io provide f�r iimely project pernut services to the citizens of Grant County and to facilitate and encourage lawful growth and development, the �oazd of Grant County Commissioners hereb�, on an interim basis, desibnate the Pianning Department as the "Current Planning Department" and the Planning Director as the "Current Plaz�ning Directar". The Gurrent Planning Department will aperate under the e�sting Current Expense - Fund #001, Planning Departmeni #111, The current Planning Director will report to and be responsibie to the Board of Caunty Commissianers and shall coordinate current planning activities with the Lang Range Planning Department. The duties and respansibilities �fthe SEPA Responszble 4fficiai sha11 be reiained by the Current Flar�ning Director. The Current PlaYming Departm�nt will be responsibie for project permit review and �he adminisiration, imptementation and enforcement of the following: Subdivision Ordinances, Zaning {�rdinances; Critical Areas and Resource Lands t3rdinances; Shareline Management Master Plan; and, SEPA. The Current planning Department will hou�e the GIS program and will provide GIS support to Lc�ng Range Planning within budget and capacity. Current Plaz�ning Activities shall have priority c�ver current planning budget and resources. Upon completion of the Grani Couniy Comprehensive Pian as required by the Growth Managemeni Act and/or at the discretion of the Baard of Gounty Commissioners, the �,ong Ra�ge Planning Department and the Curreni Planning Department shall be merged under the direction of the CurQ-eni Pla�ning I7epartment. .�. DONE THIS �! Day of `�� �'�'� , 1997. � � � � / f � oy Allison, Chairman f ' � �' ��'', Helen Fancher, Commissioner � ����.� �r�� s���� co�������r Attest; ' �� � Constituting the Bnard ofCotnmissioners ofGrant �ounty, Washington