Week of July 28,1997
The Grant County Comrnissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were
in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners approved the request by Grant County
District Court for the purchase of a new copy machine in the amount
of $9,244.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of David
Ponozzo of ihe SherifF°s Office to $3,029 per month effective June
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Kerri Ad6er
of the Sheriffs Office to $2,279 per month effective June 10,'1997.
The Commissioners approved the starting salary ofi Rosa
Arambula of the District Cou�t at 80 percent of satary for a Deputy Clerk
1 effective J u ly 21,1997.
The Commissioners were notified that Elvin Kulp of the
Cooperative Extension Office vwoa�ld be out of the o�fice frorr� July
12,1997 until Ju(y 28,1997.
The Commissioners approvec! the pay adjustment of Rick Bomar
of the Juvenile Department io $2,751 per rr�onth effective July 1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the change of name from Grant
Consultants to Psychiatric and Counseling Associates requested by
Grant County Mental Health.
The Commissioners received a copy of City of C,2uincy Resolution
No. 97-07 supporting the implemen#ation of the 1i'lOth of 1% County-
wide sales tax.
The Commissioners approaed the request by the Gran� County
Fire Nlarshal for a County w�c�e burn ban beginning July 31 and
continuing through August 4, excluding authorized agriculture burning
and campfires in established fire pits in State campgrounds.
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign approval of the Special
�ccasion Liquor License of Ephrata Moose Lodge.
Chairman Allison �+vas authorized to sign the Agreement for state
administration and collection of the Local Sales/Use Tax �nrith the
Department of Revenue.
A motion was made by Commissioner F'ancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead thai Resolution Number 97-130-CC in the matter
�f unredeemed warrants be passed. The motion carried.
A Pubtic Meeting was held r�g�r�ling the Plat Al�eratian request
by B,G. McEld�rry io repiat Lots 4, 5 ant! fi, Blvck 8; t�arine Vi�w
Heights, Divisian #1 F�iat into �k�wv tots in a�uburban-2 zone. These lot�
�re locaied in a portion af the N�rthwest quarter of the Southwest
quarier� of �he Nvr�hwest quar�er af Section �17, Town�hip �7 Norih,
Range 28 East, i�IT.M. � mr�tic�n v�ras made b� Cammissianer Snead,
se�anded by Comrt�issic�ner Fancher to uphold �he Plann'rng
Cc�mmission appr�+�val with the 7 rect�mmendatit�ns and 4 frndings vf
fact tc� be a�dopt�d. T�e motion c�rri+�d.
A Publi� Meeting was held regarding the Ptat Alteration request
by Bilf Dur�can to replat Lofi i, Blvck 3; Mvs�s Lake Indusirial Park Plat
infc� four ic��s approxima�ety 21,450 to �4,57a feet in si�e on a 9�I, 97v
square faot lofi in a �ight-indus�rial zone. �4cated in a por�ic�r� o�f the
Southeast quarfier of Sec�`ron 13, T`c�wnship �19 �iorth, Range 28 East,
�t[.iVl. A rnation was made b}� Cc�r�missioner Snead, seconded by
Commissianer i�liisan to uphold the R[a�ning Cammission approual
�vith cvnditions numb�r 1 ihrough 7, and findrngs ofi fac� number 'i
through 4 io be adc�p�ed. The �notion carried.
A P'ubfic Nieeting was held regar+�ing the five year extension of
time for th� c4mpietic�n of V11hi�e's Addition to �akeview Country Ciub
Piaf reques�ed by Sue Husted. The parcel is located in a portion of the
So�thwest quarter and Scauth half vf the North�vest quarter of Se�tic,n
2�, Township 22 Nor�h, Range 26 East of �`.M. A moiivn v�ras made by
Commissit�ner Snead, seconded by �ommissioner �lilison to uphold
the Pianning Cammission approval v►r�fh findings af fact as propc�sed.
The mvtia►n carried.
As there was na fur°�her business to came befvre the Board the
session �vas �c�ntinued �ntit July �9,1997.
Jt�[y 29,'��97
The session was continued at 9:�0 a,m. with al1 c�f the
Cammissioners in att�ndance wifih the Clerk of the Board.
A Public Hearing was held and a moti�rn was made by
Gommis�ianer Fancher, seconded by Cammissianer Snead tha#
t�esolution l�umber 97-131-CC au#horizing an appropriat�an and
expenditure of funt3s fc�r the Gurrent Expense Fund #OQ1, Various
De�artmer�ts in the amoun� c�f $?G,fi9? be passed. The motion carried.
The CommEssianers met wiih ihe Pubiic V'Varks Director regarding
'10:3Q a.m. Surp�us Property He�r�ng continuation, �1�l:UO a.m. �ix year
road pragram h�aring, grievan�e �nd noti�ce af retirement.
The Gommissioners �nrere infc�rmed ihat Dennis Beasley of Pubiic
V�lr�rks Rvad District #2 would be retiring ef�ective December 3'1,1997.
The Commissioners appraved the saiary increases fvr �ih�
supervisary and non-union salar�es in �he Public Wvrks Depariment,
retroactive ta January �1,�l997.
The Commissioners sigr�ed the cantra�� with Norih Central
�onstruction for the Dodson Road, CRP 9f-9 prc��ec�t.
A continuation of Publac Hearing was held regarding fihe County
wide surpius equipment and merchandise auctivn sate. A motian was
made k�y Cammissican�r Fan�her, seconded b�y Cvmmissioner Sneati
�hat Resc�lution i�umber 97-�32-CC in the matter vf an order c6e�larinr�
surpius equipment be passed. The matian carried. A motion v�r�as
made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher
that Resolution Numb�r 97-133-CC in the mafi�er af an order graniing
s�le af surplus pcaperty be passed. 1`he mc��ion carried.
A r�otion was made by C+�m�missioner Snead, secc�nded by
Commiss�oner Fancherthat Resvlutivn Number 97-�3�4-CC in the matter
r�f estabiishing Curre�t Pi�nning and Long �tange Rtanni�g
Depar�mer�ts be passed. The mot�c�n carried.
A�notic�n was made by C�ommissioner Snead, seconded by
Gommissi4ner Fancherthat Resoiution Nurn�er97-135-CC in the matter
of appra�ring the Duncan Plat atteratian, a faur Ivt replat af 2.91 acres
in a por�ic�n of Sec�ion 'i3, Township 19 Narth, Range 28 East, 111f.M.
requested by Bill Duncan be passed, The motion carried.
A mvtion �nras m�ade by Commissioner Snead, seconr�ed by
Comrnissi4ner F'ancherthat Resolutian Nurrtber9�-'i3G-CC 'rn the mafter
of approving a�ve year timse extensi�an for 1lUhite's Ad�dition �o
Lakeview Gountry Club in a partian of Section� 25, Township 22 N.,
Range 2� East, '1N,1'�. request�d by Sue Husted be passed. The motian
A motion was mad� by Commis�iQner Fancher, seccanded �y
�omrrtissianer Snead tE�at Resolut�on Number 97-�13'7-C� in the ma�ter
of after`rng �he Rlat of Marine �Oiew Meights, Lots 4, 5 and fi, Biock 8,
located in a portiv of SectiQn '17, Townshap '1? North, Range 28 Eas�,
�t'11.M., requested by B,G. McEtderry be passed. The mr�tion carried.
A i�ublic Hearing was h�td an�i a motion was made by
Cc,mmissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fanch�r that
Resolution Number 97-�l38-CC in the matter of adapting a
comprehensive six yea� transpvrtation improvement program f+�r th�
ensuing six years be passed. The mation carried,
The Cc�mmissianers approv�d the request by the Ptanning
Department for authorization ta ad�rerfiise for the position o€ Associate
PlannerlCurreni Planning,
The Commissinners held a Pubiic �earing regarding the Pfat
Al�eratie�n request by Rabert Russeli tfl divide Lai 22 0� Crab Creek
Estaies, locaied in the SQutheast quarter of the Nor�hwest quarfer� c►f
Section 35, Tawnship 2U Nart�, Range 28 East, �1►.iVl, requested by
Rv�ber� Russell. A motian was made by Cammissioner finead,
secQnded by �ommissioner Fac�cher tv upho�d ihe Pianning
Cammission approval w�th ali nine conditions recommended and alf
faur findings �of f�ct fia b� a�opted. �`he mo�ian carrie�,
The Commission�rs hetd a Pubiic Meeting regarding the Pta�t
Alterat�on request by Russeli Bacan to Replat Lot 4, Town and Couniry
Estates, currentiy 28.41 acres intc� two lo�ts apprt�ximai�iy 8,�7 and
� 9.�4 acres in size, Location of the lvt is in a portion af Sec#ion 32,
Tawnship 20 North, Range 29 East, 1�t.IV1. A motion was made by
Commissioner Snead, seconded by Gc�mmissioner Fancher tc� upho[d
the P'lanning Ct�mmission apprvvai mf ihe request, with at17 conditions
and ali 4 firedings of fact propc�sed. The maiion carried.
As of �this date the iBo�rd by a majority vote does apprc�ve for
paymeni those vauchers included in the list filed �n ihe Auditars �}ffice
7/29197 in the tota[ amauni c�f �5'17,933.32,
The Commissianers signed the Pub1�c 11�orks Payrolf Journai for
the mvnth �f Juiy in the amount of $311,43�,37.
Th�e Comrr�i�sit�ners apprcaved ihe payment o# � bitl from the
Govey Ghirapraciic Clini� regarding a claim by Janice C. Baldarmino in
the amount of $633.00.
As �here wa� no fur�her business ta� come before the Bt�ar�d the
session was cantinued until J�aly 31,199?.
July 3't,°1997
The session was confinued at 't1:40 a.m. with Comr�issic�ner
Stleatd 2tttt� �nairman a�1�..so� irt attetldartCe witfl the Glet'k Uft61e Bt�,ard.
The Gc�rrtmissioners held a b�d opening regarding the �`ateli�te
Justice Ceni�r. A mc�tion was made by �ommissiQner Srr+��d,
secvnded by Commiss6oner Ailisan to refer the bids tv the Sheriffs
Office and John Graham and Assa►ciaies for their review and
recommendation. The mofi�ion carried.
As �here was na further b�sin�ss ta c4me before the Bv�ard th�
session was adjc�urned until,August 4,1997.
Cierl��' the Be�ar
Bt3ARQ f3F COU�VTY CQfl►tM1�S1t7�(ERS
, f �
C�air , n
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