HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCGQIU111�iS�1C)NERS' Pf�t3C�ED�NGS Week Qf Ju1y 't4,`I997 The Grant County Comrr�iss�on�rs s�ssion was called to order at 9:aQ a.m. f�y Ghairman I.eRoy A11ist�n. All of the �ommissi�,ner�s were in af�endance with the Clerk af ihe Soard. The Commi�sioners read arad apprc�ved the minutes of the precet�ing sessian as writ�en. The Cammis�i�ners approved the r�quest by Superior Gourt ft�r ihe amount of $4Q� to upgrade the Judges c+�mput�r. i'he Commissioners set the foilvwir�g matters �rc�m the Planning Gamr�issian: Russell Bacon PlatAlteration reques�-Pub�ic �eefing,.lul� 29,�997 at 2:3t� p.m. B.�.McE[derry PlatAtteratfon reques�-Public Mee�ing, Ju1y 2$,'t 997 ai 1:3f} p.m. Duncan P[at Alte�ation requ�st-�ub�ic IVleeting, July 28,�99'7 at �,3� p.m. Sue Husted �ime extensic�n on �lthite's Add�i�an-Fublic l�leeting J�Iy 28,999i a� 3:30 p.m. Duane L.ang Zone Change-P�biic ��aring August 11,1997 ai 1:30� p.m. The Ca►mmissianers apprt�ved the ��quest by the Assess+�r for one AutoCad Map t�14 �or $2,338 and one Autc�Gad Map iR14 upgrade fc�r $558. Th� Commissioners receiv�d a signed cop� of ihe Speciai Cc�unsel Contract with 1�1i1liams, i�astner � Gibbs, The Cvmmissivners appr��aved the r�quest by St�utt� Bar�ks Lake I1�osquita Ce�ntrv[ Disfirsci #3 f+�r the 198v Do�lg� 1 Tan truck from the Public 1tVorks Surp�us in fhe amount of $1,�17. The �c�mmissic�n+�rs approved the reques� by ihe Auditc�r regarding a budget exfensivn in ihe amoun� +�f $28,Q97 for #he Stadium Etection. The �crmmissioners received Resolution Noa 97-127 from ihe City c�f Gecrrge and R�solutior� 4-97 from the Tawn af E[eciric Gi�y regarding �uppc�rt of the impter�entir�g of �!�°t�th c�f 'E percent CQur�ty-wide sales tax. A motion was made by Cc�mmissioner Fancher, seconded by Gommissivner Sneat� that Res�lution Nurnber 97-122-CC, C3rdinance i�umber 97-'122-CC �n the matter af changing the zoning from Agriculture ta Suburban �►griculiure c�n a 14'i Acre Parcel (ocai�d in a pvrt�on af the SW 1l4 Sectic�n 7, T�wnship ZO N., Range 2G, Eli�ll� requ�st+�d by Danaid Jacobson be pas�ed. The motion carried. A Pubiic Nearing was held regardinc� ihe Plai Alteraiion request b� Adan R�ojas �tv further subdivide L.oi 3, of the Herzog Shvrt Ptat into 3 lats approximat�ly 1.38 acres and larger i� size in th+� Suburban-2 zone, The Plat is 1c►cat�d in ihe Nc�rtheast quarter of �the N4r�hwest quarter of Sectian 35, Townsh'rp 20 Norkh, Range 27 Eas�E 1�`.lUI., ab�u�ting County Road D,5 NE in McConihe Fiat�, A motion was made by Gommissianer Snead, secQnded by C�mmissian�r Allisan to approve ihe request based on conditions �f thra�gh 'l3 of the Planning Departmen� and findings as �r���sec� k�y the Planning staf�. Th� mQtia�n carri�d. A Pub�ac i�eeting was held regard�ng the �vvc� year time ex�ension for the camRle�ion of Sun Canyon Resort P1ann+�d Unit Developmen# tocated in Se�tions 21 and 22, Township 18 Nor�h, Range 23 Eas�, It�.M. near the Silica Raad inierchange on lnterstate-9� reques�ed by Sandra Boyd. A motion was made by �ommissioner Fancher, second�d by Commissianer Allisarn to uphold the Pianning Commissian apprvvai of the request. The motion carried, A Public H�aring was heid regarding ihe designatic�n of the Interim Urban Growih Area for the Ciiy of Moses L.ake, as required by the Growrth Management Act, The Hearing was opened by Chairman LeRoy Ailison. He explained ihe purpose af the hearing and asked County Lc�ng Range Plannfng to p�ravide fur�her information regarding the process and the prc�pos�d baundaries, Test�many was taken frc�m varic�us representativ�s from the City of 11�oses Lake, ait indi�ating that the Ci�jr felt Grant Counfys propasal was not apprapriate. Testimany was also taken fram �rivate citi�ens, so�n� approving the County propvsal, and s�rr�e requ�sting to be included in the City boundaries. A suggestic�n �nras made that the Couniy go to the Eas#ern Washingt+�n Grawth Hearings Baard and ask for a tim� extension of 6� days befc�re makin� any decision on the final iU��. A moiion v�vas made by Cammissivner Snead, seconded by Cammiss�c�n+er Fancherta coniinue the h�aring ta Sep�ember 1v,�1997 at 7:Q� p,m. Aft�r going inta �xecutive session for a short discussic►n with iegai ca►unsel the Hearing was cantinued and th� moti�n ta ct�niinue ihe hearing to Septe�nber '� 5,1 �97 ai ?:00 p.m. car�ried, As ther� was na further business ta �came befor� the Baard the session was continu�t! unfiii Ju[y 't�,�1997, July �5,'�997 The session was continued at 9:�� a.m. with ait of the C+�mmissioners in at�endance with the Clerk c�f ihe Board. The Commissianers metwtth the PublicVf�orks Directarr+�garding 1U:U0 a,m. bid opening{Dadsan Road�, °3' SE-R11t11, 10.30 Bob Berg, Con%ract Execution-Auction Services, Reir�bursabie Work-Moses Lak�, l.and Acquisition, and Personnel, The Commissiar�ers signed the Publi+c Works Glaims Fund Voucher appraval #6-1 through #G-21� in the iafial amvuni of $'�,525,92v.02. A bid opening was heid r�garding �he Dodson Road prc►,�e+ct. A motion was made by Cvmmissioner Sneac�, seconded by Commissioner FancE�er to re#er the bids to Publ�c 1�orks for their review and recomment�ations. The mot�on carried. The Cammissir�ners sign�ed the Au�iion Services Coniract with Burnham's Sates & Auctians. A Public H�aring was held anc# a motis�n wa� made by Cammfssioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resaiution Numb�r 97-123-CC relating ta a supp[ementat extensian in the '�997 budget af the Curren� Expense Fund #�0'�, Sheriffs Department #�! 94 in the amount of $5,000 be passed. 'The rnotion carried, Th� �ornmissioners approved ihe request by Grant aUlentai Hea�thca�-e ta increase the annua! salary of the Aclvanced Registered Nurse Practitioner position e�ffec#�ve Sepiember 1,1997. Chait�man Aliison was authorizec9 �o sign #he Washing�on Teamsters 'IAlelfare Trust Subscr�ption �greemeni far Grant Coun�tyy Public V1�orks Dental Ptan. A mation was made �y Commissianer Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolufiior� l�umber 97-°t24•CC in the ma�t�ier of apprcrving the Riojas PIat, a three lafi subdivision of 4.?7 acres in a poriion af S�ctian 35, Township 20 N,, Range 2? East, IR1.M. on lat 3 of the Herzog Short Plat be passed. The m�iion carried. A motivn was made by Commissi�ner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolutian i�umber 97-'125-CC in the matter of approving a two year time extension for Sun Canyon Resort Planned Unit Develapment in a portion of Sections 2�i and 22, Township 't8 N., Range 23 E., �1U.M. requested by Sandra �oyd be passed. The motinn carried. A motion was made by Commis�ioner Snead, seconded by GQmmiss�aner Fancher that Reso�ution l�urnber 97-126-GC r�lating to �he facts requrring a Pub[ic Hearing on Juty 2�,'f99? at 1.00 p.m. regarding an appropriation and e�pendrture of funds for the Current Expense Fund #�0'!, Var�ous Departments in the amount of $76,697 be passed. The motion carried. Th� Commissioners held a continuatic�n of the Public IVleetin� on the P�at A�teration requesi by Rabert i�cCaffery to divide Lc�t 7 of i�tattawa Acres #1 currently 5.°I�6 1CY@S 1�1'�� '�WC? �Sc'IIZ + aGt'@ �U�S. A mvtican was made by Com�nEssion�r Fancher, seconded �y Commissioner Snead tv uphc�l� the Planning Cvmmiss�on approval, with the Planning �epartmeni findings o� fact to be us�d. The re�oiion carri�ed. As cafi this date the B4ard by a ma,�carity vote does �ppr��ve for payment thc�se vouchers fifed in the Audi�ors Office 7i�14197 in th� total amvun� of $3�5,133.89, The Commissioners awarded CRP �6-9� Dodson Road prc��ect te �lor�h Central �t�nstruction C�., Inc. �nrith the iow bid of $828,431.G5. As there was ra4 further business % come be#or� the Board the sessian �as adjourned untiE July 2�1,1997. ATTEST: � ��c�i� ���� � e Glerk t��the Soar �. � -1 .� � � � . .��� �. - �� � � . .� � r . �. ,. ... �, � � � � . j . � ��� � ��������1 ► ��� � ' : r �,..._...��