Week of July 7,1997 �
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were
in attendance.
The Camrnissioners read and approved the raiinutes of fihe
preceding session as written. I
The Comrnissioners approved the Request for Tu-ansfer of fun'Ids
in the Juvenile Department, Facility Construction Accto#302, Operating
Fund #001 in ihe amount of $100,335.72. �i
T'he Commissioners approved the Request for Tu�ansfer of fun'�,ds
in the Juvenile Department, Facility Construction Acct. #302, Operati�ng
Fund #001 in the amount of $11,773.79 �
The Commissioners approved the salary increas� of Correctio�lns
O�fficer Steve Martinez to $2,120 per month effective July 1,1997. ',
The Commissioners approved the starting s�lary of Deputy
Douglas A. Monge at 90 percent of base salary for �eputy Level� III
effective May 16,1997 as he has all the qualified training a�d
The Comrr�issioners approved out of state travel for P�tti
Johnson, Sytlney Platt of Grant Cou�ty Alcohot and Drug Center and
volunteers of the Grant County Drug Prevention Council to travel',to
Salem, Oregon for a meeting with the Pacific Northwest Preventi�n
Coalition. �'
The Commissioners approved the salary of Candice Hughes of the
Assessors Office at $1,547 per mor�th effective July 14,1997. �
The Commissioners approved the request by the Planni�g
Depar�tment to advertise far the position ofi Associate PtannerJCurrent
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was continued until July 8,1997. ,
July 8,1997
The session was continued with all the Commissioners I in
attendance with the Clerk of the Board. II
The Comrr'issioners met with the Public V4/orks Director regarding
Resolution-Surplus Property Hearing, Desert Aire Airport, Old Sh �op
Building(Ephrata), Radio Frequency-MACC. '�,
A motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded ��by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-120-CC setting� a
Public Hearing �or July 22,1997 at 11:00 a.m. regarding the County wide
surplus equipment and merchandise auction sale be passed. Tlhe
motion carried.
A motion was made b Commissioner Snead seconded 'b
Y � IY
Commissioner Fancher that Resolution Number 97-121-CC relating�l to
the petty cash/revolving fund for the AlcohoVDrug Abuse Fund #'115
be passed. The motion carried. �,
The Commissioners held a Public Hearing regarding the zol,ne
change request from Agriculture to Suburban-Agriculture on
approxirnately 147 acres requested by Don and Deborah Jacobson.
The property is located in the Southwest Quarter les�t that portion'� ofi
State Highway 283 of Section 7, Township 20 North, Range 26 Ea�;st,
W.M. A motion was made by Coraimissioner Fanche�, seconded Iby
Commissioner Snead to approve the zone change requ�st based on t��he
findings of the Planning Department. The motion caru�ied. '
The Commissioners held a Public Meeting re�arding the Pi,lat
Alteration request by Robert Russell to divide Lot 22 of Crab Cre,ek
Estates, locatec! in the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 35, Township '�,20
North, Range 28 East, W.M. A motion was made by Commissior�er
Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead to set the matter for Pub',,lic
Hearing July 29,1997 at 1:30 p.m. The motion carriedo ,
The Commissioners held a Public Meeting re�arding the Pllat
Alteration request to divide Lot 7 of Mattawa Acres #1, currently 5.1�86
acres into twa 2 1/2 + acre lots requested by Robert McCaffery, lo�cated
in a portion of Section 4, Township 14 North, Range 23 East, W.M. �� A
motion was snade by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commission�r Snead to continue the matter to the 15th of July at 2:��,30
p.m. based on a request firom the proponents daughter who wias
representing him. The motion carried. '
The Cornmissioners signed the Notice of Public �learing for July
22,1997 at 1:30 �.m. regarding a supplemental/new buclget for Alcohol
and Drug Abuse Fund #115, Department #157 in �he amount �,of
T'he Comrnissioners approved the request by the Buildi�g
Department to lease a Minolta Copier from Busin�ss Interiors �' &
Equipment. j
The Commissioners approved the request by the Building
Department to fill the vacant position created when Ray Audet w'as
promoted to Assistant Building Offcial/Deputy Fire MarshaL �
The Commissioners approved the request by the Building
Department for out of State travel for David Nelson to a�end the annual
business meeting forthe International Conference of Building Officials.
Th� G+�mmissi+aners apprave� the rec�uest by the Bu�iding
Depar�ment to change a;ob title in th� office frQm Built�ing tnspecfar�
Fire �tlarsha[ ta �uiidinc� and Development Specialist i, the du#ies v�ril�
remain the same.
The Cort�missioners noti€ied the Departmen�t of Social and Hea�th
Services that Grant Caunty �nritt aNaw the use of in-kind matches �ar
federai funds to use in suppc�rt af the Food �tamp Nutrition Educatian
Pr�ject. �
As �f th�s r�ate the Board b� a majority vvte dr�es apprc►ve for
paymer�� those vou�hers �led in th� Audi�ors Uffic+� 7�7I97 in th� fia►;�at
amflunt of $353,221.79.
As there was nc► fur�her business to come befcare the Board fihe
session was adjvurned until Juiy �14,�997,
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Cha�it�ma �� � � �