Week of June 30,'1997
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were
in attendance.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding session as vvritten.
The Commissioners notified the Grant County Journal that their
bid had been accepted to provide printing of the County legal notice
beginning July '1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the request by GrantCounty Mental
Health and Developmental Disabilities Depar�Ement to change an
existing Home Care Aide position to a Home Care Lead position.
The Commissioners approved the salary of Pam Wester of the
Juvenile Probation Department at $937.80 per month effective June
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Rick Bomar
of the Juvenile Probation Department to $2,628 per month effective
July 1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the request by the District Court to
modify one position frorn Bailiff/lnterpreter to Interpreter/Clerk.
The Commissioners received a copy of the Group Health
Northwest Medical Coverage Agreement.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Correct�ons
Officer Ray Lopez to $2,120 per month effective July 1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Deputy
Daniel Couture of �he Sheriffs Office to $2,7�15 per month, e�ffective
June 1,1997.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Corrections
Officer Colleen Juergens to $2,120 per month, effective July 1,1997.
The Comrr�issioners approved the request by the Sheriffs Office
to transfer the amount of $655 from Office and Operating Supplies to
The Commissioners approved �ut of State travel for Warrants
Clerk Deb Shay to travel to North Dakota for training.
The Commissioners receiwed a Summons and Complaint from
Inflation Systems,lnc. The matter v�as r�ferred to the Prosecuting
Attorney for handling.
The Commissioners received Resolutions from the Town of
Coulee Dam, City of Warden, and Ci#.j/ of Moses L.ake in support of
implementing a 1/1Qth of 1% County-wide sales tax as allowed by RCW
The Commissioners received copies of City of Moses Lake
Ordinance No. 1770 annexing the city's firing range, and Ordinance No.
1771 annexing propert� lying north of East Broadway consisting of
approximately 10.25 acres.
The Commissioners signed an agreement with Canmap Systems
to add USDA Soil Type Geographic Zone information to the County's
AM/FM/GIS System.
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that
Resolution Number 97-111-CG authorizing an appropriation and
expenditure of funds in the Fair Fund #116, Department #158 in the
total amount of $34,000 be passed. The mation carried.
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by
Gommissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that
Resolution Number 97-112-CC authorizing an appropriation and
expenditure of funds in the Current Expense Fund #00'I, Misc. General
Govt. Department #125 in the total amount of $57,150 be passed. The
motion carried.
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconde�i @�y Cornmissioner Snead that
Resalution Number 97-1'14-CC authorizing an appropriation and
expenditure of funds in the Growth Management Fund #12fi,
Department #168 in the total amount of $87,320 be passed. The motion
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by
Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that
Resolution Nurnber 97-115-CC authorizing an appropriation and
expenditure of funds in the Current expense Fund #001, Planning
Department #111 in the total amount of $5,500 be passed. The motion
As there was no further business to come before the Board the
session was continued until July 1,1997.
July 1,1997
The session was continued ai 9:00 a.rn. with all ofi the
Commissioners in attendance.
The Commissioners met with the f'ublic Works Director regarding
Bid Authorization-Dodson Rd.(I-90 to Frenchmen Hills�, tVotice of
Hearing-Trinidad Area, 9iight of Way Vacations, Notice of Hearing-Six
Year Transpartation Program, Request fc�r Reimbursable l�l'ork-City af
EphratalRa�iroadAve.,ContractAwar� Recommendatic�n-Auctivneering
Serv'rces, Surptus Equipmeni.
The Commission�rs srgned th� Fublic V�orks Glaams Fund
Voucher Apprc�vat #�-1 thraugh #f•2 in �he °�c�tal amvunt of $'1�,232.aD.
The Cvmmissioners signed the Authoriza�ic�n to �a[1 far bids on
Dodson Rd,, bid apening date to be Juty 'I5,�99i at �I�:�O a.rri,
The Gammissioners approved the request fQr concurrence on a
shor�ened advertisement an Dadson R�ad �RP 96-9.
The Commissioner�s appraved the r�cammendation o� the Public
�arks Depar�ment and awart��d ihe bid for �uctior�eering services �or
the 1997 auction to Burnhams Sates �nd Auctions c�f 11�oses Lake,
The Gc►mmissian�rs signed the Payrotl fvr ihe Month of June,
As af this date the Board by a majarity vote does approve for
payment thvs� vauchers included �n the Iis�t fled in the Audifors �f�ice
8I30/97 ir� the tr�tal amvunt af $39�,7�7.22.
The Commissioners signed the Pub�ic lttiforks Payrt�ll Journa! �fc�r
the manth af June, �997.
A r�otic�n was made by Cc�mmissic�ner Snead, second�d by
Commissloner Fancher that Resalution Number 97-'1'tf-�C settinc� a
Public Hearing far July 22,�1997 at �Q:3� a,m. dn the matter of vacating
a po�tion c�f cer�ain Co�nty F�oads and Rights of UV'ay be passed. The
motion carried.
A rnot�o� was made by Cr�mtnissianer Snead, seeonded by
�amm�ssioner Fancher that Re�olution Number 97-�1�i7-GC s�t�ting a
Pu�blic Hearing for July 29,°[997 at '11:0� a.m. in the ma�ter of adopt�ng
� camprehensive S�x Year Transpc�r�ation Improvement Prc�gram fcarihe
years 1998-ZQQ3 be passed. The mc�tion carried.
A Pubtic Hearinc� was i�e�d and a maiion was macte by
Cvmmissioner Snead, seconded by Cvmmissioner Fancher ihai
Resoiut�on Number �7-118-CG, {�rdinance Numb�r 97-�f 18-GC adding a
new chapter fc� iiile eight +�f fihe Grani County �Qd�, prohibiting the
burning ca# Raitroad ties, tires and pallets, or wo�d c€�ntaining nails,
stapies, ar other fasfieners cammoni� used far faste�ing paliets or
pieces of wc�ad, c�r mental, steel or other vbjects likely to cause
damage �o human beings, animals or aff-rc�ad vehicies �nd tires, in the
Mos�s Lake �and Dune� A�ea, and other matt�rs praperly reiating
thereto be passed. Th� motion carried,
A Publi+c H�ea:ring was hetd and a motion was made by
Gammissioner Snead, secontled by Commissioner Fancl�er that
Resolution Number 9�-119-C�, C?rdinartc+e Number 97-�i�9-GC an
ordinan+ce amending Chapter G.ti2 of the Gran� Coun�y Cvde; adding
areas to be included within the definitits� of Firearms control area;
adding an exemption to the appiication of Chapter 6.02 of the Gran�t
Gounty Code,; and other matters praperly relating thereto be passed.
The moti�n +carried.
As there was no further business to ca�ne before the Board the
session was adjourned until July 7,'1997.
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