Week of June 23,'1997
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at
9:00 a.m. with Commissioner Snead and Commissioner Fancher in
attendance with th� Clerk of the Board. Commissione� Allison was in
the office during the afternoon.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding s�ssion as written. �
The Commissioners approved the request by the Grant Mental
Healthcare director fior an addition to the Mental Health budget for a
nev� fulf-tim� position of Mental Health Professional Manager.
The Commissioners approved the salary increases of employees
in the Grant County Alcohol and Drug Center.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of MJ Fisk of
the Sheriff's Office to $1,724.40 per month effective May '1,1997.
The C�mmissioners received a Claim for Damages regarding Jose
Antonio "Tony" Hernandez. The matterr�vvas referred to the Prosecuting
Attorney for handlirag.
The Cammissioners metwith the Public Works Director regarding
the Wilson Creek Shop-Proof of Loss.
�► motion was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 97-108-CC regarding the
P.U.D. Privilege Tax be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners approved the salary for the Treatment
Supervisor Position in the Juvenile Department .
Chairman Allison was authorized to sign the Contract between the
State of Washington Military Department and Grant County. Contract
Number EM�970Q6.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote d�es approve for
payment those vouchers included an the list filed in the Auditors Office
6/23/97 in the toial amount of $1,010,606.89.
A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by
Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Fancher that
Resolution Number 97-109-CC authorizing an appropriation and
expenditure of func9s for the Current Expense Fund #001, Clerk and
Miscellaneoa�s General Government Departments in the amount of
$74,360 be passed. The motion carried,
A Public Hearing was h�td and a maiion was made by
Co�tmissioner Snead, seconded by Commissiuner Fancher that
F�esc�lution Number 97-1'10-CC autharizing an appropriation and
expenditure of funds for the Fair Fund #1�1�, Departrr�en� #1a� in the
amaunt of $19,�88 be passed. The mr�tivn carrr�d.
As there was no furt�er business to eome befar� the Board fhe
sessian wa� adjourned since ihe Commissianers will be out of t�wn
attending �he Vllashingt�n State �ssociation of Couni�es meeting the
remrainder c�f ihe we�ek.
Clerk af the Board ,,..-�
, �''� �—��