HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17-026-CC BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Grant County,Washington
WHEREAS, "Initiiative 502" (I-502) was adopted by the voters of Washington State in
2012; and
WHEREAS, the State of Washington, through its legislative processes,has adopted
amendments and related statutes since the passage of I-502; and
WHEREAS, the State Liquor and Cannabis Board(LCB) has adopted rules implementing
the laws relating to recreational marijuana and have established a state licensing program; and
WHEREAS, the LCB began accepting,reviewing and issuing license applications for
marijuana uses throughout Grant County without regard to zoning limitatioris; and
WHEREAS,by and through an Attorney General Opinion issued in 2014, the Office of the
State Attorney General advised local governments that the passage of I-542 did not preempt local
governments from establishing land use, zonir�g, or building code rules relating to marijuana uses,
including the ability to prohibit said uses outright; and
WHEREAS; marijuana is not defined as an agricultural product by the State of Washington,
which licenses marijuana-related activities. Marijuana cannot be treated the same as agriculture
unless and until the State modifies its definition; and
WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission conducted two public worlcshops to
discuss marijuana regulations on December 7, 2016 and Januaiy 4, 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission conducted an open-record public
hearing on January 25, 2017 to consider the proposed Unified Development Code amendments and
to accept public testimony regarding the proposed amendments; and
WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission forwarded a unanimous
recommendation of approval to the Board of County Commissioners for�he proposed regulations as
amended and revised during the January 25, 2017 open-record public hearing; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissidners finds that adequate accommodations have
been made for agencies, individuals and interest groups to be heard and that the Planning
Commission thoroughly considered the testimony in the record; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the proposed amendments as
recommerided and revised by the Planning Commission are consistent with the adopted
Comprehensive Plan goals, objectives and policies, and do not create adverse impacts to offsite
properties, and do promote flexibility of property use; and
N:\Current Planning\Unified Development Code�Amendments�2016�P 16-0427 I502
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the proposed amendments do
conform to and general intent and purposes of the Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the public interest will be served
by the proposed amendinents; and
WHEREAS, the Boar•d of County Commissioners finds that appropriate notice has been
givan to the Washington State Department of Commerce Growth Management Services in �
accordance with RCW 36.70A.106; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners t"inds that the County initiated the 60-day
review pariod with the Washington State Department of Commerce pursuant to RCW 36.70A on
Decamber 21, 2016; anc�
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners finds that the proposed amendments are
consistent with the applicable portions of RCW 36.70B; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Countiy Commissioners firids that a Determination of Non-
Significance was issued on Januaiy 13, 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Cour�ty Commissioners advertised tke open-record public hearing
for the February 22, 2017 public�earing during two consecutive weelcs on February 7, 2017 arid
February 14, 2017; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners conducted an open-record public hearing
on February 22, 2017 to consider the Planning Commission's unanimous recommendation of
approval for the proposed Unified Development Code Amendments; and
i�'HEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners accepte.d public testimony during the
open-record public hearing on February 22, 2017, and then continued the heai7ng until March 7,
2017; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners resumed the public hearing on March 7,
2017; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners intend that the adopted regulations
relevant to odor control for marijuana uses be consistent with other regulated uses in the same zones
that might generate odor; and
WI3EREAS, the Board of County Commissioners modified the Planning Commission
recommendation by eliminating proposed GCC 23.08.246(a)(4), and reducing the buffer in GCC
23.08.245(a)(5)(a.)to 500=yards.
Commissioners,ADOPT amendments to GCC 23.04, 23.08 (as amended by the EOCC),
25.02 relating to marijuana production, processing, and retail sales; as well aS amendments
to GCC 25.08 for adrtunistrative amendments to approved conditional uses; and
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Administrative Official's interpxetation for
Marijuana Production, Processing, and Retail Sales issued under Planning Department file
number 13-5868 be hereby repealed in its entirety and replaced with these amendments to
the Grant County Code; and
N:\Current Planning\Unified Development Code\Amendments�2016�P 16-0427 I502
Regulations\Ordinance.do cx
BE IT ALSO FURTHER ORDAII�IED that the effective time and date for these
amendments shall be 5:00 p.m. on the date of BOCC signature.
.,.�� �
DATED this�day o� � �r`(,-�/�'1,.,, , 2017.
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� Cindy ` r, C air
ATTEST; � � � � �� �
.r"`� � � � Richard Stevens, Member
�j'' /;'� r` ;�'��f,' "G �fr' ��
' � Barbara J.Va 'q�c /' ���
Clerk o th �r � � ❑ Tom Ta lor, ember
� � Y
N:\Current Planning\Unified Development Code\Amendments�2016�P16-0427 I502
Regulations\Ordinance.do cx
1 care of a terminally ill relative except that the Building Official may extend this period for ldditional
2 six month terms. The medical condition must be documented by a physician or osteopath that the
3 relative is ul hospice care and prognosis is terminal;
4 (4) Temporary manufactured home. A temporary manufact�ued home accessory to a farm dwelling unit
5 on property meeting the definition of a farm in RCW 84,34.020 to accommodate agricultural workers
6 and their families employed on the premises,as provided:
7 (A) The property must meet the definition of a farm in RCW 84.34,020 (Open Space Taxation).
8 (B) Demonstt•ate compliance with the temporary woi�lcei� standards in Washington State Law
9 including RCW 19.27,RCW 70.114a,RCW 49.17, RCW 43.22, and RCW 43,70;
10 (5) Temporary farm labor camps. Temporaiy farm labor camps or housing other than manufact�u•ed
11 homes accessory to a farm dwelling unit on pi�operty meeting the def"tuition of a farm ui RCW
12 84.34.020 to accommodate agricultural worlceis and their families employed on the premises, as
13 provided:
14 (A) The property must meet the definition of a fariil in RCW 8�.34,020(Opell Space Taxation).
15 (B) Demonstrate compliance with the temporary worlcer standards in Washuigtion State Law
16 including RCW 19.27,RCW 70.114a,RCW 49.17,RCW 43.22,and RCW 43.70;
17 (C) The camps shall be occupied no more than eight(8)months in any twelve(12)-i�onth period.
18 (D) Use shall be subject to site plan review and approval pursuant to Section§23.04.140;
19 (E) Use shall be subject to conditional use permit pursuant to GCC § 25.08, an opez�record public
20 hearing conducted by the Hearii�gs Examiner,and approval of the following:
21 (i) Department of Community Development;
22 (ii) Health Official;
23 (iii) County Engineer;
24 (iv) Fire Marshall;
25 (v) Building Official;and
26 (vi) Other local, state and federal officials having jurisdiction;
27 (F) The term of any conditional use permit shall be for one(1)year;
28 (G) Complaults received pertauling to sanitation, disposal of waste materials, or if the conduct of
29 the camp creates extraord'ulary requirement for public services, including services of the
30 building, sanitation, plamiuig, or sheriff departinents, shall be sufficient cause to revolce or
31 suspend the conditional tise permit or to require additional conditions, subject to au open public
32 hearing and decision by the Hearing Examiner;
33 (6) Temporary outdoor events puisuaut to GCC §23,08.40p;
34 (7) Temporary Wir•eless Comintulication Facilities puisuant to GCC§ 23.08.450;and
35 (8) Other mobile or temporai�y uses not requirllZg a building permit if allowed within the zonuig district,
36 subjecti to review for adequacy of such factors as access,traffic,noise, land use compatibility,public
37 health and safety. Such permits shall expu�e oi�e (1) year fi•om issuance, and may be rei�ewed
38 annually for an additional period of one(1)year,
40 (b) All temporary structures, except for construction pads and foundations intended to support subsequent
41 seasonal temporary structures, shall be removed upon terminatioii of a temporary permit, and the site
42 shall be restoi�ed to existing conditions p��ior to occupancy of the temporaiy use.
44 23.04.140 Site Plan Review
46 (a) Purpose; This section provides for a comprehensive site plan review and approval process for:
47 (1) Commercial developments;
48 (2) liidustrial developments;
49 (3) Multi-family,condominium and tow�ihouse developments with more than four(4)dwelluig uuits;
50 (4) Mobile/inanufactured home parks; and
Chapte�•23.04 16 January 2013 a»zendments
1 (5) F'armworlcer accommodations pursuant to GCC § 23.08.190.
3 (b) Site plan review shall be r•equired prior to the issuance of building and/or development permits, If no
4 bltilditig permit and/or development permit is required, Site Plan Review shall be required,
6 (c) Applicability: This section applies within the following zoning districts and uses:
7 (1) Urban Residential 2(UR2);
8 (2) Urban Residential3 (UR3);
9 (3) Urban Residential4(LTfZ4);
10 (4) Urban Commercial 1 (UC1);
11 (5) Urban Commercial2(UC2);
12 (6) Urban Light I�ldustrial(ULI);
13 (7) Urban Heavy I�idustrial(UHI);
14 (8) Rural Residential 3 (RR3);
15 (9) Rural Village Residential 1 (RVR1);
16 (10) Rural Village Residential 2(RVR2)
17 (11) Rui•al Village Conunercial(RVC);
18 (12) Rural Village Tiidustrial(RVI);
19 (13) Riu•al Community(RC);
20 (14) Agricultural Service Center(ASC);
21 (15) Recreational Development(RD);
22 (16) Rural General Commercial(RGC);
23 (17) Rltral Neighborhood Commercial(RNC);
24 (18) Rural Freeway Cominercial(RFC);
25 (19) Rural Recreational Commercial(RRC);
26 (20) Rural Light Iudustrial(RLn;
27 (21) Rural Heavy I�idustrial(RHI).
28 (22) Master Plamled Resort(MPR);
29 (23) Master Planued I�ldustrial(MPn.
30 (24) Marijuana Production, processin�, aud retail operations
32 (d) Land division reviewed under GCC § 22.04, mobilehnanufactured home parks reviewed mlder GCC
33 § 23.08, binding site plans reviewed under GCC § 22.04 Article VII, and planned unit developments
34 reviewed under GCC § 23.04.800 shall not be required to oUtain site plan approval under this section,
35 as these types of development require separate review processes.
37 (e) Pre-Application Review Conference: Prior to submitting a site plan application, the applicant shall be
38 subject to a pre-application review conference as specified in GCC § 25.04,130, unless waived by tha
39 Administrative Official with the coticurrence of the applicant.
41 (f) Application Renuireulents: An applicant shall submit ten (10) copies of all application materials,
42 which at a minimum shall include the following. The Administrative Of�cial znay waive specific
43 submittal requirements determined to be unnecessary for review of the application,
44 (1) Those documents and accompanying data specified in GCC § 25.04,140,iucluding:
45 (A) Completed application form sigued by the owner(s)of tl�e property;
46 (B) A verified statement by the applicant that the property affected Uy the application is in the
47 exclusive ownership of the applicant or that the applicant has submitted the application with the
4g consent of all owners of the affected property;
49 (C) Identi�cation of a single contact person or entity to receive determuiations and notices reqtiired
50 by this chapter;
Chapter 23.04 17 January 2013 amendments
1 Table 3
2 AZlowable Land Uses or Uninco� oNated Portions o Urban GYowth A�ea Zonin Districtsr,z,3,a,s
� Urban Zonin District6
4 Residential Commercial Industrial Other
6 Land Use
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11 Drinking Establishment P P P P A A D24 D'�` P P P
12 Eating Establishment P P P P A A C24 DZ4 P C P
13 Electric Vehicle Char�ing/Battery p p p p A34 A34 Asa A34 p A34 p
14 Exchange Station'4
15 Flea Market P P P P C C P P N P P P
16 Indoar Entertainment Facilities P P P P A A C C ,� P P P
17 Mari�juana Retail P P P P A A P P � P P P
— — — — — � — —
ig Nursery,Retail C C C C A D P D � P P P
19 Overni�ht Lodging Facility P P P P A A P A � P P P
20 Personal&Professional Services P P P P A A DZ� D'� a P P P
21 Residential Care Facilities 11 C C C A D D P P o P P C
22 Resorts,New P P P P P P P P � P P P
2' Resorts,Expansion of Existing Uses P P P P D D P P � P P P
24 Mini Storage Facilities P P P C D D P P � P P P
25 Retail Sales and Services P P P P A A D24 D24 P P P
26 Stora�e and Sale of Fertilizer,Pesticides, P P P P D D D D P P P
27 Herbicides&Soil Sterilants
28 Un-named Commercial Uses P P P P C C C2� C2� P P P
29 ........ ......: ,. - . .-.: :., : - :;��„
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�1 Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, P P P P P P A P � P P P
�2 Permanent �
Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, P P P P P P A C ci, P P P
�4 Temporary �
�5 Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities P P P P P P A A � P P P
�6 Construction Yards P P P P P P A A a P P P
�� Fuel Production&Processin�Facilities P P P P P P D P � P P P
�$ Hea�y Construction Equipment Storage, P P P P P C A C � P P P
�9 Sales&Rental Services �
40 Heavy Industrial Uses P P P P P P A P � P P P
41 Light Industrial Uses P P P P P P A A P P P
42 Chapter 23.04 6� .Ianuary 2013 amendments
1 Table 3
2 Allowable Land Uses or Unincor o�ated PoYtions o Urban G�owth Area Zonin Dist�ictsl,z,3,�,'
� Urban Zonin District6
4 Residential Commercial Industrial Other
6 Land Use cy
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11 Agriculturally-Related Indusirial Uses P P P P P P A A P P P
12 Light Manufacturin� P P P P P P A A P P P
13 Marijuana Production and Processina P P P P P P A A P P P
14 Mining&Mineral E�traction8�'0 P P P P P P C P P P P
15 Mineral Processin�Accessory to P P P P P P C P P P P
16 E�traction Operations$ c
17 Outdoor Storage Yards P P P P P P D C p,,, P P P
1 g Reclamation of Mineral Extraction SitesB D D D D D D D D � D D D
19 Recycling Center P P P P P D A A .a P P P
20 �
Slaughter,Packing&Rendering Facilities P P P P P P C C a P P P
21 Storage&Treatment of Sewage Slud�e P P P P P P C P i P P P
�; and Septage a.
Wrecking&Salvage Yards,Automobile P P P P P P A P Q P P P
24 Onsite Storage&Treatment of Hazardous P P P P C C C C � P P P
25 or Dangerous Waste
26 Veterinary CIinic,Hospital P P P P A A C A P P P
27 Warehouse Facilities P P P P P C A A P P P
28 Wholesale Distribution Outlet P P P P P C C A P P P
Un-named Industrial Uses P P P P P P C C P P P
30 ... ..�.-.. <. ,. .
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�2 Art Galleries&Museums C C C C A A P P �, P P P
» Assembly Facilities D D D D D D P P � P D D
�4 Colleges and Technical Schools P P P P A A C C � P A P
�5 Detention Facilities P P P P P P C P a � P C P
�6 Emergency Service Facilities A A A A A A A A � � C A A
;� County Fair�ounds P P P P P P P P � P A P
3 g Government Offices A A A A A A A A � P A A
;9 Health Care Facilities P P P P A A P P `� P P P
42 Chapter 23.04 66 January 2013 amendments
1 Table 4
2 �Illowable Land Uses oY Rural Lands, S ecial and Overl Dist�icts, &Resou�ce Lands Zonin Distr•icts1,2,3,.�,'
3 Zonin District6
4 Rural Lands S eciaUOverla Districts Resource Lands
5 Land Use
6 `� ,� �
� � � � � � a�,, � � � � � O L7
g � �
9 ..,. .� ..�.. x:.:..........,..�.: _ _s..
10 .Co�iin�'r`.cia�'..�s�s Ca�ti.n�` -
. . .... . ... .:.. ;. ,
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11 Drinking Establishment P P P P P P P D DZZ P
12 Eating Establishment P P P P P P P D DZZ C
l; Electric Vehicle Charbing/Battery P P P P P P P PA A34 p
14 Exchange Station'4 34
15 Flea Market P P P P P P P P P P
16 Indoor Recreation&Entertainment P P P P P P P D P P
17 Facilities Same as
18 Marijuana Retail P P P P p p p pA p Underlying p
19 Nursery,Retail p P P p p p p pA p Zone23 D
2� Overnight Lod�ing Facility P P P P P P P PA P P
21 Personal&Professional Services P P P P P P P D P P
22 Residential Care Facilities;l C C C C C P C C P C
23 Resorts,New P P P P P P P PA P P
24 Resorts,Expansion of E�sting Uses D D D D D P P PA P D
25 Mini Storage Facilities P P P P P P P PA P P
26 Retail Sales and Services P P P P P P P PA P P
27 Storage and Sale of Fertilizer,Pesticides, P P P P P P P P P C
28 Herbicides&Soil Sterilants
29 Un named Commercial Uses P P P P P P P PA P P
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�2 Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, P P P C P P P P C P
�4 Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, P P P C P P C P C Same as C
Temporary16 Underlying
�6 Bulk Fuel Storage Facilities P P P P P P P P D Zone� p
3� Construction Yards P P P P P P P P D P
�8 Fuel Production&Processing Facilities P P P P P P P P D P
�9 Heavy Construction Equipment Storage, P P P P P P P P D P
40 Sales&Rental Services
41 Heavy Industrial Uses P P P p p p p p C pla
42 Chapter 23.04 71 .7anuary 20I3 amendments
1 Table 4
2 Allowable Land Uses oN Ru�^al Lands, S ecial and Ove�l Distr�icts, &Resource Lands Zonin Dist�ictsl,z,3,=�,'
3 Zonin District6
4 Rural Lands S eciaUOverla Districts Resource Lands
5 Land Use
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10 Agriculturally-Related Industrial Uses P P P C P P P P D D
11 Light Industrial Uses P P P p p p p p D pla
12 Light Manufacturing P P P P P P P P D pla
13 Marijuana Production and ProcessinQ P P P A P P P P P A
14 Mining&Mineral E�lxaction$°'0 C33 C33 C3' C p p p p C C20
15 Mineral Processin�Accessory to P P P C P C C P C C20
16 E�txaction Operations$
17 Outdoor Storage Yards P P P C P P P PA C C
ig Reclamation of Mineral E�traction SitesB D D D A D D D P D C20
19 Recycling Center P P P C P P p p D Same as Underlying P
20 Slaughter,Packing&Rendering P P p p p p p p C Zonez3 C
21 Facilities
2� Storage&Treatment of Sewage Sludge P P P P P P P P C C
' and Septage
24 Onsite Storage&Treaiment of P P P P P P P P D D
25 Hazardous or Dangerous Waste
26 Veterinary Clinic,Hospital C C C C P P P P P D
27 Warehouse Facilities P P P P P P P P D P
28 Wholesale Distribution Outlet P P P P P P P P I) P
29 Wrecking&Salvage Yards,Automobile P P P P P P P P D P
'� Un-named Industrial Uses P P P P P P P PA C P
�1 Oil and Gas Operations''- P P P C P P P P P C
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�4 Art Galleries&Museums P P P P P P P D P P
Assembly Facilities C D D C C P P D P A
�6 Colleges and Technical Schools P P P P P P P PA P Same as Underlying p
Detention Facilities P P P P P P P P C ZoneZ3 p
�$ Emergency Service Facilities A A A A D D D D A D
�9 County Fair�ounds C P P C P P P PA P A
40 Government Offices P P P P P P P PA P A
42 Chapter 23.04 72 January 2013 amendments
1 Table 5
2 Allowable�and Uses or Ru�al Activi Cente�Zonin Dist�icts1,2,3,a,'
3 Zonin6 District6
4 RuraI Activi Centers
5 Land Use
6 a � � U �--i U U ,-� cV r� �r U U � ~ �--' �
g � a o� a � a � � A A A A � � � � �
9 _.�.f�... .�. ... . . .::..... . _
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10 `:;.� �
11 Drinking Establishment. _: P . P. P. .A .,P . .. ,A . A C. ..P...w,.P. P.. ..p. ,A . .C. �, A.... A24. �AZa C
12 Eating Establishment P P P A P A A C P P P P A A A A�' AZ� C
1 j E�eCtTIC ve}llCle C�13T�1Il�B3'�EI"y P P P A34 A34 A34 A34 A34 � P P P L�34 A3A A34 A34 A34 A34
14 Exchange Statiori'4
15 Flea Market P P P P P P P P P P P P C C C P P P
16 Indoor Recreation&Entertainment P P P A C C C C P P P P A C P P P A
17 Facilities
18 Marijuana Retail P P P A P P P P P P P P A P A P P P
19 Nursery,Retail P P P A A C A P P P P P C C P P P P
20 Ovemight Lodging Facility P P P A P C C A P P P P A C A P P A
21 personal&Professional Services P P P A P A A P P P P P A A C A24 A2' P
�2 Residential Care Facilitieslt C C P D P D P C C C C C D C P P P C
2' Resorts,New P P P C P C P A P P P P A P P P P A
24 Resorts,E�pansion of Existing Uses D D P D D D D A D D D D D D D P P A
25 Muii Storage Facilities P P P C D C D C C C C C D D D D P D
26 Retail Sales and Services P P P D C C C C P P P P A A D A24 A'-� C
27 Storage and Sale of Fertilizer,Pesticides, P P P C C D D P P P P P P P P D D P
28 Herbicides&Soil Sterilants
29 Un-named Commercial Uses P P P C C C C P P P P P C C C C C P
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' '2 Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, P P P P C P C P P P P P P P P D C P
�4 Asphalt and Concrete Batch Plants, P P P P C P C P P P P P P P P D C P
�5 Temporary
�6 Bulk Fuel Stara�e Facilities P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P D D P
�� Construction Yards P P P P D C C P P P P P P P P D D P
�g Fuel Production&Processing Facilities P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P D D P
�9 Heavy Construction Equipment Storage, P P P P C P D P P P P P C P C D P P
40 Sales&Rental Services
�1 Heavy Industrial Uses P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Dl' P P
42 ChapteY 23_04 77 January 2013 amendments
1 Table 5
2 Allowable Land Uses o�Rural Activi Cente�Zonin Dist�ictsl,z,3,-�,'
� Zonin District6
4 Rural Activi Centers
5 Land Use
6 '� � O � � U � A A A A L7 Z U ~ ~ �
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10 Agriculturally-Related Industrial Uses P P P P C P D P30 P P P P P P P A A P
11 Light Industrial Uses P P P P D P D P P P P P P P P Al� A18 P
12 Light Manufacturing P P P C D P D P P P P P P P P D D P
1' Marijuana Production and Processinff P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P A A P
14 Mining&Mineral Exiraction$°'0 P P C P P P P P P P P P P P P C9 P P
16 Mineral Processing Accessory to P P C P P P P P P P P P P P P C9 P P
Ea�traction Operations$
1� Outdoor Storage Yards P P P P D C D P P P P P P P P D C P
ig Reclamation oi Mmeral E�iraction SitesB D D P D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D
20 Recycling Center P P P C D C C P P P P P C P P D D P
21 Slaughter,Packing&Renderin� P P P C C P D P P P P P P P P D P P
22 Facilities
2� Storage&Treatment of Sewage Sludge P P P C P C P P P P P P P P P C P P
24 and Septage
25 Onsite Storage&Treatment of P P P P C P D P P P P P C P P D D P
26 Hazardous ar Dangerous Waste
2� Veterinary Clinic,Hospital P P P C D C A P P P P P C C P C D P
28 Warehouse Facilities P P P P D C C P P P P P P P P D D P
29 WhoIesale Disfribution Outlet P P P P A C D P P P P P P P P C D P
30 Wrecking&Salva�e Yards,Automobile P P P P C P P P P P P P P P P D P P
31 Un-named Industrial Uses P P P P C C C P P P P P P P P C C P
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;3 Art Galleries&Museums P P P A P D P P P P P P A A P P P P
34 Assembly Facilities C C P D P D C D C C C C A A P P P A
35 Colle�es and Technical Schools P P P. C C C C P P P P P A P P P P P
36 Detention Facilities P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P P
�7 Emergency Service Facilities C C P A D D D D D D D D A A A A A C
38 County Fair�ounds P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P
�9 Government Offices P P P A P C C P P P P P A A P P P P
40 Health Care Facilities P P P A P A P P P P P P A D D P P P
42 ChapteY 23.04 78 Janua�y 2013 amendments
1 (8) Construction: Structures shall be subject to all applicable building and constructions provisions
2 of the GCC.
3 (9) Location: The accessoiy dwelliiig unit �nay be attached to, included within the principal mlit of
4 the sii�gle-family dwelling, or located in a detached structure.
5 (10) Entrai�ces: The principal unit of the single=family dwelling containing the accessory dwelling
6 unit shall have only one obvious entrance visible to the street except where more than one
7 entrance existed on or before adoption of this section.
8 (11) Additions: Additions to an existing structure or newly coustructed detached structures created
9 for developii�g an accessoi•y dwelling unit shall be designed consisteilt with the existing roof
10 pitch, siding and windows of the principal dwelling unit.
11 (12) Parlcing: The number of parl<ing spaces shall be as speci�ed in GCC § 23.12, Table 5. All
12 parlcing spaces shall meet the standat•ds of GCC § 23,12,13 0.
13 (13) Changed Conditions; If any of the above couditions change such that the requirements of this
14 section cannot be met, one of the either the primary or accessory dwelling unit sl�all be
15 converted to a�lother permitted use or shall be removed within ninety(90) days.
16 (14) D�nsity Calculations: Accessory dwelling tuiits shall not be included in density calculations.
17 (Ord. 2001-179-CC, 11/O1; Ord. 02-192-CC,(part) 12/02)
19 (d) Outdoor Residential Storage. This subsection shall apply ouly to outdoor storage accessory to
20 residential uses. Outdoor storage other than accessory uses subordinate to a primary residential use
21 may be permitted only in those zoning districts whet•e specified as an Permitted Use in Tables 3, 4
22 and 5 in GCC § 23.04, and shall meet the requirements of GCC § 23.08.280.
23 (1) Outdoor residential storage shall Ue maintained in an orderly manner and shall create no fire,
24 safety,health or sanitaiy hazard;
25 (2) Required front yards sl�all not be used for outdoor storage, except for firewood;
26 (3) Not more than two (2) unlicensed or inoperable vehicles, except for agriculturally related
27 equipment, shall be stored on any lot; such vehicles shall be screei�ed from view of neighboring
28 dwellings and rights-of-way. Such screening shall meet all applieable performai�ce and
29 development standards specific to the zoning district in which the storage is kept, and shall be in
30 lceeping witla the character of' the area. Screening shall meet the requirements of GCC §
31 23,12,180. Storage of more than two(2)unlicensed or inoperable vehicles is prohibited except in
32 those zoning districts where specified as an Permitted Use in Tables 3, 4 and 5 in GCC § 23.04,
33 and such storage shall meet the requireinents of GCC § 23,08.090;
34 (4) Temporary placement of a trailer, mobile llome, manufactured home, or recreational vehicle or
35 buildings moved from other sites may oilly be stor•ed o�i a parcel subject to obtaining a
36 temporary use permit in accordance with the requirements of GCC § 23.04,120.
38 (e) Antenna Strltettires and Satellite Dishes. Antemia structures and satellite dishes shall not be located
39 within ten (10)feet of any property line,
�1 (� Fences and Similar �nclosures. Fences, walls, hedges and similar enclosures not exceeding forty-
42 eight (48) inches in height shall be permitted in aily front yard. Fences, walls, hedges and similar
43 enclosures not exceedi�lg seven .7) feet in lleight shall be permitted in any side or rear yard, except on
44 corner lots. On corner lots any fence exceeding fotiu� feet shall not extend closer to either street than
45 the required building setbacl< line, Fences greater thau seven (7) feet in height may be permitted for
46 agricultlu�al bt�ffering or required sita screening as a variance in accordance with the requirements of
47 GCC § 25.08. Fences for marijuana production operations shall be consistent with GCC 23 08 245
Chaptei°23.08 3 January 2016 amen�Cments
1 with the requirements of this section and any other terms aiid conditions of approval.
3 23.08.240 Livestocic Maintenance
5 (a) Livestocl<maintenance may Ue permitted as specified in Tables 3, 4 and 5 on GCC § 23.04; provided
6 that;
7 (1) Animal runways or buildings are not less than two hmldred (200) feet from the nearest existing
g dwellings other than a dwelling located on the saine premises;
9 (2) Farm oriented feed lots shall be located a distance of not less than five hundred (500) feet from
10 any dwelling, other than a dwelling located on the same premises;
11 (3) Feed racl<s, bunl<s, or troughs shall be located iiot less than ten(10)feet fi�om the right-of-way of
12 any public road or highway; ai�d
13 (4) No more than twenty(20)mature head of hogs may be lcept; more than twenty (20) mattue head
14 shall be deemed to constitute a]Zog ranch. A hog ranch may be permitted only in the Agriculture
15 (AG) zoning district, and is subject to a conditional use permit and the perforia�ance standards
16 specified in GCC § 23.08.200.
18 23.08.245 Marijuana Production,Processin�and Retail
2� (a) Mat•ijuana production and processin� and retail may be permitted as specified in Tables 3 4 and 5 of
21 GCC 23.04: provided that:
22 (1) Marijuana�roduction and processin� and retail operations are subject to the requirements of
23 Site Plan Review found in GCC 23.04.140 re�ardless of the zonlli�district in whicli they are located
24 �2) Marijuana prodtitcers, processors and retaileis shall be subject to the develo�ment standards
25 of the tmderlviu z�_._onin� district, the Grant Countv Code and all other local and state laws except as
26 modified in this chapter,
27 _�3) No marijtiana producerLprocessor, or retailer shall be permitted within a dwelluig unit or
28 within a buildin�ph s�ally attached to a dwellin t��it.
30 _�4 Marijuana productioal processin� and retail sales in all zones where allowed shall be within
31 an entirelv enclosed buildin or ri��reenhouse(reference WAC 314-55-075(l�(b)) except that outdoor
32 �roduction may Ue permitted in the Agriculture Rural Remote and Urban Heavv I�Zdustrial zoning
33 districts subject to the followin�bLtffers:
34 a. At least 500-yards from the followin�y urbau growtl� area boundar,�propertX
35 lines of ailv off-premise residence (excludin� residei�ces owned or controlled b, the
36 producer/processor or the u�lderl�� land owner , anv residential zo�lin� district an�
37 shorelina developineut district the Rural Coirunmlit zoning dist�•ict the Recreational
38 Develo�ment zonin� district, as well as the parlc facilities listed in GCC 23 08 245(6)
39 The buffer in this section does not a�ply to outdoor �rod�iction operations in the Urbai�
�0 Heavy Industrial Zone.
41 b. The ei�closure in which the outdoor production operation is located shall Ue at least
42 one hundred (100) feet from anv uroperty line of the parcel on which tl�e marijuana
43 �roduction or �rocessin� use is located. This rec�uirement does not applv to the Urban
44 Heavv Industrial Zone.
45 c. Non-ri�id �reenhouses shall be considered outdoor production operations
47 (5) I�i addition to the sitin�quirements in WAC 314-55-050 all production,�rocessin�; and
48 retail aperatioi�s shall Ue locatad �io less than one-thousand (1 000) feet fi�om a �arcel cozitlinin�public
49 �arl< owned and/or operated b a city cotuzt� special purpose or utility district state a�;ency or federal
Chapter 23.08 ZI Januaty 2016 amendTtaents
1 a�encv, The distauce shall be measured as the shortest strai�lit line distance from the propertv line of the
2 proposed pi•oduction, �rocessin�, retail operation to the property line of the�ublic arlc,
3 _�6 Li 1�� for marijuana production processin� and retail o�erations includin� aily rec�uired
4 securitv li htin�, shall Ue desi�ned installed and maintained so as to eliminate li h� t directiv projecting
5 across propertv lines, Indoor production operations shall limit total Uuildin�fa�ade and roof fenestration
6 to no more than ]0-�ercent The fenestration requirement does not applv to the Urban Heavy Inditstrial
7 Zone.
8 _�7) Land Use and/or Buildii�permits for structures/properties to be used in marijuana
9 �roduction, processin�, and retail sales must be accompanied by documentation that defiues the le�
10 source of water fot•the operation,
11 (8) Feilces, when ancillary to an indoor marijuana productioii processin�, or retail operation,
12 nnist com�lv with ap�licable setbacic requirements of the underlyin z��desi nation
14 (b Existin� indoor and out outdoor production operations�processing o�erations and retail operations
15 lawfully established and operatin��rior to (inser^t e feclive date of this �r�ovision) mav continue as is
16 where is within the terms of an�previous approvals �ranted. Existin fenciu� and security infrastructure
17 that does not meet the requirements of this or anv other applicable provision of the UDC may be
18 inaintained with ordinarv care, Any expansion of an existin�ijuana operation tnust compl,y with all
19 a��licable UDC provisions.
21 � A Washin�f:on State Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) license does not vest marijuana �roducer
22 �rocessor, or retailer to the �rovisions of the Grant County Unified Development Code. Marijuana
23 producers, processor, and retailers can a�ply for Site Plan Review at any time durin� their licensiiig
24 process with the LCB,
26 23.08.250 Mobile/Manufactured Home Parks and Subdivisions
28 (a) The followii�g standards apply to all iion-transient mobile/manufactured home parlcs atld stibdivisions,
29 except foy temporary placement to provide temporary housing as specified in GCC § 23.04,120:
30 (1) Parl< density shall uot exceed the underlying density standard of that of the zoning district in
31 which it is proposed;
32 (2) Mobile/manufactured homes shall:
33 (A) Have permanent steps or inclined planes affixed to all entrances;
34 (B) Maintain a minimum of eighteen(18) inch crawl space Luidei�the eiltire unit;
35 (C) Have permanent sl<irting, sidewalls or decics installed to enclose all areas between the lower
36 edge of the outside walls and the gt•ound and to obscure chassis prior to occupancy;
37 (D) Be placed and anchored in accordance with the manufacturer's installatioil i�istructions or
38 the design of a Professional Eilgineer or architect licensed in the St�te of Washington; and
39 (E) Have the tow tongue and axles removed,
40 (3) Mobile/manufactured honie parlcs placed within flood hazard zones shall comply with the
41 requirements of GCC § 24.16,180 and 24.16.190;
42 (4) At least twenty(20) percent of the total area of a mobile/manufactured home trailer parl<shall be
43 developed for recreation or maintained in open space;
44 (5) Mobilehnanufactitred homes shall be separatad by a minimum of ten(10)feet;
45 (6) Mobile/manufactured home parks shall be site-screened with a six-foot high, view-obscuring
46 fence;
47 (7) To enhance appearance and provide open space, a ten (10) foot wide landscape strip shall be
48 provided on all sides and rear yards surrounding the mobilehnanufactured home parlc or
49 subdivision and shall consist of a coinbination of slu�ubs, trees and grouzld cover,
50 (8) A common storage area shall be provided at a ratio of fifty(SO) square feet per dwelling unit;
Chapter 23.08 22 Januaty 2016 amendrraents
I 1 Abandon: to terminate or remove a struct�u•e b an af�rmative act such as chan in to a ne
y , g g w use; or to
2 cease, tei��ninate, or vacate a use or structure through nonaction.
3 Accessory Structure: a structure detached from a principal btiilding located on the same lot and which is
' 4 incidental and secondary to the principal building.
6 Acre: a unit of ineasure of land area, which consists of 43,560 square feet.
� Adequate: acceptable but not excessive.
9 Administrative Official: the duly appointed Director• or his/her designated representative of the
10 j�u•isdictional department of Grant County, including the Director of Com�ntuiity Development, the Fire
11 Marshal/Building Official, or the County Engineer.
12 Adverse: Contrary to one's interest or welfare; harmfiil oi�unfavorable circumstai�ces.
14 Adverse Impacts: a condition tliat creates, imposes, aggravates, or leads to inadenuate, impractical,
15 Luzsafe, or unhealthy conditions on a site proposed for development or on off-site property or facilities.
16 Aerospace: related to the design, construction, la�inch, retrieval, and operation of aircraft and spacecraft,
17 i�lcludin but not limited to s ace shuttles satellites rocicet en mes and associated electronic uidance
18 g> > P > > g� � g �
navigation,and safety systems.
20 Aerospace Area: an area designated for aerospace industry.
21 Aerospace Overlay Zone; an overlay district that governs use of land adjoining an Aerospace Area and
22 protects public safety in the area,
24 Agency with Jurisdiction: any agency with authority to approve, deny, or condition all or part of any
25 project permit application as defii�ed by this UDC,
26 Agriculture: the science, art, and business of producing crops, or raisiiig livestocl<; fai�ming, The use of
27 land for commercial production of horticultural, viticultural, floricultural, dairy, apiary, vegetable, or
28 animal products, or of berries, grain, 1�ay, straw, turf, seed, Christmas trees (not subject to excise tax
29 imposed by RCW 84.33.100 throtigh 84.33.140), or livestocic, inchiding those activities directly
30 pertaining to the production of crops or livestocic including but not limited to cultiivation, harvest, grazing,
31 animal waste storage and disposal, fertilization, the operation and mainteiiance of farm and stocic ponds,
32 drainage ditches, irrigatiou systetns, and canals, and normal maintenance, operation and repair of existing
33 set•viceable structures, facilities, or improved areas. Activities that bring an area into agricultural use are
34 Ilot considered agricultural activities. A�riculture does not iilclude marijuana productiion processin�or
35 retail sales.
37 Agricultural Activities: land preparation for agrict�ltural purposes, such as clearing, gr�ding, contouring,
38 ditching, fencing, plowing, tilling, planting, cultivating, fertilizing, weed pest and disease coiitrol,
39 spraying, pruning, trimming, harvesting, processing, pacicing, sales, and construction of farmland stocl<
40 ponds, irrigation ditches and systems; livestocl<management, sLtch as breeding, birthing, feeding and care
41 of animals, birds, honey bees, and fish; the repair aud maintenance of equipmezit, structures, and
42 machinery used to perforin agricultural or husbandry operations; the storage of machinery and
43 agrictlltural products in, including but not limited to, fariil related controlled atmosphere facilities, farm
44 related onioi� and potato storage facilities, and farm related grain silos etc. A�ricultural activities does not
45 include inarijuana production, proeessin�, or retail sales.
46 Agricultural, Existing and On-going: Ai�y agricultural activity conducted on lands defined in RCW
47 84.34.020(2); agricultural use ceases when the area on which it is conducted is converted to a non-
48 agricultural use.
50 Agrieultnral Processing Facility; a facility which adds value to, refines, or processes raw agricultural
Chapter 25.02 2 January 2013 amendnaents
1 Normal maintenance and repair do not inchide maintenailce and repair that cat�ses sitbstantial adverse
2 effects to shoreline resources or environment(WAC 173-27-040).
3 Main Buildin a buildizl Ltsed for the rimar or redominant use to which the ro ei is or ma be
4 g� g P Y P A P �Y � Y
5 devoted,and to which all other uses on the premises are accessory.
6 Manufactured Home: a single-family dwelling built according to the U.S. Department of Housing and
7 Urban Development Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Staildards Act, which is a national
8 preemptive bttilding code. A manufactured home also: (1) includes plumUing, heating, air conditionulg, aud
9 electrical systems; (2)is built on a permanent chassis; and(3) can be trausported in one or more sections with
10 each section at least eight(8)feet wide and forty(40)feet long when trausported,or when installed on the site
11 is tlu�ee htuldred twenty (320) square feet oi• greater (RCW 59,20.030). A mauufactured home beais an
12 insignia issued by a state or federal regulatory agency iudicating that the structure complies with all
13 applicable constiruction standards of the definition of a manufactured home.
14 Manufacturing: the mechanical or chemical trausformation of znaterials or substances iilto new products,
15 including the assembling of component parts,the creation of products, and the blending of materials, sucl�
�� as lubricating oils,plastics,resins, or liquors.
18 Manure Lagoous: lagoons for livestocl< aild poultry waste which shall follow construction and
19 management guidelines set forth by the Agricultural Advisory Board.
20 Mariivana Prodnction: as defined in WAC 314-55-075 as now exists or mav hereafter be amended
21 Mariivana production is not defined as an agricultural activity or use �ursuant to RCW 82 04 213 For
22 ptu��oses of categorization for the Grant Countv Code mari'uana praduction facilities shall be considered
23 an industrial use.
25 Mariivana Processin�: as defined in WAC 314-55-077 as uow exists or mav hereafter be amended
26 Marijuana processin� is not defined as a�ricultural processin�or as an a�ricultural use pursuant to RCW
2,� 82.04,213, ror burposes of cate�orization for the Grant County Code marijuana processing facilities
2g shall be considered an industrial use.
29 Mariiaann Retail: as defined in WAC 314�55-079 as now exists or may hereafter be ainended
30 Mariivana retail is not defined as retail sales of a�ricultural products or as an a�ricultural activitv or use
3� pursuant to RCW 82.04.213, Fo�ur�oses of cate�orization for the Grant Countv Code marijuana retail
32 facilities shall be considered a commercial use.
34 ��rina: a facility that provides wet moorage or dry storage, supplies, and services for pleasure craft and
35 some types of cominercial craft. Boat-launclvilg facilities may also be provided at a marina; a marina may
36 be either open to the puUlic or for private use.
37 Master Plnunec� Resort: a self contained and fiilly integrated plauned �mit development in a setting o�
38 significant natural amenities, with primary focus on destination resort facilities consisting of short-term
39 visitor accommodations associated with a range of on-site indoor or outdoor recreational facilities.
41 Microcell: a wireless commlulication facility consisting of an anteiula that is either: (1) Four feet in
42 height and with an area not moi�e than five huudred eighty square inches; of(2) if a tubular antenna, no
43 lnore than four inches ii�diameter and no more than six feet in length.
44 Mine Hazard Areas: Those areas that fall within one hundr�ed (100) horizontal feet of a mine opening at
45 the surfaca or an area designated as a mine hazard area by the Washington State Depai�tment of Natural
�� Resources.
48 Minerals: clay, coal, gravel, industrial nunerals, valuable metallic substances, peat, sand, stone, topsoil,
49 and any other similar solid materials or substances to be excavated from natural deposits ozl or in the earth
50 for commercial, industrial, or construction use.
Chapter 25,02 30 January 2013 czmend�nents '
1 of permit approval or the permit sl�all become null and void. An extension of up to one year may be
2 grailted by the Decision Maker if the permitCee demonstrates good c�use for an extension.
4 25.08.075 Revisions to Anproved Vnriances and Condrtional Use Permits
� �a) Minor revisions to an auproved conditional use permit ma ��be approved by the Administrative
7 Of�cial, when processed as a Type I ministerial ap�roval Miiior revisions shall be limited to chan es to
8 the followin�:
9 1, Chan�es that do not ii�troduce new uses that would rec�uire approval of a new conditional use
10 �ermit; and,
11 2. Chan�es thlt do not expand the approved footprint by more than 25 percent• provided
12 however, that the expansion shall not ei�croach on any buffer•required in the ori�iiial conditional use
13 permit approval and does not violate any oFthe ado�ted performance and development standards
14 applicable to the conditional use.
16 (b) Requests for revisions determined bv the Admiiiistrative Official not to be minor in nature shall
17 Ue processed as a new conditional use permit a�plication pursuant to GCC 25 04 and this chapter. At the
18 Administrative Official's sole discretion proposed revisions that technically meet the limitations of GCC
19 25,08.075(a) but are lil<el��enerate additional impacts as a result of the nature of the use ma�be
20 required to be reviewed as a Type III permit application
22 (c) Requests for minor revisions to approved coiiditional use permits shall complv with the
23 rec�uirements of SEPA wllen a�plicable and may resulti in new threshold determinations bein�necessary_
25 25.08.080 Appeals
27 (a) Decisions may be appealed in accordance with the proceditres specified in GCC § 25.04 Article X.
29 25.08.090 Findings of Variance
31 (a) The Decision Mal<er sl�all malce�ndings whether:
32 (1) The reasons set forth in the application satisfy the criteria for approval specified in GCC §
33 25,08.060 and with any relevant criteria found in other sections of Grant County Code,
34 (2) The conditional use or variance is the minimtun that will malce possible the reasonable use of
35 land, building or structure.
36 (3) The granting of the conditional use or variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and
37 intent of GCC Titles 22, 23 and 24 and other applicable provisions of the Grant County Code,
38 and will not be injurious to the neighborlaood, or otherwise detrimental to public welfare.
40 25.08.100 General Conditions
42 (a) In granting aily conditional usa or variauce, the Decision Malcer may prescribe such conditions and
43 safeguards as are necessary to secu�•e protection of critical areas from adverse impacts.
45 (b) Any conditional use or variance approved by the County, which contain conditions to be imposed on
46 the property even after it has bean sold, shall be recorded with the Auditor and sl�all include the
47 following information:
48 (1) Owner's name;
49 (2) Parcel number;
50 (3) Property address;
Chapter 25.08 3 Octobey�1, 2000