HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCaMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS 191ieek of June 9,1997 The Grant County Corr�missioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the preceding session a� written. The Commissioners approved the Request for Transfer of funds in the Capital Outlay Department in the amount of $9,000 to re-allocate appropriations for the cost of work stations in the Auditor's Office. The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Mindi Finke of the Superior Court Department to $2,222 per month. The Commissi�ners approved the salary increase of Carol Thompson of the Sheriffs Office to $1,954 per month effective June 1,1997. The Corr�missioners appro�edl the starting salary of Thomas Jones of the Sheriffs Office at $2,394.90 per month effiective June 20,1997. i'he �ommissioners approved the st;aarting salary of Michael Cof�fman of the Corrections Departrr�ent at $1,696 per month effective June 5,199�. The Commissioners approvecl the starting salary of Anthony Rutherford of the Corrections Department at $1,696 per month effective June 16,199�. The Commissioners appoint�d HerbertSnelgrove to a furtherterm on the Grant County Board of Equalization. The Commissioners were notified b}� the Auditor that Grant County Parlk & Recreations Dis#rict #1, Grant County Park & Recreaiion District #2, and Grant County Weed District #1 have failed to file annual statements with the Auditor`s Office for three consecutive years. The Commissioners were notified that Great Southwestern Constructicvn Co., Inc. were installing a Fiber Optic Ltne over some County property. The Commissioners approved the salary of Dianne T. Atkinson of the Assessors Office at $1503 per month effective June 1fi,1997. A motian was made by Cc�mrni�sioner ��ncher, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resoiuiioc� Numb�r 97-93-GC rela�ing to the transfer of funds within the 1997 budget Qf the Current Expense Fund #0{?1, �perating Transfers-au� Departmeni #'142 in the amouni of $34,�0� be passed. The rnatic�n carried. A mcatian was made by Cor�nmissivner Snead, s�conded by Commissic►ner Fancher thai Resolution Number �7-94-C� se�tirag a P"ublic Hearing for June 30,°i99'7 at �l:3fl p.m. relating tcs the facts requiring an appropriaiivn and expenditu�re of funds for the Fair Fund #'�1�, Department #��8 in #he amouni af $�4,aao ae passed. T�e motit�n +carried. The Commissi�ners approved the request for aut of sta�e travet fc�r Pat�i Jv�nsan and volunteers ef the C�ran� Couniy Drug Preveniion Caun�il tc� travel to C'7�regon for a meeting of the Paci�c Nor�hwest Prev�ntion Coalition. The �c►r�m�ssioners heid a P�btic Nieeting �egarding ihe P[at Alteratic�n r+�quest by Grant Ct�unty F�re District#5 to c�ambine L.Qts 695, fi9� and �9�, �arsvn Subdivisia►n for future expansit�n of �ire Disirict faciiities. A motic�n v�as made by Commissior�er Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Snead tc� uphofd ihe Pianning Commissivn approval with the Planning L�epartment findir�gs of fact #1,2 and 3 to be used. The motion carried. The �om�nissioners held a Public Mee�iing regarding the zone �hange requ�st from Agriculture io C-N Neighbc�rhoQd �omm�rcial or� a�1.54 acre parc�i of land in Farm Unit v7, Block ��1, in a par�ion af Section 4, Township 'I9 N., Range 2� E.1t�t.M. requested by Danald Korpinen. �: rnvtion was made by Commiss�on�r Snead, secor�ded by Commissic�ner Fancher� to uphoid the P[�nning +Cc�mmissifln appravat with the P1ar�ning Depar�rneni findings af fact #1 and 3 tv be used. The motit�n carcied. � /�s �here was n� further business io csame before the Baard the session was cc�ntinued untit June 10,°i997. Jurte �10,'139� The session �+ras contmued at 9:�� a.m. with a11 of the Gommissioners in atEendance wifh the Cierk o� the Board. The Cc�mmissioners met with the P�blic �llorks Director reg�rding '3' SE-E3yingtan Proper�y, i2iR Crossing-Sfra�frard R�ad, Six Year Road Pragram-Prcaj�cts, t3per� Hou�e-Tuesday, June 17ih, 1,30-4:30 p.m. A moiron vvas made by Cammissioner Fancher, seconded by Cc�mmiss�oner Snead thai Resolution Number 97-95-CC relating tt� the transfer of �unds within the '#99? budget of the Curr�nt Expense Fund #��1, C}perating Transf�rs-{�ut, Departm�nt #1�2 in #�he amount vf $8i,32�0 be passed. The mc�tion carried. Th� Commissit�ners held a Public Meet�ng an the r�quest f8r a zone chang�e from Agricu6tur� to �enerai Ccammercial on a�.58 acre parcei af [a�nd r�quested by Gar�}r 1�Vh�te, A motion was mad� by Commissioner Snead, secvnded by Comr�nissiQner A1lison to uphotd the Planning Commissian r�commendation for approvai with findir�gs af fac� as proposed by ihe Pfanning Depar�menf to be adapted. Tl�e mvtion +carried. Cor�missioner Fancher abstained, The Camm�ssic�ners signed the Notice of Public Hearing on th� request for an exten�ion gf $�,O�Q tc� the Sheriffs Extra Ne1pIC3vertim� budget from a grant from ihe 1�ashington State Traffic Safety C�mmit�ee, Public Hearing wil[ be June 30,'I997 at 1.30 p.m. A motion v�as mad� by Cvmmissioner Snead, seconded by Cammiss'roner Fancher� that Resoiuticrn Number 97-9fi-CG in t1�e rnatter a�' altering the Plai of Larscan Subdivision ca�nbininc� Lots �9�, S9� and �98 located in ihe IVVII �ii4 of Sec�i�n 5, Tc�wnship °19 3�., Range 28 E.W.M. be passed, ihe mat�on carr�ed. The Commissioners held a Public Meeting an the requesied zone chang� frorn Freew�y Cc►mmercial icr Ligh� Indus�rial Qn a 9.9 acre parcel c�f iand loca�ed vn Lot 1, Sakai Plat, in a portion of Section 32, Township '19 N., �tange 24 E.W.�(, A motion was made by Commissior�er Snead, seconded by �ommi�sianer F�ncher to uphotd the Pianning Cc�mmission recommendation for apprt�va[ with findin�s of fa�t as propQsed by ihe Planning Qepar�ment. The imotion carried. A motion was �rtad� by Comrmissic�ner Fancher, secQnded by Commissioner Snead ta indemn�f� and defend Robert Schiffner in tFre Weit�el vs Grant Cc�unty ef ai lawsuii. The mvtion �arried. The �ommissi�ners signed �he Pubtic 1i�Qrks C#aims Fund Voucher Apprc►val #�-1 through #5-197 in the totai amaunt of $'1,�44,670.4'� . The C�mmissivners approved the sia�ting salary of Lorna 1�!'inona and Tess �Jpheikens af Distr�ict Court at 8Q percen� c�f C1erk 'I saiary, effecfiive June 2, '19�7, The Camcnissioners apprc�ved �the salary vf Nataiya Wolkova as a Cc�ur� lnterpreter at #he rate of �20.�0 per hour eff�ctive June 2,1997. �► mo�t'ran was made b}� Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissic�ner Allison tha� Resoiu�ic�r� Numb�r 97-97-CC set�ing a Public Hearing for Jun� 30,1997 at '[.30 p..m, relating ta th� facts requiring an approp�riation anci expenditure of funds f�r the Current Expense Fund #0�°[, Pianning Gepartmerat #111 in the amvunt af $6,5d0 be passed. The mat�vn c�rried. A motion wras made by C�mm�ssion�r Fan�her, secc�nd�d by Cvmmissioner Sneac� that Resolutior� Number 97-98-CC setting a Public Hearing f�ar June 3�,�997 at 1:3� p.m., reiating to the fac#s r�quiring an appropriati�rn and exper�d�ture of funcls for the Growth Managemen� Fund #1��, L�epart�nent #�1�8 in ihe amount of $87,32Q be passed. The mvtit�n carried. The Commissianers app►rovec� ihe salary of Leslie f�tiphardt and A1 Ramos of the Juveniie Probat�on Dep�artment in posi�ions as Treatmen�E iVlonitars at $2,0�84 per rr�onih ��fieciive Jur�e 1,'1997. Mr. Ramos was apprvved for immediat� benef�fs since he has worked f��i time since Juiy,1998. The Ca�mmissivners appraved the salary of Marge Sc€�tt and Scott +C?+ison a:s Deientian Nlor�itc�rs in the Juvenile Probaiion D�par�ment effective June �i,1�97. Marge Scattwitl begin a$2,�84 per montn, :Scr��t Qlsan at $1,875.�U per mon#h. ��ih are apprc�ved for immedia�e benefit� �due ta their wark hisiory in the department. The �aard by a rna�c�rity vote does approve fvr payment ihose vouchers fi[ed in the Auditors C�ffece 619197 in ihe iaiat amuur�� of $�07,�►i9.�4. A mo��on was made by Cormmissioner� Snead, secanc�ed by Commissic►ner Fancher #hai Resolutic�n Numbe� 97-99-CC in the matter of changing ihe zo�ing fro�n Agriculture to Neighbc�rhaod C+ammerciat, c�� a�.54 acre �arcei an Farm Unit 57, Blo�k 41, locaied in a poe�Eion af Sectivn 4, i`ownship '19N, Range 29 E.VI[.IUI. requested by Donald Korpinen b� passed. The mgiiQn carried, The Comm'rssioners notified the A�diiors C}ff"ice of salary increases fQr variou� Gounty empioyees for the 1997 year. A motion was made by Gcammissioner Snead, se�onded by Cammissianer Allisc�n that R.esolution Number 97-10Q-+�C honoring the R€�yal City �Cnights Bas�ball Team b� passed. The mvtian carried. A motion was made by Commissic�ner Snead, secvnded by Commissioner A#lisan that �esa�uiion Number 9?-�10'1-CC h�noring fine Roya1 City Lady Knigf�ts Softbal! Team be passed, The motivn carried. A mation was made by Cctmmis�ioner Snead, seconded by Commissianer A�lisan th�t Resoic�tion Nur��er 97-�ia2-CC setting a Pub#ic Hearing rela#�ng t+� �he faci� requir�ng an appropria#ian and expenditur� of funds for the Current Expense Fund #QQ1, Misc. Genea�al Gavt, Depar�ment #'�25 in ihe amouni of $�7,15ti be passed. The rrtc�tion carried. The Commissioners notified the Auditors Office of the salary increase for Court Commissioner Brett Hill. As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was adjourned until June 16,1997. ATTEST: � $ � � ���.�i�.s 1 � � Clerk 0� �he Boar � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISStONERS GRANT COl1NTY, WASHINGTON � � Chairm � ����� ���