HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-088-CCFRANKL,IN COUNTY RESOLUTION . 7' �- ��� GRANT COLJNTY RESOLUTION 97-88-cc RE: PETITION TO DESIGNATE A GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT AREA (GWMA) FOR FRANI�L,1N AND GRANT COUNTIES WHEREAS, the Franlclin County and Grant County Boards of County Commissioners have agreed to petition the Washington State Department of Ecology to form a joint bi-county Ground Water Management Area (GWMA); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED �hat the attached Petition to Designate a Ground Water Management Area (GWMA) for Franklin and Grant Counties to be known as the Mid-Columbia Ground Water Management Area is hereby approved by the Boards af County Commissioners of Franklin and Grant Counties. Approved this �t'�'�day of /v( 1997. __� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FRANKL,1NpCOUNTY, WASHINGTON Sue 1V%ller, Chairman Frank H. Brock, Member �r�-���. �,�-,��.s.._.�. " eva 7. Corkru , Member �ttest: �... ,,��e;�c�.-�,���.t..,s✓� Clerk t�d the Iioard Approved this �day of�, 1997. v BOARD OF COUNTY COMNBSSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WAST�I�GTON i ` �_a._.d., LeRoy Tim Sneac� Merr�er Helen Fancher, Member Attest: _�) _ Clerlc t Board � i r ` :' a � � � 1 r A �' A � �" PETITION TO D�SI(�IVATE' A GWMA FOR FF�'ANKLIN AND CRANT COUIVTI,�S M�Y 28, 1997 �, �: "' �, " • � � � � �• r•', �ranklln and Grant caunties propose the e►lfire area within their bounclar�es as a Groc��d Wa#er Managerrrenf Area (per Chapfer 173-104 W�AC) vvith the initial �mphasis on nifrate i�sues �n ground water. The area includ�s all car porfions of Wat�r �t�soue°ce lnventorJr e4reas (Wf?lA'S) rtumbered 36,33,41and 42 fallin� wfthin th� ��ographical b�undari�s af these two couniies. Fur�fi`h�r consid�ration shou/d be �iv�n to incicaseon of areas �n n�ighboring counties exhibifing similar hydrnln,�ically conrs�cted evenfs and slmilar land use activ�ties, Th� l�r��kli�- C�,r�r►i County ar�a repres�nts approximat�ly 3900 square mile.� of tBhe Colurrabla �3a�in r�gion with a populafion of approximately 108,000 /��aple (?995 dat� pravid�e� by the Washington Sfat� Office of Financial M�nagemant). VVifhin this �re� � rr��jority of th� p�apulafiion obtain pota�le water from b�fh shallow and d��p aqui%r-s. �.`A":� 1 :w l, - *.' � . The pr�pos�d ground water manaqemenf area (identiffe�d in Figure One) shar�s fou�r recagrnlxably dis#inct hydrogeolagical zones or aquif�rs. Tir� shallower �nne e�r�sist� of tia� 4�rerburden Aquifer �ystem re�ehir��g varying d�ptfxs �'rorn ih� �urf�c� bu# generally e�tending no more than 50 fo 100 f�et b�low l�nd su�l`���. 7°�re n�xt aquif�r zones in depfh vary �n their relafionship b�tw�ea� f�re Saddl� iVl'c�urst�in Aqu6f�� syst�rre and fhe Wanap�m Aquif�r System. The dc�epe�t �on� und�rlyin� this are� is the Grande Rhond� Aquifer �y�tern. Th� thr�� sh��iower �o�ae� provi�de approximaf�0y 85% of the water purnped to the surfa�e in thf� ��ea f�r do►rrestic and is�rigated u��s. Tlte p�'of�cti�n �of these �'��ocrrce� i5 0� vit�l ecola�ic�l and eCorsom►c importance to fhe reglion. ,�i°�nklin �nd t�r�nt c�unty �hare a�rer 80% of ih� current Co�um,bia �a�i�t Irrigat►are Prraje�t �n�' surrouna�ing d�ep well ir�igaied activitie� in if�is area, i�fo�t cr� th� area is consider�d arid ciimat�, receivin,g betwe�e� 5 ar�d 95 inc�h�� c�f pr�cdpifatimn per year .4 large porfion o� the a�ea r�ceiv�s le�� th�n 9d fnches per y�ar. Loc�l aquifer rec�targre historically resulted from outsirle tft� �rea. VV�fh �h� �dven� �f Inten�ive irrigr�fNon in the pas# 40 plus year� si�rtifdcant change� to the l�cal �qc�6fer re�harge profiles hav� occcrrr�d. Widespre�d i��~i�ation aciivitie� naw resulfi In signiflcaeat recharge to the C�verbur�en �qcrife� �yste►n, �oordina#ion and implementation of �est M�nager�re�t Pra�fir�e� in t�re�e irrig�iion �reas are es��ntial for future aquifer profQcfiora. tNFril� this proposal exiena�� nnly to the polit6cal �aounclarie� of C�rant �nd Franklin �ouretees it is r�co,gr�iz�d i6►at fhe hydrogeologic boundari�s like/y �re �ic�nific�rntly ,greater, lr►�lusi�n of additional adja�en# are�s may be consider�d by th� VI/ashingtan Staie ��partment of Ec�alogy �ased u�an� hydrage�alc�gi� 2 � characterix�tion of fh� area to more �losely r�fl�ct #he Mydrogeol�gic b�undarl�s .Tlae us� of political boundaries ha� prec�dent in prevfous Ground Wat�r Management �e°eas(Clark County, iCitsap Coun�y, anc� West Snohomf�h County). It ds srnd�r�tood fhat #hese bour►dawies may ba helpful in coordiraafing /oca/ aqui�'��r protectlon acilvities. T"he inclusion of murricip�litfes wil! be dQpendent on th�ly de�ire to participate or be excluc�ed. • # r; ' „ , � � 7'h� aq�aifer� of �he mid-Colum�ia �asin supply approxir►aately �8% of ihe ar�a'� �vailabl� drinking water, Some 99,OOQ,000 gallons of grounc! �trat�r � da,y are us�d by the citB�ens of th� are� for alrinking water, agriculture, a►�d industrial p�arpose�o In r�c�gnit/on of f��e importan�e that groured wafea° plays en th� economi�� and soci�l fabrbc of the ar�a five Conservaii�n Disfrict� in tMe Co/crrnb�a Basin Irric�ation Projec# ar�a began meeting� io discuss mc�tual concQrns about d��isions involvinc� ground and surface water e��e. ihos� five Corrservation Districfs (Upper Grant, IVloses Lake, Vt�arden, Othello, and Frankfin) form�d th� Co/umbia �asir► Praj�ct Consenration Distrect Alliance in earl,y 1995. The Alliance r�cog�niz�d �hat the regions past and fufure is based on �he us� of wat�r r�sources, that continueal prot�cfi�n of fhese reso�erces is �s�entia6y �rtd th�t the /ocal p�o�le n��al to be ,partners in decisions that impact �he area. �'he A9lianc� rec�gnized th� nitra#e loading issr�e as fhe first, c�ifical, se�lvabl�, cooperativs water i��ue th� stakeholders shaulcl atiempt to aafdress. iw fu►�i�rer i�a6s process , fhe Alliance helped organize the VI/ate��h�d planning Cc�uncfl in �at� 199�. Involving �niitie� such �s counties, citi�s, i►•rig�fiion di�irecf�, el�ct�cf officials, anal other stakeholder greu,ps and �rgrani�afions, ihe Alli�n�e and tt�� Council me# ihrought�ut 1996 f�cusin,� �re th� i�sue �f ground �nrater �titrat�, �nd how the area can �ffectively deal wafh �t on a localdv driv�rr �a��6�. Af fh� same time representatives o�' b��fh �r�nk9in and Grarat Coc�ntm�s attend�d �eriodic m�efiings of the county informational �►roc�q c�lled the �1lorthuv�st Council �f ��v�rrr►raents, ihe Counail repeatedly Mas c�ll�d for l�cal c�ntrol o� the rasolcoti�n of wai�r is�oaes i�r #hes area. Most specifically a►r op�a�btion to a propos�d �F'A de�ignatian of a sol� sourc� �q�ifer �aro#ectiora �r�a in these cnuttfii��. �u�port was a/so given ta dealc�rg with the nitr�f� r��ue on a hic�h prforet�r basis. Durin� 1995 and 1996 the Alliance m�mbers held �rurr�eroc�s Comanunity Pr�duc�r �rocap rr�eetings involwing ihe majority mf the prodc�c�r stak�h�lcl�r� irr specific �re�� gf �he counfie�s, Unever��l �upport f�r /oca/ involv�rn�ni by fhe produ��rs to ac�dress ghe water issue� v�a� �'ound at �1l meetin�s, VV/ater punreyors �nd p�adt��er� appear e�g�r tca be �ro�ciive on th� fir.�t is�ue �af concern, nitrat� la�adinr�. Furfih�r a�ldiilor►al supporf has been recefvecf frorn ofher /ocai �iakeholder�s ��ech as the staff' of WSU �x#en�ion, local IVRCS Disir6�t Conversationists and siafi`", 3 0 W�sMington Sfiat� f'ofa#o Corrar►�ission a�d lo�al �nrl r�gional chemical �nd field�n�n r�p�esentaiives. Agriculfural prr�du�ers a�nd repre�entativ��s h�v� alr�ady �begun mar�y projects artd propos�ls to b�gin d�aling with the incr�ased a�rarene�s of th� n�fir�af��l loading i��u�. Lo�al c�unty We�lth D�,partmenfs hav� ar►nounced iryt�ntlon� to /ncre�s� th�fr involvement ir► the nli`rate lo�ding i�sue. Fu�ther aciivities fc� incr�a�� i`he a�r�r�en�ss of risk to sp��iflc portions of fh� populati�n anal defln� tB�� �xte�ri o�' Iv�alth r�isk currenfily. �;,, � �� �, � � � � z � �'he lJ�rited �tates EPA has �ttempted to designatg the Colu►»bi� Pl�teau �Aq�►if�r Sys�em �s a so/� source aquif�r desigrnatinn from 1994�9:996. �2�p����� hearing� have r�cowcled sfgnificani opposition from citizens and ic�c�l l�ader�. In Nav�sn��r 1996 th� �PA announced a wi/lingraess ta suspend activiti�s on �o/e ��u�ce design�#i�n �aending the outcome of th� �ignificant Ic��as activity surr�unding a propas�d CWMA de.�ignation. ln fVov�mber 1995 the USGS report�d the �ummation of a five year N�WQA chara�t�rizafinn s�udy of th� water r��ources af th� Colrambia Pla�teau, r�f whi�h Franklin �nd Grant Counties are a part o� ihe study re�e�led significanf number� of �hallow w�lls pumping domestic w�ter from the �h�flc�w �verburder► Ar�uifer to cont�in nitr�te c�ntaminant l�v�ls abov� th� f�de�°�l drdnkB�g st�nc�ard of 10 m�l, In M�y �f �99� offic�ial� fron� tl�e V�/ash�rtgton �tate D�partm�nt ofAgrr�u6tur�, E�c�Oo�y and Health �long v�ith th� Wa�hiragton Stata C�ns�rvatian Comm6ssfor� enet with r�pres�n��five� frarn tMe Region 10 o�'lce of the Ua �nv�ronm�nt�l F'rc�te�t�on Ag�ncy tc� di.scuss nitrat� leve/s in grotrr�d wa�er wB�hin fhe mid- �olurrtbia Basin. A revie�w committee of the�e par�icipants relea��d � status r�p�r# in S�pfemb�r 1996 enfltled "NitratQ Conta►ninatfan of Grourrd IM�fer i� the Mid Columlaia �asin", ihis rep�rt suggests r�ltr�ate loading as a"pub9ic health conc�rn" ta the popu6ation of the Mid C�lumbia ��sin. f-ligher risks w�r� sh�wn �� ,�e in the ma��e int�n�iv� irrigat�d areas of Franklin and (�rant Countie�. 7'h� comrrsitteQ re��rt c�ld� for thi� i��we to be �ddr�s��d as �oan a� po��ible wit6r Incal efforts as �Me rno�� likely succes�fia� action> In ���f�rrr�er o�' 1996 the �ouniies s6gned a Meraao �f Llrtd�r�tanding (M�U) de�igrn�ed ta �ncourage the cc�unties f� work together fo r�s�lve #he local wai�e� i�su�s. IR�peat�d meetings between cvuntles h�v� resaalted in thls ��operafiw� p�tition. 0 . , _ � � r � ,, iir� Col,umbla E3a��n Irrigation Projeci began operation In th�r 1950's and c�nsid�r�bly increa�ed the intens/ty of f�rm�ng. State of' tihe art irrig�tion ar►c� �erfiliz�tlon methods were used at the time, but �ome of today's ndfrate lev�l� rna,y b� th� ►�e5ult af thos� past activities. Grow�ws in fhe are� have adoptecl new technology, equipm�nt and managemeni practices designed to pro�iect ground wa�er as tt�ey became available, Cont�nca�d impl�meniafion af BM�"s wlll be an ir�sp�rtanf part af �ihe GWMA proces5. Du� to increased intensive 6rrigati�n, additional da6ry operatrons, numerocas f��dloi sites, increasea! s�ptic tank us� over the past farty years, artd oth�r rn�n- ,rr►ade ��tivitie�, significanf nitrafie loading #o the �hallow Overburd�n Aqulf�r h�s o�curred, aignificant noirat� loading app�ars from the USGS 199a repowf to vary site sp�cifically across the counfres. �pecific �e�t Managem�nt Activiti�s will need to va�y fror►� a�ea to area within the caunty. Much more informatian ne�rl� �o be coll�cted to outline the extent of nitr�te loading by ar�a� and the impa�t o� the pr�pos�d b�st man�gemen# practices. ihe maJority of th� population in the fwo counties live in metrapmlitan �s�rr►rnunitf�� th�i r�ceive their dorrr�stie wai�r from r�unicrpal w�lis drill�� i�rto cleeper Wanapum or Grande Rhonde Aquif�rs whfclr shorv no currenf sy►��f�rns of nitrat� loading reaching those �lepths (Pasco is the �xcepfion, dravvin� it� w�ter from the Cnlu►nbia �2iver). �'uture �ontamination is possib/�, 1'it�r°efore the m�je�rify of th� populatian of fih� counties are not curr�nfly �t risk of nitra�t� contami►tation. I-fovv�vee°, thos� rur�l resid�nfs who pump th�ir �omestic �r�ter �'rom �h�Blow Overburden Aquif�r well� are rr�osf af risk of pu►rrping nitrate ladert wafer above �he feder�l standard of 1 m mcl. Th�se w�fls ar� at mosi ri�k b�cause of a lack of alternafive water supply availabl�, Franklln County �nd Franklin C�n.�ervatlon Dis#�°6ct have b�en activ�l� involar�d in impl�m�ntin� b�sf manag�ment practices te allevf�t� nAtrai� loa�l6ng� an a iirr►i#�d basis �inCe 198�'. Subsequent analy�l� o�' fb►eir contirtuing well sampling d�t� indl�at�s progre�s in reducing ihe rls� an th� av�r�ge nitraie encl l�vels in �i�� p�st year� �fter �nany years �f increases. Th�se re�a�lf� ar� at�r6buted i� chan�►�d rtaana�►�ment pracfices adopted by land u��rs in tM� sampled ar��s, and �NIP i►r�plemerriation needs to continue during the GWMA plannirtg proc�ss, Agricu/fural and indu�tri�l l�ad�rs repre��nting► the larqest water purv�yors and u�ers in fhe area have concerns that suggested practic�s �nd plans be site specific�lly applieal to the nifrafe is�ue laadln� probl�m. Prop�sal� ne�d #a be ei�f'f�ciive, yet still rnaintain the ecnr�ar►�ic vi�bilify of tl�e are�, Loca/ involv�m�nt wiil p�ovlde Input fo th� solutions and insure /oca/ approv�l �f plan suggestions. Local Conservation Districts propa�e to �a�illtat� th�t la�al �'nru►n. � �: ..: � �. ... A � :�.� �. ` 1� Severai other wai�r i��ues have be�n �recog�ized by the stakehold�rs in thi� proc�ss. Gr�und water quaniit�r concern� h�ve b��n �n iss�r� for many y��rs. ihe Qulncy sub-basin and the Od���a �ub-basin management a�-�a� la�ve been prevrously designafed by fih� lNashington .State Dgp�rtm�nt of Ecology bec�u�sa of rapldly d�Glinfng wa#�r IevQl� �� � result of ground wat�r us� for irrfg�tion in ih� Wanapum and the Grartde Ronde Aqu6fers. The US�S NAWQA reports in 4996 hava r�port�d .�arr►plingr low conce�ntrati�n of agriculfural pes#6cides in 6i% of the sampled w�lls in th� area. Currently stakeholders h�ve indieated a cc�ncern over the pesticide �amples bcrt do not indicaf� a high puf�lic risk, Other w�fer is�ues such as municipal weBd total clissolved solids, dispo�iiiora of rr�unici@al sewap� w�st� disch�rpe and �cer�'�c�a wat�r sedi►r�ent loaailr�q h�ve been dis�ussed. The us� of tire /ocaf GWMA pracess Mas b�en di�cussed as a v�hi�0e for /oca� people to confron# some af thes� i�sues, ihe success caf tMe p�rfiiclpants to u�� fhe QVVMA prac�ss to r�salve th� nitr�te loa�'ing issue will lmpa�fi it� u�e f�r otiter is�u�s. �or the d�velcapm�nt of � grou�►c�wat�r manag�ment program th� �ullowing obj�ctive� daave been id�nt6fi�d: 1, Develop a eoopdinated ground w�fer managerrte�►t plan befw�en the �ountie� of Franklin and Grant ►whi�h addresses th� cta�r�nt �nd future drinkdsag water, agriculfural and industrial needs. 2. Develap and irnplement a series of coordin�ted �gricu/tural hest managem�ni practic�� design�d t� r�duce nitrate off site mi�ration, incduding ihe promotion af �gricultural wast� app/icatian and f�rtilizer pr�cfices vvhich help io presera� gr�und w�t�r quality 3. Ca/lect and incorporate exi�ting nitrate grouna! wat�r e�ata into a shar�d data man���rr►�nt system so as to i�nprove und�rst�ncl6ng of the ext�nt of nitrai`� levels in ground water wifhin th� GWMA. �, participate in and/or establi�h a long�-ter►� g�r�und water quality and quantify monBtoring program in the rreid-Calumbia �asin 6ncluding an area wide ambieni grouncl wat�r morrifis�ring s,ystem by which to monitor the pe�ogress of new and e►rrprove�l agricu6tural practi�os. 5. �stabli�h educafional prcagrams for prorr►oting the pre�tectiort of ground water quality, and provirle a contincoirt�► %rum o,pen to stakeholders in the �rea fo discuss cooperative method t�wawd cmnfinued /rrrprovem�nt of ground water quality. � ihrough achieving► th�se objectives th� go�l of pres�rving and �nh�ncing fl�e aquif�rs of the mid Columbia Basin as safe ar�d reliabie sources of uvater shou�d 1be met. This s��tion provid�s the estirr►ated annual cost of d�v�loping a Ground Water IVV�anage►n�nt Pr�gram for the mid-Coluer�bia �a�in artd d�scribes potenfial funcli,�g �ources. �. Adminestration and �aordinateon 2. Monitorin� and database col9ection 3. Public inforena�io�r and outr�a.ch 4. Practice implemeniation and Fi�ld resear�h Anr►u�l total $1 a0, D00.00 $200, 000.00 $'150, 000. 00 $250, 000.00 $i50,000.00 �'he �o�t of developing a prograsn ov�r a thr�e year period 6s esti�nated at $2,250,p00. State and fed�ral agencies have c��arr�ift�d, (ba��d on available funding) grants to #he pro��ct at a furtding level of 75%. ihese funds ar� expa�cted to b� made available throuqh sp�cial allc�cation� �ar competitive grants such as the �t�ie of !lVashingtnn's Centennial Clean Water l�und�. �"�ie remaining 25% will �� funded by the l�cal paeiicipafing agencies �ither i►� fhe for►�a of mor�eys or in- kind s�rvices or a combinatian of bath. The bud�et �hawn onfy eovers plan dev�lopmenfi and earl,y action irripl�rnentation dc�ring► th� f6rst 3 year�. ��all �ca/e lmpleral�nt�tiran co�ts �aril! be b��ed c�n the pl�n dev�l�ped and fund� availa�ble. Prdviding �orne cost-sh��� fur�ding an �ar►a�, m�y �n�oura,�� more wBde spreaal aalopieorr of critical best maraa�ement p�actic�s in curre►�t low valu� crop�. All rnatchinc� rn�ney� dvould !�e provided bJr the proc����r in cost-�hare situation�. Cc��tpshare, eit�►er f�deral ear 5t�te �'unded, would be ba���� oe� available funding a'rrd program cAmpatibility, , � - 7'he �r�lmary objective of the Mid Columbia GWMA proces� Is fa pres�nt a plan re/afi�d to nlfr�fe laading in the f�o-county ar�a, l�itrat� loadir�g issue is prim�r6/y a�►�n«�oint r�souree problem reqcririr�g fh� partf�dpaii�n of m�ny producers, �t�keholders, agencies, indu5trie� anc� citiaer►� warking prc�-a�tivelv. Wicl��pr�ad r�medies wilf be too �os#ly fio m�ndate and will r�q�uire volun��r�im l,p �m�nt�tian ta �e �ffecfiive. To achieve plan acce,�tance those v�rh� rr�ust irrtplemenfi the practfc�� must be involvec! in the proces� to insur� fheir 0 accept�nce and vc�lunt�ry impl�rn�n#ation. Praducer�, sfiak�holders, and �ther� who will b� c�lled on to impl�ment tM� plan ne�d to par�l�ip�t� in fhe .�#rtectur�� to cr�aie ihe plan. The following► faowch�rf ane! descriptlowt� vvill prpvide �r b�rsi� structwr� for preparir►g that plan. Fra��lxn �a�d Grant �oun�i�s ��ound Wat�r N�an�g�ment �ir�e� (G�VM.�) Nitrate Issue rranu�xn a�o. Commission Co�eservation District lDep�rtane�t of Ecology a m r e. a.. a A s w v r. r m � COIT1Ii�iS3i0i1 �i Dryland Disposal Agriculture 5�ray , Field� • . - - • - • - - . - . • . - �I Lake,Warden,Othello Canservation Districts Water Exe�utive Board W. and and and Rural Dairy �tecreation lte5idential VVa�hingt�n State �epartmeni Of ���al�c y_ 1-R�pres�nt th� other stat� �gencie� and �Pe� on a d�y to �I�y �asis. �-l�rdvid� adeq�uate fr�n�lin� 3-�iv� suf�ici�nt ,gu/danc� to ir�su►•e an �ac�eptabfe plan 4-I'�@%�l11 �1111I �UtI10P°Ofj/ AI1 rJIaB7 �11� If,S /�/'OC@53 � Franklir� and Gr�nt Counfiy Corr�mi��ionsr 9-R�tain Lea� �Ag�ncy st�tu� in the pl�n proce�s 2-Vl/i#hin #h�ir financial capabiliti�s, prov�d� l�c�l funding when nec�ssary 3-�n an ap�ropri�te i`dme basis (suggs���ed quarterly) and ir� pcablic sessiph, review prapm�ed pnrtions of plan, act on ce�mmit#ee nominatlons, �s�ign new i�su�s to a�n appropriate GWAGs or creat� � new CW�QCs as neeai�d �nd g�r��rally provid� lead�rship, 4mMold additi�rn�l sp�cial public h�aring� on porffon� of the plan as �feer»e�l n�c�ss�ry. 5a�ot�nt�r comr�issron� will receive pvrfions of th� plan written t� reflect th� impa�ct on tl�eir caunty. Counfy Commis�ions hav� ve#o power over poriis�ns of a plan as it impact� theiP county. Con$�rvation �is�ric��- 1-Confra�t with fheir re5pectiv� caurtty commissions to repre��nt th� coun#y in��re�ts in f�cilitat�ng► fhe ac#iviiies of the GWM�1 proc�ss. 2�Contra�t wi#h ihe cour►fy cammission� to carry qut GWMA function� �uch as e�»�/o,ye��, cor►tr�ct�r�, spe�ial proj�cts and �tc. 3-Pravisfe �Fie role of GWMA c�rganizers by �chealuling m�c�tings, running nc�iices, organizin,g agendas, supparting siaff needs, and eic. 40rgranize C�rrr�munity Produ��r �rocr,�� or �ther �pro�ari�fi� �rou��1 methoc�� to �llow loc�l pr�duc�r,� a�rad c6tiz�ns a�'orum �o have ir�put tn th� /a/�n. 5-Cac�rdinat� c��t4�hare ir»pl�meniafian pla�►� 6-Part�cipaf� 1�► �ppropriate r�s��r�ch �nd d�man�tr�tion pr�ject�. 7�N1air�t�in dialog with all infer�sted p�rtees to in�ur� wide�pr��d part6cipat7on cappe��un1#i�s. 8-Continu� tc� implement �MP's dur�irr� th� plannln,g procgss. � �round VU�t�r �d�risc�ry Car�mittee �x�ctative �3oard 1�Org�ar�dz�d fi�� the n6tra�`e issue. 2-irva repres�ntafives fram each Cr�unrl Water.�dvisory Carramitte� ((at/I��IC). On� repres�nt��ive fro►rr eacf'► caunfy. %#�! equals ien vvfing s��ts, �-To appr�v� any it�rrr, a majorfty of the r�preser►t�tiv�s fi�c�m �ach county must vot� in favor. 4-GVVMA caordinator wrffes and dev�la�a� pl�rt� und�r iheir dir�cfion. Caordinaior schec�ul��, organizes, and provid�s �ll n�ce�sary �uppor�fi for the GWAC Ex�cutiv� �o�rd. 0 �-GWAC �xec�tive Board m�m�ers are nomin�t�d by thee� resp�ctiv� C�round Wat�r Advlsory C�mmi#tees, nominaiion� need approv�a�l frnm county cc�mmission and �.O,E. 6-t�tt�/AC Ex�ce�tive �oard provld�� sugg�stians for sp�nding �rir�ri#ie� mf �t/VMA fuo�aling. F�anding a,pprpva/ requir�d by county �c�rr►mis�iarrs. Cr��and Wat�r Advi�r�r°y Corrinnittg�s (GUl1'A�s1 ?-Organia�d by i�sue. /ssues a�signed by cvunty commi��idns. 1V�w issu�s ��signed fio existing gwoups or .��rrt to a new greup by the ceunty ca►rtmissioners. 2-T'rvo typ�s of particip�nts are invnlved in �WACs. 1/oti�members and their altsrnat�� must be lisfed by r�ame and shoufd r�present � g►roup of �fakeholders. Any qualified indivi�lual may partici�naf� in the group rncetvng to �6v� �e�timony as a%�h�ica/ Adv%ar rar�mber, Technical Advisors are weleom� to participate in the proces� but �lo not c�st a vots on fiinal approvaB. 3-All interested group�, sfakeho/c�er�, p�rties individtaals, �#c. rr�ay � iti�n for a votfng s��t. A/l p�tiiions fnr se�ts must b� a�aproved by county com►r�issioner�, 4�GWAC� �eqr�ire 80% of voting members present to conduct bu�iness. �-GIlVMA coordfnator supports the ne�r/s, schedtrle�, and provides ar�andzatiean for graup ►neetingrs, 6-�lld voting► rreembers Af the GVtsACs musf be a re�ideni of th� GWMA. 7-Su,�ges#ed Nlembers-�ach group meeting is open to the pu,blic for input, ind�'�ri�'ual �i#f�en� are �ncoura��d to partic�p�i�. GWeqCs vo�`ing m�mbe�s �hould well represenf the inter�sted �fakehe�laler� on eaci� issue. 8-Cpmmun� Produc�r f3roups ar �th��r appropriat� grc�ups/m�tho�� are �u�rgesi�d �it�-�pecific designaiecl �roups organi�ed and se�pportecl by con�ervafion disfr�icts. Di�tricts pr�pose to ddvide th� two-�ocanty GWPV1.4 into fifie�n fo fwenty areas. Praducers and interested' p�rties would b� invit�d fio p�rticf�aate rn community ba�ed di�cussions. Infc�rmaiion, r�ports, experts and �th�r support would Melp #he �ommcrnity Prnducer Groups �ss�5s the issues an� provid� solutions on a/oca/ ba�i�. Sug�esi one �e�r��entative, (withr an alternat�), frorn each group be nominat�d as a vc�ting e»e�nber of the Iwr�igated and �ryland Agriculture �W�I�. 9-ihe following lisi su�gests poteniia! voti�tg memb�rs who may p�fition for a v�ting �e�i on a�VE/AC. Community Produc�r Gro�rps, WSIJ Extension, P�o#ato Commissior�, f�od pro�essars, NIRC�, lrrigratior� Dis�ricts, Cities, cor�nty health dep�rtenents, gr�uvers a���ciatron�, Farm Bureau, Fish and Wildlife age�nGie�, citie�, small wate�r as�o�l�tions, chemical �nd fieldman groups, fertelix�r de�iers, Conservati�n f�dstricts, plannfng c�mrnissions, e►svironmenfal groups, dair�r and f�edlot operatars, recr�afional groups. 10 Gu7 90�T°hQ following 1%t suggest� pc�fentlal t�chnrc�l ��Ivfsors, not cov�r�d by a�tso�lates of the above lisf 4f potentlal v�ter.�, whn ma,y wish tn p�rfilcfj��fe. (1��R, pt7�, INA, depart`ment o�hea/fh, W�DA, C1�►R, Vl/CC, LF�A, w�ll d,rialers, US��, financlal instltufions, and a#h�r t�chnie�l speciali�ts �� appraprlat�. 11 � F -� �-����.�.. � a.��r �r�a�e�-��� ��°e�� � �_�;.��.. � N � ����'rd �ttS�'� �rrxy�Kl:�-� . �` � r s��' � �31�� � ' IIt�iei$ � � �ch. �� � . � �ac� > r A �I'�1�I� �'�� � ���C , : , � aa .� rr i ' •s. •1: � s �,' s ' s '- e c . August, 1992 0 � ./" ' . � h�'� 4'Q G ri N - - - � c� � ru � � �� C`tt�L� O�G Y � Neva J. Corkrum District 1 Kathleen "Sue" Miller District 2 Frank H. Brock District 3 May 29, 1997 i :��- ; � .i` � � i � q�; i �i t i �:: �. i: �_ � � ( �,' ,. � 1 - -1 . '-L I: ��-L �! : .k ' rl' ` �-.- : � , ;, � �, i , , Grant County Commissioners P.O. Box 37 Ephrata, WA 98823 Fred H. Bowen County Administrator Lisa Malone Executive Secretary Mary Withers Clerk To The Board I'y�, ` . , "' s .� '� ',, " i � ,� P�Y � 0 199i �iur�sU �H COMNiISSIfIMhRS {a�itWi COUNiY, IMASNINGiON RE: Petition to designate a Ground Water Management Area (GWMA) for Franlclin and Grant Counties � Dear Commissioners: Enclosed is joint resolution, Franklin County Resolution Number 97-262, relating to Petition to designate a Ground Water Management Area (GWMA) for Franlclin and Grant Counties. Please consider approval of this Resolution and Petition, If you approve this resolution and petition, please lceep one original resolution and return the others to Franlclin County. Also enclosed is a copy of the letter that will be sent to Kirk Coolc. Sincerely yours, � ��,��. ...��� Mar��� thers Clerlc to the Board Enclosures