HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCGf�IVtMiSSit�NERS' PR�CEEDtNGS
1ttleek of 1t�ay 12,1997
ihe �r�nt County Commissivners session was calied #o order at
9.00 a.rr�. by Cha�rman l.eRc�y Allison. Chairman Aiiison and
Commissi�ner Snead w�re in attendance �ith the Cierk of the Bvard.
Gommissia�ner Far�cher was c�ui vf tc►wn.
The Gommissivners read and approved ihe minutes of the
preceding sess�on as writ�en.
The Cammissioners app�roved �he saiary increas� c�f Keith Si�ber�
t�f the Sheriff`� Ciffice to $2,Gfi1 effeciive l�ay 1,�i997.
Chairman Allison was authc�rized io sign appraval c►f the liquor
�icense applicatian of the Cliff House, and the Plaza Nause.
The Cc�mmissioners apprc�ved fihe salary increase of Da�n
Campbeli of the Sh�riffs Departmeni �Eo $'�,?24.40 per month, effiective
May 'I,'1997.
The Coimmissioners approved ihe request by �h� Sheriff's Offi+ce
ta purchase fi p�isoners praperty lockers in the amaunt vf $�,40U.
�hairman A91is�n was author�zed to sign the Designation a�
Ass�ciate aevetopment C}rganization affirming that Grant County EDC
is the designated Associate Develapment flrganization to coardin�te
ect�nomic developmeni services far the coun� wi#h Stafie D�partment
v� Trade and Ecc�n�mic pevelapmer�t.
,A, m�tian was made by Cc►mmissivner Snead, seconded by
Comm�ssisaner Atlisc�n that Resc�lu�tion Number 97-75-GC appravir�g a
Plai Alterativn req�aested by Alvin Q.19�eridith in Grant Orchards, L.c�t #1,
Block 27, an a portion af Secfiion 31, Township 22 N., Range 27 E.1�If.M.
be passed. Ti�e motior� car�ried.
A Pubtic Hearing was hefd and a mQtion was made by
Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Altison that
Resvlution Number 97-7G-C� autharizi�g an appropriation and
expenditu�e of �unds far the �aw and Justic� Fund #12�[, Depar�ment
#°1�3 in the amc�unt of $17,781 be pass�d. The mation �arried,
A Pubiic Hearing �as held regarding ti�e za�e �hange request
frt�m Agriculture io Suburban-Agriculiure an �pproximateiy 4� acres
propased by Dal St+evens and Harry C�wen in the Northeast partion 4f
Farm Uni� �0, B�ock 71, Cetumbia Basin Project, ivca�ed in fihe
Northeast C,�uarier of Sectir�n '12, To�nrnship 20 North, Range 23 Ea�t,
ltil.M. A motion was made by �csmm�ssic�ner �nead, secandet� by
Co�nmissi�►ner Altison thai the zvne change requ��i be denied with
s�aff ta write up find'rngs which sh+�u[d inctude tha� #h� prc�p�rty is
within �he Bureau vf Fteclamativ� project. The motion +carried.
A, Pub�ic Hearing was held anc# a motion was made by
Crammissioner Snead, secc�nded by Comrx�'rssianer Allisan that
C}rdinanc� Nurnber 97=?7-CC, Resolutian �umber 97-7?-CC rep+�aiing
Ghapter �.Q2 ofi ihe Grant Gaunty Code relating to business and
a+ccupatiar� li�ens� r�guiations be passed. The moiian carried.
As �there was no fur�her business fc� come before the Bc�ard the
sessic�n was continued until 1Vlay '1�,1997.
1�lay 'f 3,199?
The sessran was continued ai 9:{3{� a,m, wifh atl of the
Commissi�ners in aftendance with the C�erk c�f the Board.
The Commissioners met with the Public Works Directmr regarding
`�' NE and Nelsfln i�oads, Revenue C3ptions and Personnel.
A mc�tiQn was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissic�ner Snead that Resotution Number 97-78-�C requesting the
Uniied States tmmigration and �Vaturalization S�rvice to make the
appropria�+� changes in fihe methads in which agricuf#ural warkers are
�hecked �or I�ga1 do�umentatic�n be passed, The motion carried.
The Commissioners set a Pubtic Nearing fc�r June 3,'199? at 1:30
p.m. regarding �hr� Pvrt af Mattawa Plat No. '1, a Pretiminary Pla� of 10
lots vn 89.5 acres zaned Ligh�-indusirial requested by Grant Cflunfiy
Port District #3, ftacafed in a p�rtion af the Northwest quarter af �ec�tian
27, Tt�v�rnship '!a North, t�ange 23 East, 1J�.N[,
A Public Hearing was heid and a motion was made by
Comm�ssi�ner �ancher, seconded by �ommissioner� Al�ison to adopt
t�rdinance I�umber97-?9-CC, Resalution Number97-79-CC d+�signatir�g
the apprapriate c+�unty c�fficial to Ess�e licenses fvr pecidiers, hawkers,
auctioneers, and barterers, and to co[[ect Iicense fees, settir�g a license
fee arad c�ther rna�iers praperly relating thereto. The matian c�rried
The �ommissioner�s set a PubOic Hearing for June 3,�1997 a� 2:30
p.m. regarcling the proposed �one change from Commercial Recreation
to t�pen Space Recreatian-Planned Unit Development +�n two pa�cels
fi.5� acre in seze fc�r a pr�poset� 43 ioi Resideniial Recreatie�nai Venicte
Park requ�sted by Doug�as �akman-Po�hvles Development lnc. in a
portion of �arrr� �1nii 48, Irrig�tian �3iock 8O, Columbia Basin Project,
located in a portion c�f fihe Northeast {'�uarier of Se�tian 'b8, Tawnship
17 Nc�rth, Range 28 East W,lttl. and a portion of the Nor�hwest Quar�er
+�f Sectio� 17, Township 17 Nor�h, Rang� 28 East, W.M.
The Gammissioners approved the saiary increase of L.y�n Belnap
and Je�fr�y, B[ock af �he AssessQrs 4ffice ia $2,fi3� effective M�y
�,�997. �,
Chairman Afiison �vas autharized to si�n �the Second Addendum
io Le�ter of Ag�eement fvr a ihird Correciions t3ffice for the summer
season, iQ be paid in equai par#s by ihe Departm�nt of Corre�tions and
Grant Coun�y frorn mvney g�nera%d by the V{lork Grew,
The Com�niss�oners s�gned
Vac��her Apprc�val �#4-� through
�� yV�f'�3LiaZi d .aJ�.
the Publi� V1tc�rks Claims Funt�
#4-199 in the tcatal amt�unt vf
As af this date ihe Boa�rd by a majarii,y vote does appra►ve �or
payment thase �roucher�s filed in the Auditars affice 5/�12197 in �he total
amc�unt o�' $35i,231.71.
Th+e �c�mmissioners held a Public H�aring regarding review c�f the
praposed pet�tion on �h� Ground 1Nater Management Area.
Represen�atives from Depar�meni c�f Ecc�logy, Conservatifln Districis,
Washington State University, Grant Cvu�ty Heatth C�istrict and
interested cztizens were in attendance.
A motion viras made by Commissioner F�ncfi�er, seconded by
�ommissioner Snead that Resotution Noamber 9i-80-GC setting a pubiic
hearing far May 2z,°I99i at 2:30 p.m. regarding the Marine 1�'iew Heights
�lVater S}��tem be passed, The mo�ion carried.
As there was no fur�her bu�ir�ess #o came before the Se�ard the
s�ssic�n was ad�ourned until �Vfay 'i9,1997.
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