HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCC M I N UTES GRANT COUNTY �OARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2017 ,� The Grant County Commissioners session began at 8:30 a.m. with Commissioners Carter and Stevens in attendance. Commissioner Taylor was out and excused. 8:30 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Elected Ofificial Roundtable Meeting � 9:00 a.m.—9:20 a.m. J Strickler,ASC Update and Misc BOCC Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 2 through 4 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. 1. Possible vouchers for insurance, legal services,grant administration, etc. 2. Two documents: (1) Port of Ephrata Use Agreement with Grant County for use of closed runway 16/34 for the purpose of conducting a Vehicle Driving Skills Course on April 26, 2017; and (2) Release of All Claims, Covenant Not to Sue and Indemnify Agreement for the same � training/location on April 26t". (Approved) ' 3. Memorandum of Agreement between Washington State University Extension and Grant County (aka Appendix A),for the period January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 to provide an extension program and funding in the amount of$97,845.00. (Approved) A. Department of Social & Health Services, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation Open Enrollment CPR& IL Vendors;Amendment Notification#0416-0101-A1,Consolidated CPR& IL Services Request to Amendment Contract. (Approved) 9:30 a.m.—9:50 a.m, B Hill, Public Defense Update 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. C Carter at Grant County's Plan to End Homelessness Committee Meeting(Housing Authority, Moses Lake) 10:30 a.m.—10:45 a.m. Citizen Public Comment Period (No public in attendance) 11:00 a.m.—11:50 a.m. Budget and Finance Update 1:30 p.m.—2:20 p,m. Grant Integrated Services Update 7:00 p.m.—8:00 p,m. C Carter at Quincy Valley Leadership Meeting(Fire District#3, Quincy) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of$413,070.36, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board. Page 2 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of February 27, 2017 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2017 The session was continued at 9:00 a,m. with Commissioners Carter and Taylor in attendance. Commissioner Stevens was out and excused. 9:00 a.m.—9;50 a.m. I< Eslinger, Human Resources Update biscussion Items 1. 2017 HR Plan 2. 2017 Accounting/HR Planning Topics 3. HR Staffing Needs 4. Payroll Deduction Error—Scott Olson 5. ACA Reporting Carnpensation , Benefits, & Payroll 6. Health Insurance Committee—ON HOLD 7. GCSO Payroll Process Work Group Employee & Department Issues 8. Grant Integrated 9. Grant Integrated FMLA 10. Solid Waste Labor Relations/Legal Action 11. Association—CH,�DC;PW,•SW,• YS Nego��Q��on, Tentative SW Agreement for 2017 �r,e�a��e: Grievance-District Court Snow Day 12. ASSOCIatIOri—Deputy Sher� ���eVq�Le: Holiday Pay Grievance 13. Teamsters-GCSO—Sher ffs�pporc Neao��Q��o�, Pending Union Signature 14. TearilStePs-GPIS—CSS,Initial Svcs, Therapy Svcs Ne9o��4�,on: March 23ra 10:00 a.m.—10:15 a.m. Z Kennedy, Legislative Session Update 10:30 a.m.—10:40 a.m. Open Record Public Hearing, Sheriff's Office Budget Extension The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider a budget extension request from the Grant County Sheriff's Office in the amount of$24,044.14 to purchase a Can-AM 8LHA Side X Side from Experience Powersports. They will be using Sheriff Surplus budget funds (140,114) for this purchase. Sheriff Tom Jones discussed their request. Page 3 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of February 27, 2017 A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to close the public comment portion of this hearing. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. Commissioner Taylor moved to approve the budget extension as presented. Commissioner Carter seconded and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. The hearing adjourned. (Approved, Resolution No. 17-022-CC) 11:00 a.m.—11:20 a.m. W Swanson,Juvenile Court and Youth Services Update 11:30 a.m.—12:00 p.m. C Carter, Finance Committee Meeting 1:30 p.m. —2:20 p.m. J Tincher, Public Works Update � A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Carter, to approve items 1 through 6 on the agenda as presented. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. 1. Execution of Contracts: Crushing and Stockpiling 2017 awarded to DeAtley Crushing Co. of Lewiston, ID for the bid amount of$891,900.00. (Approved) 2. Execution of Contracts: Miscellaneous Equipment-120�.7—Rowand Machinery of Pasco,WA to furnish and deliver 3 Roller Packer Motor Grader Attachments with optional Pick-up Tow Hitch for the total bid amount of$55,042.16 including sales tax. Unit price bid$29,334.00. (Approved) 3. Execution of Contracts: Herbicide Materials 201�7—Crop Production Services of Boise, ID to furnish and deliver Herbicide Materials for the total amount of$16,812.78 not including sales tax. (Approved) 4. Memo requesting authorization to purchase vehicles off the Equipment Expense Program through the State Contracts, (Approved) 5. Authorization to Call for Bids for the Road Stabilization 2017 project with a bid opening date of March 21, 2017 at 1:30 pm. (Approved) 6. Recommendation to award the Traffic Counters project to JAMAR Technologies in the amount of$21,625.00 (excluding sales tax). (Approved) 2:30 p.m. —2:50 p.m. G Dano, Prosecuting Attorney's Office Update 3:00 p.m. —3:15 p.m. Consent Agenda (Items 1 through 9) A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to approve items 1 through 3 and 5 through 9 on the agenda as presen�Ced, Item 4 is being held for further review. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance. COMMISSIONERS OFFICE 1. Commissioner's Office and Public Defense Vouchers. (Approved) Page 4 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of February 27, 2017 AUDITOR'S OFFICE—ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT 2. Authorization of Canvassing Board Representatives-Auditor's Staff, to act under authority given in RCW 29A,60 for Michele Blondin, Dedra Osborn and Trisha Gibb to act as representatives for the County; and for Maria Lugar/I<arrie Stockton to handle the ballots through the mail room process, all fbr the April 25, 2017 special election. (Approved) FAIRGROUNDS , 3. Budget extension request in the amount of$29,635.00 to purchase EventPro software from Profit Systems Inc. ($22,794.00) and 2 star shaped tension fabric tends made by KD Kanopy ($6,841.00). Both of these purchases are from sole source vendors. (Approved,Sole Source Resolution No. 17-020-CC;the public hearing was set for March 28, 2017 at 3:30 p.m.) 4. Request to waive all of the fees and charges (approximately$3,278,00) associated with the 2017 Senior Picnic,to be held on June 14, 2017. This event serves about 450 people and is intended to celebrate and honor seniors in the community. (Item placed on hold for further review) SHERIFF'S OFFICE 5. Budget extension request in the amount of$44,779.00 (including tax)to purchase a new videe visitation system through Globel Tel Link(GTL)/Value-Added Communications, Inc. (VAC). This is a sole source purchase as GTL/VAC has the current contract for the phone system in both jails. (Approved,Sole Source Resolution No. 17-021-CC;the public hearing was set for April 3, 2017 at 11:30 a.m.) 6. Request for out of state travel for Ryan Rectenwald to testify before a Committee for Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs from February 28— March 2, 2017 in Washington D.C. (Approved) 7. Request authorization to increase their fees for serving Civil Process or fingerprinting, If after review and the Board agrees,this request will be set for public hearing. (Approved,a public hearing will be scheduled at a later date) 8. Request to purchase a 2016 Dodge Caravan in an amount not to exceed$13,342.60 from Jess Ford of Grand Coulee. Funding will come from the INET Criminal Charges account (118.195). (Approved) 9. Request to purchase an Identification Data Card System/Printer from Identisys Inc. The amount approved in their Capital Expenditures budget is$7,500.00. The total purchase is$7,998.36. The additional funding will come from within their current budget. (Approved) 3:30 p,m,—3:50 p.m. Open Record Public Hearing, David and Rose Stevens—Open Space Application The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing to consider an application for Classification or Reclassification Open Space Land per RCW 84.34 from David and Rose Stevens for Parcel No. 171376001 located in the NW NW S 24,T 23, R 28 and is 40 acres in size. Pam Hill stated the proponents called the Clerk of the Board asking for a continuance of this hearing as they are unable to attend. Page 5 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of February 27, 2017 A motion was made by Commissioner Taylor, seconded by Commissioner Carter,to continue the hearing until March 7, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. The motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2017 R Stevens,Out 10:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. MCKINSTRY MONTHLY OWNERS MEETING 1:00 p.m. —2:00 p.m. T Taylor at Grant Integrated Services—CityView Walk Through (Moses Lake) 7:00 p.m, —9:00 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2017 R Stevens, Out 7:00 a.m.—8:00 a,m. T Taylor at Moses Lake Chamber Response Team Meeting (Moses Lake Chamber Office) (No meeting held) 1:30 p.m. —3:30 p.m. C Carter at Area Aging/Council of Governments Meeting (E Wenatchee Office) (Rescheduled to 3/9/17) 6:00 p.m. —7:30 p.m. FAIR ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING (Fairgrounds) (Rescheduled to 3/9/17) FRIDAY,MARCN 3, 2017 No meetings held Page 6 of 6 Grant County Commissioners Minutes Week of February 27, 2017 Signed this�day of 2017. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS G n ounty, as ' gton � I Cin 6 rt r, Chair n """"-------_. Ric ard Stevens,Vice-Chair Attest: �_._-lX- �� �'�J �� � Tom Taylor, Member r `; Barbara J. Vasquez, CMC �G�erk of the Board �