HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-061-CC� BOAI2.D C}F COUNTY C(J►NIlV[��SI�NERS GR.ANT COUNY, WASHINGTCiN RESOLUT�4N NLTMBER 97-61—�C A RES{�LUTIQN relating to a supplemen�al ext�nsion in the 1997 budget of the ALCOHOL & DRUG ABUSE FUND # 1 l 5, DEPARTMENT #IS7 due to unanticipated state andiar federal funds. �'V�-YEREAS, it has been brought to the attentic�n of the Board of Grant Caznmissioners that ihat unanticipated state and lor federal fitnds have been mad� avaiTable for the 1.997 budget of the ALCC?HOL & DRUG ABUSE FLt�ID # 115, DEPARTMENT #157 ix� the ama�nt af $11,910,00 ; and VVI-�EREAS, RCW 36.40.100 authorzzes supplemental appropriations from unan�icdipated state andlor federal funds aftex publicatians of natice of the tin-�e and date of the meeiing at which the supplemental appropria�ons resolution wi11 be adopted, and the amaunt ofthe appropxzatic�n, ance �ach vveek, for two consecuiive weeks prior to such meeting in the official new�paper of the cQunty; and W� �R.EAS, publication af the requzsite Iegal noti�e was m�de in the Grant Cou�tv .�c�u�n�.l ne�rspapex of Grant �aunty on Apri1 Ios�17 ,1997 and said meeting v,�as held in the Grant County Cc�mmissioners' Office, Grani County Caurthouse, Ephrata, Washington.; NC7W, THEREFtJRE, BE IT RES4LVED BY THE B0�1TZD (JF GOUNTY Cc�M'V� QSSIONERS a� GRANT CC)UNTY, STATE QF �ASHINGTC}N, that the _l 997 {year}budgei of ihe ALC4HCIL � DRUG ABUSE FUND # 115, DEPARTNLENT #157 be supplemented ancl extended in the sum c�f $_I 1,910.00 from unanncipated state andlor federai funds according ta the attached schedule af categories and items: Done this 22nd day t�f A�ril. , 19 g7 � r ATTES ;� Cierk of �� aard � � Chairmara t � �.-�/,r"L�� i v� � � � �.��c� Board of ounty lommissioners Grant County, ashington ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NUMBER g)_hi -r,r. ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE FUND # 115 DEPARTMENT # 157 APPROPRIATIONS SALARIES AND WAGES RETIREMENT SOCIAL SECURITY IND.INSURANCE UNEMPLOY.COMP. OFFICE & OPER.SUPPLIES TRAVEL OPER. RENTALS AND LEASES MISCELLANEOUS FINANCING SOURC FEDERAL INDIRECT GRANT EXP LANATI O N 268.566.81.11.00 268.5� 268.566.81.22.00 268.5� 268.566.81.25.99 268.566.81.31.00 268.566.81.43.00 268.566.81.45.00 268.566.81.49.00 TOTAL 268.333.84.01.00 2,640 201 202 37 7 7,200 793 80 750 11,910 TOTAL $ 11,910 TO INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS TO ACCOMMODATE THE EXPANSION OF THE PRIDE PARANT TRAINING PROGRAM FOR DRUG PREVENTION FOR FU�IDS FROM THE FAMILY POLICY NETWORK OF GRANT COUNTY. .����� ���U�� \ r � ai w�tM�'„i, (���.�:t ��ur��� .�.�c�h�I ��� ������ {�t?3i 765-5402 • 510 W. t3R0At}1NAY + P. 0. BCiX 1217 • tviOSES LAKE, iNASHlNGTOht 98t�i7-01$5 FAX {5pg? 756-9$02 MaCCI� �1f 799% Grant Cc�uniy Ct�mmissioners PC? Box 37 Ephrata. WA 9$8�3 Dear H�len, iim, and L�Roy: ..;.���'"" _ +�� ;:t�,:�n�, �J�T7iri,}"�tISS�Gtil�a3 •w.:+�lt4 Le1�y�i�i�'� Titih�ll�i{�LL/� � �,; �; �, ,_`� €�l�S�p�C9v9 �esi. µ �. €�ist. #.1,..�..�.� List. t2 �-- Dist. �r �,......... �}i��. .�;�-.�,,,�=w� Dig�. �7�.�r,...,.,,,,_, Please consider this a rec�uest #o� a budget extension o# �i 1,91C1.{�Q to our �99� Alcohol8c Drug Treatme�t �enter u get to accomrnodate the �xpansion c�f the PRiDE Pa�e�t Training Program fcar Drug Preventian d�ari�g Aprit '� th�ough .��na 3C}, 199?. W� were awarded th�s� fiunds from ihe Farr�ily Poii�y Netwvrlc e�f Grant Cc�unty. The PRIDE Parent Training Prt�gram, whi�h Gr�nt �ounty A�cohoi & C3ruc� Treatment �enter 'sni�iated in Sep�tember c+f 199� by providir�g training to sixteen int3ividu�fs as PRiDE facilitators, is a vid�c�-based t��in�n� system wh'sch empaw�rs par�nts to deal directiy with the�r av�n chiidrer� on ihe criticai issues c�f drugs, violenc�, ar�d personal values cvnfrontsng te�ens. It's �arenting techniques f�r safe �nd drug free youth. To expar�ci the PRtDE Prt�grarr�, we r�e�d an L}utr�ach C+acardinator t� correlate the c�srrent requesis f�orn schoc�ts asking us to pr�vide ##�is service. We a�sa want �o ex�and the area's knc�wl�dge bey�nd tt�e school s�ster� to th� b�sin�sses and c�ther community grc�ups within Grani County. At present, we are presenting the F'�dlLiE Parent Pr�gram in Quincy. Fc�s�r facilitators ca�c �,iBSc^!'t��iit„� tiiv� }'�.��f�iclCit �O a ic±.i8i �i '�+� �3c"3i$tiiS. .�`lllV� a�SSdC}ti iS !it �I3C��►S�'t c"�it�l a�Qther sessio� is being provid�d ir� Spanish. Fur�d�ng will be used for the sai�ry and benefits for ihe autreaeh Coordina�or, to ��rrc#�ase addition�i video sefis, and sc�me c�p��ratin� expenses. Attaci�ed is the revenue and e�penditure cautline #or these funds. if ytata hav� ar�y c�uestions, f wii! �e v�r� h�ppY tc� meet witk� yr�u. 'ncerel�, . � , ennifer ane � Interim Directar cci Robert Mo�her, Grant Cs�unty �udget i�irecto� � �..�;�. �; ,•.- ����a � �� :� � ���% i.4vf's�, `:3i'4��'.a§'�'.�.(;izv: �aC�+'�i��e<��,;��, °��'t��l�'�ii.a i 4 .