HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-057-CC:�_.. _ _��..�_��..� �.._w,� GRANT COUNTY _ OFFiCE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST-OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. 31YASHINGTON 98a23 t30�1 754-20U BOARD OF COUNTY COMNIISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN TI� MATTER OF APPROVING THE PRE- LIbIINARY PLAT OF REIDIEL ESTATES #2, 12 LOT SUBDIVISION ON 13.9 ACRES IN A PORTION OF SECTI�N 8, TOWNSHIP 20 N. RANGE 28 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON. RESOLUTION NO. 97-57—CC RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIMINARY PLAT OF 12 LOTS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant County Planning Commission that a public hearing was condncted on March 5, 1997 on the matter of approving the Preliminary Plat of Reidiel Estates in a portion of Government Lots 5 and 8 in a portion of Section 7, Township 20 North, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made a recommendation for approvat at the March 5, 1997 public hearing. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners held a public meeting on Aprii 14, 1997. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that appropriate provisions have been made for drainage, roads, alleys, utilities, public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, fire protection facilities, school sites, grounds, and other public and private facilities and impsovements as required by aIl applicable local, state and federal codes and requirements. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have fouad that the proposed subdivision does conform to the general purpose of the Comprehensive Plan and public use and interest will be served by the proposal. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposed lot sizes are consistent with the current Suburban lI (2) zoning of the property. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal does not fall within a Critical Area as defined by the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that the proposal does comply with the Grant County Zoning Ordinance. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have found that a mitigated Determination of Non-Significance has been issued for this proposal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, that the Board of Couaty Commissioners for Grant County, Waslvngton approve by this Resolution, the fourteen (12) lot subdivision of the Preliminary Plat of Reidiel Estates on the following described property subject to the following condirions of approval. C:onditions: l. The Pzoposal shall be in complia�zee with ihe Grant Caw�ty Comprehensive plan, the �rawth Management Act, The County i�Tide Planning Poiicies, '1"he Washi�g�sn State Environmental Policy Act, �e Grant County Zaning Ordinanee, the Grant County Resource Lands and Critical Areas Development thdinance and ali applicable federai, state, and locat regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. Proposal shail comply wit3z all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Heaith I?�strict, the Washington St�te Degartment af Aealth, and the Washingtc>n State Department af Ecology regarding domestic water snpPlY, sewage systems aud storm water control and treatment inciuding, but not limited to: RCW 90.48.084 D`ascharge af Pollutang Water Prahii�ited; WAC 173-201, S�rface Water Standards; WAC i73-ZOIA, Ground Water Qu�iity Standards; and, WAC 246 272, C?n-Site Se�vage Systems. 3. 1'rapt�nent shall address fhe cammen�s received from fi.�e Grant County Fire Marshal and com�ply witir ali requirements of the Fire Mazshal including the I�niform Buiiding Cade, Uniform Fize Code and alI other applicable requiremenis for fize pratectzan, 4. Praposai shall compiy with alI requirements trf the Grant County Public Works I}epartment. 5. P`roppsal shall address the comments af WSDOT and camply with aII requisements of the WSD�T. 6. Propasal shail address the comments from the LTS Bureau af Reclamation and camply with aIi required imprc�vements of the agency. 7. Tf any Native American Grave site(s) ar archa�logicallcultural re,svur�es {Indian Artifacts) are fc��nd all consmaction acti�rity sha11 stop and the ownerideveloger shall imme�iately natify t�ze Calville Confeder�ted Tribes and the Washzngton State {}ffice af Archaeolagy and Histaric Preservatian. 8. Pursuant to tiie requirement af the Grant County Heatth D"zstrict, the propone�t has valuntariiy agreed to the following canstructian standards as a�nitiga�ing c�nditic�n to i�sure graunciwater quality protection. Weils constrczcted for either a single comm�nity water supply system or fs�r individual l�ats within ti�e Reidiel Estates No. 2 plat sha1l compiy with the fatlawing guidelines. l. Wells be cased with steel casing to 10 fe�t into hard basalt. Llsing maps from the USGS and the Iags of wells drilled in the general vicinity �f #he develQpment, basalt should be encc�untered at approximately 75 ta 80 feet beiow land surface. During construction, each well wzli genetrate a minimum of 3Q to 35 feet of gravel between land surface and the bottom af the gravel, and then penetrate 35 feet of brawn or blue clay that �ies on top the trasalt. Appraximateky 10 feet of weathered basalt c�bbtes lie above the in place basalt. Some Qf the well logs indicate that the surface of the basa�t nnder the basatt gravel is scoriaceat�s (commonlp referred to as worm-hale basait} and each weIl should peneLrate thrnugh this type c�f basait until hard, flense basalt is encaantere� and then advance an additional IO feet. In drilling thrtrugh the gravel ciay and basatt cobbles, the drill+� diameter of th� horing should be four {�} inches iarger than the diameter of the steel casing. Z. A float shoe should be used an the battom of the steel casing so that cement can be circulated thraugh the float shae and sea.i the casing ta the in place basalt that underlies the weatherect �obbles. In an efftrrt to partially seal the casing to the gravel, clay and basai cobbles, bentonite granules (hole plug) should bs userl. tc� follow the drill bit to the in piace basal�. Tt�e well canstruction methadaiogy described hereix� dves nat exactly caafor�n with that set forkh in Minirn�m Standards for �onstruction and Ma�ntena�ace of �Vells {Chapter 173-160 WAC}, b�t as shown in Appenciix A, the Washington. State Department of Ecology has approveri deviation frc�m well cc3nst�ction standards described herean. 3. After casing has been cemented to the in place, dense basalt the well should be deepened into the basait to enco�rrter the water supgly. In the general Mae VaUey area, the total depth of the well may be a minimum af 13� feet and a maximum of 250 feet, depending upon the volume of water required. 9. Aecess permits from Grant Couaty Public Warks required prior ta issuance of bui�ding permits. 1U. Developer must include camman driveways for ingress and egress on adjc�ining lots to minimize the access paints fronting the plat on County Road F NE. Done this :�.� /. day of t��$�iJt�i' , 1997. d ������ � , ' � a / / iC�t Chairman � � � ����� ��.��� Commissioner �� _ ���;' � �� ���� a���� Commissioner Constituting the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County, Washington ��`1J �-/,�` . _ ... .---- ATTEST• v ..���,/�e � f/� �i' Cl'e�o€ the Board � :�,;.s�:�=�`.° . - . �...._:::-,K:_ -.