HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-049-CC��.��,, '1:.. _ GRANT COUNTY � OFFICE OF BOARI� OF COUNT� COMMISSIONERS .. POST_OFEICE BOX 37 EPFiRATA. 31VASHINGTON 9ss29 • - (3DDt 7'5•4-2011 BOAR]D OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTrY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF CHANGING � ORDIl�ANCE NO. 97-49—CC THE ZONING FROM LIGHT INDUSTRIAL � TOGENERAL COMMERCIAL � IN A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER � ORDINANCE APPROVING AN SECTION 34, TOWNSHIP 15 NORTH, � AMENDMENT TO TI� RANGE 23 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WA � ZONING MAP OF GRANT I COUNTY ( Grant County Port District #3 I Port of Mattawa WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant `County; Planning Commissimn that a public hearing was conducted on March 5, 1997 on the matter of changing the zoning from Lnght Industrial to General Commercial in a portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 15 North, Range 23 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington. WHEREAS, the Grant County Planning Commission made a recommenc3ation to approve the zone change. W�IEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners held a public meeting on Apri17, 1997 on this rezone request. WHEREAS, upon consideration of the applicants written and oral arguments, and upon consideration of the testimony and admin%strative record in the application of the zone change, the Grant County Planning Commission and the Grant County Board of County Commissioners have made the following findings of fact: FINDINGS OF FACTa WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Coaunissiomers have found that this proposal is within the Interim Urban Growth Boundary Area for the Town of IViattawa. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board af County Commissioa�ers have found that the proposal is consistent with the Grant Cou�ty Comprehensive Plan. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board mf County Commissioners have found that this proposal is not a spot zone. WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners have found that the this proposal will not adversely effect the health, safety, or welfare of the general public in the vicinity of the proposal. � WHEREAS, the Grant County Board of County Commissioners have found that the proponent has demonstrated that this proposal -will provide long term benefits to the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners for Grant County, Washington approve by this Resolution, a zone change from for the following described property, subject to following conditions of approval. A tract of land 285 feet wide by 1,453.5 feet long lying westerly of State I3ighway 243 located in a portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 34, Township 15 North, Range 23 East, Willamette Meridian, Grant County, Washington. CONDITIONS O� APPRO�AL: 1. Development shall be in compliance with the Growth Management Act, The County Wide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant Cojanty Comprehensive Plan, the Grant County Zoning Page 2 I�T THE MATTER t}F CHANGZNG � zoNnv� �an� �c�rr �vs��. �o��rr��.�„ ca�Rc�. . - IN A PC}RTION C1F TAE NC}RTHEAST QUARTER SECTT(3N 34, TQWNSHIF 15 I�IORTF�, RA.NGE 23 E., W.M., GRANT CQUNTY, WA � Oxdinance, the Grant Ccauniy Shorelines Master Program, the Grant County Itesaurce Lands and Critical Areas flrdinance, and ail appiicable local, state and federal enviranmentai standards, reguiations, ruliags or requiraments. 2. Deveiopment subs�ueni to zane claaage approva} shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Grant County Fire Fiaw gizidelines and i�e Uniform Building Code and Uniform Fire Code. Uevelopment subsec�uent to zana ehange apgraval shall camply with a1I pernsits, appravals and isnpravemants reqnired �y the Grant Caunty Public Warks Department. 4. Develapment subsequent to zone change approval shall comply with aII pernu�s, approvats, and ilnpravaments required by ti�e Washington State I3epartment of Transportation. S. I3evelopmeni su�sequent to zane change approval shall comply with all applicable requiremeaks af the Grant County Fiealth District, tha Wasfiington State Deparhnent of HeaIth, the Washin,gton State Departmeat of Ecology, and t�e Washington S#ate �epartment of Nate�rai Resources. d. If any Native American iirave site(s) or archaeoiogicailcu2tural resaurces (Indian Ariifacts) are found all construcrion ackivity shail stop and the awnerldeveloper shall ammediately natify �iz� Calviile Confederated T�ibes and the Washingtan State tJffice of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. '7. Z'he proposai is subject to any rec�uirements deemed necessary by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Washington State Department of Ecology and the Washington State Department of Hea2th regarding sewage systems and storm watez cantrol and treatmeni including, but noi limi�ed to: RGW 983.48.08� Discharge of PoiluYing Water Prahibited; WAC 173 201, Surfa�e Water Standards; WAC i.73-201A, Ground Water Qual'aty Sta.adards and WAC 246-272, Qn-site Sewage Syst�ms. I7ane this �� day of q , 2991. � fa/1 .� i ,,, . , Chairman � ATTEST: �`v''" � �'� f � � �l�/.�Clerk of the B fl f �'������ ; �4�. _�'�,�'��.%2-� . -��� /frX� Cammissianer , � � ��� Commzs �oner f Constitu#ing the Baard af Cotu��ty Coanmissioners ai Grani County, Washingtan