HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-048-CC' �S- ,'t�� - .. -a .� «. � GRAl�iT COUNTY � OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST_OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. WASHINGTON 98823 t5091 754-20tt BOARD OF COlJNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF CHANGINC� THE ZONING FROM GG (�eneral- Commercial) TO R-2 (Residential-2) IN A PORTION OF SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 22 N:, RANGE 26 E., W.M., GRANT COUNTY, WASHINGTON Resolution # 97-48-CC RESOLUTION APPROVING A ZONE CHANGE-TO RESIDENTIAL-2 DAVID & MARKITA CRAFT WHEREAS, the Board of County Cominissioners of Grant County have been advised by the Grant Caunry Planning Comffiission that a public hearing was conducted on March 5, 1997 on the matter of changing the zoning from "C-G (General Commercia�)" to "R -2 (Residential-2) in a portion of Section 25, T�wnship 22 North, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant County, Washington (Grant County Assessor's Parcel No. 08-1181-000) and; WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, having said recommendation, have given notice this matter would be considered at their regular meeting on April 8, 1997. WHEREAS, the Board of County Comrnissioners after reviewing the record of �the Grant County Planning Commissio� have upheld the recommendation to approve the application for zone change subject to the following conditons. 1. The subsequent development proposal shall be in compliance with the Grant County Comprehensive plan, �he Gr�wth Management Act, The County Wide Planning Policies, The Washington State Environmental Policy Act, the Grant County Zoning Ordinance, the Grant Counry Resource L�nds and Critical Areas Development Ordinance and all applicable federal, state, and local regulations, rulings or requirements. 2. The subsequent development proposal shall comply with all requirements deemed necessary by the Grant County Health District, the Washington State Departrnent of Health, and the Washington State Department of Ecology regarding domestic water supply, sewage systems and storm water control and treatment including, but not limited to: RCW 90.�8.080 Discharge of Polluting Water Prohibited; WAC 173-201, Surface Water Standards; WAC 173-201A, Ground Water Quality Standards; and, WA� 246-272, On-Site Sewage Systems. 3. The subsequent development proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant Counry Fire Maxshal and shall comply wi�h the Grant County Fire Flow Guidelines, the Uniform Building Code, �Jniform Fire Code and all other applicable requirements for fire protection. 4. The subsequent development proposal shall comply with all requirements of the Grant County Public OVorks Department. 5. The subsequent development proposal shall address the comments of submitted and comply with all requirements of the Washington State Department of Transportation. 6. If any Native American Grave site(s) or a�chaeological/cultural resources (Indian Artifacts} are found all construcrion activity shall stop and the owner/developer shall immediately notify the Colville Confederated Tribes and tlle Washington State Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. ;-..�-�- _�-�-�-�--,. - ;�� �'"�* � '�b� `'�—`a�=r_�:F,�.:. . _ �sr.:— u `�m,�S..�'� ' ""� �_ _-;,� �..�.s=:i�'.�sa"�.'������a _ - "�^^�`_= - NOW, THER.EF4�RE, BE �T RESQLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners Qf Grant Caunty, Washington do by t.�is res�lution apprc�ve the zone change request from Generai- Commerczal to Residential-2 on the fallawing described property. Lot l, Biock 6, Lakeview Park Plat laca�ed in Section 25, Township 22 Narth, Range 26 East, W.M., Grant County cans�sting of Grant County Assessox's Parcel No. 09-1181- aao. F�a��� �a Fa�r�; z. The proposal does not fall within a critical ar�a as defined by the Grant Couniy Resource Lands anct Critical Axeas Deveiopment i�rdinance. 2, The prapasal is consistent with tl�e Grant Count� Campxehensive Plan and snrrounding uses. 3. The proponent has presenteti sufficient evidence that ehanged circumstances in the area of the subject property wananted a rezone of the property. �. The proponent has dema�strated that this proposal �vill provide Iaug term benefits to the commu�zi.tY- � Done this � � ,;�.,,�, , day of �� ` �� , . � � _ 3 � l�! �.�"�� Clerk of t�� `l�r.�iard � 19�7, �� ��� .�------i J �-- Chairma�a, Bo d of County Commissioners � � �'i��.--'r �-���� -_ /��.'.�, Gommissioner � � � �^��� •�,€+ t„.i;,x�` —_�, Coznmissioner Constitutiu�.the Soard of Cauntg Comuri.5sioners of Grant Countp, Washittgton. , � . ._:..�.. ,.,,_ -:.. . _- - -�F.�.� �— - - , ..':�* ��'3„m�.' .__�*`,�`3c w3��7r`,�� '��:.." -'�"-^s'^' .,��...�...�..,.=scasa: _ _'�,'�_�?^y,,,a?.�'__.�_���` __�"��,,..�iai.'�' u...��� � ��