Week of April 7,1997
The Grant Coun�y �ommissioners session was called to orde� ai
9:0� a.m. by Chairman L.eRoy Allison. All of the Comm�ss�oners �nrere
in attendance with� the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners read and approved the minutes of the
preceding sessi�n as written.
The Cammissioners approved out o�State travei for Sharon Kiehn
to represent communifiy men#ai health providers in the State of
Washington at the Center for Mental Health Services planning meeting
#or federal block grant funds in Richmc�nd, Virginia.
The Gar�missioners apprav�c� the beginning salary of Tone°
Bowers of the Juvenile Department at $1,814.4t; per monih effecti�re
March 27,1997.
The Commissioners approved the beginning salary of Keri
Sonnabend af the Juvenile Department at $1,612.8Q per monih.
The Commissioners received a Ciaim for Damages frc�m James E.
Weitz�l. The matter was referred to ihe Prosecuting Aitorney for
A mat6un was made by Cvmmissioner Fancher, seconded by
Comrr�issioner Snead that Resolution Numf�er 97-�5-CC relating to the
establishment of a new fund to be named IViarine Vievv He'rghts Water
System Fund #404, Department ��0'1 be passed. The motion carried.
A matian was made by Comrr�issioner Fancher, secc�nded by
Commissioner Snead that Resc�lutian Number 9?-�46-CC in the matter
of altering the Piat af VUhite Trail Tracts, Lot #18, by Ralph and
Gertrude Kooy be passed. The motion carried.
A Pubtic Hearing was held regarding the saie of Grant Couniy
Rea1 Praperty knawn as the Rak�anco properiy, located in that portion
of Se�tion 33 lying East c�f Sta#e Sign RQute 243, and that portion of
Section 27 iying South vf Sign Route Zfi, all in Township 1� Nvrth,
Range 23, E.iIV.IVI. A, motican was ma�ie by Commissivn�r Fancher,
seconded by Commissioner Snead to approve the advisabiiity af the
propc�sed action to sell the propert.y based on the fact that the
environmental issues regarding the welts on the property have been
tak�n care of, the property serves nt� further purpose to the Gounty
and the b+�st interesis of the �ounty, the taxing distr�cts and �he peopte
thereofi witt be served b� the saie. The moti+�n carried.
�► Pe�blic i�eeting was heid regarding ihe zone change req�uest by
�rant Caunty Part District #3{Pori af Mattav�ra) fr�rn Light tnc�ustrial to
Genera[ Cc�mmercial c�n apprvxima�ely seven acces I�ing westerly of
State Highway 2�3 located in a pr�rtion af the No�Eheast Quar�er of the
�outh�ast +Quar�er of Section 34, iowr�sh�p �5 Nor�h, Rang+� 23 East of
the VV`iilamette 1Vleridian, Grant County, Vi�ashin�tcrn. � mot�on was
made by �Qmmissic�ner Fancher, seconded by CQmrnissioner Snead to
uphold the Pianning �ommissivn recommendation for approval of the
zone �hange with ali c�nditions and the five findings of fact proposed
by the Planni�g Cc�mrnissit�n to be adopted. The motion carried.
A Public H�aring was held rega�°ding the z€�r�e change request by
�rant County Port t�is�trict #3(Port of IVla�tarn�a�, from Agr�culiure te�
Light-indusirial vn apprc�x�mately 1QD acre� in a partion of the
Northwest quartec af Section 27, Tawnship 1� North, Range 23 East,
lilfiitame�te �leridian, Grant Caun�iy, 11Uashing�can. A mc�tion was ma�de
by Commissioner Snead, secc►nded by Cammissioner Fancher, tha�t#he
za►ne change request be grant�d based on the following findings of
fact, the propasal is nvi within the trrigated Farm Units af the Columbia
Basin Project, the propasal �s consistent with the Grant �c�unty
Compr��hensive Plan and surraunding uses, t�e prvponent has
presented suff'icient evidence that changed circumsiances in the area
of the subject property warranted a re�c�ne, the prap�+ar�ent has
presented suff'icient evidence that there is a need in the area for
smalter acreages, the prvponeni h�s demonstrated that this propQsa!
w�it provide lang term benefi�s to the commun�ty, and th� fact that
there is access to t�e highway wi11 allc�w uses bene�cial to the area.
Th� mc�tion carried.
As there was no fur�her� business to come before �the Board the
session v�as continued untii Aprii 5,1997`.
A��ri1 8,'t 99?
The session was continued at 9:D0 a,m. �nrith a!( a►f ihe
Comrr�issic�ners in atiendanc� with the �ierk of the Board.
The Gommissi4ners mei with the Pubiic Wvrks Directvr� regarding
'12' NE, Offi�e Move(Aprif �17-�t8}, 11:00 a.m. R,G.[�raper-'D.�' NE.
The Cammissioners �r�prc�ved th� fottvwing persannel changes
and salary increases in �the Cfierks �ffice:
Carla �. Gonzales star�ing salary will b� $'�4�1,2� per month
effe�tive Mar�h 3�1,'1997.
Stephanie M. Canterbury salary increase to �2303.Q4 per month
�ffective March �I,1997.
�Vi. Gr�t�hen Butierly star�ing salary will be $�1451.2Q per mvnth
effective April 7,'1997.
Pamela J. Harris sa[ary increase ta $'i975,00� per moni#� effective
April 7,1997.
The Commissioners held a Public tlllleeting reg�rding the praposed
Preliminary P1ai r�quested by E�mer Davis for a 7 tat subdivision vn
7.18 acres in a Commercial-�IeighborhQod zone. A mot�vn was rnade
by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Cflmmission�r A1lison to
uphoid the Planning Commission approval using the c�►nditions and
findings frQr�n the Plartning Gommission, The motic�n carried.
The Commissic�ners held a Pubtic 1!llee�ting reg�rding the proposed
zone change requested by C?avid and Markita Craft from �eneral
Commercial to Residentiai-2 zoning vn a 100' x 1a0' tot in the Plat o�F
Lakeview Park. A motion was made by Cvr�rnissianer Fancher,
s�conded by Commissic�ner Snead to uphald the Ptanning Commissi�an
approval of the requesf with the condrfi�ions and findings of �act as
proposed by the Planning Comm�ssion ta be used. Th� mo�tic�n carried.
As of ttais date the Board by a majar'rty vote d�es apprQve for
paymeni thc�se vouchers inciuded in the list �Ied �n the Auditors fJ�'f"ice
4l7/97 in the tc�tal amaunt of $3fl2,��3.�2.
As there was nc� further busi�ess to come befare the Board the
�ession was adjraurned unfi! Apri� 14�199i.
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