V41eek af 1Ularch 3�,1997
The Grant Caunty Commissi�aners sessian was called to or+der at
9:QO a,cn, by Chairman �eRoy Altison, Ali of th� Commissic�ners were
in a�iendance with the Clerk af th� Baard.
The Commissioners read and appr�oved the minutes of the
preceding sessivn as wrifi�en.
The Commissioners approved out of Siate travet for Chief ��puty
Jerry Butler t� #ravel tv San Jose, Cai�fvrnia for an extra�dition.
The Commissioners approved the requesfi by District Court for ihe
purchase of atems needed for the moving af the Probation and Civii
Departmen�s. Items io be pais� for from their current budget.
The Commissioners approved the salary increase of Terry Parker
o� the Sheriffs Department to $'1,9'tfi per manth effective 1�prit 1,1997.
The Cornmissior�ers requested anc! received a proposa� #'rom May
Enierprises far managing news reteases for ihe Cammiss�oners.
The Gommissioners a�eceived Nvtice of Glaims regarding Hugo
Figuerc�a, anc� Moises Sanchez, as G�ardian Ad Liiem of tsraet Sanchez.
The matter was ref�rred io the Prosecuting Attorney for handting,
The Gommissioners signec� approval of ihe Request for Transfer
of Funds in the am�►unt of $'t,'lt10 ir� tne �oapera#ive Extensivn budg�t.
The CammissiQners received a s�gned capy of the 9997 lnterlocal
�►greement for provisior� af DUI ViciimiSurvivors' Panel Services
between i}kanogan and Grant Cc�unty.
A mvtion was made by Comrt�iss�oner Snead, seconded by
Commissianer Fancher �hat ResolutiQn Number 97-41-C� approuing a
Pretiminary R1�►t of 45 lots known as Sage Meadows in a port�on of
Se��i+an 08, Townshi� 2Q N. , Range 29 E., W.M. requested by Vertyn
Goie be passed. The maiion car�ied.
A rraotion was made by Cornmissioner Fancher, secanded by
Cornmissic�ner Snead ihai �Zesalu�ion Number 97-42-CC sefiting a PubEic
Hearing for �4prii 22,1997 at 1;30 p.�n. relaiing ta the facts requiring an
appropriativn and expencliture of funds for the D.D. FZesidential
Depariment #��2-17fi in the amount of $2�,�04 be passed. The mo�io�
A motic�n was made by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by
Commissioner Snead that Resolutrvn �tumber 93�43-CC relating to �he
iransfer of funds within #he 1997 budgei af the Jai� Concession Fund
#� °! 2, Department #�154 in the amount of $18,vS� be passed. The
motion carried.
A motion was made by �ommissioner Fancher, s�conded by
Commissioner Snead that a Pub[ic Hearing be sei �or Aprii 22,1997 at
1:30 p.m. regarding a request for �upplementaVnew budget far Grant
County Alcohol and Drug Ab�se Fund in the amount �af $°�1,9'10. The
matit�n carried.
A Public Hearing was heid regarding the propersed Pla# Alieration
request by Ralph and Gertrude �ooy to replat Traci 18, White Trai!
Tracfis into four tots approximatel� 1.13 acres in s�ze in a Suburban-2
zone. A motion was made by C�mmissianer Fancher, secc�nded by
Commi�sioner Snead to grani the request with a vQ foot easement, the
motic�n carri�d.
As there v�ras no further bus�ness to come before the Board the
session was confiinued until Apri1 1,1997.
April 1,1997
The sessian was continued at 9.�0 a.m. with all of the
Commissioners in attendance with th� Clerk of the Baard.
The C�ammiss�oners met with the Pubtic Wvrks Director regarding
Contract Executic►n-Narthland Peterbilt{Trucks), V�tashington �uta
Carriage{ServiGe Bodiesj, Cantr�ci Extension-Norfh Cen#ral Pe�Eroleum,
G�nex P�troleu�n, Bid Recommendation-Janitoriaf Services, CostShare
Project Request-Lorin Grigg, 'K' NW, and ISTEA.
The G+�mr�nissioners srgned a�ontract Extension with Cen�x
Suppiy and Marketinc�, and with Narth Centra[ Petroleum.
The Go+rnmissianers signed a contract with 1i9Jashington At�ta
Carriage far �er�rice Bodr"es, and with Northiand Peterbilt far Trucks.
The Gt�mmissioners a�prov�d the recommenc�ation of the Public
'V1lorks Direcfior to award #he contract for Janitvriai Services to R& R
Janitoriai Services in the amount of $13,118 for a�nrstve month period.
ihe Commissic�ners apprav�ed the salary increase of Sabrina
Strong of ihe Assessors Office to $2,447.5a per month effective Aprii
�' ■ MM�M
The Gommissioners re�eived a peti�ion regarding Road �12 N� and
its conditian, requesting thai it be upgraded to county standards as
soon as �ossibte.
The Commissioners received a letter from Basic Amer�can Foods
requesting that they be excluded fram the baundaries of the City of
Moses Lake and remain under �he jurisdicfiion of Grant Couni.y.
i'he Commissioners received a Nati�e afClaim fram Tina Lambert.
The matter was referred io fh� Prosecuting Attorne�r for har�dfing.
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