HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 97-039-CC• . . __;�°.. � -- �' - _-.� �'�`."'-��.�_ '- ., �i;:_� , : � GRANT COUNTY � OFFICE OF BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS POST_OFFICE BOX 37 EPHRATA. �IIIASHINGTON 98823 (5091 754-2011 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT COUNTY WASHINGTON IN THE MATTER OF ADOPTING INTERIM ZONING FOR TEMPORARILY AMENDING THE GRANT COUNTY R-1 (RESIDENTIAL), R-2 (RESIDENTIAL), SUBURBAN i (S-1), SUBURBAN II (S-2), SUBURBAN lll (S-3), P-D PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AND O-SR OPEN SPACE RECREATIONAL ZONING DISTRICTS TO PROVIDE FOR A MINIMUM LOTAREA OF TWO AND ONE-HALF (2.5) ACRES AND MAXIMUM l�ESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES FOR THESE DISTRICTS AT TWO AND ONE-HALF (2.5) ACRES PER LIVING UNITe ORDINANCE iVO. 97-39-CC AN INTERIM ORDINANCE AMENDING THE GRANT COUNTY RESIDENTIAL, SUBURBAN, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, AND OPEN SPACE RECREATIONAL ZONES TO PROVIDE FOR RURAL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DENSITIES FOR THESE ZONING DISTRICTS ON AN INTERIM BASIS WHILE THE COUNiY FURTHER DEVELOPS THE GRANT COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County 1/Vasf�ington intends to fully comply with the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board; and, WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners of Grant County VVashington adopted Resolution No. 96-108-CC entitied, A RESOLUTION ADOPTING GRANT COUNTY'S PLAN FOR CO[VTINUED COMPLIANCE WITH THE GROWTFi MANAGEMENT ACT; and, V1/HEREAS, Said resolution stipulates that, witfiin one hundred and eighty (180) days of adoption of said resolution, that the County will adopt inferim residential zoning density regulations for the existing zoning districts of suburban (S-1, S-2, S-3), residential (R-1, R-2), and open space (O-SR); and, DOC9.DOC WHEREAS, the residential densities of 2.5 acres per resid�ntial unit for the above stated zoning districts will encampass rural residentiai der�sities consistent wifh the unique circumsfiances nf Grant Coun�y at the most is�tensive allowed level of development; and, Nt�1N, THEREFt3RE, BE CT C}RDAINED BY THIS 1NTERIM ORDINANCE, as foitc�ws. The Board of County Commissioners hereby adopts this interim ord�nance temporarily amending the following Sectior�s of ihe Grant C�unty Zoning C}rdinance tc� establish a minimum lot area of fin�a and one-half (2.5} acres and a maximum residen�ial density a� one (1) residentiai unit per two and one-half acres (2.5 acres) for the foliowing districts entitled: �ECTiC�N VI--A, R-1 {RESiDENTIAL); SECTICIN - Vf--B, R-2 {RESIDENTlAL); SECTI(JN - SUBUE�BAN - {S-1); SECTION - SUBURBAN-1! (S-2}; SE�TIaN - �UBURBAN - i11 (S-3}; SECTION -XII 0-SR {OPEN SPACE RECREATIaN}. Additionally, the Board of County Cammissioners hereby adopts temporary interim amendments which amend the Planned Unit Development Ordinance (P.U.D.� to not take precedence over the affected lnterim Zt�ning �hapters. GRANT �C}UNTY ZC)N1NG C}RDINANCE SECTIQN V1--A "R-'1 {RESIDENTIAL} D, 1. D. The minimum 1oi area autside of interim urban qrc�wth areas fors�nqle-family dweliinqs shall be finro and one-half f2.5} acres. Minimum 1ot area autside of in�erim urban qrc�w�h areas fc�r two-familv dweiiinqs shall be five �5� acres. ., � � �.� . SEC71C}N Vt--S "R-2 {RES[DENT[ALj" [?. 'I. E. The m�nimum lat ar�a c�utside of interim urb�n qrowth areas for sinq[e-family dweliinqs shail be fwo and c�ne-half �2.5) acres. The minimum [ot area outside t�f interim urban qrowth areas fior two-family dweliinqs shall be five {5� acres. The multiple-family dwel(inq density outs�de of interim urban qrawth areas shaii not exceed one (1� dwellinq unit per two and one-half �2.5} acres. �, i i ��i ,, C. 1. A. The minimum lot area outside of interim urban qrowth areas for sinqte-familv dweliinqs shall be two and one-hatf (2.5} acres. GRANT COUNTY ZUNING C�RDINANCE r a s j • � C. 3. The minimum lot area outside of interim urban qrowth areas for single-family dwellirrq� shall be two and one-half �2.5) acres. The minimum (ot area outside of interim urban qrowth areas for twa-family dweiiinqs �haii be five (5) acres. The minimum fot area outside of interim urban qrawth areas for three-familV dwellinqs (Triplexes� shal! be seven and one-half (7.5) acres, The minimum lot area outside of interim urban qrowth areas for four-family dwellinqs (Four- piexs} shail be ten (10) acres. E. 1. �1} Site size: ��°nT���` A minimum af five f5) acres and must be large enough to meet the following requirements: DOC9.DOC E. 1. (1) e. Individual bts must be a minimum of fc�lo +h^..��n� , two and one-half {2,5�, acres. ' • i i i' t • � SUBURBAN - !11 (S-3) C. 3. The minimum bt area outside of interim urban �rowth areas for sinqle-family dwellinqs shait be three (3) acres. The minimum lot area outside of interim urban growth areas for two-family dwellinqs shall be five {5) acres. E. 1. (1} Site size: �ee-{�} A minimum of Five (5� acres and rnust be large enough to meet the foilowing requirements: E. 1. (1) e. Individual {ots must be a minimum of �;� __ . _ .. �,..�..�- �.��� . . : � � � ��-�.,_.�,.1.1 . GRANT CtJUNTY ZtJN�N(a CiRQ1NANCE SECTION Xil "�JJ-�R (C3PEN SPACE RECREATlON}" C. 8. The minimum !ot area ou�side of interim urban growkh areas for sinqle-family dwellinqs shall be two and one-half �2.5} acre�. The maximum density outside of interim urban growth areas for Multiple-fiamily dweilinqs shall not exceed ane (1� dweltinq unit per t�nro and one-half t2.5) acres. DOC9.DC?C GRANT CCiUNTY �C3NING {�RDINANCE SECTIC}N XI "P-D {PLANNED UNiT QEVELC}PMENT} D. 1. Design Standards Planned Unit Developments inside lnterim Urban Growth Areas shaii be exempt from the general principles of design � por�ion of the Piatting and subdivision regulations, and exempt €ram the minimum !ot size and setback requirements of the zoning ordinance, except as the minimum lot size requirements of the residentia! zones shal� serve as the criterion to determine PUD densities. D. 3. Qwe[[ing Unit Density: Dwelling unit density inside Interim Urban Growth Areas shall not be more than 20°fo greater than the density permitted by the mast restrictive residentia! zone as set forth in #he zoning ordinance. Q. Relationship of #his Section to other 4rdinance: V1/here provisians of this sectian are in conflict with provisions of the zoning or subdivision code, f'"�� cd���nn the applicab�e Interim Zon�nq Chapter shall govern, except that proeedural requirements shaf! be #hose of the p�atting and subdivision ordinance. DOC9.D�C DONE THiS 25th DAY C;F March 1997. ATTEST: , s af Ap��avEa As -ro FORn�: Prosecuting Ai#omey � ,� k __.. � % LeRoy A[[isan, Chairman /� ����'�::� � �. �,���-�---i-'...��,--� � Heten Fancher, Commissioner ��""..,' i � T' Snead, Commissioner ihe nt Gouniy Board af Counfy Commissioners DOC9.DOC