HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes - BOCCCOMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS Week of March 24,1997 The Grant County �or�rnissioners session was called to order at 9:00 �.m. by Chairman LeRoy Allison. All of the Commissioners were in attendance with the Clerk of the Boarc�. The Commissioners read and ap�roved the minutes of the preceding session as written. The Commissioners set a let�ter of sa�pport for David A. Nelson's appointment ta a committee within the ICBA or ICC organization. ihe Commissioners were notified that Heidi M. Percy ofi the Cauniy Clerks Office has terminated her employment with Grant Coun�ty, and that Tone' Bowers has transferred to the Juvenile Dept. The Cammissioners approved the request by Grant County Alcoho! and Drug Center for a budget exiension of $11,910 to accormmodate the expansion of the PRIDE Parent Training Program for Drug Prevention during �4pril 1 through .Dune 30,1997. The Corr�missioners approved the request by the Law Librarian to regartling the items purchased from Lawyer°s Coop and the West Group. The Commissioners held a meeting �nrith State and Local Officiats regarding concerns with the Illllarine View Heights Water System due to the fact that it is believed that before the day is out the system will go into receivership, with Grarat County designated as the receiver. The Comrn�ssioners approvet6 the salary of Steven Muzik of the Distri�t Court Office as a Court Interpreter at the rate of $20.00 per hour, effective March 1,1997. The Commissioners approved the request by Grant County Fair Mana�er, LaDell Yada regarding the back pay owing to Yuri Brito. �hairman Allison was authorized to sign the Notice �f Separation or Work Interruption of Majorie Scott and Veronica Quintanilla of the Juvervile Department. The Commissioners approved the salar}/ increase of Brenda Larsen and AI Ramos of the Juvenile Department. ihe Commissioners approved the request by the Sherififs Office for al�ocation of funds from Jail ConcessFon Ending Fund Balance in the amount of $5,000. The Commissioners received the Certificate of Insurance from S.G. I�lllorin & Son,lnc. regarding the building remodel of the Juvenile Center. The Commissianers held a Public Nearing regarding the Prelir�inary Pla# of Sage M�adows, a 45 It�i subdivisicsn on 13fi.3 acres in a�uburban-2 zone{2,5 acre minimum Iot size}, lacated in the VUest h�lf �f #he �4test haif of Se�tion 8, Township 2�} Norih, Range 29 East, W.M.� Gran# County, frdn�'rng on County Road IUI t�E betvveen Cauniy Road� °IO and �1 INE, north of Mvses L�ke. �► motion was made by Commissi4ner Snead, seconded by Comra�issicaner Fancher to approve ihe P�eliminary Plat, based crn Conditian� 1 through °I�t suggested by fihe l�ianning Departmer�t as we1[ as fi�dings �a) and �b), with the addi�E�o� a►€ a finding {c} whi�ch wout� be thai a demonsirated need was clearly shown. Sta�Ff io wri�e up findirtgs. The motior� carrietl. The Commissioners hetd a Public Hearing reg�rding the designatian vf the (nterim Zaning propc�sed by Grant County as requi�ed by th� Gra�ih Manag�meni H�arings Board. After iaking public testimony a mo�i+�n was mad� by Commissioner Snead, seconded by �omnnissic�ner Fancher to �ontinue the Hearing tn 4:3d p.m. on March 25,'1997. The matian carr�ed. As there was no further business to come before the Baard the sessi�n was continued u�t�l March 25,1997. l�I�rch 25,198� The sessian was cs�ntinued at 9:fl0 a.m. with a11 of ihe Gom�nissioners in attendance with ihe Clerk of the Baard. ihe Cvrnmrssioners m�t with the Pubfic Vltorks Director regarding Bid Authorizatic�n-'U' NW/'S' NViI('11Vhii� Trail�, Bid Award Recoanmendation-Service Bodies, Rc�ad Vaca#ion Petiti�n Wheei+�rArea, Valley Road, 'D.5' NE, '6' N'VV, Snow Remc�vat �os�s-FEMA, 90:30-Bid C3pening Janitoreal Services. A Bid apening was held rega�ding Janiiorial Services, a m�atic�n was made by Commissioner Fancher, �econded by Gommiss"roner Snead io refer the Bids �c� Public 'Works fc�r fheir revie�rv ar�d recommendaiion. ihe CQmmissioners signed ihe Auihorization to Ca{t far Bids on :a-NW/U-N1N Roads., C�2P 9�-7. BEd vpening to be h�[d Apri1 15,1997' att �1 fl:t}0 a.m. The Cammissioners approved �he recommendation of the Public Vliark� Direcivr to award i#em 1-11' �`ervic� Sody, and Item 2-'t 1' Service body wi�l� crane, tQ 1iV`ashingion Au�o Carriage. The Gommissioners appr�a�ued the purchase �f one Hew1�tt/Packard-HP �aserjei fi�P and one Autocad Map�fuli seatj for the P�anning Department fro�n the eapital Outlay Budget. A motian was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Cc�mrnissioner F'ancner that Resoiution �lumber 97-3fi-GG se�ing a Pubii� Hearing for Apri! 22,°l997 at 10:3Q a.m. in the matter of vacating a portion of cer�ain county r+�ads and righ#s-�€-wa�r be passed, The mo�it�n c�rried. A Pubiic Hearing was held anr� a motion was made by Cornrnissioner Snead, seca�nded by Cammissioner Fancher thai Reso�u#ion Number 97-37-CC retating �o a su�pEemental extension in the '1997 b�udget of ihe Jail Concessiron Fund #112, Department #154 in the arnoc�nt of $93,5�2 be passed. The motion carried. The Commissioners appro�ed the request for the purchase of a new �elephone sysiem at the Directions in Community l.iving Uffice from their capital purchases budget, The CommissiQners approvet� the request by the Sheriffs �Office for err�ptoyees to donate sick leave days tv an employee in that o#fice who has a ser�vus iilness. A moiion was made by Commissianer Fancher, seconded by C�mrrtissioner Snead thai Resoiu#ion Number 97-38-CC adopting guid�lines and pro+�edures which, will apply #o the Office af the Pros�cutor, Building Department, Ptanning Department and any a#her d�par�ments, subdivisions or empioyees of Grant Cc�unty in ierms af deterinining if a builc3ing ��rmit, devefopment ap�plication or other requ�st for a tand use appr�oval received for a parcel �nrhose status is "quesiion�ble" can be issued, be passed. The motion carried, The Crrmm�ssianers were nati�ed ihat Connie W�(sc�n of the Treasurers Uffi�e wrill no I�nger be available to do campufier work for ath�r departments, effec�ive r4pril �t,1997. As of this daie the Board by a majori#.y vc�te does approve for payment thase vouchers fiied in the Aur��tors {`�ffice 3124/97 in the toial amouni of $3iJ7,373.49, The continuafion of Pub[rc Hearing vn the propvsed interim zoning ordinan�e was hetd, and a mv#ion was made by Gc�mr�issioner Fancher, secar�ded by �ammissivn�r Snead that Resolutiort Number 97-39�CC in the matter o�' adepiing int�rim zoning for temporarity amending the Grant Coun�y i�-1, R-2, Suburban 1, Suburban 2, Suburban 3, P-D Planned Unit Devele�pment, and Q-SR, vpen space recreational zvning distric�s to proaide for a rriinimum tat area af twa and one-half�2.5} acres and maximum residential developmen�dens'rfies for these d�str'rc�s ai 2.5 ac�es per 9iving ur�it be passed, The rnation carr�ed, A mc�tion was made by Carnmiss�oner Fancher, s�con+ded b�� Camr�issioner Snead il�at Resolut�on Nc�mber 97-40-CC regarding al�awing empiayees to divert some crf their accrued sick lea�re ta the accouni ot an +�mployee who has a ser�ous iilness b� p�ssed. The motic�n carried. As there was na fur�her business t� cvme befare the Board the sessian was adjourned ur�til IVlarch 3'I,`I997� ATTEST: �� g ;� � �� �^ Clerk'' f the Bo�",�! BQARD t�►F GCiUNT1f CClMiVIISSIO(�ERS �RANT �C3UNTY, WASHINGTE�N j� � Chair�rr�n , , � .��.� `�=���� �